RELEASE By Razor Well, considering that this is my first story that I'm writing as a wolf, I hope it will work. A warning though: If you find homosexual behaviour offensive, or if you are under the age of 18, you should not read this. Of course, if you choose to ignore me, I can't really stop you. I really like feedback on my writing, and would appreciate responses from you. Tell me what I need to work on, or what I should continue to use. ICQ#: 78640210 Email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lone, Grey furred wolf stood at his bedroom window, hugging his body, staring out into the dark night. The moonlight that shone in through the glass lit up his pale fur, and sparkled on the tears that flowed down his muzzle. He shuddered slightly, a sob wracking his body, a tear falling to the carpet. Gingerly, he opened the window, letting the night breeze ruffle his fur. Taking a deep breath, trying unsuccessfully to relax himself, he slumped backwards onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Rolling onto his side, he looked over at the photo that stood on his desk. One of his family, his parents and his sister. Fresh tears welled up in his eyes and he turned away, sobbing more loudly. A sudden knock started him and he hurriedly dried his eyes. "Co... come in..." His mother peeked around the door, watching her son with concern. "Raz? Are you okay?" He turned his back to her and waved a paw dismissively "I'm fine mom... I just want to be alone." She nodded slowly and turned, closing the door behind her. Walking through to the living room, Raz's father looked up as she entered and spoke coldly. "He's still upset?" She nodded sadly and sat down next to him "Yes... oh Terry, won't you just talk to him? Just say something to him." He shook his head slowly and scowled "No Julia, what he's decided to be in unacceptable. I won't allow my son to be... that." "What dad!? Gay?" Both parents turned to see Raz's sister standing in the doorway. "Gods dad, you can't even say it... don't you realise that its not his choice. He needs your support now more than he has ever needed it, and look at you." She snorted in disgust and turned, walking out "No wonder he was so scared to tell you..." <~> A second knock. This time Razor didn't answer. He just buried his head under his pillows and sobbed. The door creaked open, and someone entered, then shut the door behind them. He felt a paw touch his shoulder, but he pulled away from it. Someone sat on the bed beside him, and again he felt the paw gently rub his back. Pulling his head out of the pillow angrily, he turned and snarled "LEAVE ME ALO..." The look on his sister's face stopped him mid-snarl. She stared back into his eyes, watching as the look on his muzzle faded into one of sadness and desperation. Throwing her arms around him, she hugged him tight, letting him cry out his pain on her. "Its okay Raz... I understand, even if they don't. I don't mind if you're gay..." She pulled back slightly and smiled playfully "Hey, just think, now we can perve over the guys at school together." Raz smiled slightly. "Oh Liz... you always know how to cheer me up..." He stopped and sighed. "I just wish they would understand... would accept me." "I know Raz. They will... they just need time. It was a bit of a shock for us you know..." She smiled softly and rubbed at his muzzle, wiping off the tears. "So... are you going to come out at school too?" Razor looked at her and nodded slowly. "I... I think so... but maybe just to a few people... it'll spread quickly once a few know." She nodded slowly and patted his back "Okay, I understand..." She grinned again "So... tell me what Tim looks like naked? You know, the football captain? You must have gotten a glimpse in the locker rooms." Razor shook his head, grinning playfully as he poked Liz in the tummy "Wouldn't you just love to know. Well... I'll give you a clue..." He grinned and held up his paws, about 2 inches apart. Liz looked confused for a moment, then giggled as she realised what he meant "Really? That short?! Hehehe, that pompous twit thinks he's the gods gift to women. And he's _that_ short?" She chuckled and hugged her brother. Razor hugged back happily and sighed softly "Thank you Liz... I needed to just forget about this for a while." Liz smiled, then stood up and opened the door, turning slightly "Sure bro, its okay." She grinned naughtily again "I've got a few good magazines with nude shots of guys if you'd like..." Razor snarled playfully, "Get out of here, you." and threw a pillow at her, but she giggled and closed the