RELEASE 2 By Razor Gee, the second part already. This one seems to have grabbed me by the balls and pulled me in. The obligatory forewarning: If you find homosexual behaviour offensive, or if you are under the age of 18, you should not read this. Again, I'd like to say that I'd really enjoy some feedback on my writing. ICQ#: 78640210 Email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day was winding to an end. The four friends had played themselves to a standstill, and now, as the sun was just beginning to touch the tips of the trees, they all began the walk back to the car, pulling themselves into it tiredly. Debbie tossed the basket into the back, between Razor and Jeff. Jeff looked down at it with his head cocked to one side, then lifted it and shifted up, snuggling against Raz's side. Razor jumped slightly as Jeff touched him, but he quickly relaxed and put an arm around the other wolf. Resting a paw on Raz's tummy, Jeff started softly murring, and closed his eyes, leaning his head on Raz's shoulder. Debbie started the car, and they were soon back on the road. Before long, the soft rumbling of the vehicle had sent Jeff off to sleep. Razor smiled softly and unzipped his bag, pulling out a jacket and easing it around the sleeping wolf. By now, the sun had set, and the wind blowing through their fur was a little chilly. Sparky looked over his shoulder at the pair and smiled. "He's a sweet guy, isn't he Raz?" Razor looked up from watching Jeff and nodded, "Yeah... I'm glad I got to meet him." Sparky grinned playfully, "You've got that look on your muzzle. I've seen it before. You've got a crush on our little Jeffy, haven't you?" Razor blushed, then glanced back at Jeff, stroking at his headfur gently. "I... I think that maybe... maybe I do..." Sparky smiled and nodded "He's had one on you for a while... that's why he was so happy that you came along with us today." He stopped and chuckled, "Do you know how thrilled he was when he found out you were gay too. I told him right after you told us in English... and he nearly fainted from excitement." Razor smiled down at Jeff and hugged him gently. "Why didn't he talk to me at school before?" Sparky shrugged, "Same reason we didn't, I guess... you always seemed a little... well, stand-offish..." Razor nodded sadly and looked back at Sparks. "Yeah... I have been a little hard to be around in the past... but now that I've got all these feelings released..." He grinned and poked Sparky in the nose, then giggled as the cheetah stared back at him in surprise. Debbie, who had up until now just been listening quietly, suddenly spoke up. "Oh dear Sparks... we've got ourselves a wolf with seventeen years of bottled-up fun in him." She laughed softly and looked across at Sparky briefly, then back at the road. "I think we're in way over our heads..." All three laughed softly, not wanting to wake up Jeff, and Debbie put the roof on the car up to lessen the cold bite of the wind. By the time they pulled up outside Raz's house, he was starting to nod off himself. The car's engine turning off and the bright streetlights brought him back to reality. Looking down at the sleeping wolf against his side, he wondered how he was going to get out without waking him. He didn't have to think long, because a moment later Jeff murmured sleepily and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Uhr... Are we back in town already?" He looked around through narrowed eyes, the bright light hurting them. Razor smiled softly and nodded, then pressed his paw against Jeff's leg. "Jeff, I just want to say... well... thank you for inviting me." He turned to Debbie and Sparky. "And to you two... well... thanks for being friends with me..." Picking up his bag, he opened the door and stepped out. Suddenly a paw grabbed onto his tail and tugged gently. Turning, he saw Jeff holding out his jacket to him. "Raz, you forgot this..." Razor smiled softly and shook his head. "You keep it... you can give it back to me at school sometime..." Jeff grinned happily and hugged the jacket against his chest, "Thank you Raz... you don't know how much this means to me..." Razor grinned softly and touched Jeff's cheek. "Oh, I think I do..." He winked at Sparky and mouthed a 'thank you', then turned and padded up to the front door of his house. He turned and looked over his shoulder as the car pulled away. His eyes locked with the other wolf staring back at him, and he smiled happily. Then the car turned a corner, and he could no longer see him. He fumbled around inside his bag to find his set of keys, but the door opened suddenly, his father appearing in the doorway. He frowned angrily and stepped aside, pointing behind him. "Get inside Razor!" Razor jumped back a little, the response from his father scaring him. Recovering, he nodded and walked gingerly past his father. Inside, his mother stood in the doorway to the kitchen, watching worriedly. Raz smiled softly at her and started towards the stairs up to his room. "STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!" Razor froze, turning slowly and staring at his father, who had closed the door and was now standing alongside