RELEASE 5 By Raz da wolfy Well, funny story this one. I was in a writing mood for a change, after so long of not feeling like writing. I open up my folder where I store my stories, and get all set to write Release 5... and whoops, I find there's already a 5. Very strange, since my website shows 4 as the most recent. *giggles* I guess i must have written it and forgotten I'd finished up, or set it aside for spelling check and forgotten. Anyway, long story short, I've checked the spelling as best as is wolfishly possible, and finetuned a few things which sounded like I was under the effect of medication when I wrote them. As usual, the characters herein are copywrited to me. Permission is required to use them in other places (even though I'll probably give it anyway). Also, this story contains sexual concepts, ect. Please, if you are under 18 or find homosexual content offensive, don't read further. And now, on with the saga... AIM: Razwolfy ICQ#: 78640210 Email: (you can get me on MSN on this) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They were both too deep in a shared, happy dream to hear the noise of the jeep pulling into the yard. The sound of the door opening barely intruded into the warm world that surrounded them both, nurturing their love for one another in a way only dreams could. When Delphi came in through the door that bordered onto the garage, she smiled softly when she saw the two plates on the drying rack. Setting down her things on the kitchen table, she padded through to the lounge, and saw the blanket and the empty videotape box from the first movie they had watched, and then noticed Jeff's bag on the floor, and grinned widely. Tip toeing up the stairs, she eased the door to Raz's room open, peaking inside. The two wolves were fast asleep, Jeff still lying atop Razor, with the latter's arms wrapped around the former, holding him gently. Delphi padded into the room silently, and closed the curtains, since it was starting to get dark, then left the room as silently as she had come, letting them sleep off the strains of the day. (O) Razor awoke first, smacking his lips slightly and stretching his legs out. The shifting of the furry body beneath him stirred Jeff from his slumber. When the two lovers noticed that the other was awake, their lips met, and they kissed softly. Razor smiled and stroked Jeff's back. "Good... uh... morning, evening... whatever it is..." He grinned sheepishly. Jeff chuckled softly, cuddled up against Raz and murred. "Oh Razor... thank you so much for earlier..." Razor nuzzled at Jeff's face slowly. "I think the feeling is mutual Jeff. Thank you too." Jeff looked down softly, then his eyes glanced at the dimming light that shone in around the curtains, and his eyes widened "Oh my gods! My parents! They'll be expecting me!" A voice from the door spoke softly, "No need to worry Jeff, I phoned and told them you're spending the weekend with me." Delphi stood leaning against the doorframe grinning softly at the two of them. Both Razor and Jeff turned bright red, and rolled away from each other, both letting out a yelp as their now dried, cum-covered tummy fur pulled apart. They lay there staring at Delphi incredulously. Jeff was the first to recover, pulling the sheet up around both him and Raz, and smiled. "Thank you Delphi... I... I owe you one..." Razor interrupted and smiled, putting his arms around Jeff's chest and nuzzling his neck happily. "No, we both owe you one..." Delphi grinned softly and looked first at the wrapping paper on the floor, then at the TV. "I hope you two enjoyed the little gift?" Once again, she managed to turn them both red, and laughed softly. "Oh you two. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You're both sexy, virile males. Its only natural for you to want to bonk each other's brains out." With that said, she left, letting them collect their wits. Razor rolled onto his side and smiled widely at Jeff. "A whole weekend together, night and day... sound good to you?" Jeff giggled and planted a soft kiss on Raz's muzzle and nodded. "Yeah... very!" Getting out of the bed slowly, Raz arched his back, then looked down at his tummy fur. Instead of the normal snowy white, it had a patchy, creamy look to it, and he giggled softly. "But I think first, we should have a very thorough shower. Eh?" Laughing softly, Jeff nodded and hopped out of the bed, running around to the door and smirking at Raz. "Come on... I can't wait to see you wet." Raz murrowled