RELEASE 3 By Razor *grins* Not much to say, except I'm REALLY happy I've got this far in the story and still have a plot planned. Same old warning: If you hate gay stuff, or are underage, get your butt off this page. Right, to those of you still here, enjoy *grins* ICQ#: 78640210 Email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A pair of gentle arms wrapped around his body. He felt like he was floating in an ocean of warmth and happiness, and as he focused on the scene, he stared up into the beautiful emeralds of that were Jeff's eyes. The gorgeous wolf sat atop his chest, his hard cock bobbing temptingly in front of Raz's muzzle. Jeff leant down and kissed his headfur, then pressed his cock's head against Raz's lips. Razor smiled lovingly and obligingly opened his muzzle. The hard, red penis slipped in easily, touching against his tongue and... "Raz? Raz? Time to get up Raz... you've got to get to school..." The words pulled him out of the dream suddenly, and he opened his eyes, looking up sleepily at the bright sunlight streaming through his window. A silhouetted Delphi smiled down at him. She sat down on the bed, watching him amusedly. "You must have been having a very good dream. You were practically panting... oh..." She giggled and glanced down at the bump that Raz's hard member was making in the sheets. "I guess I should leave you to get changed." She chuckled naughtily, and as she stood up, grabbed a pawful of sheet and pulled it off him, exposing his naked body. She giggled and ran from the room, stopping to get another look at him. He was so surprised that he just sat there in bed, looking too embarrassed to do anything. She smiled softly "Sorry Raz, I couldn't resist... by the way, nice cock..." and with that said she disappeared from the room. Razor collapsed back against the pillow, groaning in embarrassment. Sitting up slowly, he swung his footpaws out of bed, then looked around for his bags. Cursing softly, he stood up and whined loudly "DELPHI!!! Bring back my bags! Please!?" A muffled voice could be heard from downstairs "Nope... come fetch them, cutey..." He sighed softly and swallowed his embarrassment, willing his cock to soften, but not succeeding much as he padded down the stairs, feeling each and every bounce of his shaft. Poking his head around the corner of the door into the kitchen, he saw Delphi leaning against the counter at the far end of the room. She grinned naughtily and extended a paw, holding out his bag. "Come on... come fetch it..." He gave her a pained and embarrassed look and whined again "Delphi..." She giggled and shook her head. "Oh come on Raz... if we're going to be living together, we're going to have to get comfortable with each other... I'm just helping you to get over yourself..." She giggled again "... and I'm enjoying the view too..." He sighed, and stepped out from hiding, letting her see his body, then hung his head and walked across the kitchen. She smiled naughtily and handed him his bag. "Okay... you earned it... now get upstairs and get yourself dressed, silly wolf." He turned, wagging his tail slightly and practically sprinted upstairs. Reaching his room, he closed the door and slumped back against it, breathing a sigh of relief. He had to admit though, the rush he had got from being so embarrassed, and overcoming it, had been pretty good. He dressed hurriedly and padded back downstairs. Delphi grinned and turned to face him. She'd just put a plate of pancakes on the table, and was wiping her paws on a dishcloth. "I'm really sorry about doing that to you Raz. But I did it for a reason. We are going to be living together, and I don't want you to collapse in shame if I walk in on you pawing off or something, and the reverse is true too. It helps to get comfy with each other's nakedness." Raz nodded uncertainly and sat down at the table "Okay... but no more unsheeting me in the morning just so you can catch a glimpse of my hard-on... okay?" She giggled and nodded. "Okay Raz. Maybe that was a bit overboard. Here... eat up. You're gonna be late." Razor had munched down three pancakes before Delphi lifted her car keys off their hook and bundled him into the waiting jeep. Delphi drove like a maniac, and Razor frequently dug his claws into the seat each time she took a corner. Pulling up outside the school, he breathed a sigh of relief and climbed out, nodding his thanks to her. She smiled. "The keys to the house are under the potted plant round back. If I'm not back yet, don't worry about making yourself at home." She grinned naughtily and eyed him. "But no sex on the kitchen counters..." Razor grinned innocently. "I don't think it'll go that well... it's only the second day I've known him..." She chuckled and nodded at something over his shoulder, "Looks like you've got someone looking for you..." and then drove off. Turning around, he spotted Jeff sprinting towards him, wearing his jacket. The wolf skidded to a halt just short of him and threw his arms around his chest. "OH GODS RAZ! Your sister told Debs about what happened... gods, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Is everything alright? You're not feeling too bad? Is Delphi taking good care of you? She's not being too naughty is she?" Razor laughed and held up his paws, "Slow down Jeff... not so many questions at once. I'm fine... Delphi was really