Warning, this story contains sexual concepts and masturbation, as well as dealing with homosexual relationships. If you are underage, homophobic, or just really conservative, this story isn't for you, and I will not answer emails that simply repeat what I have just said. The characters are all co Garth Forster 2000, and are not based on other furs that I know of in real life. I am Razor, and so he is based on my experiences, but Jordan is completely fictional. If there is an eighteen-year oldish grey furred wolf out there that goes by the name Jordan (gods, please won't you do this one little thing for me!), I apologise if you don't like your fictional counterpart, but I still won't feel obliged to change the story. Feel free to share this story with your friends, so long as it remains unaltered and is transmitted in its entirety. ----------------------------------------------------- Soul Lovers (Completed on the 29th July 2000) -by Razor ----------------------------------------------------- Staring vacantly into space from his place on a park bench, the eighteen-year- old otter morph was lost in his own thoughts. His whole day had been like this, distracted and confused. He had wandered from class to class, paying little attention to what the teachers had to say. His problems weighed heavily on his shoulders. Images flashed through his mind. Yiffy images. His body tensed as he tried to push them back, not willing to admit to himself what they represented. First a wolf and fox, both nude, both male, snuggling against his body. He struggled with his thoughts, and the image faded. Then a different wolf, his best friend, appeared before him, sporting a massive erection. He padded over and hugged him tight. The heavy arousal that welled up within him caused the confused young otter to burst into tears. 'RAZ!? Hey man, are you okay?' Razor opened his eyes, and stared up in alarm at the face of that same wolf that filled his mind. He closed his eyes again, tears streaming down his muzzle, as he tried, not very successfully, to hide his emotions. Angry words echoed in his mind, Sobbing slightly, he opened his eyes again. 'No Jordan, I'm not okay. But... you see... I just need some time to myself, okay?' The wolf's blue eyes flashed with concern, and he slowly put a gentle paw on Razor's shoulder, before kneeling down in front of him. 'I'm sorry Raz', but I just wouldn't feel right leaving you here like this.' Jordan moved his paw, brushing the tears away from Raz's eyes. Having done this, he got up from his kneeling position, and sat down on the bench. He put a comforting arm around the still sniffling otter. 'Come on little buddy. We've been friends a long time. I'm sure that whatever it is, it can't be all that bad, can it?' 'Oh gods Jordan, I don't know, I just don't know. I mean, you're my best friend in the whole world, probably my only true friend. I don't want to lose you.' Jordan looked thoughtfully at Razor, and then shifted closer to him. Razor looked up from his paws, and gazed deep into Jordan's deep blue, puppy-dog eyes. Jordan grinned, knowing the effect that his begging stare had on Raz. 'Come on you big, silly fur-ball. Tell me what's bothering you.' Razor felt his mind explode, and for an instant everything was painfully clear. He jumped up from the bench and ran from the park. He could feel Jordan's blue eyes on his back, but he didn't have the courage to go back and face him. He reached home, and ran inside, slamming the door behind him. The warmth of his fairly spacious apartment failed to comfort him. The minute the door closed behind him, he began to strip off his clothes. When he was finally naked, he walked over to the cushy couch that stood opposite his television, and collapsed into it. With emotions still whirling in his head, he turned onto his back, and reached down, massaging gently at his ball pouch. He slowly pulled back his sheath, wrapping his other paw around the hard shaft that emerged. He started to paw-off, using the slow, rhythmic stroke that he found so useful when he needed to relax. Gradually, as the pleasurable sensation of his paw on his cock began to fill his mind, the gathering storm of feelings dispersed. He slowly increased the speed of his stroke, each beat sending a shiver up his spine. Reaching a point of no return, he began to stroke furiously, and was rewarded with a flood of pleasure that echoed around his body. He murred gently, as his last drop of cum dripped onto his heaving tummy. The warm feeling of his paw now spread to his stomach, where his fur was thoroughly coated with the milky fluid. Razor arched his back, enjoying the feeling of blood pulsing through his knot and cock. Thoroughly exhausted, Razor dozed of a few minutes later. * * * * * * * * * Upon waking up, Razor cursed himself for being so tired, since he found that his paw was firmly fused to his stomach fur, where the cum had dried. Stumbling as he got up, his attention was caught by the blinking red light of the answering machine. Ignoring it, he made his way towards his bedroom, picking up his clothes in his other paw as he went. He made a low rumbling noise in his throat, feeling the despair of being back in reality. He dropped his clothes into a washbasket, and opened the sliding door to the bathroom. He stopped, looking over his shoulder at the double bed that he slept in. He felt tears begin to collect in his eyes, as he thought briefly about Jordan. Something finally snapped, and he pounded his paw against the wall. 