his mother, his arms crossed. "Uh... dad?" "Don't 'Uh... dad?' me. Where the hell have you been? Your mother and I were worried sick. For all we knew, you'd gone off with some of those..." He hesitated, but the look on his muzzle was unmistakable. Razor snarled and turned, stalking up the stairs. "Firstly, it's none of your business. Secondly, if I had gone off with some gay guys, it would STILL be none of your business." "Razor! Get back here or I'll..." The rest of his father's words were drowned out by the slamming of his room door as he hurled it closed behind him. Dropping his bag at the foot of his bed, he turned and locked the door. A few seconds later, he heard angry knocking. "Open this door Raz! Open it, or I'll break it down!" Razor lay back on his bed and sighed. He was used to these shouting matches. Luckily, over the years, he'd learned to manipulate his parents' feelings. Turning onto his side he shouted back, "Well fine, go right ahead, break it down. But if you do, you lose a son. I'll walk out right now if you do." To his surprise, the door splintered, and seemed to fall in slow motion to the floor. His father stood angrily behind it. "GET OUT YOU LITTLE SHIT! YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE ANYMORE!" Razor's mother ran up the stairs, having heard the sound of the door breaking. Seeing what was happening, she clung to his father's side and pleaded, "No Terry, don't do this... Where will he go?" Razor's father stalked away, shouting back over his shoulder "I DON'T CARE! Just get out!" Razor stood staring at the door on the floor, the shock still coursing through his body. Slowly, the realisation of what had happened dawned on him. He wanted to cry, but his body wouldn't let him. Slowly lifting his bag, he set it on the bed and unzipped it. His mother appeared in the doorway. "OH RAZ... don't go, he doesn't mean it..." Razor hung his head sadly and shook it. "No... he means it..." Looking to his cupboard, he started picking a few clothes, packing them into the bag. Turning to his bookshelf, he took down a few books and things that he treasured, then turned to his desk and did the same. His mother started crying and turned away, running to her room. He turned and watched her leave, shaking his head sadly. Lifting his bag and slinging it over his shoulder, then picking up his school bag, he looked sadly across the room, his eyes resting on the photo of his family. His paw stretched out to lift it up, but wavered, and he let it fall back to his side. He turned to leave his room, but found the doorway blocked by his sister's body. The look on her muzzle was one of confusion as she glanced from the broken door to his face. "Raz? What's happening Raz? I heard dad shouting, but not what he said..." Razor hung his head. He'd hoped that he wouldn't have to face his sister. Sighing loudly, he looked back at her, then gently pushed his way past her into the hall, speaking softly. "Dad's throwing me out..." "WHAT!?" Raz clearly heard the shock register in her voice. He nodded slowly, then trudged down the stairs. "But... but... where will you go Raz?" She clung to his arm and tugged hard. Breaking free gently, he turned and hugged her tight. "I... I don't know sis... I... I'm scared." His sister stared up into his eyes, then turned and rushed up the stairs. "Hold on Raz... I'll be right back..." Razor stood in the silence of the lounge. He could hear his parents arguing... but it didn't register in his mind. He looked blankly around, at the house that he'd grown up in. All this suddenly seemed like a dream. No, more like a nightmare. His sister sprinted down the stairs, waving a small sheet of paper. She folded it into a tiny square and pressed it into his paw. "Raz... this is the address of a friend of mine. I know that she will help you. Just say that you're my brother, she'll understand." Razor stared down at the paper, nodding slowly. Tears welling up in his eyes, he embraced his sister tightly. She hugged him back, talking into his ear, "Oh gods... I never thought they'd do this to you Raz..." Razor pulled out of the hug, nodding slowly, "Me neither... but he did. I... I'd better go, before he comes back out. Thank you Liz. We... we can talk at school... that is... if they..." he nodded upstairs, "...don't have me kicked out of school too." Liz nodded slowly, squeezing his paw tight, then opening the door for him. "I'll look for you tomorrow Raz..." Razor nodded and stepped outside. The night's cold wind suddenly seemed even colder. The darkness seemed to tower around him, and fear surged inside his chest. He turned, looking over his shoulder at his sister. She was crying, hanging her head against her chest. He sighed sadly, trying to hold back the tears, but as they broke through, everything seemed to just swamp over him, and he started running, trying to escape from the feelings. His house faded into the darkness, and the tears in his eyes blurred his surroundings. He ran and ran, eventually just collapsing on the sidewalk and sobbing his heart out, the tears pooling underneath him. The street lamps shining down harshly on his body were little