comforting last night. She was a little devious this morning though..." Jeff giggled and shook his head. "She did that to you too, huh? I think I must have turned purple with embarrassment when she did it to me." Raz smiled softly and put his arm around Jeff lovingly and stared into his eyes. "Jeff... I've got something to say..." Jeff suddenly looked nervous and glanced around, then looked back up into his eyes, "Ye... Yes Raz?" Razor grinned and lowered his head, leaning in close and whispering in Jeff's ear, "I... I think I love you..." Jeff stood for a moment, taking in the words, then howled happily and hugged Razor tight. Everyone outside the school turned and looked at the two, just as Razor planted a kiss on Jeff's muzzle. Jeff pulled away, seeing that everyone was watching, then shrugged and returned to Raz's arms, realising that it was too late, and that everyone would now know he was gay. Razor looked around, then back at Jeff. "You're okay with this... I mean, I know I shouldn't have kissed you, I'm sorry..." Jeff shook his head and hugged Razor tighter. "No... it's okay. I don't mind coming out, so long as I've got someone to love me and hold me... someone like you..." he leant against Raz's side as the first bell rang. Glancing at his watch quickly, Jeff looked up at Razor and kissed him again, then jumped back and turned. "Oh damn... our first lesson is apart. But, we've got free lessons together today... shall we meet in the library?" Razor nodded happily and hugged Jeff close before shooing him away. "Go... you'll be late..." Jeff giggled and nodded, then sprinted off towards the doors of the school. Razor followed at a more leisurely pace. He didn't care if he was late this time... he was in too good a mood. <~> "And so, it was by using the animals endemic to the region that Alexander conquered so vast an empire. Of course, this was long, long before our time. At that stage, any genetic engineering was pure fable. Now, if we look at..." With the voice of his teacher droning in his ear, Razor was staring happily out the window, watching the clouds. Each one seemed to resemble him and Jeff snuggling with each other. A silly grin developed on his muzzle as he thought about how he felt about Jeff. The cute way he wagged his tail, the little smiles that made Raz feel so good inside and that adorable muzzle. He sighed contently, watching a bird fly by. "Mr. Wolf! Would you please pay attention." The old beaver seemed very ticked off by Raz's dreaming. Razor jumped and returned his gaze to the lesson, trying hard to listen carefully. The beaver nodded, partially mollified, and returned to teaching. <~> Jeff sat with his muzzle propped up on one paw, gazing in boredom at the slides of the constellations. Normally this fascinated him, but his mind was dominated by other thoughts. He tapped his pencil absently against the page of his notepad, then started drawing a little doodle, then looked up at the clock on the wall. The minutes seemed to drag past. He had no idea how he'd make it through the day if he didn't get to see Raz soon. The teacher started rambling off about how most of the planets in the solar system were named after Roman gods, and the image projected onto the screen switched to one of Venus. Jeff sighed happily and thought to himself, "Ah... Venus... goddess of love... ", And he sighed again. Debbie leant forward from her seat behind him and poked him gently in the back, trying to save him from the wrath of the teacher. He jumped and looked back at her, then nodded thankfully and tried to concentrate again. <~> Razor paced back and forth in the corridor in front of the library, wondering where Jeff was. A moment later someone hugged him from behind, and two paws blacked out his vision. He heard a happy giggle as he reached up and took hold of the paws, then turned around. Jeff leant forwards and planted a kiss on his muzzle, then pushed the door to the library open and tugged him in after him. The librarian was a young female cougar, and she smiled sweetly at Jeff and beckoned him closer. "Oh hi Jeff... who's the hunk?" Jeff blushed and turned to Razor, hugging his side, "This is Raz... you remember, I told you about him." The cougar grinned conspiratorially and nodded, "Aah... the famous Razor. You know, your little confession caused quite a stir amongst the staff, young man." Razor cocked his head to one side and looked at her. "Really? Why?" She shook her head sadly and looked back at him, "Not everyone was approving of your choice to come out. A few of the staff had something to say about it... I won't name names, but I suggest that you tread carefully for the next few days, okay Raz?" Jeff gave Raz a comforting hug and rested his head on Raz's shoulder. "Stupid teachers..." Raz smiled and nodded his thanks to Ms. Bell, her name visible on a little tag on her shirt, then padded with Jeff to a table far in the back of the library. Holding Jeff's paws, he smiled lovingly at him. "How were your classes?" Jeff rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Ugh! Long and boring... how about yours?" Razor nodded and snuggled closer to Jeff. "Same... " He pressed his muzzle against Jeff's neck and kissed him happily. Jeff giggled and pushed him off gently as some other students padded in. Raz sighed and nodded. "Okay, maybe I'm being a little pushy." He stopped