softly and followed Jeff closely to the bathroom, his paws moving to the wolf's sides and stroking them gently as the both moved into the shower. (O) About fifteen minutes later, they both appeared out of the bathroom, navy blue fluffy towels wrapped around their waists and slightly smaller towels around their necks. Razor dried his headfur quickly, then smiled at Jeff. "Um... Jeff, you don't have any clothes here." Jeff chuckled softly and rubbed your nose. "My parents send me here when they go out of town on trips. I have pretty much everything I need here." Razor pondered this for a moment, then smiled. "Do you think Delphi would mind awfully if we didn't um... put clothes on?" Jeff laughed softly and shook his head. "Some how, I don't think she'd mind at all." The two of them stopped off briefly in what was now 'their' room, and hung their towels over the closet doors, then padded down the stairs holding each other's paw. Delphi was in the lounge, flicking absently through channels, and looked up at them both as they descended. "Oh my... be-still my beating heart. Two sexy naked wolves in my very home... what ever shall I do with them?" She grinned naughtily and shifted up on the couch, patting the cushions. Raz smiled and cuddled Jeff against him, then moved to sit at the far end of the couch, letting Jeff sit between the two of them. As Delphi leant forwards, something caught her eye, and she and frowned. "Raz... what happened to your cheek?" Razor touched his cheek absently, wincing a bit as his paw brushed over the cut, and shook his head. "Some trouble in town with a few... uh... gaybashers." "WHAT!?" Delphi shot up out of her seat and stood in front of Raz. Razor waved a paw dismissively and smiled. "Its okay Delphi. I handled it." Delphi turned to Jeff and let out a soft feline growl, kneeling and taking his paws. "Are you okay Jeff? It must have been terrible." Jeff nodded softly and held Delphi's paws. "It was. I was so scared for Raz... but he was so brave and strong. But I never want it to happen again." Jeff proceeded to explain the whole fight in detail to Delphi. Delphi stood up slowly and paced to the fireplace, staring down into the dark cinders from the fire the previous night. "You were right to protect Jeff, Raz... but you still shouldn't have put yourself in so much danger. Next time, if there is one, find another way... run... go to the police..." Razor nodded slowly, "Yes, I..." he rubbed his neck, "... you're right I was reckless..." Delphi turned around and moved towards Raz, smiling softly. "I have contacts around town... I'll put the word out that people are to stay away from you or they'll be dealing with me." Raz frowned slightly and pressed his head against Jeff's shoulder, pulling his legs up onto the couch and cuddling him slightly. "Thank you Delphi... I admit, I was scared out of my mind about Jeff getting hurt." He fell silent, trying to make sense of everything that was whirling around in his head. He stood up, indecisively looking from his paws to Jeff's face, then up at Delphi, staring into her eyes, just letting the thoughts run over him. He dropped his eyes from Delphi's, then looked out the window. His mind was slowly ticking over the day's events. The realisation slowly dawned on him, just how irresponsible he had been with his life, and how much danger he had put Jeff in. Slowly sinking to the couch, he sat there, staring at the floor, and a soft shiver ran through his body. He felt a gentle paw on his shoulder, and then two warm arms encircle his chest, holding him tightly and cuddling him against a soft, fluffy body. Something about that embrace seemed to just drain away his worries. "Its okay, Raz... everything is fine. We're both unhurt...well, kinda." A paw strayed across his face, gently rubbing the cheek fur where the cuts were, careful not to hurt them. Razor smiled weakly and looked up at the sweet wolf. "I... I guess so..." He gently pulled Jeff into his lap and cuddled him tightly against his chest. "If you had not been there... if I had not met you... I probably would have just given up and let them kill m..." Jeff quickly clamped his paws down around Raz's muzzle and shut it tightly, smiling lovingly at him. "Don't say that... never say that. I never want to have to think of you as not being here. I... I love you Raz." Razor let out a soft murmur, smiling around Jeff's paws, and used his arms to cuddle him again. Delphi smiled knowingly at the two wolves, and