RELEASE 4 By Razor Wow, its really coming together for a change. I don't think I've ever got this far in a story before. Anyway, Same warning as usual: This contains gay sex, relationships, as well as a little violence and some harsh language. No underage people, or homophobic bigots. *smiles* and if any of you are regular readers, PLEASE drop me a line at my email addy or ICQ number. I'm not feeling great about my writing right now, and could really use the encouragement. ICQ#: 78640210 Email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Razor tugged Jeff down the corridor, the other wolf eeping loudly as he took each corner with incredible speed, and somehow managed to avoid all the other furs in the corridor. As they burst through the doors of the school into the outdoors, Razor screeched to a halt and took a deep breath of the sweet breeze that was blowing. Jeff leant on his knees and panted a little, recovering his breath. "R... Raz... slow down... I'm not as fast as you..." Razor turned slowly, putting his paws around Jeff's waist and gently pulling him closer and nuzzling at his neck "I'm sorry... I just got carried away. I'm feeling like I'm walking on air today." Jeff chuckled and ran one paw through what was showing of Raz's snowy chestfur, grooming it with his claws, and smiled. "Its okay Razor. Just let me keep up with you from now on." Razor laughed and nodded, spinning with Jeff slowly. "So... um... we have a whole day ahead of us... what would you like to do?" Jeff looked at Razor for a moment and shrugged. "I dunno... what would you like to do? I mean, my afternoon's free... so, I can do anything with you." Razor smiled a little and stooped, picking up Jeff's bag and slinging it over his shoulder alongside his own. "How about we go back to Delphi's and I'll make us lunch, and then we can maybe watch a movie or something... we can rent one on the way there." Smiling softly, Jeff nodded, "That sounds wonderful..." Putting one arm around Jeff's waist, Raz turned and they both started off down the path to the street, and then down to the video store. Jeff glanced about nervously once or twice, and Razor realised what it was, and immediately removed his paw from around Jeff. Jeff looked up at him, nodding an almost regretful thanks to him. Razor smiled and squeezed Jeff's paw briefly to tell him that it was okay. (O) They reached the video store after about a 5-minute walk, which they spent idly talking about things at school. Upon entering the store itself, Razor recognised a groups of furs in the store from school, and let out a very low, quiet growl as they turned away from him and whispered to each other. Jeff tugged on Raz's arm gently, diverting his attention away from the furs, and to the racks of videos. Raz was happy to let Jeff pick out the video, but there were so many he liked, that they ended up taking three instead. Razor chuckled softly and walked to the counter, then put the videos on the account he knew his parents had at the store. The guy behind the counter nodded imperceptibly to him and gave him a soft smile, then gestured with his eyes to the group of furs, who were just leaving the store, and shook his head sadly in disapproval. Razor stared a little in surprise, then cracked a big grin. He was pleasantly surprised by the fact that so many people were approving, or at least being indifferent to the fact that he and Jeff had come out. He was also surprised that so many people knew so quickly. Jeff came up behind him and placed a paw on his shoulder, and Raz picked up all the vids and turned around, smiling. Jeff gave him a soft, quick nuzzle then moved towards the door. "Come on... at this rate, half the day will be gone before we get anywhere." Raz chuckled and unzipped his school bag quickly, popping the videos into it, then zipped it up again and followed Jeff back onto the street. He let out a loud growl when he saw that same group of furs that had just been inside, were now standing defiantly in their path. A squat, rather plump looking lion was at the head of the group, and he spoke in a low, nasal snarl that made him sound more like a rodent than a feline. "Well, well boys... look what we have here... the school fags." Jeff let out a low whimper, and Razor moved instinctively closer to him and responded venomously. "What is it to a rat like you, Trevor?" Trevor looked around his group, who started laughing, before he himself laughed darkly. "Oh... everything, Razzy boy. You see..." He flexed his paws a little, and his feline claws sprung from their hiding places, "... me and the boys here... well, we don't really like the idea of you and your little slut over there checking us out in the locker rooms. Or spreading your homo diseases