door, the pillow hitting against it harmlessly. Rolling onto his back, he looked up at the ceiling again, but this time smiling slightly as he thought to himself "Who cares if my parents can't accept me. I'm gay, and I like it..." <~> "RAZ! LIZ! Time to get up. You've got to get ready for school!" His mother's voice echoed through the house. Razor groaned and rolled onto his tummy, then back onto his back, feeling his hard cock rub against the sheets. He let out a little gasp of pleasure as he pulled the sheets back and felt the cold morning air against his exposed member, then lifted his towel off the hook where it hung and padded into the bathroom that bordered on his room. Flicking on the water with wave of his paw, he stepped into the stream and started by washing his headfur, then his chestfur. Reaching his waist, he replaced the soap in its holder and eased his paw around his shaft, leaning his back against the wall of the shower and just slowly stroking himself. Soon his strokes grew more renzied, and he was rewarded shortly afterwards with a spurt of cum and a stunning orgasm. Catching some of the cum in his paw, he licked at it, then he just stood there panting for a moment or two. After a while, he shook himself free of the afterglow and washed the rest of himself. Five minutes later he emerged from his room, wearing a pair of loose blue shorts and a tight black T-shirt and carrying his school bag in one paw. His sister emerged from her room at the same time, and she smiled lovingly at him. "I'm glad you're feeling a little better." Razor nodded and smiled, then took a deep breath. "Now to confront them..." he turned and walked down the stairs. His father was at the dining table, his muzzle buried in the morning newspaper. He looked up as Razor entered, then returned to the paper without a word. Raz sighed and walked through to the kitchen. His mom was working at the stove, cooking something that smelt less than appealing to Raz's stomach. He walked to the fridge, and pulled out the milk, sniffed it to check it was still fresh and set it down on the table. As he turned to get a bowl and some cereal, he found his mother standing in his way, trying to smile in a friendly way. "Honey? I... I just want to say... I'm here if you... well, if you want to talk..." With that she stood aside and lifted down a bowl from the cupboard and handed it to him. Razor nodded slowly and looked at his footpaws "Thanks mom... its good to hear you say that..." He ate his breakfast silently, staring down into the bowl. When he'd finished, he got up and put it in the sink, glancing out the window. The weather was gray and overcast, but he didn't mind. It was his favourite kind. Walking over to his mother, who had been watching him since she'd given him the bowl, he put his arms around her and hugged her tight, then stepped away and picked up his bag. "I'd better be going... I don't want to be late..." She nodded and smiled "Goodbye honey, have a good day at school." She turned to the door and shouted "LIZ! Time to go!" A moment later Liz bounded in. Razor smiled and walked past her into the hall, opening the door and stepping outside, sighing contentedly as the cool wind touched him. She joined him quickly, patting his arm. "You ready for your first day of freedom?" He cocked his head to one side and frowned, "Freedom? What do you mean?" Liz smiled "Well bro, no more hiding... you can be yourself now." He grinned and poked her "I'm always myself Liz, I'm no different now. The only difference will be that people will know that I'm gay." He took a deep breath. "I just hope there are people that won't mind being around me..." Liz smiles softly and took his arm in hers "You know there are... I know a few of my friends won't mind at all. I bet quite a few will actually be proud of you for being so 'out there', if you'll excuse the pun." He nodded slowly and started to walk, sniffing the air and smiling as he caught the scent of flowers. This day seemed to have a special quality to it. He wasn't sure what, but something. <~> Students loitered about in the halls, putting things in or taking things out of their lockers. Razor walked to his slowly, keeping his eyes on the floor as he opened it. He was starting to feel very nervous. Getting his books for his first class out, he turned and found himself face to face with a large tiger. "HEYA BUDDY! How was your weekend?" The tiger slapped him on the back, then moved to the locker alongside Raz's, and proceeded to unload a few books from it. Razor grinned nervously at the tiger and smiled "Hi Kevin... it