The Raven Tail (Prolude) Characters and story © by Rashock 2003 It was a rainy night as Randal entered Club Raven, the club was pumping with it’s usual gothic industrial music. The crowd was the usual group of elite Goths and Goth punks, occasionally a Raver punk in passing. Randal has come to this club every Saturday night since his arrival in Riverton six months ago. Randal had made a few friends in this small town and had come to the club tonight to meet his friend Samuel. Samuel was a slender fox and at classic lunatic if you asked him. He smiled at that thought of his friend as he scanned the crowd for Sam. Odd it seemed that Sam was not hanging with the usual punk pals of his he thought as he spotted the usual group. Samuel was a hair dying, clothes ripping, lover of safety pins type of Goth punk. It was odd that he had made friends with the fox since Randal loved the ethereal and more elite side of the gothic community. Randal wore a white silken shirt with ruffled sleeves, the shirt left open revealing his slender frame. His chest was covered in short black fur that reflected hues of purples and blues in the shiny fur. His belly was flat as a board with just the faintest hint of a six pack to his abs. His naval nestled at the center of his flat tummy was pierced with a silver hoop that was decorated with a dark garnet bead. His abs formed a v-shaped cut that vanished into a pair of tight vinyl black pants which hung low on his hips. Dismissing his thoughts of his friendship Randal made his way over to Sam’s friends to see if the fox had even shown up yet. Randal took a deep breath as he approached the group, it was obvious that the difference between the social status that Sam’s friends didn’t hold Randal in high regards. “What do you want cat?” asked a tall toned wolf in leather and chains. “Have you guys seen Samuel?” the panther asked. Randal was shy as shy can be and the punks knew it and mad fun of his being a predator that was so timid he might as well have been a rabbit, submissive and weak. Randal didn’t want to tell them that he had fantasized about being controlled by a companion or lover. He had a strong urge to please and serve a master or lover, sadly the panther had not found someone strong enough or one that was willing to take a predator as a pet or submissive lover. He yearned for it that he’d cry himself to sleep. Only Samuel know about this and as his best friend comforted the panther. As Randal’s thoughts drifted again he almost did not hear the reply of the wolf answering his question. “Haven’t the slightest clue cat. He’s probably off with Karly. Not like we have a leash on him or anything.” the wolf chuckled as he intentionally stabbed the pun in Randy’s direction. Randal flinched slightly at the comment and nodded slightly. Karly was a cute silver fox girl that Sam had a huge crush on. He knew that Samuel’s bi tendencies would have drawn him to a female sooner or later. It was one of the main reasons that Randal had never made a pass at his best friend. He turned to look for the silver fox girl and his friend leaving the whispers and snickers behind him. After a thorough search of the club he decided to sit up at the bar. He’d figured that Sam and Karly had gotten tied up as foxes seem to do. The thought of Sam with a female actually brought a twist of jealousy to the panther. He’s always thought Samuel was gorgeous and would be more then willing to take his best friend as a partner, even if it was for the comfort of a one night stand, best friend with benefits as many of his friends has called it. Randal looked at his watch and figured he’d been stood up for a roll in the bed with Karly, as long as it made Sam happy he didn’t mind. Randal decided to have a few drinks and to dance off the effects on the stage. Randal never paid much attention to those watching him or to the fact that he had a reputation as one of the most beautiful dancers in the club. I mean sure, he had a girl or two flirt with him but they were not his type, he knew ever since he graduated for high school that he was 100% gay. That fact made things in college a little harder but he managed, between Sam and the support group he attended at the college for gays, bi, and lesbians it kept him strong. After feeling comfortable with going home after dancing of the few White Russians he had he headed out the door. It rain had seemed to stop as he weaved his way to his Geo Metro, The club was placed between a chain of shops in a slightly run down strip on a not so good side of town. It wasn’t uncommon for the bouncers of the club to escort the girls to their cars it requested. Randal’s ears perked turning to a soft whimpered sound from one of the alley ways. Randal was half way into his car when he had heard it, normally he’d have left and played it safe but his senses told him that something wasn’t quit right. The panther slipped out of the car and popped the hatch reaching in and curling his fingers around the hilt of a steel bat that he carried with him in his car. He could feel his chest tighten as he slowly edged his way toward the alley which he’d heard the noise to begin with. Crimson painted claws unsheathed themselves from his finger tips as his grip tightened around the bat his palms starting to sweat with fear as he got closer. The whimpering got a bit lowered, his feline hearing picking up the sound easier with his heightened sense. He rounded the corner and almost dropped the bat in shock, the sight before him caught him by surprise. Before him was a large male rat bound up and pinned by a large black tiger. The rats clothing was tattered as the tiger held the rat down, his pants unzipped and hard tiger cock press underneath the rats tail. The tiger had not yet penetrated the bound rat and it was obvious by the expression of terror and the struggle against his bonds that the rat was not enjoying his situation. “W..wh..what are you dong to him?” Randy asked the hulking black tiger. “I’m about to fuck him so mind your own