comfort. The wind whipped against his tear soaked muzzle, chilling him further. He forced himself upright, sobbing and holding himself tightly. He finally managed to open his paw, and slowly unfolded the piece of paper. Looking around him at the street addresses, he knew he had a way to walk before he would reach the place his sister had given him. Shaking his head, still trying to accept that this had happened, he started trudging across the street, and on towards the address. <~> The loneliness he felt, even though there were cars on the streets, was indescribable. It ripped at his insides, and his tears flowed again each time he thought about his home. Clutching his bags to his chest, he looked up and found that the place he was looking for was just ahead. It was a nice house. White walls, a low stone fence surrounding it. But at the time, even its unremarkable appearance seemed menacing to Raz. He sobbed uncontrollably as he pressed his paw against the doorbell, barely hearing the ring from within the house. A few moments later, the door opened, and a concerned looking female feline opened the door. She looked like she was in her early twenties. Her fur was a dark gray colour, almost black, and she wore a black and white, tight fitting dress. Around her neck, a small pentacle hung on a silver chain. Seeing his tear stained muzzle, she immediately took his arm and led him inside, not even asking who he was or what was wrong. She seated him near a blazing fireplace, and he sat there, crying and rocking slowly, trying hard to stop. She sat down on the arm of the chair he was sitting in, handing him a cup of warm hot chocolate and smiled softly. "Ssshh... it's okay." She started gently rubbing his back, and the relief he felt from the touch of another fur seemed to just take the edge off all of his pain. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, and then a sip of the warm drink. He could taste the alcohol, and looked up at her questioningly. She smiled and patted him. "Sharp wolf eh? Don't worry. It's just to relax you... Liz phoned me a few minutes ago." He nodded, still not able to talk. He just sat, staring into the fire. She stood up slowly, keeping her paw on him for as long as possible before walking into the next room. She returned a moment later with a plate of food, mashed potatoes and a slab of meat. Gently placing it on the coffee table near him, she smiled softly and touched his shoulder. "I know you're probably not feeling hungry. But you will be when you start to feel more relaxed, and I thought you might like some food." She sat down again on the arm of the chair, and put her arms around him. "Ssshhh... don't worry. You can stay here as long as you need to." Looking up into her eyes, he tried to smile, nodding thankfully, then opened his muzzle to try and speak, his voice sounding shaky, "I... oh thank you... its so..." Hugging him reassuringly, she touched his nose with one paw, smiling. "Its okay Raz. Just unwind a little. I know this can't have been an easy night for you." He nodded slowly as she rose and took a seat opposite him. He suddenly felt his stomach protesting about being empty, and he leant forwards, picking up the plate. She smiled softly and nodded approvingly. He was just about to take a bite out of the meat when he cocked his head to one side and looked at her. "Um... Uh... I don't know your name..." Smiling playfully, she crossed her legs. "My name's Delphi. Call me 'Del' and I predict a rather painful future for your crotch..." Raz couldn't help but smirk at this and nodded. "Okay... Delphi it is then..." He raised the fork to his mouth again, but stopped just short. "Uh... Delphi... thank you." Smiling softly, she nodded, then pointed at the fork and frowned playfully. "Eat... before your sister accuses me of not feeding you." Nodding slowly, he began eating. The food in his tummy helped to sooth his nerves further, and he started to relax more, trying hard to forget that something had gone so wrong. Soon he was smiling again. He 'wolfed' down the rest of food and sat licking his lips. "Yum... thanks Delphi..." Laughing amusedly, she stood and took the plate from him. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Want more?" He stood too, shaking his head. "No thank you Delphi. You've been more than kind to me... I feel that I am somewhat in your debt..." Delphi laughed again and pressed the plate back into his paws. "Fine... you can wash the dishes..." Grinning sheepishly, he nodded, then scampered off into the room that he guessed must be the kitchen, judging by all the delicious smells coming from it. He was right, and was soon up to his elbows in soapy water. Delphi walked in and lifted herself up onto one of the counters, watching him wash. "So Raz... you feeling better?" He turned and nodded, smiling ponderously. "I don't really know why... I mean, I felt terrible to start off with, but then you were so friendly to me. I guess it made me realise that it's not the end of the world. I mean, I can always find a place for myself." She smirked and nodded "Yeah... that's a good way to look at it. So..." She stopped and