was fine thanks. How about yours?" The tiger grinned and held up a paw "Don't even ask... do you know how much homework I had? Impossible amounts... I stayed up till three this morning doing it..." Raz chuckled and nodded "Yup, and I suppose you only started doing it at two." Kevin grinned sheepishly "yeah, well... I was busy with other things..." Just then the bell rang, signifying the start of an assembly. Kevin and Razor glanced at each other in surprise, then followed everyone else. All furs padded through into the auditorium and took a seat. Razor sat down alongside Kevin, in an aisle seat. After the few moments it took for all furs to take a seat and settle down, the principal took the stage and adjusted the mike. "Good morning students. I won't keep you long, but this assembly has been called to address a serious matter. It has come to our attention that some of our senior students are harassing others." He stopped and cleared his throat as his eyes scanned over the auditorium. "I want to make it clear that this behaviour will NOT be tolerated. And don't think that just because you've got great grades or that you're a star athlete that you will get away with it. The school will take every necessary step to stop this cowardly bullying. That is all... you may go to your classes now." With that he turned and walked off the stage. The auditorium erupted into noise as everyfur stood and made their way to the exits. Razor smiled softly as he watched the bustle. It was good to blend into a crowd instead of having to always distance oneself from others. He took a deep breath and prepared himself for his first class. Taking his usual seat up front, he watched as the others filed in and sat down. His teacher, an young vixen, arrived soon afterwards, looking especially pleased with herself. "Morning class... I'm glad you're all back from your weekend. Did you enjoy it?" Murmurs and nods rippled through the class, but Razor looked down at his footpaws, knowing that he certainly hadn't. The teacher continued "Well guys, I took the time over the weekend to grade your work... very good. And I want to ask one student in particular, if he would grace the class by reading his. Razor?" Razor felt the knot in his stomach aching unbearably and he looked up at his teacher. This was it... time to drop the cloak, to reveal the real person. Slowly, he stood, nodding, and he moved towards her and accepted the paper from her paw. An unassuming A+ stared back at him from the top of the page, and he smiled softly. "Well Razor..." She touched his shoulder gently and looked into his eyes understandingly, "... would you read this poem of yours for us? Take your time." "I... I'll try Ms., but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get through it all..." She nodded slowly to his answer and patted his shoulder. At this point the rest of the class was starting to get very intrigued as to what the poem dealt with. "Well... when I wrote this poem... uh, well I wrote it one night, when I was feeling very down and scared... and well, it says something about me that... that I've been scared to admit... but its time that I do." He took a deep breath and started reading. "If into my soul I stare and watch, I see no evil intent or malice. People tell me that what I am is wrong, That my existence is unnatural and warped. But I cannot see this within me... I am who I have always been... I have always been this way, I am..." He hesitated and looked around at the class, then up at the teacher, who smiled softly and nodded. "I am, gay." The response from the class was immediate. The usual soft buzz of noise from them transformed into silence. Utter silence. All eyes focused on him, and he could feel his resolve crumbling and the tears welling up in his eyes. Then, right at the back of the class, a female bear stood up, and started clapping. She was soon joined by a male cheetah, who sat alongside her. Trying to make out the class through his tears, he watched as more joined the applause. He felt his fur turning red with embarrassment and he wanted to run out of the room, but his teacher rested a soft paw on his shoulder and kept him in place. She turned to the class and held up a paw, bringing the applauding students to a silence. "What Raz has done today was very brave. I'm pleased to see that some of you can appreciate that. To the others, try and understand how difficult it was for him to read this poem, knowing how some furs may react to it. Thank you Razor. You can sit down now..." Razor's body felt numb as he moved to sit, and he just stared at