'Oh gods! Why am I so afraid of the truth! Its so obvious I'm gay!' Running his free paw through his headfur, as if trying to brush the thoughts away, he stepped into the shower. He opened the cold tap to its strongest setting, quickly turning his back to the nozzle. He chirred loudly as the icy water slammed into his fur. The sensation quickly pushed any and all thoughts from his head, but he was left feeling guilty, knowing that he was still running from his problems. Adjusting the water to a more comfortable setting, he allowed himself a moment to calm down. He soaped up slowly, the hot water loosening his matted fur enough for him to free his paw. Trying to occupy his mind with the task of showering, he soaped each section of his fur meticulously, taking the time to rinse it properly. When he was finally satisfied that he was clean, he turned off the water, and stepped out of the shower, water still sheeting from his body. He reached for a fluffy towel, and found its soft touch comforting. He dried off his fur slowly. Putting the towel back on it's hook, he wandered back into the bedroom. Picking a pair of silk boxers, he dropped them on the bed, and walked over to his bedside table, where his laptop sat, recharging itself. Flipping it on, he lay down on the bed, waiting for it to boot up. A familiar series of clicks and beeps issued from the laptop as it's modem connected automatically. Closing his eyes, Raz' waited for the sound that would mean that he had mail, but he heard nothing. He sighed, turning the laptop off. Slipping into the boxers he had chosen, he wandered through to the kitchen, feeling a bit hungry. Opening the fridge, he took out a piece of seafood pizza that was left over from the night before. 'Wolfing' it down, he wandered back into the lounge, where his answering machine caught his eye again. Touching the button lightly, he moved over to the couch and flopped down on it, stretching out on his back. 'Hey Raz! It's Jordan here. Pick up the phone, I know you're home right now.' A long pause, 'Look, if you don't call me by seven, I'm coming over to check on you.' His voice took on a concerned tone, 'Please Raz, just don't do anything you'll regret, okay? -CLICK-' Razor looked down at his paws, realising that he had never even considered suicide. He was suddenly angry with himself for even thinking it. That thought rang adamantly in his mind. He glanced down at his watch. 6pm. Closing his eyes, he tried to relax his breathing. Not succeeding, he sat up, holding his head in is paws. 'Okay, so I'm gay. So what, Jordan will understand...won't he? Lets face reality Raz, you are soooo gay. It's completely obvious. All that yiffy male art you've collected. The way you feel no attraction to females. Even your feelings for Jordan...' He stopped, realising that he was talking to himself. He lifted his head from his paws, feeling the relief building up inside him as everything fell into place. Something changed, and he didn't care about being gay anymore. Now he felt like he was no longer living a lie. A wonderful warmth suddenly filled his body. Then reality caught up to him, and his heart sank into his stomach. He might not be hiding it from himself anymore, but he knew that there were furs out there that would want to do terrible things to furs like him. He could never just 'come out'. He wasn't strong enough to take the ridicule it would bring. Lying back on the couch, he hugged his own body and started to sob, all the old pain returning in a flood. In his extreme stress, his animal survival instincts took over, and he let his body succumb to the reach of sleep. 'Razor... Hey little otter, wake up.' A soft voice whispered gently in his ear. He opened his eyes slowly, trying to adjust them to the light. Jordan was sitting on the edge of the couch, grinning. He stood up, giving Raz' a little time to get fully awake. After a minute or so, he crossed his arms and gave Razor one of his serious stares. 'Okay Raz' This has gone far enough. I can see you've been crying. You're going to tell me what's wrong, and you're going to tell me right now!' Razor looked up at Jordan, inadvertently admiring his friend's body. Jordan's naturally muscular bod was being shown off incredibly well by the tight jogging shorts and shirt that he was wearing, and his grey fur seemed to sparkle in the light from the glowing stones Razor liked to use in his apartment. Razor's eyes settled on the pronounced bulge in the shorts. In a moment of terror, Razor realised that he was still only wearing a pair of silk boxers, and that looking at Jordan was giving him an erection. He panicked when he saw that Jordan was looking at the fast developing bump in his boxers. All he could do was watch as the wolf's eyes widened slightly, and then softened into an expression of pure affection. Jordan padded over to the distressed otter, sat down on the couch, and hugged him tightly. 'Why didn't you just tell me you were gay, Raz?' 'But... I... I didn't know how you would react!' 'Hey little buddy, I'm fine with you being gay. Why would you think I wouldn't be?' 'Well, its just...If it gets out...If people see us together...won't they think you're my...' his voice trailed off. The wolf stared at him for a moment, and then a sudden realisation dawned on him. 