The Price of a Rose Long ago I should have seen, All the things I could have been. Careless and unthinking I moved onward Prologue Gabriel stood motionless, his bow taut and ready. He had been staking his prey for over an hour, but to him it seemed like mere minutes. The young prince was caught up in the thrill of the hunt, his instincts fed by a rush of adrenalin. Gabriel had opted to chase the stag on foot; for fear that the heavy strides of his steed, Storm Runner, would scare his prey off. The stag was sure that it had lost its pursuers, but the prince had stayed close behind the creature, never losing it from sight. Finally the stag let down its guard and stopped by a small stream to take a drink from the cool, clear water. Gabriel took aim and after a moment's pause, let loose the arrow. It flew to its target like quicksilver and struck the stag, going in through one eye and out the other. The creature fell dead to the ground. "Well done boy!" came a booming voice from behind, shattering the quite of the forest. Gabriel nearly jumped out of his skin, but he his surprise well. He whirled around and glared at a tall blond man who was grinning from ear to ear and leaning casually against a tree. I'm glad you approve Renner." Gabriel snarled sarcastically. Once again Renner had managed to sneak up on him, ruining Gabriel's illusions that he was the better hunter. The young prince leaned over to pull the arrow from the stag's head, as his tutor whistled for the squires, who had been left behind with the rest of the hunting party, to gather Gabriel's kill. The young prince watched Renner out of the corner of his eye with envy. Renner was built like an oak tree, tall and solid, with the ability to move as silently as a shadow through the woods. With his rugged good looks and long blond mane, he was reminiscent of some Pagan Forest God, which was probably why all the women at the castle flocked after Renner's affections. Renner organized the squire's as they carted off the stag back to the castle. He turned to Gabriel with a grin on his face. "That was a good kill Gabe. It'll be perfect for tonight's grand feast." Gabriel groaned, "Ye Gods! Not another one?!? That's the sixth one this month!" Renner chuckled, "It's all a part of your royal responsibility Gabe. Anyhow, the feasts aren't all that bad. Good food and lovely ladies are always a plus." Renner's appetite for food and women were legendary. The young prince snorted in disgust. In all of his nine years upon the earth he had determined that the only things worth doing was either riding Storm Runner or hunting. Everything else was an unneeded distraction and inconvenience. Renner looked at Gabriel's sullen expression and knew that he had better act now to prevent any rebellious attempts his young charge might make. "Gabe, remember your father wouldn't approve if you missed this feast. He's still a bit upset over the incident with the Mud Worms in the duchess's plate." Gabriel grinned at the memory, but quickly changed his expression after glancing at Renner's serious face. "Do I have to go now Renner? Can't I stay out for a few more hours, while the daylights still good?" Renner pondered this for a moment and finally gave his assent with a sigh. "Alright, just make sure your home in time to get dressed for the feast. And remember no tricks on the lesser royalty, alright?" Gabriel rolled his eyes, and replied in an exasperated tone, "Alright I promise.. Can I go now?" Renner just looked at Gabriel for a moment, the let out a weary sigh and shook his head. "Yes.. Do you want to take Storm Runner with you?" "Mmm.. No, I can make better time through here by foot." Gabriel placed his arrow back into the quiver attached to his back and slung his bow over his shoulder. He bounded into the dense brush, off to find new adventure. * * * * * Gabriel wandered through the Black Forest, looking for any promising tracks along the way. After a while he began seeing ruins of stonewalls covered in lichen and ivy, scattered among the trees and bushes. After more wandering, he stumbled into a clearing with what appeared to be the remains of a stone gazebo. He wandered closer to investigate, his curiosity piqued. The gazebo itself was near ruins, coved with thorny vines. In the center of the structure was a single, perfect rose. It was a deep intense red, the color of heart's blood. Gabriel stared at the bloom, awed by it's beauty. He had to have it. Gabriel walked towards the rose, almost as if in a trance. The rose, his rose was calling to him. He managed to climb over the crumbling pillars avoiding the sharp thorns. Finally he stood before the rose. Underneath it was a plaque, whose writing was covered with moss. Gabriel cleared it off and peered at the now visible script. It read : Can you afford to pay the price..? Gabriel dismissed the plaque with a shrug, and reached out for the rose, intending to cut it from its thorny prison. One of the thorns seemed to jump of it's own accord, and impale itself upon his finger. "Oww!" he yelped as he drew his hand away. A fat drop of his blood splattered on the plaque. He cursed softly as he grabbed the rose again, being careful to avoid the thorns this time. He quickly cut the rose with a dagger. He then tore a scrap of material off of his tunic and wrapped the rose with it. Gabriel then climbed off the gazebo; taking no heed of the plant life he killed along the way, and headed back to the castle, making sure to place his prize securely in his tunic. A few moments after Gabriel had left, a large brown hawk flew lazily into the clearing. It circled around the gazebo for a moment before it landed on the pillar that the rose had once occupied. It looked down at the plaque, where the blood had fallen. The droplet instantly solidified into a single ruby attached to a fine gold chain. The hawk picked it up with its sharp beak and glided down to the earth. As it reached the ground it began to change, taking on the form of a man. His wings spread into a long feathery cloak that unfolded about him. He was dressed in black leather and his long brown hair hung braided down his back. His orangey amber eyes sparkled with demonic glee. He took the necklace from between sharp, white teeth with a gloved hand and held it up so that it sparkled in the light. He smiled a predatory grin as he looked into the ruby made from the prince's blood. "This is going to be quite amusing," he chuckled. Chapter 1 Ten years later... Darkness. It was his time now. He could move about the forest without the fear of discovery by others. The night hid him from watchful eyes. Eyes that would fear him, hate him. He waited in the shadows, still and unmoving, waiting for his prey. He was rewarded by the sound of a twig snapping as a timid doe stepped out of the bushes and stopped next to a running stream. His ears twitched at the sound of the deer's heartbeat. He stayed as still as stone until the doe had relaxed enough to take a drink from the clear water. He could feel the Hunger building up within it. He had no control over it and it swept him up in an adrenaline rush. It would consume him until it was sated with blood. His claws flexed and he could wait no longer. He pounced in silence, and the doe never knew what hit it. With a swift flick of his talons he slit the doe's throat, nearly decapitating it. Blood gushed out and he placed his lips over the stream, letting the hot red liquid run down his throat. He laid the doe down upon the ground and drank until the blood flow stopped. Then he pulled away and extended his claws to their full length and slit the deer open. He fed from his prey, rending flesh and snapping bone. After a while the Hunger was sated and he finally came to his senses. He looked down at the ravished deer, and the blood that covered his hands and tattered clothing. He managed to crawl away from the corpse before he emptied the contents of his stomach on the ground. After a couple of dry heaves, he stumbled over to the stream to rinse the blood and bile from his mouth. As he cleaned himself off, he caught his reflection off the water in the moonlight. Green, human eyes filled with anguish, looked at him from a monstrous beast-like face. He snarled as he struck his hand against the water's surface, distorting the reflection. He threw back his head and howled. * * * * * Eve had just finished hanging the day's wash, when her father, Malachi hurried towards her. "Great tidings my child!" he cried with joy, "there has been news that one of my ships has been found and has made it to port!" Eve smiled and hugged her father, "That's wonderful father! You must tell Amelia and Felicity. They will be so excited." Malachi hugged her again and rushed inside their small cottage to tell her sisters his news. She was happy to see that finally some luck had shined upon her poor father. He had been a wreck ever since they had gone bankrupt from his fleet being lost at sea. And her sisters.. They were used to the rich lifestyle that they had lead when father was a profitable merchant. When the money was gone, they complained bitterly about how they should have been married off to a lord or a duke who could of taken proper care of them. They refused to lift a hand to help out, because they said it was beneath them. So everything rested in Eve's hands. She took care of the cooking, and cleaning, but not for her sisters' benefit. She did it for her father, who was struck hard by this bad turn of events. As Eve gathered up the clothes that were dry, she heard someone call her name. She turned around and groaned inwardly. It was Anton again. He was a hired hand that lived in the nearby village that tried, unsuccessfully, to court her. Although he was a very handsome young man, he was more a brother to her that anything else. So usually she found some excuse or another not to partake of his affections much to Anton's utter dismay. He pestered Eve to no end, but he was such a great help to her father, Eve didn't have the heart to send him away. "Eve!" he called as he ran up to her, "I'm glad I caught you." "Oh, um... Hello Anton," she said as she haphazardly pulled the rest of the wash off the line and stuffed it into her basket. " I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to the village today. There's a traveling band of actors that we could go see?" he looked at her with eyes that viewed her with adoration. Eve panicked. "Well unfortunately I'm kind of busy right now." She stammered, "You see father's ship has come in and there will be lots of things to do to get ready. So I guess I have to go now.. Bye!" She grabbed her basket and headed quickly inside. As she walked through the door she heard her sisters' voices squealing with delight. "Father," Amelia cooed, "You must get me a new dress, something made of silk and satin.. With lots of lace!" "And I want a pearl necklace," Felicity cried, "No! A diamond one.. Or how about both?" "Girls, girls," Malachi laughed, "One thing at a time!" He turned to Eve, "My middle child, what would you like? Gold? Precious stones?" Eve smiled, "Really father, I don't need anything." "Come, come child. What would you like your father to bring you?" "Well..." Eve tilted her head