all over the place. So we're going to have to make sure you don't get the chance." The rest of Trevor's group nodded slowly and growled. Razor growled in return and shook his head. "6 against 2 isn't really a fair fight, wouldn't you say Trev? And we're both fags... pansies. That pushes the odds up even more. Tell you what... I'll make you a deal." Trevor laughed and shook his head "No way wolf... we're gonna whip yo..." Razor interrupted. "Here me out, rat. You and me... one on one. I win, you never bother me or Jeff or any other gay person or anyone we know ever again. You'll swear that on the honour of your gang. I lose... well... I lose. You get what you want." Jeff grabbed Raz's arm and whimpered "No Raz... no, you'll get hurt..." Trevor seemed uncertain about the deal, and started to shake his head, but Raz interjected "Oh come on Trev... are you saying you're afraid that you can't win against a homo in a one on one?" The lion looked about nervously for a moment, his gang waiting expectantly for his answer, then his expression hardened, and he nodded. "Fine wolf. No holds barred... available weapons apply, but no firearms." Razor nodded slowly, then removed his shirt and handed it to Jeff, who was looking like he was about to burst out into tears. Leaning close to him, Raz whispered into his ear. "It'll be okay Jeff. But... if something happens... run... run as fast as you can. Go to Delphi's and get help." Jeff swallowed heavily and nodded as Razor turned back, then suddenly grabbed Raz's shoulder and turned him back to face him, and kissed him deeply. There were cries of disgust from the gang behind them. By this stage, the video store manager had been alerted to what was going on, and had picked up the phone. Jeff stepped back a little, clutching Raz's T-shirt to his chest and mouthing "I love you" Raz turned back to face the lion and gently stretched his muscles. The lion watched with a look of disgust, and growled "Are you ready yet, or are we going to wait here all day while you make your fag ass pretty for me." Razor growled deeply and sank into a fighting stance. "Come and get me, shitface." Trevor let out an enraged roar, and lunged forward, slashing with his claws at Razor's face. Ducking under the lion's blows, Razor moved quickly, lashing out with one leg and tripping the lion, sending him crashing to the sidewalk. The gang, who had been cheering their leader on, went silent for a moment, then started cheering again. Razor moved off a little, keeping well away from the gang, and once again readied himself. The lion spun to his feet, and roared more loudly. He started circling, Razor mirroring his moves calmly, watching the lion's muscles for any sign of his next move. Seeing the lion's arms bulge slightly, he leapt backwards as the cat's claws slashed out again, only just missing the tip of his nose. Landing and recovering quickly, Razor hurled himself forwards and drove two quick punches into Trevor's stomach, using his claws to rent at the fabric of Trevor's shirt and then used his own momentum to bowl him over. Once again, Trevor fell to the hard concrete heavily, grazing his forehead. The pain seemed to spur the gang leader on, and he leapt to his feet more quickly that Razor had anticipated, swinging his paws wildly at the wolf. Razor jumped backwards again to avoid the swings, but had by this stage moved closer to the gang. A mangy-looking panther stuck out his footpaw, and Razor tripped backwards over it. He tried to steady himself, but that moment of hesitation cost him, and Trevor bounded forwards and slashed at Razor's face. Raz let out a howl of pain as the claws of the lion cut into his cheek, and he fell to the ground. A loud cheer rose from the gang, as well as a shout of fear from Jeff. The shout from Jeff brought him to his senses, and he rolled quickly out of the way of the lion's next attack, the gang scattering around him as he stood. Growling at the now grinning lion, he touched gingerly at his cheek, and realised that it wasn't even a bad set of cuts, barely breaking the skin. Snarling in defiance, he laughed darkly. "I would have though I'd be ground beef by now... you must not be all your reputation says you are, Trevor." He smirked cunningly and decided to have one more jab at the lion. "Oh, by the way... nice ass." The lion howled angrily and grabbed up a length of metal pipe held out to him by one of the gang, and came at Raz swinging it in a flurry of fur and metal. Razor ducked and dodged as best he could, but still took a blow to his shoulder which made him sink to his knees and clutch it. Seeing that he had hit his prey, Trevor stood back and gloated, "Not so cocky now, are we, wolf." And he lowered the pipe slightly, the sun glinting