chuckled. "I'll be in the kitchen making supper when Jeff finally lets go of your nose, Raz... come through and I'll put together a little something to help with those cuts." Razor managed to turn his head long enough for a short nod at Delphi, before Jeff tugged his muzzle back and planted a big kiss on then end of his nose. They both giggled softly, and stared into each other's eyes, and Raz reached out and slid his arms around Jeff's waist. The wolf responded by gently releasing Raz's muzzle, and placing his paws on top of Raz's. Razor smiled softly at Jeff "I love you too, you know." Jeff grinned widely and nodded, slowly standing. "...course I know. Don't 'cha remember what we did earlier this afternoon?" Raz smirked and nodded. "Yeah, I remember... I just wanted to say it." Jeff giggled and reached down, holding Raz's paws and pulling him up off the couch, grunting softly at the strain of lifting the slightly larger wolf. Chuckling a little, Razor shifted his weight slightly, lifting with his footpaws to lessen the load on Jeff, until he stood in his arms, looking down at him. Moving past Jeff towards the kitchen, he tugged playfully at Jeff, then turned suddenly and grinned from ear to ear, raising his paws menacingly and stalking towards Jeff, who backed away slowly, giggling. "Hey, NO! What are you up to, you silly wolf?" Razor laughed out loud and lunged forwards, hefting up Jeff in his arms and slinging him over his unhurt shoulder, carrying him so his butt was facing forwards. With his arm draped over his boyfriend's body, his paw resting happily on one butt cheek, he sauntered through into the kitchen, giggling uncontrollably. Jeff proceeded to laugh and giggle, squirming in a half-hearted attempt to escape from Raz's hold. Hearing the commotion, Delphi turned away from the refrigerator where she had been hauling things out and placing them on the table. Jeff let out a squeal worthy of any gay wolf and mock yelped, "Help me! I'm being abducted by a mad barbarian wolf!" Delphi laughed and flicked a dishtowel at Raz's stomach. "En garde, barbarian. Divest yourself of yon maiden, or I shall be forced to whip your arse around this kitchen." Raz giggled softly then bounced Jeff once on his shoulder. As Jeff landed back on him, something in his other shoulder made a loud 'crick' noise, and the grin on his muzzle turned upsidedown in an instant. Jeff felt the change in the hold Raz had on him immediately, and dropped to the floor, his eyes searching Raz's face in worry. Raz managed to wheeze out a short, "Ow..." and, with Jeff's help, shuffled over to the kitchen table and sat down, holding his injured shoulder. Delphi pulled an icepack out of the freezer and tossed it to Jeff, who pressed it tenderly to Raz's shoulder, causing him to let out a startled eep and the obligatory "HEY! That's cold!" He tried to move out from under the icepack, but Jeff pushed it gently but insistently against him. "Uh uh... you wussy wolf... keep it there... it'll heal better... trust me. Delphi knows what she's doing." Erfing softly, Raz sighed and looked up at Delphi, who stood watching him with crossed arms and a disapproving look on her face. Suddenly feeling like he needed to defend himself, he opened his muzzle and said, "Well... you didn't tell me to stop when I came in here with him on my shoulder, did you?" Delphi's expression softened and she nodded softly, then moved over to his side. Gently moving Jeff out the way, she lifted the icepack and checked underneath, frowning again as she ran her fingers through the fur to check the skin underneath. "Yeah, well if you'd told me just how bruised your shoulder really was, I might have protested sooner. It's a good thing you were carrying him on the other one. But you'll be okay. No more lifting heavy things though, okay? At least, not until you're fully healed." Razor nodded softly in agreement and smiled as Jeff put his arms around his neck, cuddling him from behind. Lifting his paws to Jeff's, he looked up at Delphi. "Looks like the barbarian wolf will have to rely on his captive and his attacker for help for a while." Delphi chuckled and returned to preparing dinner. Jeff in the meanwhile toddled through into the lounge and fetched both their school bags. When he plonked them down on the table, Raz let out a tired moan. "Oh geez... do we have to?" Jeff ruffled Raz's ears softly and smiled. "If we do our weekend homework now, then we can do whatever we like for the rest of the