and thought for a moment, "I'd like you to bring me a rose. There are none up here and I miss seeing them." "A rose?" Amelia sneered, "How absolutely stupid! Might as well as for a bouquet of weeds, they're worth just about the same amount!" "It's not stupid," their father said, as he took Eve's hand in his. "Eve, I will bring you your rose, Felicity you'll get your necklaces and Amelia the dresses are yours!" * * * * * It had been nearly a week since her father had left. She had wanted to go with him but she knew the house would go to shambles if her sisters were left by themselves. She sat on the stone fence that went along the perimeter of their cottage. She could just make out the silhouette of Oberon's castle in the distance, when she heard the sound of galloping horses coming up the path. "Father's here!" she cried and rushed out to the dirt road to greet him. He rode upon a magnificent black steed that Eve had never seen before, and the horse that he had ridden out on was trailing behind, loaded with heavy saddlebags. Her sisters converged on the horse laden with bags, but Eve went straight to her father. His shoulders were slumped and his eyes were red and puffy. Malachi looked at her with tired, saddened eyes. "Father," Eve cried, "What's wrong?" He handed her a rose that was as red as heart's blood. It was the most beautiful and perfect rose she had ever seen. "Cherish that rose, my darling daughter," he replied, "It has cost your father his very life..." Then he slumped over and lost consciousness. Chapter 2 Eve managed to get her father inside with Anton's help. The young man placed the old merchant onto a comfortable chair next to the fireplace as Eve started a fire to warm him up. Malachi slowly regained consciousness and asked for some wine before he would speak. After he drained back a cup and took a deep breath and began his story. * * * * Malachi had made the long trip to the market place near Avalon. He went directly to the dock to see his boat, but he had been turned away. His creditors claimed that it had been a mistake; it wasn't one of his boats that had come in. In reality they had converged on his ship like a pack of vultures, leaving nothing behind. Malachi went home empty handed not knowing what he was going to tell his daughters. It was growing dark but the merchant was so upset that he didn't realize until it was to late that he had lost his way in the Black Forest. When he finally came to his senses, he was hopelessly lost. Fear crept down his spine. It was foolish to wander around the forest after dark. Many predators lurked in the night, looking for a helpless meal. As Malachi tried to find his way out of the forest, an iron gate appeared out of the mists. He dismounted his horse and tentatively reached a hand out to the gate, and it slowly creaked open. After a moments hesitation he headed inside. 'Maybe I could ask the master of the house if I can stay the night,' the merchant thought to himself, 'Then I will be able to get to my daughters safely in the morning.' He walked into an ornate courtyard with a cobbled path. He heard the creaking of a door opening. Malachi turned around and saw a stable, whose gate was hanging ajar. He wandered over to investigate, his steed trailing behind him. The stable was clean and the trough was filled with fresh hay. Malachi shrugged and placed his horse in. The horse happily munched on the hay as Malachi walked out to the cobbled path. He followed the path as it led him to a large gothic castle with huge oaken doors. Malachi knocked on the door, and it slowly creaked open. Malachi waited a moment, gathering his courage, and then entered the portal. As he stepped past the door it slammed behind him, with a thunderous boom. Although he was unnerved, Malachi continued walking down a darkened hallway that seemed to go on forever. Eventually he was led to a large dining room. On the table there was a feast set before him, that was fit for a king. The smell of the food was like heaven and he sat down and ate. After he had eaten his fill he began to feel sleepy and immediately fell asleep in his chair. Malachi had no idea how long he slept for, but when he awoke he felt refreshed and full of energy. He had to find the master of this house and thank him for his hospitality. Malachi wandered around the castle calling out to someone, anyone. But he heard nothing but his own echoing voice. Eventually he made his way into a garden; it was filled with roses of all sizes and colors. 'At least I can bring a rose to my daughter Eve,' he thought to himself. In the center of the garden was a bush with the reddest roses he had ever seen. All of them save for one had not yet bloomed. The one that had was bigger that his hand. It would be perfect for Eve. He pulled out a knife and cut the rose off carefully. Suddenly there was a piercingly loud and angry roar. "What are you doing?!" came a deep and rumbling voice. Malachi turned and saw a large figure draped in a black cloak at the entrance of the garden. The figure stood in the shadows but he could see that he was wearing a suit of black velvet with lace at the throat and wrists. His hands were encased in thick velvet gloves. Malachi could not make out the face though. It was hidden from view by a hood. "What gives you the right to steal my rose?" the figure hissed as he stepped out of the shadows. Now Malachi could clearly see the stranger's face. The merchant fell to his knees; he was looking into the face of something not human. The monster drew nearer and he could see claws poking from the tips of the gloves it wore. "This is how you repay my Kindness for giving you food and shelter?" the creature continued in it's low rumbling voice, "You steal the thing I most treasure in the world? The price for your transgression is death...." "Sir I didn't know, " Malachi cried, "It was a gift for my daughter." "Do NOT call me Sir," the creature hissed, "I am called the Beast and I am master of this castle." "But.." The Beast roared, "Quiet! You stole my rose and now you must die." Then he paused. "Or one of your daughters.. How many have you?" "Three, but.." "Or one of them must take your place.." "But I can't.." "I said QUIET!" the Beast snarled "Do not argue. Make the most of your choice.. I will not harm the one you send... But if one of your daughters does not take you place in three days, you must come back to face your punishment." Malachi was silent for a moment. He would go home, to say goodbye to his family and then come back here. He could not ask his children to take his place. He was an old man. His life was practically over, theirs was just beginning. "How will I get home?" he asked in a stunned daze. "In my stable there is a black roan named Storm Runner. Just get on him and say 'Storm Runner Take me to where I want to go' and he will take you home and bring you.. or your daughter back." The Beast sunk back into the shadows, "You have three days old man." * * * * "This is you're fault, " Amelia screeched at Eve, "If you hadn't asked for that stupid rose!" "What are we going to do?!" Felicity moaned. "Look what I found!" yelled Anton, who had been putting the horses away as the old merchant, told his story. He dropped a saddlebag onto the floor and gold coins spilled out. Amelia and Felicity gaped at the amount of gold that now littered the floor. Amelia dove down and began gathering the fallen pieces into her arms. Felicity stood torn between her urge to grab the money as well and her concern for her father. She finally her concern won out as she knelt next to Malachi. Their father looked at the gold, his eyes filled with horror. "It's blood money," he muttered. "Father I am so sorry," Eve whispered., "I'll make this right.. I promise." Her father was so pale; With Felicity's help she got him upstairs and laid him to bed. She placed a kiss upon his brow. "Goodbye father." She whispered. Once both sisters exited the room, Felicity pulled her sister aside. "What are we going to do, Eve?" Eve looked at her younger sister's worried face and came to a decision. "Don't worry, I promise I'll take care of this. In the meantime you better make sure Amelia doesn't run off with all the gold." As Felicity and Amelia began to argue over the gold, Eve silently slipped out the back door and to where the Beast's horse waited. She patted Storm Runner on the nose and led him out. Eve climbed onto his back and whispered into his ear, "Storm Runner, take me to where I want to go." The horse nickered and took off. They were on their way to the Beast's Castle. Chapter 3 Ten years earlier Gabriel picked at the food on his plate and let out a long sigh. He hated formal dinners; they were so boring. He wished his father wouldn't make him attend, but both his father and Renner and insisted that since he was crown prince, he had to make appearances. Renner as always was surrounded by a gaggle of you ladies, who were fawning upon him for his attentions. It was enough to make Gabriel want to be sick. He decided once everyone was drunk enough, he could sneak away unnoticed and check on his rose. It had been a week since he had acquired it and it was still as fresh as it had been on the vine. He was planning his escape plan, when suddenly a flash of light and thunder struck the middle of the room. When the smoke cleared, there stood a tall lithe man, with long brown hair, dressed in black leather. He wore a feathery brown cape that writhed around him as if it were alive. "It's the Dark Mage," someone whispered before the room became silent as death. The king stood up. "What brings you to my humble kingdom, Mage Ian?" Ian walked around the room, his orange-amber eyes flashing. "Someone here," he said in a cool silky voice, "Has stolen something from me." "What?!" the king cried. "No one here would ever think of stealing from you." Gabriel's blood ran cold. He was positive that the Mage was here for the rose. He couldn't let him have it, he had to sneak out of the banquet hall and hide it. While his father and the mage were arguing, Gabriel managed to lower himself to the ground and slink away. He made it into a side corridor without anyone noticing. Just as he turned to run to his room, he ran right into someone. "Watch it you stupid.." Gabriel looked up and his jaw dropped wide open. It was Ian. "Well, well, well," the mage chuckled, "It's seems I have found my thief." he pulled out the rose from his cape. "Looking for this?" Gabriel tried to grab it from him, but the mage was quick and dodged his grasp. "Give that back," the prince demanded, "It's mine. I found it!" "The rose belongs to me, brattling," Ian sneered, "And now you must pay the price.." Ian pulled out a fine chain on which hung a blood red ruby in the shape of a teardrop. It glowed softly with an ominous light. The glowing gem caught Gabriel's attention. "What is that?" he asked. "It's the blood you spilt when you took my rose." the Dark Mage began to pace around the young prince. He scratched his chin in thought. "Now what shall I do to you?" All of a sudden a grin broke out on Ian's face, as an idea suddenly dawned upon him. "You a hunter, aren't you?" he asked Gabriel. "The best," replied the boy, who was rather proud