business and get!” his lip curling into a snarl as the tiger turned back to the rat and started to push his cock into the anal cavity of his captured prey. The rat gritted his teeth against the gag in his muzzle, being dry fucked was not pleasant in any manner, his wrist getting rope burn from struggling and bleeding slightly again the rope. “I can’t let you do that.” snarled the panther in return. It caught Randy off guard as much as it did the tiger but within that split moment Randy reacted on pure instinct. He gripped the bat tight in his paws, lunging forward getting close enough to let the bat fly. He let out a furious roar as tigers head was cracked with the bat sending him stumbling into the alley wall. The tigers pants had fallen around his ankles tripping him up and bringing him to the ground giving Randal an advantage. In a blur of white and black Randal pounced on the tiger pounding his fists against the hulking form again and again, it was as if Randy was drowning in a past memory and letting it out all at once in the tiger. With all the noise of the struggle the attention of guests and bouncers alike was drawn to the scene some releasing the rat from his bonds as another called 911 on a cell phone. It was the large rhino, a bouncer of the Club Raven, that pulled the much smaller panther from the bloodied tiger. Randal had managed to break the nose of the tiger and cracked his skull on top of blackening his eyes. It was odd as Samuel’s friends came to Randal’s side and comforted him only minutes later to be joined by Sam and Karly, for once he felt appreciated. It had been a long night for the panther and his friends, the cops arriving taking statements from the rat and Randy. The tiger was soon placed in a squad car and taken downtown for booking. “Come on Randy…you need to go home and rest.” Sam encouraged the feline. “Just a minute…” Randy said timidly. He turned and looked over at the rat that was getting a bit of medical attention, word was that he hadn’t been hurt to badly thanks to Randal. Everyone was saying that he was a hero for saving the victim, that he was his savior. Randy thought differently as usual he only did what he thought was right and then acted on it, he was still surprised that he had not been a coward and ran. With a deep breath Randy decided to go talk to the man he just saved. “Hi…,”he said softly. Seemed that it was so soft that the rat hadn’t heard him at all, perhaps it was shock and that he should really go and leave the man be. Just as randy was about to turn and walk back to Sam and company the rat spoke up. “So you’re the one they say stopped that tiger from raping me huh?” Randy could do nothing but nod in reply. He sometimes cursed his shyness knowing he should say something comforting but his mind was drawing a blank. He felt like he should have asked if he was okay or something but was not surprised what came out of his mouth. “Yeah…,” he said nervous looking to the ground and back to the rat without lifting his head. He was taken back by the rats reply especially after what the man had just gone through. “You’re as cute as my friend told me you were. Glad I was saved by a cute guy at least,” muttered the rat. “Um…guess I should introduce myself, I’m Jonathan. Please don’t call me Jon.” he chuckled. Randal could feel his jaw go slack for a second but then close and curl into a smile. “My names Randal, you can call me Randy if you want to,” he purred. He flinched as he heard himself, sounded like he was saying something out of a Disney cartoon. He brought his paw to his forehead and rubbed it slightly then lowered it and looked around for Sam, he nervousness getting to him, the rat wasn’t bad looking standing around 5’9”, long straight black hair that fell to mid-back like the silk of a spiders thread. Randal felt himself grow warm as Jonathan looked at his with the most beautiful brown eyes, a rich brown ring around the brightest of gold, it was enough to get his heart pumping. The moonlight reflecting off Jonathan’s fur gave the rat a pearly shimmer that glowed around the abused rat. He watched and waited as Jonathan licked his lip and flinched from a harsh sting to his bottom lip. Randal’s sub servant need kicked in at the sign of his pain. “Oh man, are you alright? Is there anything I can do to help?” Randy said rushing to the rat’s side. Jonathan chuckled and hissed again as he ached from head to toe claw. Randy placed his paw on Jonathan’s shoulder petting it softly. “…bastard,” Jonathan muttered curing his abuser. He then looked to Randy feeling the feline’s paw petting his shoulder. “You’ll be alright.” the panther purred tenderly. He didn’t even think about his touch on the rats shoulder, it seemed to him that Jonathan didn’t mind and it was pleasing to the rat. As Jonathan looked up at Randy it was enough to make the cat’s heart skip a beat. “I know….Umm…thanks for your help. I owe you. I’ll make it up to you,” he said to the panther with a deviant smile. “Carlos, the bar tender, can give you my phone number. I don’t think he’ll have a problem giving it to my hero,” Jonathan chuckled saying that to someone that was acting so timid and submissive. Randy nodded and looked up as a police man approached the two sitting there then looked to see his friend smiling at him from a distance. “He’s going to the hospital to get an exam to make sure his violator didn’t hurt him too badly. I’m sure the two of you will see each other again,” the police man smiled and helped Jonathan to his feet toward the ambulance after flashing Randal a wink out of Jonathan’s sight. Randy again felt the flush warmth run up his spine and spread across his cheeks and down in his pants. He was a bit ashamed that he was thinking of the rat sexually after what had just happened maybe he was just getting hard up. Randy stood there watching as the ambulance took Jonathan away before looking to the guard feeling a bit lost. Sam and Karly had been watching from a distance and knew this story was just beginning.