chuckled, then grinned naughtily and asked, "... you wanna perve over the male models on TV with me? Not often you find a guy that can appreciate a good butt." She grinned again. Laughing and drying his paws off, placing the last plate on the rack to dry, he turned and grinned, then tossed the dishcloth at her. "Well, if you insist..." She chuckled and walked over to him, flicking the dishcloth at his ass. "You've got a nice one yourself. Come on... I've got a few vids we can watch." Following her into the lounge again, she flopped down onto the couch and patted the cushion next to her, then picked up the remote and flicked on the TV. Sitting down next to her, Razor stretched and lounged back against the couch, sighing contently. She chuckled and poked him in the side as the opening credits scrolled by. "I'm glad you're feeling better. I would have thought that you would have cried the night away, but you've recovered well. Must be a wolf thing. So Raz... have you got a boyfriend yet?" He blushed slightly and shook his head. "Not yet... but well... um... I do have a sort of crush on a guy..." Grinning, she eyed him lewdly, "Oh really? Do I know him? Come on... tell me who..." Razor was a little lost for words, "Uh... well... um... I don't know if I should... He's not out of the closet yet... uh... and he doesn't know that I like him." Delphi smiled more softly and touched his paw, "Okay then. Just between us, who is he?" Razor smirked and nodded, "Okay... his name is Jeff..." Delphi's jaw dropped a little, then she grinned widely, "JEFF? You mean Jeff Straford?" She giggled softly and poked him again. "Why Raz, you lucky little horndoggy." She laughed and flicked the TV off, turning to him. "So... tell me what you think about him. You seen him naked yet?" Razor blushed bright red and sort of stuttered, "Uh... no... I... I haven't yet..." Chuckling softly, she smiled at him. "You know that he's hot on you too?" Rolling his eyes and sighing playfully, he giggled. "Gods, did everyone know this before I found out? And anyway, how do you know him?" Delphi chuckled and shook her head. "Well, not everyone, but a few of us... the people that Jeff talks to. We go out to parties sometimes. So... are you going to tell him that you've got a crush on him?" Razor nodded softly and smiled, "Oh yeah... I think I really do like him." He smiled dreamily and thought back to the afternoon. He felt a poke in his side and shook free of the dream. Delphi laughed and pointed at Raz's pants, which had started to develop a bulge in the front. He blushed bright red again and tried to cover it with his paws. "Uh... uhr... um..." Chuckling naughtily she hugged him softly and shook her head, "Its okay Raz. I don't mind. He _is_ a cute wolf." She stretched and yawned slightly. Razor yawned too and stood up, suddenly feeling very tired. "Uh... Delphi, is it okay if I try get some sleep?" She smiled softly and nodded, then led him through to the guestroom. "I'll wake you up in time for school, okay?" Razor nodded and closed the door behind her as she left. Shedding his clothes, he blushed again as he thought about being noticed like that. Digging around in his bag, he found a pair of boxers and pulled them on. He normally slept naked, but this was someone else's bed. As if she had read his mind, Delphi opened the door suddenly, turning Razor a dark shade of red again, since the bulge was much more noticeable now. She smirked and giggled. "Hey, don't worry about it... you can sleep without them. I don't mind." Razor held his paws in front of his crotch and smiled weakly "Uh... how did you know..." She smiled softly and tapped the side of her head. "Oh... I have my secrets..." She closed the door. Razor stood there for a moment, then slipped out of the boxers and into the bed quickly before Delphi decided to make another unexpected entry. But she didn't. He lay there, enjoying the caress of the silk sheets. He'd been pleasantly surprised by them when he first slipped into the bed. He'd never slept in silk sheets before, and the feel of them on his shaft was heavenly. Staring up at the ceiling, he slipped a paw around his hard penis, then decided it was a bad idea and returned it to his side. The day's events had been far too numerous, and his mind whirled with all the different experiences. Eventually he couldn't hold himself back any more, but instead of pawing in the bed, he got up and went and sat in the corner, and started stroking his cock heavily, gasping softly and trying to keep the noise level down. More than once, he glanced at the door, and hoped fervently that Delphi didn't walk in. Grunting happily, he felt the release he was looking for, and he held his paw over his cock's head, catching all the cum and swallowing it quickly, cleaning it up in an instant. Leaning his head far forwards, using his wolfish flexibility, he sucked lightly on his cock, just lapping up the last droplets of cum, and shivered happily. Satisfied that he was clean, he slipped back into the bed, lying there and panting heavily. His mind was slightly cleared after his pawing session, and soon thereafter, he slipped off into a deep sleep.