off it slightly as Razor saw his chance. Raz lunged forwards, grabbing up the pipe and wrenching it out of the surprised lion's paws, then spun around with it once to gain momentum, and brought it down heavily on Trevor's skull. There was a rather dull clunk, and the lion's eyes seemed to go blank, and then he crumpled to the floor, unconscious. Grasping his shoulder, which was crying out in pain from the exertion, Razor dropped the pipe with a clang and stepped back, then looked up at the gang, who had gone completely silent. "On your honour as a gang... you know what the agreement was." The gang members all nodded, still staring stunned at their leader. The sound of a distant police siren seemed to snap them all out of it, and they sped off in different directions, leaving just Raz, Jeff and the unconscious Trevor. Jeff ran forwards to Raz's side and held him up as he tried to sink to his knees clutching his arm. "RAZ!? Are you alright?" Gritting his teeth slightly, Razor nodded. "Its gonna be a massive bruise... but I'm okay." Jeff stared at him for a moment, then growled loudly. "You idiot! You could have gotten yourself killed, and then where would I be? All alone, without anyone to love me like you do..." Jeff let his voice trail off slowly when he saw Razor's pained look of guilt and continued more softly. "But gods, you're the bravest guy in the world." And he threw his arms around Raz gently. Razor let out a soft grunt of pain, then smiled lovingly and nuzzled a little at Jeff, before moving forward and kneeling by Trevor's side. Slowly checking the lion's pulse, for a moment fear welling over him that he had gone too far, he sighed in relief when he felt the steady "lub-dub" of the lion's heartbeat. "He's going to be okay... will probably just have a concussion and a lump on his head for a while." The store manager scurried out of the door and came over to the two wolves. "You two get out of here... I'll take care of things here. The police will arrive soon, and it'll be easier on the two of you if you don't have to be involved in this all." Razor nodded thankfully and groaned as he got to his feet, Jeff coming to his side quickly and holding him tight. "Lets get you back home... I'm going to want to clean up that scratch on your cheek." Razor looked at Jeff softly and nodded. "Okay... yeah..." (O) Jeff left Razor leaning against a wall, while he went to fetch the keys round back. Razor's shoulder was still aching a little, as it would doubtlessly do for a few days yet, so Jeff had carried the bags back too. Raz was deeply touched by the way the other wolf had taken over and was being so caring and sweet to him. Jeff returned and unlocked the door, smiling and helping Razor inside, even though there was nothing wrong with his legs. Once inside, Razor slumped onto the couch and sighed, and Jeff went through to the kitchen and came back with a bowl of hot water and a damp cloth, which he used to gently clean the cuts on Raz's face. Razor winced and groaned, and Jeff poked him once or twice to make him stay still. "Oh come on you big baby... you can face a gay-bashing lion with a metal pole, but not me with just a damp cloth?" he giggled softly and put the cloth down. "There, you see... all done." Razor felt his cheek slightly, then winced and held his shoulder "Oh damn... so much for making you lunch... I can't do it with my arm like this." Jeff immediately sat down alongside Razor and put his arms around his waist "Gods Razor... you've just been in a fight for your life... and you're talking about making lunch?" He let out a soft giggle, then looked ponderous. "Raz... um... where did you learn to fight like that?" Razor smiled and shrugged softly, then winced from his shoulder. "I took Karate classes for a while. Got as far as a blue belt before I decided I didn't want to go further. Still it did come in handy." Jeff murred softly, his eyes shining proudly as he looked at Razor. "You were amazing. I was so scared for you though. Never do that again, please Raz." Razor nuzzled against Jeff's neck very softly and kissed his cheek. "I did it for you Jeff. I'd protect you again in an instant. I couldn't bare the thought of you getting hurt. But now Trevor and his gang will never touch us. They're bound by their own code of honour." Laughing softly, he smirked. "You'd never think honour was important to a bunch of furs like that... but it is." Jeff stood slowly and grinned down at the wolf, and gently touched his shoulder. "I tell you what... I'll make lunch for us both. You just sit here and rest." Razor groaned slightly and stubbornly stood up, "Nah uh... you're not leaving me alone in here. I'll sit in the kitchen with you." Jeff laughed and nodded, following Razor into