weekend. And I'd rather not have the thought of work hanging over us every time we cuddle up with each other..." Razor sighed deeply and stared at the tabletop, then relented and started unpacking his books, placing them alongside Jeff's. For the most part, he thought they would have the same homework, barring one or two subjects that they took separately. Raz blushed a little when he realised that in the end he'd opted for the easier path when he'd chosen subjects, and watched silently as Jeff's workload increased in size, blushing deeper when his relatively small pile of work was dwarfed by the one alongside it. He fumbled with his pencil while he waited for Jeff to finish unpacking. Noticing Raz's slight hesitation, Jeff looked up from his bag, and immediately noticed the red glow of Raz's cheeks and ears. He frowned at first, then followed Raz's gaze to the books. He took a moment to try absorb what the problem was, then a soft smile spread across his muzzle, and he moved his paw across the table to touch on Raz's. "Hey... you okay?" Razor nodded slightly, then gave Jeff a weak smile. "Yeah... kinda. I just never realised how little work I do... and here I am complaining all along about the homework load." Unconvinced by Raz's smile, Jeff gently squeezed his paw. "Its okay, you know. I mean... hey, if you want to help me with some of mine, you're very welcome, okay?" Strangely, Razor was slightly comforted by the idea. He nodded softly and smiled. "Yeah... okay... I'd like that." Picking up his pencil, Jeff stroked his paw across Raz's one more time, then picked up the nearest book and showed it to Raz. "Wanna work on our math homework first?" Nodding in agreement, Raz found his book and they both settled down to work. Delphi smiled softly while she worked at the stove. Looking up at the clock on the wall, she chuckled to herself and mumbled, 'So cute together..." , but both Jeff and Raz were already too deep in a puzzling equation to hear her. <~> The evening seemed to edge by in slow motion, although Razor was surprised at this, since he was enjoying himself so much. When he'd worked through his own homework, he helped Jeff with his, or at least, attempted to help. Most of the classes that Jeff took boggled his mind completely at first. Luckily, he caught onto things quickly, and before long, he had a haphazard understanding of Astronomy. As they both studied a diagram of star sizes, Razor leant over Jeff's shoulder, just breathing in the sweet scent that Jeff seemed to exude so subtly. Gazing down at Jeff's paw, watching it move on the page as it wrote out words, seeing how gently he gripped the pencil, following the curves of his fingers, across the palm of his paw, and up his lower arm. Dreamily, he mumbled under his breath, "So beautiful..." Jeff looked up from his writing, arching his head back and resting it against Raz's tummy so he was looking up at Raz upsidedown. "Hmm? What's beautiful?" Raz blushed softly and gently stroked Jeff's neck, scritching just behind one of his ears. "I... uh... well... " he continued to blush a little harder, "I can't believe I'm still embarrassed to say it to you. You are Jeff... you're beautiful." Jeff grinned a little, and redness tinged his ears softly. "I... I... um... thank you Raz... I mean, gods... no one's ever told me anything like that before. I mean, Delphi's said I'm handsome..." he glanced across at the cat, who was quietly watching the two, leaning against the oven. She smirked softly and nodded at Jeff. Jeff blushed a bit more and continued, "... but, its not the same. She's a friend; she's supposed to say things like that. It just feels really nice to have you say that... " Raz smiled and hugged his arms around Jeff's neck, leaning down and kissing the tip of his nose. He let out a soft chuckle and licked once along the top of Jeff's muzzle. "Gonna take a while to get used to being able to openly admire a sexy guy's body without the need to be embarrassed." Jeff turned a slightly darker shade of red, lowering his eyes and smiling. "Oh... I don't think I'm that sexy..." Raz chuckled, leaning down so his muzzle was right alongside Jeff's ear, and he slowly moved his paw over Jeff's chest, stroking the fur. "Trust me... you're a very hot wolf." As if to help relieve Jeff's embarrassment, the oven timer 'tinged' loudly, and Delphi grabbed up the oven mitts, and pulled out a steaming tray of lasagne. She let out a little meow as the heat from the pan penetrated the mitts, and