the floor. The lesson continued, but Razor felt the inquiring gazes on his back. He tried to avoid making eye contact with anyone, until finally the bell rang and released him from his bonds. Standing slowly, he followed the others outside. To his surprise, the bear and cheetah that had led the clapping were waiting for him. The bear immediately smiled and extended her paw. "Hey Raz... my name's Debbie. I've seen you around, but we haven't talked before. I just want to say that what you did in there... it was incredibly brave of you. And well..." The cheetah hopped up and down and grinned "... Debs just means, if you ever need some furs to just be around and have fun with, we'll be there... we don't mind you being gay. Oh, my name's Sparky." He extended his paw, shook quickly and darted off down the corridor. "See you guys later... gotta get to my class..." Razor watched the cheetah disappear around the corner, then stood staring at his footpaws, Debbie standing a few steps away. She spoke softly to him, "I've got a free period now... how about you?" Razor looked up and nodded "Yeah... me too." "Well..." she patted his shoulder "... would you like to spend some time talking?" Razor smiled and wagged his tail gently "Well... I'd like to find out more about these two strangefurs that rescued me back there. If you two hadn't applauded..." he stopped and shrugged. Debbie grinned and shook her head "Someone else would have... come on, silly wolf, let's go get a bite to eat..." With that said, she propelled Razor down the corridor towards the fast food place just outside the school. Soon she had him seated at one of the tables and was busy getting a pair of burgers from the counter. She returned and slid his across the table to him, then sat down and took a bite of hers. Razor chuckled and started eating. After a few bites, he looked up at her and smiled "Well... uh... so, why did you applaud? Really." Debbie shrugged and smiled back "You look like a nice guy. Gay or not, you're still a person. And there's nothing wrong with being gay. What you did took guts, and well, I'm sure that right now you're feeling pretty alone, so I thought, hey, maybe we can be friends. Anyway, I rather like gay guys... most are sweet... like you." Raz blushed and looked down at his burger "nah... I'm not sweet..." Debbie laughed and reached out to hold one of his paws "Yes you are... look at you, blushing from a compliment." She paused to take another bite and chewed it thoughtfully. Looking inquisitively at Raz, she asked, "So what do you think of Sparky?" Razor blinked, staring at her for a moment, then grinned and shook his head "Gee, why does every girl I know always ask me what I think about guys when the find out I'm gay..." Debbie giggled and shrugged "Maybe we think that you'd know them better than we would... after all, you are a guy... you understand them." Razor smirked and nodded "Okay. Well, he's cute... a bit jumpy for me, but he's got a nice muzzle." Debbie smiled dreamily "And that gorgeous ass..." Razor laughed and nodded "Your words, not mine..." glancing at his watch as the bell inside the school rang, he cursed and stood up. "We're going to be late for our classes..." Debbie smiled and nodded "Yeah... what have you got now? I've got accounting." "I've got Biology..." Debbie turned and sprinted off down the corridor, turning and shouting "Hey Raz, see you after school..." Razor waved and smiled, padding off to his class. He was feeling much happier now that he knew some people were okay. <~> He was slightly late for his class, and all the others were already there. He could hear that the class was talking loudly amongst itself. As he opened the door and stepped in, silence fell. Again he felt the fur of his muzzle reddening as he crossed the classroom and took his seat. The old badger that was his teacher smiled sarcastically and remarked "Nice of you to join us, Mr. Wolf." Razor nodded and murmured "Sorry sir..." "Yes, well don't make a habit of it." He turned to the board, where he started drawing diagrams of the internal anatomy of an extinct species. "Well class, if you'll observe the chest cavity, you'll notice that... blah blah blah blah." Razor looked down at his notepad and his thoughts drifted off away from the lesson. Something made him prick his ears up, and he caught a snatch of a conversation going on behind him. "... wonder what he was doing to make him late." "Probably rutting in the bathroom with some other fag... perverts." Razor drooped his ears and hung his head. He had known that there would be some... but he had