'You mean no one's told you? I would have thought it would be all around school by now.' Jordan looked questioningly at Razor. Razor just stared back, not having the faintest clue what Jordan was talking about. 'You really don't know, do you?' The wolf grinned devilishly, the look he got when he had a naughty idea in his head. 'Don't know what!? Am I supposed to know something!?' Razor was getting irritated with the game Jordan was playing with him. The wolf collapsed in a fit of giggles. 'Come on Jordy, tell ME!', Raz pleaded. The wolf suddenly got up, and leaned close to Raz, whispering into Razor's ear. 'Oh, I'll do better than that.' Jordan stripped off his clothes in one swift movement, and pounced on the surprised otter. Muzzle to muzzle, Jordan looked deep into Razor's eyes, and rubbed his wolfhood against the fur of Raz's stomach. 'Lets play a game Raz. Guess how I got this hard? I'll give you a hint. I think you're the yiffiest otter I've ever met!' Jordan stopped rubbing himself against Raz, and moved to the opposite end of the couch. He lounged back, allowing the otter a full view of his body. Razor simply stared at the wolf, as the realisation of what Jordan had just done sank in. 'You mean...' 'Yup, I'm gay too. Came out about a week ago.' 'Why didn't you tell me!? Do you know how worried I've been about telling you this!?' 'You just answered you own question, my little furry friend. I was afraid too. I didn't want to lose someone that I love so much.' Jordan leaned forward, and patted Raz's erection. 'I didn't have the faintest idea that you were gay too, but when I saw you looking at me like that...well, I just knew. Must be that gaydar thing I've been hearing about.' Razor looked at his friend, trying very hard to stop his eyes from wandering around the wolf's groin. Jordan noticed how uncomfortable Raz was getting, so he quickly slipped back into his clothes. After he had gotten himself comfortable (not an easy thing when you have an erection and you're wearing jogging shorts) he sat down again. He smiled gently at Razor, trying to relax the otter. Unfortunately, it had an opposite effect. All of Raz's confused emotions finally got the better of him, and he started to sob uncontrollably. Without thinking, he hugged Jordan, and buried his face in the wolf's chestfur. A sweet earthy smell filled Raz's nostrils as he breathed in Jordan's scent. He smelt like a forest after it had rained. Jordan hugged back, trying his hardest to console his crying friend. 'It'll be okay little buddy. I'll be here for you. That's it, let it all out. You'll feel better afterwards.' Razor continued to sob, mixed feelings of utter despair and sheer joy turning his mind into a battlefield. Jordan continued, 'It'll be easier now. You aren't fighting yourself anymore. I know how hard it is Raz, but I'll be here with you. I love you too much to leave.' Razor look up at his friend, and tried to smile through the tears. 'I... I think I love you too, Jordy.' Razor made a weak attempt at grinning. 'So... does this make us boyfriends?' Jordan grinned back. 'Well little buddy, I'll be yours if you'll be mine.' Razor's heart soared when he heard those words, and he forgot all his cares. Throwing his arms around Jordan's neck, he licked passionately at the wolf's pale grey muzzle. 'Oh Jordy! Of course I will be! But...' He stopped suddenly, frowning at Jordan, '...but you have to do one thing.' Jordan gave him a devilish look, his yiffy mind working overtime. 'Oh yes, and what does my little bundle of otter love want me to do to him!?' Raz felt almost sad about having to disappoint the grinning wolf. 'I want you to stop calling me little! I'm almost exactly the same size as you...' His heart melted as Jordan looked at him like a puppy being scolded for something. He flashed a toothy grin at the crestfallen wolf, and leant forward, letting the silk boxers fall to the ground as he did. He snuggled up against Jordan, before whispering softly in his ear, 'Yup...same size, in every possible way!', as he pushed his dick up against the hard outline that Jordan's own erection was making in the jogging shorts. Razor and Jordan had been friends since they where cubs, and they had seen each other naked on many an occasion, so Razor knew he wasn't wrong about his cock being the same size as Jordan's. Truth is, if you only looked at their cocks, you would have thought that they were identical twins. No, that's not exactly true. Their eyes where also exactly the same. It was like watching a reflection as Jordan slipped out of his own shorts for the second time in an evening. They both looked down at the other's cock, before staring lovingly into each other's cobalt blue eyes. Some furs say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Well for Razor and Jordan, the window became a mirror, and in that instant, both furs knew that destiny had meant them to be together, soul lovers forever. ** Look forward to a sequel to this story. If you enjoy my writting, PLEASE let me know! I'm a little insequre about my worth as an author and I could use the support. You can email me at: Yiffball@hotmail.com Or you can send me a message on ICQ: 78640210 Every now and again, I get onto Furrymuck. If you're on it too, add me to your watchfor list if you like. My character name is: Razwolfy