of his skill. Ian continued as if he hadn't heard the young prince. "Yes, I do remember watching you hunt. You stalk you prey with such patience and cunning. Very reminiscent of a predatory animal, a beast I might add.. I bet that if you could you'd rip your victim's throats out with your bear hands." Gabriel snorted. "I'm a trained huntsman. It takes skill to do what I do. I'm not some sort of lowly beast." "Ah, but that all depends on your perspective." Ian smiled,. Then he began to mutter something in a language that Gabriel could not understand, tracing arcane symbols in the air. The ruby glowed so brightly that Gabriel could not look at it directly because the light hurt his eyes. Then the mage threw the golden chain at the boy. It landed on his necked at wrapped around it. It was burning hot, and Gabriel cried out as he tried to claw it off. It sank into his skin, leaving a red mark where it had been. The prince looked up but the mage was gone. He managed to get up and ran to the banquet hall, calling out to his father and Renner. When he reached the hall, it was totally devoid of life. It looked as if no one had been there for years. Panic filled the young boy, as he began to systematically search all the rooms in the castle. "Father! Renner! Where are you?" he cried as he went from room to room, finding no one. He finally headed outside to the garden that belonged to his mother while she was still alive. He noticed that all of the flowers had been replaced with roses of every color and size. And in the center of the Garden, he saw the rose. It was the only bloom on single vine that wrapped around a fountain that was placed there in dedication to his dead mother. The vine looked like it had been there all the time, but he knew that it was the very same rose that he had taken to incur the Mage's wrath. Anger washed over him, as he went towards the rose, intending to shred it to pieces, but as he reached for it, he saw something that made him cry out. His hand was changing. His fingers were getting longer his nails were growing sharper. Fur began to sprout on the back of his hand. He fell over as a sharp pain struck him and coursed throughout his body. There was a prickling feeling all over his skin as thick fur grew all over his body, he felt his bones snapping as they grew and rearranged themselves into new positions. He bit into his lip and drew blood as his canines grew long and sharp. He tried to cry out but what came out of his throat was a growling roar. He felt himself lose consciousness as the pain became too much for him to bear. He willingly surrendered himself into black, peaceful oblivion * * * * Oberon stood outside his castle, pacing around restlessly. Something was not right in his kingdom, but he just couldn't put his finger on it. His cousin Ian had been making himself scarce lately, which usually meant he was up to something. Oberon shrugged to himself and was about to head in when he heard the sound of screaming. "What the hell..?" Oberon looked around his immediate area and didn't see anything. The screams intensified in volume then cut off. Then another medley of screams began. Using a simple location spell he transported himself to where the sound was coming from. Strewn on the ground were the bloodied bodies of several Ork guards. The Ork that was currently screaming had a large shape huddled over it, tearing into it. Oberon threw a Ball of light at the creature, trapping it in a prison of glass. It was to late to save the Ork , as it's screams died down to choking gurgles as blood filled its lungs. "What do we have here?" muttered Oberon as he peered into the glass prison. The creature that stared back at him showed no fear and just snarled bearing sharp fangs stained with blood. Oberon noticed that the creature was vaguely humanoid and was wearing tatters of clothing. As he looked closer he could see the remains of a royal seal sewn into what was left of its shirt. He immediately recognized the seal as belonging to a small kingdom on the outskirts of Arcadia, called Ivar. "Dammit," he cursed to himself. He turned away from the creature and looked up into the night sky. "Ian!" he called out, "Show yourself!" "Yes, cousin dear?" Ian replied after he materialized next to him. "Is this your handiwork?" Oberon asked pointing to the growling creature. Ian nodded as he beamed proudly. " You turn the crown prince of Ivar into some sort of creature and let him run loose?!?" Ian shrugged, "It's no concern of mine, what he does." "Dammit, Ian, I'm sick of cleaning up after you. What has he done to deserve this punishment?" "He stole one of my roses. I would of let him off without too much of a punishment, but the brattling decided to be rude." Oberon shook his head and sighed, "Well we can't have him rampaging all over the place." "Why not?" Ian grinned, "I think it would be rather fun to watch him rip apart Arcadia." "Ian," Oberon said in the tone one would use when they are speaking with a very stupid child, "I rule Arcadia. Do you really think I want to watch this creature tear up my kingdom?" Ian shrugged, "I guess not cousin, but I wash my hands of this. The affairs of mortals do not concern me." Oberon shook his head again, "Then I guess I'm going to have to take care of this AGAIN.." Ian shrugged, "Suit yourself Oberon. I still don't know why you bother with these mortals." With that Ian transformed into his hawk form and flew off. Oberon muttered under his breath, "Damn, youth of today. No responsibility whatsoever." He looked back at the creature, which was still growling. He raised his hand, drawing forth an orb of flame, intending to destroy the mad beast. "Oberon?" came a lilting voice behind him. He turned to see his Queen, Titania. She walked with an ethereal grace towards him, her silk gown and silver hair flowing behind her. She looked at the imprisoned beast behind him and gasped. "What.. What is that?" she said quietly, unable to tear her emerald green eyes away. "It's one of Ian's victims, the Prince of Ivar. I was going to put him out of his misery." Oberon replied as he rolled the orb of flame casually on his hand. "No..." Titania looked stricken, her eyes filling with tears. "What is it, my Queen?" Oberon asked waving away the flame orb and then taking his wife into his arms. She was trembling like a leaf. She took a moment to compose herself and looked deep into her husband's golden eyes. "Oberon he's just a child.. Is there some other way?" Oberon smiled at her, "Ah Titania, you are always so soft-hearted when these mortals are concerned. For you I will do what I can. I may not be able to alter his body, but I may be able to give him back his mind. Will that do?" Titania nodded and smiled as she brushed her fingers over her husband's cheek. "Yes, my husband. You can't imagine how happy that would make me..." Chapter 4 The Beast stood on the balcony, looking down at the roses below. They were the only things left here that he took pleasure in, even though it was a rose that had led to his downfall. He looked in the foggy surface of a small hand held mirror. It was the only one left intact in the castle and the only one that did not reflect his face back at him. The surface glowed and it showed a young woman riding Storm Runner. It was the merchant's daughter. She probably felt guilty because her father had taken the rose for her. She would arrive at his castle before nightfall, so preparations had already been made. "Expecting someone?" a voice, asked him from behind. He didn't bother to turn. He knew who it was. "What do you want Mage?" he asked in a tired voice. "You're not happy to see me?" Ian asked in mock surprise. "I'm hurt, really I am." He looked down at the mirror that the Beast held in his hand. "Oh I see that you're expecting company. A girl." He shook his head and made a clucking noise of disapprovement. "You can't be thinking of breaking the spell I put upon you? " He began to laugh, "You think that she could fall in love with you, maybe give you a kiss and break the spell? She couldn't possibly love something like you. You're a monster. A Beast that no one will ever love." The Beast said nothing, his eyes cast downwards. Ian got close to him, his mouth just inches from his ear. "And even if she fell in love with you," he hissed, "That still wouldn't help. I would never make it that simple. You'll never break the curse and you will always be a beast." The Beast still gave no response, but Ian could see that his shoulders were slumped and his hands were balled up into fists. A drop splattered on the mirror. Ian chuckled; his work here was done. He disappeared in a flash of light and flapping of wings. The Beast stood silent for a long time, as teardrops splattered on the mirror. "Damn you," he whispered, "Damn you to hell. I'll show you. I'm not a monster..." ****** Eve clung tightly around the horse's neck. The creature was moving so fast that the scenery around her was passing by in a blur. She had never ridden a horse before, and after this experience she didn't think she'd be too eager to try again. They approached some iron gates, and Eve pulled on the reins in hope of slowing Storm Runner down. The creature kept moving at its neck breaking speed, with no intention of stopping. Eve closed her eyes and made a silent prayer to every deity she could think of, hoping that this wouldn't be too painful, and if she did die from the impact, it wouldn't be a lingering death. She felt the horse slow down, then finally stop. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that they were beyond the gates. She turned to see the gate closing by itself. She shakily stepped off the horse, and found she was standing before a large castle. It was overgrown with vines and looked like no one had been there for years. She felt the horse pull its reins out of her hand. When she turned around Storm Runner was nowhere to be seen. Eve stood frozen, as fear paralyzed her body. Should she go in or run back home? No, this was her fault; she had to go on. She crept towards the large castle doors; her hand out stretched, reaching for the iron handle. Just when her fingers brushed against it, the door swung open by itself. She stifled a scream and peered inside. The hallway was empty and dark. She timidly stepped in, and as soon as she was past the threshold of the door, it slammed shut behind her. Eve yelped and swung around. She tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she bit her lip and willed herself not to cry. She had to be brave, for her father. Eve took a couple of deep breaths and stepped into the hallway. As she walked down the darkened pathway, candelabras that lined the wall lit up of their own accord. Eve fought every urge to tear out of this strange place and bravely continued down the hallway. It seemed as if the hallway was leading her somewhere and she saw at the end of it were large windows and a glass door leading to a balcony. She reached the window and pressed her hands against the glass. It was cool to the touch, and she wiped the fog that her breath had made. Outside she saw the most beautiful garden she had ever seen. The rose her father had brought her was nothing compared to the blooms