been starting to hope that he would avoid them. He tried closing his eyes tight to hold back the tears, then tried to blink them away. Finally, holding a paw over his face, he raised his paw gingerly. The teacher turned to face him. "Yes Mr. Wolf?" "Sir... please can I be excused... I'm feeling a bit sick..." The teacher watched him for a moment then nodded. "Okay Mr. Wolf... Go to the bathroom and get a drink of water... if you're still feeling bad, go to the nurse." Nodding thankfully, he rose from his seat "Thank you sir..." Once the door had swung shut behind him, he ran to the bathroom, the tears fighting back at his attempts to hide them. Holding himself up on one of the basins, he sobbed loudly, the tears falling down off his muzzle and collecting in a small puddle at his footpaws. Suddenly the door swung open and his heart stopped. He spun away from the person entering, trying to hide his tears. A soft voice spoke. "Raz? Mr. Saor sent me to check if you were okay... uh..." Razor could hear the fur coming closer, then he jumped as he felt a paw touch his side. "Hey... you're crying..." Raz opened his eyes slightly, and staring back at him, with a pained expression on his muzzle, was another wolf with fur almost the same colour as his own. Raz stepped back, covering his face with his paws. "I... I..." The wolf tried to smile softly, but succeeded in only looking more worried. He gently took hold of Raz's paws and pulled them away from his face. "Hey... sshh.. it'll be okay. I heard those guys talking, and I saw how you reacted... sshh... " The wolf reached up slowly and stroked the side of Razor's muzzle. "What do they know anyway..." Razor sniffed and nodded slowly, then looked up at the other wolf, who was still stroking his muzzle. The wolf seemed to suddenly realize what he was doing and dropped his paw, stepping back quickly. "I... I... sorry... " He hung his head slightly, looking at Razor. Razor tried to smile, reaching out with a paw and touching the wolf's shoulder. "No, don't be... thank you for understanding." He wiped the tears from his muzzle with the back of his paw and smiled "M... maybe we should be going back to class..." The wolf nodded and perked up a little. "Hey Raz, it really is going to be okay. Not everyone thinks like those guys in there. By the way... " He held out a paw. "... My name's Jeff." Razor smiled softly and shook Jeff's paw, then turned slightly and started towards the door, turning back and motioning for Jeff to follow. Jeff grinned and nodded, padding off after Raz. Returning to the class, Raz once again felt the gaze of all the others on him. Mr. Saor looked up from the board and asked, "Are you feeling better, Razor?" in a rare use of first names. Raz nodded and smiled, taking his seat again. He watched Jeff as the wolf walked to his seat at the back of the class. A moment later, after the class had resettled, the lesson returned to its previous monotony. <~> The day flew by. Maybe it was his imagination, but more and more people seemed to be taking note of him as he passed them in the corridors. He spotted Debbie and Sparky once, but they disappeared before he could catch up to them. Jeff on the other paw, was in fact in most of Razor's classes, even though he'd never really noticed him before. Razor pondered the fact that he knew surprisingly few people at school... partly because he kept to himself a lot. Although he didn't have chance to speak to Jeff again during their lessons, he smiled at the wolf every chance he got, and mouthed his thanks more than once. Jeff just smirked and blushed. When the final bell rang, all furs sprung up from their chairs and practically sprinted to the exits. Razor stood and gathered his things at a more leisurely pace. A shadow fell over his desk and he looked up, smiling nervously up at the other grey wolf, who was looking equally nervous. Fumbling with his bag then dropped it as he turned to face Jeff. Jeff stooped to pick it up before he could, handing it back to him. "Uh... Raz... I was just thinking... would you like to spend some time with a few friends and me? We're going up to the lake to swim and have a picnic sort of thing... and I was wondering if you'd like to come." Razor nodded eagerly even before Jeff had finished talking. He really didn't feel like going back home and spending the afternoon there, not when he knew what was waiting for him. "I... I'd like that Jeff. Uh... but I'll have to pick up a few things from home." Jeff nodded and smiled, then turned and started to walk out the class. "That's okay. I don't mind waiting a