the kitchen. Raz seated himself at the table, while Jeff busied himself, first opening the fridge to see what was there, then checking the cupboards. Razor smiled a little and asked, "So... you've known Delphi long?" Jeff nodded as he cracked a few eggs into a bowl and started beating them. "Oh yeah... long time now. She was like a big sister to me when I was smaller. If she's going to a party, and has no one to go with, she'll ask me sometimes to go with her, even though I'm no party animal. She's one of the first people I ever told about my feeling for males." Razor smiled and nodded. "She certainly is a character." Jeff chuckled and nodded, selecting a few spices from a rack and adding them to the egg mixture. "It's wonderful that its Friday... we have the whole weekend to be with each other." Razor nodded softly in agreement and leaned back in his chair, watching Jeff move about the kitchen, unable to keep his eyes from watching the wolf's sexy butt as he stood at the stove. Jeff half turned and grinned softly when he saw Raz raise his eyes quickly and look innocent. "Well... I'm glad that at least you like my butt." He wagged his tail slowly, then raised it up, giving Raz a better view, and returned to cooking. Razor blushed bright red and let out a soft giggle, but none the less continued looking at the sexy wuff. He could already feel his wolfhood hardening in his pants and blushed brighter, hoping Jeff wouldn't notice just yet. He didn't want to move things too quickly with his first love ever. While Razor had been caught up in his own thoughts, Jeff had finished cooking, and had set a plate down in front of Raz, which had on it a rather yummy looking omelet. Jeff set down his own plate right alongside Raz's, then pulled a chair round so he could sit close to him. Digging in with gusto, Razor murred loudly between mouthfuls of omelet, and every now and again rubbed his paw along Jeff's leg. Jeff smiled and put his own paw on top of Raz's and squeezed it gently. It didn't take long for them both to finish off, and Jeff washed up quickly. Razor walked back into the lounge and fished about in his bag with one paw, finding the three videotapes and setting them down on the end table. Jeff returned from the kitchen, and then his face lit up brightly, and he ran to the closet by the door, and pulled out a big fluffy blanket, opening it up and dragging it back to the couch. Razor fanned the videotapes out in front of Jeff and smiled. "Which one you wanna watch first?" Jeff chuckled and closed his eyes, then selected one at random. A sci-fi thriller. Razor popped it into the VCR, then sat down alongside Jeff, who had since cuddled up under the blanket. As Raz sat down, Jeff flipped the blanket over him, and shifted closer to his side, leaning against him gently. Razor murred and responded by sliding one arm around Jeff's waist, and slowly stroking his side, using his other paw to turn on the TV and start the tape. The movie was a little scary for Raz's tastes, and Jeff's too by all appearances. The slightly smaller wolf huddled against Razor's side when the action got too intense, and Raz in turn took comfort in the fact that he had someone by his side, whom was looking to him for comfort. Every now and again, Razor would lean closer to Jeff and lightly nuzzle at his neck, or kiss him gently. The murrs Raz got in response made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. By the end of the movie, Raz and Jeff where leaning right up against each other on the couch, their paws holding each other's, and their muzzles brushing together softly as one or the other moved. When the credits began to scroll onto the screen, Razor turned to Jeff and smiled, then planted a loving kiss on the other wolf's lips. Jeff murfed slightly in surprise, then relaxed and started returning the kiss, moving his lips slowly over Raz's, their tongues brushing against each other's soft muzzle fur. Jeff sat back and licked at his muzzle slowly, purring like a big kitten. "Oh Raz... that was so... good. Thank you so much..." Razor smiled, he himself still experiencing the wonderful feeling flooding through his body. He looked down for a moment, pondering something, then looked up again, and leant closer to Jeff. "Um... Jeff... w... would you... I mean... if I asked you.. that is... um... Jeff... would you let me be your boyfriend?" Jeff closed his eyes briefly and a big smile spread across his face. He shifted even closer to Raz and snuggled up against him happily. "Oh Raz, yes, of course I will... if you'll let me be yours..." Razor let out a deep sigh of relief and hugged Jeff tightly against him, his arm having recovered a little. Jeff giggled softly and returned the hug happily, pressing his body