that she saw before her. She was tempted to go out into the garden, but she knew that if she went outside she wouldn't have enough nerve to come back in. She turned away from the windows and was surprised to see that the hallway was gone. She was now in a large dining room, with a huge oak table, on which was set a fabulous feast. The table was standing before a huge fireplace, with a roaring fire. Not knowing what else to do, she paced around the table and planted herself next to the fireplace, to get warm. The smell of the food was so wonderful and her stomach grumbled and protested with hunger. Finally she gave into temptation and sat down. She nibbled at assorted dishes, not being able to decide which one she wanted. It didn't take her long to fill up on the vast spread before her. Eve sat back, her eyes growing heavy with sleep. Suddenly she heard a low rumbling sound. She turned and saw the glass door leading to the garden was open and a tall figure was silhouetted by the moonlight. She squinted her eyes to get a better look. He was huge, maybe eight or nine feet tall, and he stood draped in a long black cloak, with a large hood that hid his face in shadows. He walked towards her, with an inhuman grace that made it seem as if he were gliding. "So you've come to take you're father's place?" he asked in a low rumbling voice. Eve nodded, dropping her eyes, and then squeezing them shut, in wait of what would happen next. He was silent for a moment. "Why are you doing that?" he asked. "Doing what?" she replied in a trembling voice. "Closing your eyes like that. I won't hurt you." She slowly opened her eyes and found that the stranger was sitting at the head of the table in a huge throne-like chair that had not been there a few minutes ago. He had pushed back his cloak to reveal finely tailored clothes made of black velvet, with white lace at the throat and wrists. Thick gloves covered his hands, and his face was still hidden by his hood. She could see green eyes lit up by the firelight. She gathered enough courage to speak. "You. You're not going to eat me?" she stammered. There was dead silence, and then she heard a deep huffing sound coming from the stranger. At first she was afraid, but when she saw him double over, his fist banging into the table, she realized with indignation that he was laughing. "I'm... I'm sorry," he managed, "I don't mean to laugh. As I said before I won't hurt you. You are safe here. This is your new home, you are the mistress of this house." She regarded him carefully. "I though I was to die. You wanted my father dead for taking the rose for me." He was quite for a moment, making Eve wish she hadn't said anything at all. Finally he spoke. "I am guardian here, and anyone who takes a rose must pay a price. I merely spared his life and took another price. You. I apologize and I do understand if you hate me," at this, sorrow crept into his deep voice. "But I am only a base creature who must do what he is commanded." She thought for a moment then said, "My name is Eve, What shall I call you?' "I am called the Beast, and I am at your service, Eve. What ever you ask I shall do, save for letting you leave." She tilted her head, still looking at his hood. "May I see your face?" He stayed silent for a moment. "I'd rather you not. You won't like what you see..." "Please," Eve asked, "It's rather disconcerting to speak to someone without knowing what they look like.." The Beast sighed. "I did say your wish is my command." He pulled down his hood to reveal his face. His face was unlike anything she had ever seen. It was full of inconsistencies. It was a mixture of different predatory beasts; cat, wolf and bear, but almost human as well. The tip of sharp fangs poked from his lips, and a mane of long black hair hung around his face. And his eyes.... They were frighteningly human. They were a blazing green and filled with so many emotions. Anger, self-pity and sorrow. All these emotions warring with each other. Eve gasped and had to turn away. Her mind reeled at what she had seen. It was something that was not supposed to be. Something not made by nature. Her hands grasped the arms of her chair so hard her knuckles turned white. "Seen enough?' he asked unable to keep the bitterness out of his voice. "Yes, quite," she replied. She closed her eyes as he pulled his hood back on. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "Don't be," the Beast replied gruffly. He went to the door that led to the garden, but stopped for a moment before he stepped out. "The hallway will lead you to your room. I will see you tomorrow night, if that's fine with you?" "Yes," she said quietly. "Well then.. until tomorrow." He disappeared into the night, and left Eve alone with her thoughts. * * * * * The Beast had been right. The hallway that seemed so long and winding before, had led a straight path to Eve's room. She knew it was her room, because on the golden door was a plaque engraved with her name. She reached out to take the handle, but the door opened by itself. It looked like she was going to have to get used to not having to open doors anymore. Eve held her breath as she peeked into the room. It was absolutely gorgeous. She stepped into the room her mouth open with astonishment. There was a large canopy bed in the center of the room, with sheets made of silk, fur and velvet. To the right of the bed was an ornately carved wooden wardrobe; and across from the bed was an oak vanity, with huge mirrors and a plush stool. To the left of the bed were large bay windows that led to a balcony. She went to the wardrobe first. The door opened to reveal beautiful dresses of all kinds. Eve gasped and took out one of the dresses, relishing the feel of the soft fabric against her fingers. She held the dress against her and turned to the mirror. The dress was made of black satin and red lace, inlaid with red rubies and black opals at the neck. As she looked at her reflection she realized this dress was much to fine for the likes of her. She reluctantly put the dress back. She would have to ask the Beast if he had something more appropriate for her to wear. She wandered over to the windows, opened them up and stepped out into the balcony and looked down below. She had a perfect view of the rose garden, which was lit up by what looked like willow-wisps. The scent of the flowers wafted up towards her. Eve went back inside, yawning. It had been a long day. She promised herself that she would take one last look at the dresses and go straight to sleep. As soon as she opened the wardrobe she was amazed to see that in place of the dresses were a variety of nightgowns. She shook her head, knowing that this shouldn't have surprised her. This was a very strange place, but Eve was certain of one thing. She wouldn't get easily bored here. * * * * * The Beast looked out into the forest from the roof of one of the parapets of the castle. The Hunger gnawed at him, insistent and painful. He didn't want to go hunting. Not while she was here. He didn't want the cries of his prey to frighten her more than she already was. He hopped down off the roof onto a wall that ran along the side of the castle. He stalked along the wall heading towards his garden. As he neared his destination he noticed that the light was on in Eve's room. The Beast slunk close to the shadows as he crept closer to get a better look. She had left the curtains open, so he had a clear view into the room. She had pulled out a nightgown and had laid it upon her bed. She then began to undress herself. The Beast's eyes widened. He had never anything like this before. A voice inside his head told him he should turn away and leave her to her privacy, but he just couldn't tear his eyes away. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Her skin was as smooth as cream, her reddish gold hair streamed over her shoulders and breasts like a waterfall. He watched as she lifted her nightgown from the bed and rubbed the soft material against her cheek before she pulled it on. The Beast felt his heart constrict in his chest, a new feeling stirred up inside of him. An alien feeling that was similar to the hunger but that did not cry out for blood, but for something else. Something that frightened him. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to crawl into Eve's bedroom and drag her from her bed. The Beast shuddered with revulsion at his animal impulses. He had to hunt now. Maybe the taste of blood would quench this new and horrifying feeling that welled up inside him, like some black monster from the pit of hell. He ran off into the forest, leaving the castle, and Eve, behind. For once he gave into his blood hunger willingly. Chapter 7 Ten years earlier The first sensation Gabriel was aware of was the dull throbbing in his head. Then he became aware of a cramped soreness that spread throughout all of his body. He noticed that he was laying on something cold, hard and uncomfortable. Gabriel slowly opened his eyes to find himself lying on the floor of his father's throne room. He slowly craned his neck upwards and saw his father's throne. As his brain tried to comprehend what his eyes were seeing, he had the sense of something being wrong. His eyes slowly came into focus and he realized someone was lounging in his father's throne. He shakily sat up trying to get a better look at this stranger that had enough gall to sit in the throne. He was tall and lithe, with a mane of silvery-white hair that hung past his shoulders and trailed down his back. He wore a white shirt with a black vest and back leather breeches. The stranger was idling tapping his long fingers against his knee when he noticed that Gabriel was conscious. "Ahh so you're finally awake," the stranger said, as he swung his legs off the arms of the throne. "Who.. Who are you?" Gabriel asked in a trembling voice. He noticed that his voice sounded strange in his own ears, but he ignored it. His eyes slowly came into focus and he suddenly recognized whom the man in his father's throne was. It was Oberon, the King of Avalon. All of a sudden Gabriel remembered everything that had happened to him and he looked down at his hands and saw the paws and talons of a beast. "No..." he moaned, "No please don't let this be real. This has to be a dream.." "I'm afraid it isn't," replied Oberon, "And it's no use crying about it." The Oberon stood and began to circle the young prince. He shook his head. "Your really should of bowed down to Ian, at least then he wouldn't of made the spell so permanent." "Permanent?!" Gabriel asked in a hysterical tone. "There's no way to break this spell?" Oberon shook his head, "Unfortunately no. I've tried to undo as many spell as I could, so at least you don't have the mind of a beast." Gabriel began to sob, all of this too much for him. "Stop crying," Oberon snapped, "You'll be fine.. As long as you stay away from my Orks," he added under his breath. "But, I'll be all alone," he cried, "I don't know what to do." "The castle will take care of you," replied Oberon, "I placed a spell on it so you won't ever be in need of anything." Gabriel was silent, and Oberon felt a twinge of pity for the child. Titania's influence must have rubbed off on him. He