few minutes. I don't think the others will either. Come on..." Razor grinned at the other wolf and followed him out. The corridors were already pretty much deserted, but Raz could make out two furs waiting at the main doors to the school. It was Debbie and Sparky. Smiling happily, Debbie turned and grinned, then walked forward with her arms open. Razor smiled and stepped up to her, but she moved past him and hugged Jeff tight. "Heya Jeffy boy... so, you ready for our picnic?" Sparky grinned and held up a basket. Jeff grinned and nodded, then looked at Raz. "Uh... I hope you guys don't mind, but I invited Raz... that okay with you?" Debbie and Sparky exchanged a mischievous glance and nodded, then the cheetah spoke up. "No problem at all... If you hadn't, we were going to." Razor shook his head, trying to make sense out of the situation. "Hold on... Jeff? These are the friends you spoke of?" Jeff nodded and grinned "Yup... Debs and Sparks and I have been friends for a while now." Debbie grinned and patted Razor and Jeff on the backs and started pushing them towards her car "Come on you two silly wolves... pile in the back and we'll get going." Jeff grinned at Razor and hefted his bag onto his back, then hopped into Debbie's car, which turned out to be a high powered sports car. Razor blinked and looked at Debbie. "Wow... nice car..." She smiled and nodded "Yeah... daddy dearest is far to generous sometimes... come on wolf..." She slapped his butt playfully. "Get in..." Razor yelped, then chuckled and hopped into the car, sitting next to Jeff. He couldn't help but glance across at the other wolf, who happened to be watching him too. They both grinned. A few moments later and they were on the road. Five minutes later and they pulled up alongside Raz's house. As Raz walked through the door, his sister sprinted down the stairs and glued her nose to the window. "WOW, cool car Raz... whose is it?" Razor smiled and patted his sister's head "A new friend... uh, are mom or dad home?" She shook her head, "Nope... both still at work. Why?" "When they get back, tell them I went out with some friends... I don't know what time I'll be back." With that said, he sprinted up the stairs and started throwing things into a bag. A towel, a Speedo, and a change of clothes for afterwards. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and chuckled happily. He was feeling like a little pup, that familiar feeling of excitement running through him, and he couldn't figure out just why. Lifting the bag, he dashed down the stairs and out the door, vaulting into the car. He turned and waved to his sister as Debbie started the engine and roared off down the road. As the cool air rushed against his face, he let his tongue loll out and catch the wind. Chuckling happily, he glanced across at Jeff and grinned when he saw that he was doing the same thing. Debbie shook her head and elbowed Sparky. "Just look at those two... typical canines..." The cheetah laughed as he turned around in his seat, and leant on the headrest. "You two had better watch it... bugs don't taste great if they splat against your tongue..." Jeff and Raz looked at each other and giggled, then returned to airing out their tongues happily. Debbie chuckled and shook her head. "Canines..." The drive to the lake was uneventful, apart from Jeff and Raz giggling uncontrollably at each other as one tried to make a funnier face than the other. Debbie breathed a playful sigh of relief as she parked the car near the shore. "Okay, get out you two, go romp in the bushes or something..." Raz chuckled and hefted his bag, then padded off towards the changing rooms, followed closely by Jeff and Sparky. Setting his bag down and hauling out his Speedo, he turned so that the others couldn't see his sheath and balls and quickly dropped his pants and pulled on the costume. Turning back, he saw that the others were doing the same. He smiled softly and packed up his clothes in his bag, then hauled out the towel and slung it around his shoulders, then scampered back to the car. Debbie had already laid out a big blanket and unpacked the picnic basket. Jeff caught up with him just before he got to the blanket. Debbie stood up and turned to face them, then studied the two wolves' bodies and whistled appreciatively. "Well I'll be... I think I've died and gone to hunk heaven..." Raz and Jeff blushed and looked down at their footpaws, and Debbie burst out laughing and flopped down onto the blanket. "ooohahahaha... Oh you two should see your faces... hehehehe... man, you're both so cute when you're embarrassed." Just