and gazed at Jeff longingly, "But its because I've never had anyone like you..." Jeff smiled softly and rested his paw on Raz's leg, scritching gently. "I know... neither have I. But we can't go getting all hot and steamy here." He giggled and pondered something for a moment, then looked deviously at Raz. "What you doing after school?" Razor grinned and leant against Jeff, whispering in his ear, "Oh... you, I hope..." He giggled and sat back, grinning at the smile on Jeff's face. Jeff squeezed Raz's leg playfully. "Well, maybe. I... I'm not sure if I'm ready... but we'll see..." They spent the rest of the period chatting arbitrarily about different things, and fondling each other under the table. <~> The lessons for the rest of the day seemed to go much faster. This was probably because they were all lessons which Jeff and Raz both took, in addition to which Razor decided to change his seat and take one alongside Jeff. Jeff almost invariably took a seat at the back, which suited Razor just fine, because the teacher couldn't see them playing with each other. In science, Raz swapped places with Jeff's lab partner. It wasn't hard to organize, since Raz's partner was this guy's girlfriend. Jeff chuckled happily as Raz sat down. "You're a conniving little wolfy, aren't you?" he giggled and poked Raz's tummy. Raz laughed and grabbed Jeff's paw, pressing it against his crotch and grinning, "Ain't nothing little about this wolf." Jeff chuckled and squeezed lightly, getting a soft moan out of Raz, and then let go hurriedly as the teacher arrived. His large dragon frame was fairly intimidating, even though he was as gentle as a newborn bunny. He smiled amiably at the class then nodded. "Well class, today I thought we'd do a few experiments with dyes... the equipment you'll need is in those cupboards." He pointed to a set of cupboards near the door and waited for everyone to get their stuff. Razor smiled and stood, looking down at Jeff. "I'll get it..." and padded off before Jeff could argue. He picked up the stuff, and carried it back to the desk very carefully, balancing all the beakers and test tubes precariously in one paw. Once the class had settled, the teacher explained what had to be done, and how to achieve the different colours, and then left it up to the students to decide what colour they wanted to try and make. Raz and Jeff decided on a nuclear green, and set about preparing their solution. The teacher walked around the class, checking that everyone was doing okay. "For heaven's sake kids, be careful with this stuff though, okay? If you spill any on your fur, you won't be able to wash it out. It'll have to grow out by itself. And knowing the school rules, you might just have to shave it off anyway. I'm sure none of you want to walk around with a bald patch for two or three weeks." Murmurs of agreement rumbled through the class, and beakers were suddenly handled with much more care. Razor and Jeff nodded to each other. They worked so well together. It was as if the one knew what the other was thinking, and so they could compliment each other perfectly. Jeff would do one step, and Razor would follow up with the next almost immediately. They had finished their dye long before all the others, and Razor held it up to the light, admiring the colour. "Wow... it's so kewl!" Jeff extended a cautious paw and touched his arm, "Careful Raz... I don't much want to have to shave all that gorgeous fur off of you..." Raz smiled lovingly at him and set down the beaker then raised his paw to call the teacher. The dragon turned and smiled, padding to the back. "Oh... I see you two are working together now." He leaned closer to Raz and smiled, whispering, "Good on you Raz... you're a brave guy. It's just what the school needed, a bit of shaking up... and you too Jeff." Jeff blushed and nodded. Smiling softly, the dragon picked up the beaker and examined the contents. "Ooh... very good you two. Does it work? Have you tested it on a strand of fur yet?" Raz and Jeff stared blankly at him, then shook their heads. He smiled and set the beaker down. Razor was looking at the beaker, when Jeff leaned across playfully and yanked on one of his whiskers. The wolf eeped in surprise as it came away in his paw. "OW! JEFF!?" Razor stared at him in disbelief, clutching his muzzle. The teacher spun round, checking what all the commotion was about, then laughed loudly and carried on checking on teams. Jeff drooped his ears and looked guilty, holding up the whisker for Raz. "I'm sorry... I was only playing. I... I didn't think I'd pulled hard enough to yank it out..." Raz recovered slightly and took the whisker. "Well... okay, I forgive you... but don't do it again without asking me." Dipping the whisker into the solution, he waited a minute then drew it out again. The tip had turned a brightly coloured green. He grinned happily and threw his arms around Jeff. "IT WORKS!" Jeff giggled and pushed him off gently. "Calm down Razzy... of course it does." Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Raz jumped up, Jeff only just rescuing the beaker. The teacher returned and chuckled. "Eager little wolf, isn't he? Here, give the beaker to me Jeff. You two go have fun..." Jeff grinned and handed over the beaker, just as Raz grabbed his other paw and dragged him towards the door, carrying both their bags on his shoulder.