drew forth an orb of pure light. "Here," he said offering the orb to Gabriel. The boy looked at it for a moment then gingerly took it. It glowed softly in his hands. "What is it?" he asked, his eyes focusing on the iridescent orb. "It will give you powers." Gabriel tore his eyes from the glowing orb long enough to give him a puzzled look, so Oberon continued. "These powers will enable you to control the magiks in this castle and the surrounding woods. It's mainly for protection on your part." As Oberon spoke the orb's glow increased and then it seemed to absorb into Gabriel body. Gabriel looked at his hands for a moment, which glowed faintly for a few seconds. "Well young prince," Oberon said as he gathered his cloak around him, "I shall now take my leave of you." "But-" "No buts," Oberon interrupted, "Your new power will show you what to do." And with that Oberon disappeared blinding flash of light leaving Gabriel alone in the silence of his father's castle. Chapter 8 She couldn't get over how beautiful the garden was. Eve wandered deeper into the garden fascinated with the different types of exotic blooms that grew here. Both the stars in the night sky and the Willow Wisps lighted her way among the rows of exquisite blooms. She never dreamed that there were so many kinds of roses. At the center of the garden was a flowing fountain with a rose vine wrapped around it. On the vine there was a single bloom that far surpassed all the others she saw here. She sat on a nearby bench letting the fragrance of the garden sooth her. It helped her almost forget about the odd dream she had been having ever since she came to this place. She shivered slightly at the memory. She could remember it almost exactly. It was always the same. She was in the forest and the smell of blood and the sounds of some helpless creature screaming filled the air. Then she realized something was watching her. She tried to run but her feet were frozen to the ground. She tried to cry out for help but her throat closed up and she couldn't make a sound. Then, when she felt as if she would scream out with fear, she felt a calming presence surrounding her. The smell of roses filled her senses, and soon she slipped into a peaceful, dreamless sleep. Eve shook the memory of the dream away and stood up from the bench. She exited the Garden, feeling restless. This place was beautiful, but she was lonely. She only saw the Beast on the rare occasions that he would join her for dinner. At first she was nervous when she saw him, but as the weeks went by, she came to look forward to his visits. It was an hour before dinner, so Eve wandered towards her room to change. Tonight the hallway seemed to be in a mischievous mood and took her anywhere but towards where she wanted to go. As she turned another corner she heard a low growl. Eve looked around and saw a window slowly open. A large figure stumbled through the portal and leaned against a nearby column. It took a moment for Eve to realize that it was the Beast. He was breathing hard and where his hand has brushed against the column, there was a smear of blood. Eve gasped and went towards him. The Beast, hearing her, turned towards her with lightning quick reflexes, his eyes glittering in the moonlight. "Oh," Eve took a little step back, "I.. I didn't mean to startle you..." She took a step forward squaring her shoulders with determination. "You're hurt." She held her hand out towards him. He backed away, shaking his head. "No," he growled in a strained voice, "Please.. You must go." "But I can't leave you like this, let me help you." She stepped closer to him her hand closing around his forearm. He pulled away as if her touch burned him. "You have to leave! NOW!!" he snarled, and she could see a flash of sharp fangs. He took a deep breath and visibly restrained himself, "Please... I will be fine. Now go.. Please." Eve stood there for a moment before casting her eyes downward. She nodded and quietly walked back down the hall away from the Beast, leaving him with his own personal demons. * * * * The next morning Eve skipped breakfast and wandered the grounds again. She came upon a large willow tree that stood by the castle's stonewall facing a peaceful lake. She sat under the tree and leaned against its smooth trunk. Her thoughts were troubled about last night. She wasn't scared of the Beast; in fact she had felt sorry for him. She had wanted to help him last night, but it almost seemed as if he was afraid for her to be near him. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh born of frustration. The sound of the wind blowing through branches and the water lapping against the shore made her realize how drowsy she was. After a few moments of listening to the soothing sounds of nature, she was lulled into a peaceful sleep. She dozed for what could have been minutes or even an hour, when she was awakened by the sound of something crashing through the brush. She opened her eyes and froze in the shadow of the tree. She saw a figure near the edge of the lake. It came out into the sunlight and she immediately saw that it was the Beast. He no longer wore his cloak, but a loose white shirt that stood out in stark contrast against his black fur. It had been torn and was soaked with blood. Was the blood his or did it belong to.. Eve shuddered not wanting to continue with the thought. His long black hair hung in his face, covering it. He kneeled down towards the water and began to drink. He snorted as his mane of long black hair got in the way, and threw his head back to fling it out of his way. Eve got a good glimpse at his face then. His green eyes glowed with frustration, his lips pulled back in a tight, angry snarl. He bent down to drink again, but his mane of hair fell into his face again. Eve felt pity well up inside her as she saw the Beast pull away with a final snarl and stumble back into the brush. When she was sure he was gone, she slowly got up and headed back to the castle. * * * * He walked the grounds after cleaning himself up. His hood was firmly back in place over his head, his cloak wrapped comfortingly around his shoulders. He wore a loose black poet's shirt with leather breeches and his massive hands were covered with velvet gloves embroidered with silver. His blood hunger seemed to increase alarmingly since Eve had arrived. He no longer hunted during the night exclusively, but was now killing during the day. "Hello," a soft voice called out to him. He turned to see Eve shyly looking at him, her hands twisting the hem of her dress. He bowed deeply. "Good evening Milady," he said in his deep voice, "It is a pleasure, as always, to see you again. I.. I apologize about last night, I was a little jumpy. I didn't want to trouble you..." "Don't worry about it," she replied waving off his apology. "I guess me popping out on you like that was pretty unnerving." She smiled up at him, but her eyes were filled with uncertainty. "Umm may I walk with you?" she asked. He was surprised by her request. "Of course," he said, "I am at you command." He offered his hand to her, which she took after a moment's hesitation. They began to walk around the castle grounds in silence at first, but then words came. Slow and halting at first, but after a while the words came freely. They spoke about everything from the weather to their favorite poets and writers. He was surprised at how much they had in common. The sound of her laughter made his heart soar, and he almost dropped his guard. Almost. While they chatted he was all too aware of the hunger slowly gnawing at the back of his head. He pushed it away and tried to ignore it, but it kept pushing back, growing stronger. After a while he was focusing so much on pushing the Hunger down that he didn't even hear Eve speaking anymore. "Beast?" He shook his head as if waking from a trance, "Yes... I'm sorry." A worried look crossed her face, "Are you alright?" she asked. "Yes I'm.. I'm fine" he leaned against a parapet and let out a long breath, his mouth was dry and his stomach clenched. "I'm just... thirsty." A look of pity briefly flashed across her face, and she looked around. A few feet away there was a fountain, whose water was always cold, clear and sweet. She went over to it and sat at the edge and dipped her hands into the sparkling water. She turned her head to him. "Come join me," she said, and he walked slowly over to her, his head pounding. "Here, drink," she held out her cupped hands. He looked at her for a moment. "Are you sure?" he asked trying to keep his doubt out of his voice. She nodded, smiling. He placed his hands around hers and lowered his head slightly. He lapped at the cool water with his rough tongue. It brushed against the palm of her hand. He felt her tremble when contact was made, but she did not object. Her scent was intoxicating and he was loath to pull away. He lapped up every last drop from her hands then reluctantly pulled away. "Thank you," he rumbled softly. "It was my pleasure," she replied softly. He could see a faint blush rise on her cheeks as her fingers curled around each other. This innocent gesture made the Hunger scream inside him. All his senses were extra sensitive. He could hear the sound of her heart beating, the blood flowing through her veins. It was too much to bear. "I must take my leave of you, Milady," he said, his voice thick with emotion. He saw her face cloud with confusion. He turned and stalked away. He didn't even look back when she called his name. Chapter 9 Eve waited for the Beast in the dining room that night. It was getting late and she hadn't touched the meal that had been set out for her. She was very worried about him, and rightly so. He had rushed off in such a hurry she was afraid that she had done something to offend him. After several hours had passed she decided to take matters into her own hands. She stepped out of the dining hall and wandered down a hallway that she had never been through. She figured if she wandered around long enough she was sure to find him. The hallway seemed endless, and finally after what seemed like an eternity she came to a grand staircase with faded red carpet. She crept up the stairs until she reached the top and went through another darkened hallway. As she walked she saw pictures that had been ripped and broken mirrors on the walls. The further she walked the colder it became. She passed many rooms, and peeked inside each one. She found nothing but open windows and cobwebs. Eve finally came to the end of the hallway, the last door remaining in front of her. She opened the door and felt a cold gust of wind brush against her and rustle her skirts. The room looked as if it had once been grandly decorated, but something had torn it to shreds like the pictures and mirrors in the hallway. Beautifully embroidered tapestries that once hung on walls were torn down and ripped, more mirrors had been broken and it looked like a heavy wooden drawer had been smashed to pieces. There were deep furrows in the floor leading to the door. Eve guessed it was from someone dragging something large and heavy. In the far corner of the room there was a pallet with several tangled blankets on it. Whoever slept here did not have a restful night. There