against Raz's. "Thank you Jeff... for... for being here for me, now, when I've got so little in my life... I've at least got you. Which makes me the richest wolf in the world." Smiling softly, Jeff stood up slowly and nuzzled Raz's face. "Lets watch the rest of the movies upstairs in your room, okay? There's a TV set in the panels up there. Betcha didn't see it last night... " He stopped and giggled as Razor stared at him blankly. "Let's just say that Delphi is pretty rich, despite all appearances." Razor nodded softly and stood, letting the blanket slide to the floor, and moved his paws to hide the half-erection he had that was making his pants tent up in the front. Jeff giggled a little when he saw this and turned to show Raz that he was in the same state, which relaxed him a little, and he smiled at Jeff lovingly. "Okay Jeff... lead the way?" He held out his paw to Jeff, who took it and, after picking up the videos, led him up the stairs and into his bedroom. Jeff opened up the panels that hid the TV, which Razor now wondered why he hadn't seen before, and pushed in one of the tapes. Taking the remote from on top of the television, Jeff ran to the bed and flopped down on it happily, sliding in under the sheets and grinning at Razor, who moved over to the bed more slowly and smiled, then slipped in alongside Jeff and cuddled up to him. The second movie was better. It was a fantasy film, with lots of magic and monsters and daring-do. Razor was surprised at how Jeff's tastes seemed to mirror his own almost perfectly, and by the time of the end of the movie, he had his head leant against Jeff's chest and one paw draped over his body. Jeff was idly stroking the back of his head with one paw, and his other held onto Raz's paw. As the tape moved over to static, Razor murred softly and closed his eyes, lying against Jeff more heavily. Jeff smirked and rubbed Raz's back. "Tired?" Raz shook his head and smiled, his eyes still closed. "No... I'm just enjoying this so much. Having a warm body near me like this... someone who loves me." Jeff nodded softly and ruffled Raz's ears a little, scritching gently. "I know... I feel it too." Raz lay back against the pillow of his bed, then made a strange face and sat up again, frowning and lifting the pillow. Beneath it was a small package, wrapped in bright coloured paper. It was addressed to them both, in neat, clean writing. Lifting it up, he showed it to Jeff. Jeff grinned and took the package. "Its Delphi's handwriting. You want to open it?" He handed the package back to Raz. Looking down at the box, Razor nodded and smiled, then slowly slit the paper with a claw, and tugged it away from whatever was inside. He laughed out loud and fell back on the bed, holding the contents of the package up in one paw and giggling uncontrollably as he handed it to Jeff. Jeff looked down at the little box, and packed out laughing too, lying down next to Razor and looking into his eyes with a wide smirk on his face. "Gay strip dice and a porn video." He wiped the tears of mirth from his eyes and lay there, his eyes locked with Raz's. "She obviously thought we'd hit it off very well." Razor grinned and nodded, slowly moving closer to Jeff and cuddling him against his body. "Well... we did, didn't we?" he smiled and licked at Jeff's cheek gently. Jeff grinned and nodded, rubbing his muzzle against Raz's neck. "Yes... I think we did." Raz sat up slightly and took the porn video from Jeff, looking at the cover, which was dominated by nude, horny male furs with hard penises. "So... um... you wanna watch it?" Jeff giggled softly and blushed, setting the dice on the bedside table and nodding naughtily. Raz grinned and stood up, padding to the VCR and exchanging the movie for the new tape. Turning around, he blushed a little and gave Jeff a questioning look. "Um... J...Jeff... would you mind... if I slipped out of... my pants? It doesn't mean that you have to too... I just want to be a bit more comfortable. If you say no, I'll understand too." Jeff blushed a little and nodded "You can Raz... I don't mind." And watched Raz with interest. Raz let out a soft chuckle and slowly slid his pants down over his erection, then down to his ankles, kicking them into the corner. Today he had chosen not to wear underwear, so when Jeff realised that he could see the full package, he turned bright red. Razor smiled and moved back to the bed, getting in under the sheets and looking at Jeff softly. Jeff turned to Raz and smiled back. "Wow... you look nice without pants on." Razor blushed and moved a little closer to Jeff, who reached out and put his arms around Raz, and moved himself up against Raz's body. Razor let out a soft murr as his hard cock brushed against Jeff's pants, and Jeff