said hurriedly, "A little help here?" Jeff hopped to his footpaws and grabbed a second pair of oven mitts, then relieved Delphi of the glass pan, his wolf pads working better at protecting him from the heat. She chuckled and busied herself with getting plates out of a cupboard. "Ah, the wonder of manly wolves. I think you guys should stay here more often... you really do have your uses." Clearing the table of their homework books, Raz packed them into their schoolbags carefully, then stood back as Delphi masterfully set the table, then stood back while Jeff placed the glass dish in the center. Carefully cutting the hot lasagne into six parts, Delphi smiled and looked from Jeff to Raz. "Well, should I dish up?' The wonderful smell rising from the lasagne made Razor's tummy grumble loudly in response. Laughing, Delphi lifted a plate and spooned a large helping of the steamy cuisine onto it. "I'll take that as a yes. Here yah go Raz. Eat up before that beast of a stomach gets unruly." She held out the plate to Raz, smirking at the red glow in his ears. Taking it and grinning sheepishly, Raz seated himself and waited for the others. Jeff took a seat opposite Raz, smiling at him across the table. When Delphi finally sat down, Raz murfed happily and started eating. Laughing softly, Delphi lifted her fork and tasted her food, then turned to Jeff. "Very eager wolf, isn't he?" Raz looked up from his plate and gave another sheepish grin and shrug. "What? I like food... food good..." he chuckled softly and took another bite of lasagne. Jeff smiled and nodded, eating his lasagne more leisurely. "Yeah Delphi... its very nice. Thank you for making dinner." Raz nodded in agreement, his muzzle stuffed with pasta. Delphi smiled and waved a paw. "No problem, guys. Glad you like it." They ate in relative silence for a while, and Raz was almost finished when he let out a half startled meep. He felt a gentle footpaw press itself against his crotch, and he closed his eyes as the toes moved across his sheath, tugging it back a little. He glanced up from his plate, and both Delphi and Jeff were watching him. Jeff was grinning naughtily at him, and he felt the footpaw push a little. He let out a little laugh, smiling at Delphi. "Sorry, something caught in my throat." Delphi frowned, and looked from Jeff to Raz, then shrugged and carried on eating. Raz gave Jeff a playfully scathing look and shifted in his chair slightly to put his crotch out of Jeff's reach, allowing him to return to polishing off his meal. When he was done, he smiled and licked off his fingers, then gave Jeff a soft smile. Delphi finished her food, and picked up the pan, saying "Anyone for seconds?" Raz groaned softly and waved his paw over his plate. "No thanks... I'm stuffed." Jeff smiled and also waved his paw. Nodding and smiling, Delphi put the pan into the fridge. "I love having something to snack on in the fridge, so that suits me just fine." Raz gathered the plates together, setting them in the sink, then proceeded to fill it with hot water. Jeff padded over and put a paw to Raz's lower back. "What do you think you're doing?" Razor halfturned, stirring the water about with his paw as he spoke, "I'm washing the dishes. Just cos my shoulder's sore, doesn't mean I can't do something this small. Anyway, I owe you both... without you guys, I'd be sitting in some gutter somewhere." Jeff seemed to quiet down on hearing this response, glancing sadly at Delphi. Razor felt that familiar sadness over what had happened with his family slowly returning, creeping into his mind and infecting his thoughts. He closed his eyes tight to shut out the tears, standing with his head bowed. This whole day, he'd been able to escape the thoughts. Other things had presented themselves to occupy his mind instead. But now, he found himself forced to face his feelings. He shook softly and let out a strangled sob. Jeff moved closer, a soft whimper sticking in his throat as his paws gently stroked at Raz's arm in an effort to be of some use. Delphi's warm paw touched Raz's wet ones, and she pushed him away from the sink slightly. "There's a phone in the living room Raz. Why don't you go phone your sister? I'm sure she would like to hear from you." She stopped and smiled, then gently gave him another shove. "and it'll do you good to hear from her... I know you must be terribly homesick." Razor looked up, brushing his face with the back of his arm, and nodded slowly. "O... okay... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to cry... I'm just... still hurting." He couldn't help a weak smile as Jeff hugged him gently and pressed his muzzle to his side. Leaving Delphi to finish washing up, Raz walked into the living room and slumped into the chair next to the phone and stared at it. Jeff settled onto the arm of the chair and gently put a paw to Raz's shoulder. "You're worried that your parents might pick up?" Raz nodded and sighed. "Yeah... yeah I am Jeff." Jeff nodded slowly, "If you like... I'll phone... I'll ask to talk to your sister for you Raz." Looking up into Jeff's eyes, Razor felt a soft sense of relief flood over his body and he nodded. "if... If you wouldn't mind doing it... it... would really make things easier..." Jeff smiled and silently kissed Raz's cheek, then picked up the phone, dialing. Razor waited, feeling his stomach tightening in irrational fear. He perked his ears, listening to Jeff. Jeff stared into space, his attention occupied by the phone. Raz heard the click as the call was answered, and heard the muffled, gruff greeting. Jeff responded calmly, "Hello sir, this is Jeff, a friend of Liz's... could I please speak to her?" Raz could hear the phone go quiet, then heard the noise of it being picked up again. The gentle, if muffled tones of his sister saying hello crossed to his ears. Jeff smiled softly at Raz and patted his shoulder, saying into the phone, "Liz... this is Jeff... Jeff Straford. You remember me from school? I'm a friend of Delphi's... I'm at her house now, with your brother." He stopped for a moment, and Raz heard his sister's voice drop to a lower tone, almost whispering. Jeff smiled and nodded, "He's doing okay. Delphi and I are taking good care of the poor guy." He paused again, then asked, "Would you like to speak to him?" The response came, and Jeff grinned softly, handing the phone to Raz. He took it gingerly, then held it up to his ear and said shakily, "Hey sis..." His sister's voice comforted him, like she was right there next to him. "Oh Raz... It's so good to hear from you. I was worried when I didn't see you at school... but I heard a rumor about you and Jeff and well... is it true?" Raz smiled a little, "depends on the rumor... if it's that me and Jeff are becoming boyfriends... then yes, it's true." Jeff grinned widely and shifted up on the chair's arm, gently hugging himself to Raz's chest and putting his ear to the other side of the receiver, listening. Liz let out a soft sigh of relief, "I'm glad you're okay bro. Home's not the same without you." Razor closed his eyes and rubbed his headfur back with one paw, "Thanks sis... its nice of you to say that. H... How are mom and dad?" Liz went quiet for a moment, then spoke, "Mom's been in tears most of the day. She didn't go in to work today because she didn't want to be out if you came back. She's scared for you. I'll tell her you're doing okay." "Thanks sis... it'd help to know she's not worrying herself to death." He stopped, gulping softly, "And... dad?" Liz sighed into the phone, "I don't know. He's sullen as always. Isn't saying a word to me or mom." Razor nodded and rubbed his temple, feeling a slight headache developing. "Okay..." "Bro... I'll come see you tomorrow, bring a few of your clothes and things that you left behind, okay? I've got to go now, dad's coming. I think he suspects it's you on the phone Goodbye bro. Sleep well." Raz heard the background noise bristle with the accusing note of his father's voice as his sister went silent. "Thanks Liz... It'll be nice to see you... goodnight." Hearing the click as the call disconnected, Raz put the phone down slowly and leant back. Jeff moved closer, a worried look in his eyes. Raz first looked up at Jeff, then gave him a weak smile and held out his arms to him. "Would you be okay to come sit in my lap?" Jeff smiled at his boyfriend lovingly, sliding gently into Raz's lap and curling his legs up beneath him, hugging him tight. Raz stroked at his ears gently with one paw, smiling. Jeff nuzzled him. "It'll be okay Raz... I'm here, and Delphi's here. And tomorrow your sis will be coming to see you." Raz nodded and smiled. "Yeah... I've got you. That's all I need right now..." The evening slowly wound down, Delpih joining them in the lounge and lighting a fire in the fireplace. The TV was left off tonight. Delphi broke out a few boardgames, which greatly helped to keep Raz busy. And somewhere in between dice rolls, Raz dozed off against Jeff's shoulder.