were double doors, standing open, that led out to a balcony. She stepped onto the balcony and saw that this room was directly above hers. She also had a good view of the grounds. She looked around, straining to see if she could see the Beast in the moonlit night, when she was startled by a voice from behind her. "Looking for something?" asked a familiar rumbling voice. She jumped and turned around. The beast was perched on an outcropping besides the balcony, looking at her. She felt embarrassed at being caught snooping around. "I.. I was trying to find you." She paused for a moment, not sure of what to say. "When I didn't see you at dinner I got worried." The Beast jumped off the ledge and onto the balcony with fluid grace. He leaned against the railing of the balcony and let out a long sigh. "I had to think for a while." He replied quietly. Eve drew up her courage and asked the question that was gnawing at her. "Was it something I said or did?" The Beast looked at her; from his movements Eve could tell that the question had startled him. "No!' he said empathetically shaking his head, "It's just.." he seemed at a lost for words for a moment, "I'm just not used to being around anyone else. I've been here by myself for so long." "It must have been very lonely for you," Eve replied softly. "But you aren't alone anymore." He nodded and then turned to face her. She could see his green eyes glow in the moonlight. Suddenly a thought popped into her head. "Beast," she said then hesitated for a second, "Will you do something for me?" "Of course Eve," he replied. "Your hood, take it off. Please?" He paused. She could see he was remembering the last time she had asked him to do this. "Are you sure Eve?" he asked, his voice quavering. She took his large hand in hers. "Beast, I want to be your friend. And friendship begins with trust. Do you trust me?" "Yes.. I do." He replied softly. He slowly pulled the hood down, his long black hair tumbling onto his broad shoulders. She looked this time free of the fear that had clouded her mind when she had last gazed at his countenance. She did not see the horrifying monster from before but a face that reminded her of a noble lion with sad human eyes. His face had a quality to it that made it seem almost beautiful in a tragic way. She smiled at him, "See that wasn't so bad now, was it?" "You're not afraid?" he asked softly. She shook her head, still smiling. "No not anymore. Before I was afraid, but I know you now. I know you are not a monster" He was silent, at a loss for words. Finally he spoke, "It's getting late. You really must get some sleep." Eve nodded, yawning. "I will," she tilted her head and smiled mischievously at him, "But first thing in the morning we're getting rid of all those hoods. From this day on I don't want to see you with a hood hiding your face." He gave her a quirky smile, "Of course Milady," he replied giving her a low exaggerated bow. She giggled and bid him farewell, and went to bed to get some well deserved rest. * * * * He stood alone on the balcony, his sensitive ears hearing Eve getting ready for bed in her room below. He played back their conversation in his head several times. When she had said that she knew he wasn't a monster, his heart trilled with unbridled joy. She considered him a friend, and he found that he could be content with that. "She's a pretty little thing, isn't she?" said a dark leering voice from behind him. The Beast bit back a snarl and turned to face Ian. "She is none of your concern," he replied in a cold stony voice. Ian laughed, "Oh now, it seems you're developing some teeth, brattling." He looked down towards Eve's balcony. "You don't mind if I go down for a visit do you? I'm sure she'd enjoy my company far more than yours." The Beast snarled, "Leave her alone. She has nothing to do with this." "What makes you think you can do anything to stop me?" Ian sneered At this the Beast grinned, barring sharp white fangs, which caused an expression of puzzlement and suspicion to cross Ian's face. "Actually I can do several things to stop you," he said in a pleasant voice. As he was speaking, vine began to silently wrap around Ian's legs. When Ian had finally noticed the vines tightened, holding him firmly into place. "What the hell?!" the mage cried as the vines began to ensnare his arms. The Beast leaned against the railing of the balcony and grinned, showing sharp gleaming fangs. "I've developed some magic of my own during these long years alone here, but I've never felt compelled to use it," at this he pause, his grin vanishing and his face going stony, "Until now. If you so much as touch her.." "I'll do anything I please, brattling," the mage hissed as he exerted his powers, burning his vine bonds. He drew back his arm to conjure a ball of flame to strike the Beast down, when a firm hand grasped his wrist He turned to bring his wrath down on the one who had the gall to stop him, but then froze in his tracks. There stood Oberon, with a smug look upon his face. Chapter 10 "Ahh... Ian," sighed Oberon, who was casually leaning on the balcony railing. He held Ian's wrist with a black leather clad hand. "Here you go again, meddling in affairs that you claimed to have washed your hands of." He shook his head, pulling his cousins hand down and released it as soon as it was at his side. Ian stood shocked for a moment, but quickly recovered. "Stay out of this Oberon," he said softly, "The brattling is mine." Oberon reached out and took a firm hold of his cousin's chin and turned it so that they were face to face. "You gave up any claims to him that night in Arcadia, Ian. You forced my hand so I would take responsibility for the mess that you made." He let go of Ian's face, and the younger man scowled slightly. "So I am now responsible for the 'brattling' as you're so fond of calling him. And I don't want you interfering with him anymore, otherwise I will have to take measures of my own.." Oberon grinned showing sharp white teeth, "Understand?" Ian fumed but did not defy Oberon. He did not relish being striped of his powers and becoming one of the mortals that he so despised. Not trusting himself, he tuned away from Oberon's smirking face, and transformed instantly into his hawk form. He took off into the air and disappeared instantly in a swirl of black mist.. The Beast turned to Oberon, "Thank you," he said in his soft rumbling voice. Oberon shrugged, "Don't thank me. Truth be told my wife took a special interest in you." He paused, his face and voice softening. "I know my cousin has done grievous harm to you. I cannot begin to make up for that." They both stood silent for a moment, not really knowing to say to each other, when finally the Oberon cleared his throat, "I must be off now." He turned to leave but cast a glance back at the Beast. "Take care of her." The Beast nodded, "I will." At that Oberon took the form of a silver wolf and disappeared. * * * * * * The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months. Eve was content with the Beast. She enjoyed being with him, and talking to him. She never had anyone back at the cottage to talk with. The only thing that kept her from being completely happy was thoughts of her father. She missed him bitterly, and she kept thinking about him and how weak he looked the last time she saw him. Her thoughts dwelt on him one night at dinner, as she pushed her food around her plate. "You're very quiet tonight," the Beast said, interrupting her thoughts. She looked up startled, into his inquisitive eyes, and then blushed. "I'm sorry," she said, "It's just I've been thinking about my father lately. I miss him so much..." She could feel tears trickling down her cheeks and she quickly rubbed her eyes to wipe them away. When she looked up again, the Beast was no longer sitting across from her but crouching next to her, looking at her, his face filled with sorrow. She knew he was feeling horrible, because it was he who took her away from her family. He raised his large hand and brushed it against her cheek, wiping the tears that lingered there. "It is my fault that you are unhappy here," he rumbled softly as he cast his eyes downward, not being able to look her in the eye, "But maybe I can make it up to you." He held out his velvet-gloved hand and Eve could see a swirling light gathering in his palm. The light finally formed into a small ornate hand-held mirror, the only intact mirror that Eve had seen in this castle, not counting the one in her room. She also saw it reflected everything in the room, but the Beast. He took her hand and gave her the mirror. It buzzed faintly with magic and Eve could see her reflection distorting and swirling as if it was made of water. "Think of what you want to see the most and it will appear on the mirror," He said softly as she brought it up to her face. The surface of the mirror fogged over then cleared to reveal the image on her father. He looked so weak and pale that she burst into tears. "Beast! I must got see him," she cried, "He's dying.." She began sobbing. She felt the Beast's strong arms wrap around her and draw her into a comforting hug. She cried against his chest as she could feel him softly stroking her hair. Finally her sobs tapered off into sniffles and she looked up at her friend. His eyes were filled with inner turmoil. "Eve, I will let you go see him," he said in a gruff voice, "But I can only let you leave for 2 weeks. Any longer and I will die.." "What?" She drew back, studying his face for any signs of illness. He smiled softly at her, and there was such sadness to it that she felt as if she would cry again. "You have become a part of the magic here, Eve. If you leave forever, everything good in this place would fade away and I would die of pure loneliness," he said in a sorrowful tone, "Will you come back, my little beauty?" "Of course!" she cried, "I don't want you to die! You are my friend and it would break my heart if you did." A flash of bitter sadness crossed his face and he stood up. He pulled off one of his velvet gloves to reveal a large furred covered hand. He pressed his large embroidered glove into her small hand. "Before you go to bed tonight place this on your hand. It will take you back to your home," He pulled a necklace from around his neck that she had never noticed before. Hanging from it was a small silver key. He placed it around her dainty neck. She looked up at him questioningly. "This key is to a small pavilion behind the castle. You've never seen it, because it is hidden from prying eyes. Only the holder of the key can see it and open it's doors. Inside is all my earthly wealth and magic. If I die it will be there for you to take, for you and your family." "But Beast," she protested, "I don't want your treasure, I don't want you to die." "I know Eve," he said softly, "This is my way of showing you that I trust you explicitly" He stood, and pushed a lock of her strawberry blonde hair away from her face. He knelt down and placed a soft kiss upon her forehead. "Eve, do not forget your friend, Beast.." He turned and disappeared into the darkness. Chapter 11 Eve sat in her room, looking down at the velvet glove the Beast had given her. Her fingers traced over the intricate