moved his leg between Raz's gently before saying. "I've fantasised before about being this close to you... but it was never this good..." Raz giggled softly and nuzzled Jeff's cheek, before turning onto his back and turning on the VCR, his arm still around Jeff's body. Jeff murred and cuddled against Raz's side, watching the screen with his head leant against Raz's shoulder. The cheesy music started to play, and the first thing they saw, was two wolves, looking at each other, then one sinking to its knees and slowly starting to suck the other's balls. Razor glanced at Jeff a little, who grinned and cuddled him, continuing to watch. The scene moved through a range of different situations, and Razor could feel himself getting more and more horny, the scent rising off of Jeff making him almost crazy with arousal. Eventually he couldn't take it any more and started to move his paw towards his shaft to stroke it a little, but let out a loud eep as he felt another paw wrap around it before he could. Jeff chuckled softly and squeezed a little. "You like?" Razor let out a soft murf and nodded, licking gently at Jeff's face. "Yes... I like... but... only if you wanna..." Jeff laughed softly and kissed Razor, his paw slowly letting go of Raz's cock. "Of course I wanna. You think I can lie next to a sexy wolf like you while watching a porn video and not get some ideas?" Razor giggled slightly and shrugged. Jeff smirked and got out of the bed swiftly, then eased his shirt off over his head, and slid his pants down, standing there naked. Razor rolled onto his side and gave a short wolf-whistle, "Mmmmmhmmmm! Sexy wolf!!!" and he tossed his own shirt at Jeff playfully. Jeff blushed brightly and tried to hide his 6-inch cock from view with his paws. Razor murfed softly and held out his arms again, lifting the sheets so that Jeff could get in easily. The wolf lay down alongside his boyfriend slowly, then turned onto his side and put his arms around Raz's chest. Razor picked up the TV remote, and shut off the sounds of erotic grunting and panting, then stared deep into Jeff's eyes. "You're... the sexiest guy I've ever seen, Jeff." Jeff giggled a little and snuggled against Raz's body, his paws moving up and down Raz's chest. "And you for me, Raz. And the bravest... and the sweetest." Razor slowly moved his paws down Jeff's back, feeling his way down to that cute butt he had admired in the kitchen, and cupped the cheeks in his paws, feeling their smooth, soft roundness. Jeff murred slightly and arched his back, pushing his cock forward and against Raz's own shaft, making them both gasp a little from the sensations. Raz blushed and looked Jeff in the eyes and said. "This... is the first time I've ever been with another guy..." Jeff smiled softly and nuzzled against Raz's neck. "Me too Raz... me too." Very slowly, Razor held Jeff tighter, and rolled onto his back, taking Jeff with him so that the wolf was lying atop his body, their cocks pressed tightly up against each other. Jeff murred and looked down at Raz with a soft, naughty grin, and slowly rubbed his shaft up and down the length of Raz's own cock, sending them both into murrs and shudders of happiness. Sliding his paw down between them both, Razor gently took their cocks into a gentle grip, and stroked their surfaces together. Jeff groaned happily and licked at Razor's face. All it took was a few minutes of stroking of them both, the days events lending to the quickness of it all, and Razor arched his back up against Jeff heavily, his cock shuddering and splashing his hot liquid against them both. The combined heat, the rubbing of Raz's shuddering cock, and the increased pressure from Raz's arched back sent Jeff over the edge, and his own penis started throbbing and firing shots of warm white cum, mixing with Raz's and slowly matting down the fur of both of their tummies. They lay there for ages, just panting, feeling each other's warmth against their bodies, enjoying the feeling of having pleasured each other, and breathing in the scent of each other's spent arousal and the heady aroma of their cum. Razor lifted his paw up, examining its cum covered fur, and stuck one finger in his mouth, suckling off the sweet tasting mixture of his own cum and Jeff's. Jeff smiled softly and tugged at Raz's arm a little. "Hey, share some with me..." Razor giggled and nodded, moving his paw to Jeff's muzzle and letting him clean it off with slow, gentle licks. After he was clean, he put his arms up around Jeff and hugged him tightly against his body, enjoying the warm, wet feeling between them. He closed his eyes, and felt Jeff lean his head against his chest. Pulling the sheet up around them both, he yawned softly, and drifted off to a happy, content sleep.