then a black and yellow blur streaked by them and shouted "Last one in the water's a black and blue human..." There was a loud splash and the blur disappeared into the water. A few moments later, a grinning cheetah surfaced a short distance from the shore and started paddling about on his back. Raz turned to Jeff and Debbie. "But... I thought cats hated water?" Debbie chuckled and shrugged "Well maybe... but Sparky's the exception to the rule..." Razor grinned and started running for the water, yelping in surprise as Jeff leapt onto his back and brought him down in the shallows. Raz rolled Jeff off, and they both sat up, giggling and splashing water at each other. Debbie cascaded past them, drenching them both in water and paddled out to Sparky. Glancing at each other, Razor and Jeff smiled happily. Raz got up slowly, shaking off the water and grinning at Jeff. "Thanks for inviting me Jeff... I needed to get away from it all." Jeff nodded and held out a paw, and Raz pulled him upright. "I guessed that you would. You really didn't look too happy in the bathroom. But I'm glad that you did come... " He chuckled and pointed over his shoulder to Debbie and Sparky, who were now kissing and hugging each other. "These two normally get like this... and I'm left to paddle by myself." Raz smiled softly as he watched Debs and Sparky, then turned and padded up onto the shore and stretched himself out on the grass, sunning his fur happily. Jeff grinned and followed, sitting down alongside him. Opening his eyes, Raz looked up at Jeff and noticed that the other wolf was gazing at his crotch. He shifted his hips slightly and poked Jeff lightly in the side with a paw. Jeff started and looked up at him with a guilty expression on his muzzle. "I... I... sorry..." he hung his head. Razor smiled and rolled onto his side, looking up into Jeff's eyes. "Its okay if you want to look... I don't mind. I mean... uh..." he couldn't think of the words to finish the sentence. Just then Debbie and Sparky emerged from the water and padded up to them. "Well guys... are you feeling hungry?" Debbie asked as she shook off the water clinging to her fur. Welcoming the chance to change the subject, Razor stood up and grinned, then helped Jeff to his footpaws and nodded. "You bet Debs... What's for lunch, hmm?" Jeff seemed to sigh in relief and Sparky shot him a quick glance, then grinned and sprinted up to the blanket, flopping down and hauling sandwiches out of the basket. Debbie joined him and Jeff followed soon thereafter. Razor hung back, trying to make a little sense out of something that was nagging at his mind, but that he couldn't put his paw on. When Debbie called again, he gave in and scampered over, catching a sandwich as Debbie tossed it to him. "There yah go Raz. Enjoy." She smiled happily and munched at her own sandwich. Sparky leaned closer and whispered something to her, and she frowned, looking across at Jeff questioningly. Jeff drooped his ears and shook his head. Razor glanced from face to face and scowled. "Okay guys. What's going on here? I can tell that something isn't right, by the way you lot are exchanging silent messages." Debbie nodded slowly "Raz, Jeff has something he wants to tell you. Don't you Jeff?" She looked at him playfully. "Come on Jeff... I bet you that him of all people will understand." Raz glanced at Jeff, who was looking a bit nervous. He took a deep breath and nodded to Debbie. "Okay Raz... I... I guess I need to say this. I mean... well... you see Raz. A few weeks back... well... about one week really... I... I admitted to myself that I was gay." He looked at Debbie and Sparky, who nodded reasuringly. Razor blinked, then looked at Jeff and crawled towards him, then suddenly threw himself onto the unsuspecting wolf, pushing him onto the floor and laughing happily. "OH WOW!!!" He sat up, straddling Jeff's waist. "I never thought I'd find another gay guy in Capeclaw..." Suddenly realising what he was doing, he jumped off of Jeff, and sat back down on his corner of the blanket. Jeff sat up, slightly stunned and grinning happily from ear to ear. As Razor and Jeff exchanged happy looks, Debbie and Sparky grinned at each other. "See Sparks, I told you they would..." "Well Debs, I must admit that this time you were right. They definitely are. Your matchmaking might have pulled it off this time." Realising that they were obviously the topic of the conversation, Razor and Jeff looked up suddenly and both grinned sheepishly, as Razor crawled closer to Jeff and held his paw. He was definitely starting to feel like he was in love.