designs along the edges. The Beast had placed a lot of trust in her and she didn't want to let him down. He was very dear to her, the best friend she ever had, but she missed her father very much.. She would keep her promise, and come back after she made sure her father was well. Her eyes welled up with tears as she thought of the look on his face before he left her, and her hand went to her throat where the key was hanging. She shook her head to try and shake off her melancholy mood. She was going home, even if for just a moment. As the scent of roses drifted up to her, Eve stood up out of bed and walked to the balcony. She looked down as she was placing the glove on her hand, and she saw the Beast enter the garden below. She wanted to call out to him, but she could feel the magic of the glove wash over her body, making her unable to speak. The last thing she remembered was the sound of a sad, mournful cry that echoed from the garden. * * * * * * Eve felt as if for a moment she was flying, as she was bathed in a warm, bright light that enveloped her like a cocoon. Then the feeling faded away. She could hear the cracking of a blazing fire. She opened her eyes and found herself in her father's room. He lay, sleeping restlessly in his large bed. He was so pale, and he had lost a lot of weight. He began to mumble softly, calling out to her. Eve rushed to his side and showered him with kisses. "Father, father," she cried," I'm home! Please wake-up!" He opened his eyes to behold his daughter in all her beauty, "Am I dead?" he whispered, "Am I seeing an Angel in the form of my lost child? Or am I dreaming?" She smiled down at him as she felt her tears falling down her cheeks and landing on his face. "No father, its no dream and you're not dead. I'm here," she hugged him tightly. "Eve, you came back. You're safe!" He gave her a good look, drinking in every detail of her that he had missed during these long months. She looked like a princess out of a fairytale. "You must tell your sisters and Anton that your back," said before he broke out into a coughing fit. It subsided after a few minutes, and he smiled weakly at her. She was loathed to leave him, but he insisted. She paused at the door and took another look at him, before she descended down the stairs to see her sisters. * * * * * * "I hate this!" exclaimed Amelia as she looked at her broken nail in dismay. "Washing is so beneath me. We should have servants doing this. Eve should be doing this!" "Stop complaining," muttered Felicity, as she finished hanging up bed sheets. "Eve is gone and you shouldn't speak ill of the dead. Anyways it's just a broken nail." She was getting thoroughly sick of her older sister's complaining. "Just a broken nail?!" Amelia screeched. She threw the load of freshly cleaned laundry on the ground, and to Felicity's horror, stomped all over it getting it covered with dirt. She sneered at her sister. "You bitch!" Felicity screamed launching herself at her sister. Her fists went flying as both girls began to pull each other's hair, screaming at the top of their lungs. Anton, who had been chopping wood, heard the catfight and shook his head. He ran to the two women, trying to get between them, but ended up getting scratched for all his trouble. The three of them fell into a messy heap of twitching body limbs. "Umm.. Hello?" asked a soft voice in front of them. The three of them stopped their struggling, disentangled themselves and looked up. In front of them was a finely dressed lady in a black velvet gown, with red lace at the throat and sleeves. Scattered on the bodice were rubies and opals that sparkled in the sunlight. Her strawberry blonde hair flowed loose down her shoulders and small rubies hung from her ears. They looked at her with slack-jawed amazement. Felicity felt her face flush with embarrassment. The lady smiled and Felicity recognized her immediately. "Oh my god.. Eve?" Eve smiled down at her sister and reached down to take her hand to help her up. Felicity took the offered hand and stood up. Anton jumped up and immediately hugged Eve. "You're alive!" he said holding her in a bear hug and swinging her around. "Anton please," she managed to gasp, "I can't breathe." He put her down and gave her a sheepish grin. "We though you were dead," Felicity said, "We thought the Beast killed you!" "No," said Eve softly shaking her head as her fingers played with a silver key that she wore on a chain around her neck, "He's my friend. He would never harm me." Felicity noticed as Eve had been disengaging herself from Anton's embrace that Amelia was hanging back, looking at Eve with intense hatred. "So how long are you staying with us humble peasants?" Amelia sneered. Eve looked surprised at Amelia's hostility. "I.. I'm here for two weeks. I promised the Beast I would come back." "What?!" Anton's face flushed, "You can't go back, Eve! I won't allow it!" "I must go back, I made a promise." She shook her head as if she were trying to sort through her thoughts, "Look, let's go inside and I'll tell you the whole story." Her hand took Anton's and led him back into the cottage. Felicity followed but noticed that Amelia had stayed behind, with a look upon her face that made a cold chill run down her back. Amelia's eyes caught her sister's and she smiled an evil leering grin. Felicity scowled back and hurried inside. * * * * * * Amelia finally went into the cottage, as Eve, who was sitting in front of the fireplace surrounded by Anton and Felicity, was in the middle of her story. She told a tale of an enchanted castle filled with invisible servants and a beautiful rose garden. Amelia did her best to ignore her sister's voice as white-hot jealousy welled up inside her. Then Eve got to the part about the pavilion with the Beast's treasure. That got Amelia's attention immediately. "Why did he tell you about that?" she asked trying to keep her tone neutral and polite. Eve looked up, startled, "Because he trusts me," She replied in a soft tone, her hand moving up to a small silver key that hung about her neck. The movement was not lost on Amelia. "Eve," Anton said in a pleading tone, "why must you go back? You have to stay, I want to marry you.. If you'll have me." Amelia rolled her eyes. Anton's obsession with making Eve his wife was sickening. Eve blushed madly and avoided looking into Anton's eyes. "You know I can't. I told you, the Beast would die if I left him." "One would think you had feelings for him," Amelia muttered under her breath. Eve turned a darker shade of red, and Felicity threw Amelia a dirty look, but Anton was totally oblivious to the comment. "I'm going to check on father," Eve said in a subdued voice, "I bid you all goodnight." "I'll come with you," Felicity said, throwing Amelia one last look before she joined her younger sister. Anton sat there looking longingly after Eve, when Amelia was struck by an idea. "Anton, you love Eve don't you?" she asked in a pleasant tone. "With all my heart," he replied, his eyes still on the staircase where Eve had gone. "Would you do anything to keep her here?" she asked as she drew closer to him. "Yes," he whispered as he turned his gaze to her. "Good," she replied as a predatory grin spread across her face, "Then I may have a plan where we both get what we want...." Chapter 12 It was as if Eve had never left. She went back to cleaning, washing and taking care of her father. The only thing that had changed was that Felicity actually helped out. Felicity was become a fast friend. Eve told her everything about her time at the castle, and her sister was eager enough to listen. Eve talked much about the beast and how kind he was. At first Felicity was skeptical, but after a while she began to see Eve's feelings for the Beast. "I can see why you want to go back," Felicity said, "He's treated you much better than we ever have." Felicity gave her sister a sorrowful look. "Can you ever forgive me for being so horrible to you?" "Of course!" Eve cried as she embraced her. Finally Felicity was like the sister Eve had always wanted. Amelia, on the other hand, was just as spiteful as ever. She sneered at her sisters and did nothing to help around the house, but Eve didn't mind. This was the way it always was and she was quite used to it. To her relief Amelia seemed to keep Anton busy. He would keep throwing her pitiful glances now and then, but otherwise he stayed away. Life was so busy at the cottage that she did not notice how quickly the days went by. Her father was getting his color back and was actually getting out of bed for small walks and the house was cleaner than it had ever been since she had left. She was happy that she was with her family, but she knew that she had to go back to the Beast soon. The day she had to leave her father became ill again and she thought one more day wouldn't hurt. Then that one day turned into two, and two days turned into three. The longer she stayed, the worse she felt and she would become quiet and distant. Such a mood struck her, as she was busy serving dinner to her father and Amelia. Felicity was in the kitchen, cleaning the pots and pans they used to make their meal. Her father noticed how quiet she was. "Eve," he asked, his voice filled with concern, "Are you alright?" "She's just mopping," sneered Amelia, "She probably misses her life of luxury and feels she's to good to serve us anymore." "Amelia! Stop that!" their father scolded. Amelia just went on as if she didn't even hear him. "Tell me Eve," she purred, "Does he have hidden charms? Is that why you want to go back to him?" Eve dropped the pitcher of water she was holding, sending it crashing onto the wooden floor, as tears spilled down her cheeks. She ran from the room as her father called after her. She reached her room and tossed herself upon the bed, and burrowed her head into the pillows. Eve curled into a little ball and cried herself into a deep sleep. She was dead enough to the world that she didn't notice the figure that slipped into her room. The figure carefully pushed aside Eve's reddish gold tresses to reveal the chain that hung about her neck. The intruder deftly undid the latch and pulled the necklace and it's prized key away. Key in hand the intruder slipped quietly out the door and left Eve to her troubled dreams. * * * * * "Do you have it?" asked Anton as Amelia came downstairs. She took off her shawl to show off the chain that hung around her neck, with the silver key attached to it. She grinned maliciously, "It was like taking candy from a baby." A dark look crossed Anton's face, "If you hurt her..." "I didn't even touch her," Amelia sneered, "She was sleeping." Anton shook his head. "I don't know about this. Maybe we shouldn't do this." "Don't be silly," Amelia replied. She took Anton's face in her hands so she could look him right in the eye. "Look all we have to do is go to the castle and kill the Beast. Then Eve will be all yours and you'll have his treasure to support her." Anton nodded, "Ok. I'm in. Problem is how are we going to get there..." Suddenly they were interrupted as the door leading to the kitchen slammed open. Felicity stood in the doorway, seething. "How could you?" she cried as she turned a baleful glare on Anton, "She trusted you!" "I'm doing this because I love her!" he snarled back, "I won't let her go back to that monster." "The only monsters I see here are you two," Felicity spat. "If you kill him, she'll never forgive you. She doesn't love you, she loves him!" Anton stared at Felicity, his jaw agape. "You're mad!" he snarled. "She couldn't possibly love him!" Felicity gave him a scathing glare. "It's plain to see, if only you'd look! I want her to be happy." She headed towards the stairwell, "I won't let you do this to her!" As she made to go pass Anton, he suddenly grabbed her and placed a hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming. "We don't have time for this," commented Amelia, "Put her in the pantry and lock her in." As Anton did as he was told, Amelia thought she could hear hoof beats coming towards the house. She opened the door was stunned to see Storm Runner pawing at the ground in front of the house. A sly grin spread across her face. "Anton," she called, "It's time we were off to kill a monster.." Chapter 13 They rode hard into the night, as Storm Runner haphazardly navigated through the darkened forest. Branches and leaves smacked over Anton and Amelia's bodies, nearly knocking them off the dark horse. They both clung on tightly, not easily dissuaded from their mission. They arrived at the castle gates, which opened before them. Storm Runner galloped into the grounds, then reared, knocking both riders off onto the ground. Anton managed to land on his feet, but Amelia wasn't so lucky. He helped her up off the ground, as she cursed a blue streak. "Where is that damned horse?" she snarled, looking around in hopes of exacting revenge. But he had disappeared into the night leaving them both alone in the courtyard. "What now?" Amelia rolled her eyes, "What do you think? You have to go into the castle and kill the Beast, and then Eve will be yours." "What are you going to do in the meanwhile?" he asked. Amelia just grinned, as she played with the silver key that hung around her neck, "Oh I can think of several ways to keep myself busy..." * * * * * * * * The Beast laid upon Eve's bed, the blankets tangled over his body. He had stayed in her room since the day she was supposed to return, blanketed in a cloud of deep depression. She wasn't coming back. She was with her family, she was happier there than she could ever be with him. Tears leaked down his cheeks as he finally got up out of the bed and walked haltingly to the balcony. He looked down at the garden below him. The sea of roses was wilted, dying as his grief intensified. All except the red rose that stood in the center of the garden. It seemed to grow more vibrant as all the others died around it. A burning rage built up inside of him, as he stared down at the red rose that was mocking him. It was the cause of all his pain, the reason he was forever to remain a beast. He wanted to shred it into a million pieces and burn the remains until there was nothing left. The anger washed over him. He felt the need to tear, rend, maim, and kill.... He heard a sudden movement behind him, and spun around quickly, fangs bared. Before him stood a barrel chested young man, holding a silver dagger, poised to attack. "You're not going to take Eve away from me again, monster," snarled Anton. His eyes narrowed, "I'll make sure of it." * * * * * * * Eve awoke in a cold swear, her heart pounding madly in her chest. Amelia's jibes had never affected her this way before. Maybe what her sister had said in jest was truer than she had expected. She had feelings for the Beast that were far beyond just friendship. Maybe what she was feeling for him was... Her hand flew up to her throat and she gave a small shriek. The necklace with the key was gone! She searched frantically around the bed, hoping that the chain had broken and it had slipped into the bedding. It was nowhere to be found. "Oh no," she moaned, "Where is it?!" Suddenly she was aware of a drumming sound coming from below. She rushed downstairs and could hear muffled cursing punctuating the drumming noise. The sound came from the pantry. Eve unlocked the door and Felicity stumbled out onto the floor. "Felicity!" Eve helped her sister up, "What happened?" "Amelia and Anton.." Felicity gasped, struggling for a breath, "They took your necklace, then locked me in there. They went to kill the Beast!" "No!" Eve cried, "This is all my fault!" She ran up the steps to her room. Felicity followed at her heels. Eve opened a trunk at the foot of her bed and started rummaging through it. "What are you doing?" Felicity asked, puzzled. "I have to find it," Eve mumbled to herself, "Where is it?" She finally made a sound of triumph, "There it is!" Eve pulled forth the glove the Beast had given her. To her alarm it looked old and it had faded from a deep black to a dull gray color. Felicity looked even more puzzled but said nothing. "I hope this still works..." Eve pulled the glove over her hand. "You hope what works, Eve? What are you talking about...." Felicity stopped mid sentence. Her sister's form shimmered and then disappeared from sight. This was all too much for Felicity, who fell in a dead faint. Chapter 14 The Beast snarled as Anton's sword ripped across his chest. He was already bleeding from dozens of sword cuts along his arms and sides, but Anton had not remained untouched by the battle. The young man was bleeding from his share of claw gouges. They both backed up, clutching their respective wounds, looking at each other with pure loathing. "You already have Eve," the Beast growled, "Why are you here?" A look of bitterness crossed Anton's face. "She's too kindhearted for her own good. If I kill you she will no longer have an obligation to come back," Anton snarled. "Enough talk, monster, its time you met your death!" With that the young man lunged at the Beast. He feigned to the left, catching the Beast off guard and brought the pommel of his dagger up, cracking it against his opponent's skull. The blow nearly knocked Beast out cold. He roared in anger and opened the cage of the Hunger welling inside him. If it's a monster that this young upstart wanted, it was a monster he was going to get. He lashed out his claws gouging across Anton's pretty face. The young man yelped in pain and the Beast could see the fear in his eyes. This prodded the Beast on as he relentlessly attacked, driving his prey towards the balcony. Finally with one mighty blow he knocked him over the edge. Either by skill or blind luck, Anton managed to catch on to the railing before he plummeted below. The Beast stood over him, seething with rage. Every instinct told him he should kill this man right here and now, but what little left of his humanity told him that if Eve had even the slightest feelings for this man, killing him would make her hate him. He couldn't bear the thought of that. Beast reached out his hand. "Grab my hand. I'll pull you up." Anton looked at the Beast with hatred, and did not move. "Give me your hand, Dammit!" the Beast snarled impatiently, "It will do Eve no good if either of us dies." Still the young man made no move to take the Beast's hand. Finally the Beast reached down and tried to grab Anton's shoulder to haul him up. Anton moved to quickly for the Beast to react. He was still holding his dagger with his free hand. As the Beast leaned forward, the young man brought up his dagger and slipped it deep between his mortal enemy's ribs. The Beast roared in pain, and as he tried to pull the dagger out, he knocked Anton off the railing. Anton fell several stories to his death onto the rose bushes below. There was a sickening thud as his bones shattered to pieces in his body. After a moment the rose vines slowly came to life as they methodically began to wrap around Anton's body, pulling him into the bush. Eventually there was no evidence that a body had even been there. Back in Eve's room, the Beast staggered away from the window. The dagger was buried deep into his side and he was losing too much blood. If he could get the dagger out, maybe he could stanch the blood flow long enough for him to heal, but he was already weak from the many wounds Anton had inflicted upon him. Besides what reason left was there to live for? Eve wasn't coming back, and life without her... The Beast stumbled to the bed and wearily lay down. He closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable. * * * * * Eve arrived in the garden. It was in a sorry state. All of the roses, save for the bush in the center, were either dead or dying. She ran towards the castle, frantically calling out for the Beast, but there was no answer. She pulled open the glass doors and searched the room. Still there was no sign of him. The castle itself was dead and cold, which made her chest tighten with dread. Eve search the castle, room by room finding nothing, until finally she came to her own room. The room itself was a shambles as if there had been a struggle. Upon her bed, lying bruised and bloodied was the Beast. "Oh God! I'm to late!' she cried as she went to him. She saw the blade that was stuck into his side and recognized it to be Anton's. Anger well up in her. "Damn you Anton! How could you do this?" The Beast's eyes fluttered open. "Eve?" "Oh thank the Gods you're not dead!" she cried as sat next to him on the bed and pulled his head into her lap. She gently touched his battered face as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I thought.. I thought you weren't coming back," he whispered softly. "Oh no! I didn't mean to be gone so long.. Father got sick again and I was afraid to leave him, but now I know that I should of kept me word." She brushed her tears off from where they had fallen on his face. "Oh Beast I never meant for this to happen.." "Hush," he said as he brought a finger to her lips stopping any further words, "Eve, please, don't call me Beast anymore. My name.. my real name is Gabriel.." "Gabriel..." she looked stricken, "I.. love you... Gods, I wish I had told you sooner." He smiled sweetly at her, his own eyes sparking with unshed tears. "I love you too my precious Eve." She leaned down and brushed her lips against his. It was a tender, loving kiss. She could fell his had brush against her cheek then suddenly it fell. His eyes rolled back and his breath came is uneven gasps as he slipped into unconsciousness. "No!" she sobbed, "Please don't die..." She cried as she held him tight, not knowing what to do. There was no fairy godmother to appear and make everything better, no happing ending. It was just her, in this cold dead room with Gabriel's life slowly slipping away. "Hello?" Eve looked up to see a blond giant standing in the doorway. "Who.. Who are you?" she stammered, "Can you help me? Please, he's dying and I don't know what to do." The man rushed over to her side and began to tear up blankets off the bed and wrap them around the knife to stop the blood flow. After a moment Eve began to help and the both of them worked desperately to save Gabriel's life. "I'm Renner," he told her as he began binding the many wounds that covered Gabriel's body, "I'm a friend. I was sent to help." He looked up at her and flashed a grin, "Don't worry everything is going to be alright."