Warning, this story deals with homosexual relationships. If you are underage, homophobic, or just really conservative, this story isn't for you, and I will not answer emails that simply repeat what I have just said. The characters are all co Garth Forster 2000, and are not based on other furs that I know of in real life. I am Razor, and so he is based on my experiences, but Jordan is completely fictional. If there is an eighteen-year oldish grey furred wolf out there that goes by the name Jordan (gods, please won't you do this one little thing for me!), I apologise if you don't like your fictional counterpart, but I still won't feel obliged to change the story. Feel free to share this story with your friends, so long as it remains unaltered and is transmitted in its entirety. The Entire Soul Lovers series takes place in the FurryMUCK universe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Lovers: part 2 (Completed on the 31st July 2000) -by Razor ------------------------------------------------------------- Raz woke when it was still dark. Reaching out in general direction of his bedside table, he touched the glowstone as lightly as he could, not wanting to wake Jordan. The stone shimmered to life, and Razor touched it again, shifting its light into a pale blue shine. He looked over at the still sleeping wolf that had curled up on the other side of the bed. He stirred restlessly, and Razor quickly extinguished the glowstone. Luckily his otter eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness, and he found he could see enough to move around without bumping into anything. He swung his legs out of bed, standing up slowly and stretching his tight muscles. Jordan growled loudly, caught up in some wild dream. The otter smiled lovingly, delighted by the fact that he could watch his boyfriend sleep. Padding quietly into bathroom, he closed the door before switching on the lights. Reaching into a cabinet, he took out a fluffy towel, and put it on a hook next to his own towel. Jordan would probably want a shower after last night's efforts. He showered quickly, but spent some time grooming himself. He walked back into the bedroom, the sun was just starting to shine through the curtains, but the lights were on. Jordan lay on the bed, tapping idly at the keys of Raz's laptop. He looked up from the screen, grinning. "You've got quite a nice little collection of art here." Razor blushed, knowing that some of those pictures where ones he had drawn of Jordan. "I rather like the one you drew of me doing..." "Ah...Yes well, I..." the wolf grinned, and got up from the bed. He hugged Raz, breathing in deeply the smell of his freshly cleaned fur. "Mmmm... you smell nice, mind if I..." Jordan indicated towards bathroom with one paw. Razor nodded gently, the sheer joy of having someone to share his life with still rushing through his system. As Jordan padded through to the bathroom, Razor watched quietly, enjoying the view of muscular wolf's rear end. Jordan didn't bother to close the door behind him. Razor walked over to his closet, trying to decide what Jordan would look best in, considering that he hadn't brought any clothes with him. He finally settled on a pair of jeans that were slightly tight on him, grinning quietly to himself as he imagined what they would look like on the cute wolf. In addition to the jeans, he chose a loose fitting T-shirt that had the image of a wolf howling at the moon printed on it. Not sure of whether Jordan preferred boxers or briefs, Razor laid out a selection of both. Quickly finding some clothes for himself to wear, he wandered through to the kitchen, and began to plan a massive breakfast for two. Considering that it was Saturday he also selfishly began to make plans about what they could do together during the day. Pulling a large salmon from the freezer, one he had caught himself, he realised that the things that had been so troublesome for him the day before now no longer mattered. Running a sharp claw along the underside of the fish, he split it neatly in two. Putting both halves into a frying pan, he placed them on the stove to cook. He halved a couple of oranges, using the same technique as with the fish. Razor prided himself on his proficiency in the kitchen. Living alone you tend to develop talents that are necessary for survival. Before long, he had mixed up a sauce for the salmon, removed the bones from Jordan's half, not knowing if wolves could handle that sort of thing, and added the orange juice to two tall glasses of champagne. He laid it all out on the table, standing back to admire his work. He suddenly found himself being hugged from behind by two grey arms. 'Raz! Wow, you shouldn't have! I think we should have become lovers earlier on. You never treated me like this while we were just friends.' Jordan turned Razor around, kissing him passionately on the muzzle. Razor tried his best to return the favour, but Jordan simple squeezed him tighter, indicating that this was his way of saying thanks, and that Raz was just supposed to relax and enjoy it. There wasn't much else that he could do, especially when the wolf's strong paws started stroking the fur of his tail. Jordan stopped suddenly, leaving Razor a bit dazed. He sat down at the table, waiting for the otter to join him. Razor collapsed into the other chair. 'You'd better be careful, Jordy. Any more treatment like that, and I'm going to start finding it pretty hard to control myself. Where did you learn to give a tail-rub like that?' The wolf smiled, happy that his friend had enjoyed his work. 'I used to do it to myself. I guess its one of the bonuses of being gay, you sort of know what'll make your partner feel good, because you're pretty experienced in making yourself feel good.' He grinned. 'There's still plenty that I haven't shown you.' The wolf tucked into the salmon, stopping now and then to sip gently at the champagne. 'Interesting combo for breakfast Raz. Don't believe I've ever been treated so well.' He stopped, taking another bite of the fish. Chewing thoughtfully, he swallowed before continuing...' You know Raz. I'm really glad that you are my first gay relationship. Come to think of it, you're my first relationship full- stop. I just want you to know, there's no pressure, okay? I'm as new to this sort of thing as you are...' 'Of course Jordy. I'm glad you're my first too...' Razor watched his friend, concerned that there was more to this than he was saying. Jordan seemed to grow quieter, and Razor decided that he should say something. 'Are you okay Jordy?' The wolf looked up from his plate, and Razor saw the tears filling the bright blue eyes. 'Oh gods Raz. I've tried to be strong, for your sake, but I can't hide it anymore. My parents found out that I am gay. My dad was furious. He threw me out of the house yesterday. My mom, well... you know how she is... thinks everything can be solved with prayer and regular church going. *sob*' Razor took Jordan's paw, squeezing it tight. 'Hey my little wolfie, I guess we're more like each other than we thought. What do you think I've been worrying about for the last two weeks?' 'I'm sorry Razor. I didn't mean to lie to you. I just didn't want you to keep feeling the same way. I wanted you to be happy...' Razor's heart broke as he watched the wolf that had shown so much love for him burst into tears. 'You didn't lie to me Jordy. You opened my eyes. Remember what you said last night? You said that you'd stand by me, through it all. Well, I promise that I'll do the same for you. I'll be here, right by your side. We'll do this together, okay?' Razor rubbed his paw against Jordan's muzzle. The wolf sniffed, nodding slightly. Razor realised how unhappy he must have been, but it hurt him even more that Jordan was now equally unhappy. This young wolf had shown him sympathy and love, even when he was feeling just as bad. He got up, and went and knelt next to Jordan. 'Listen Jordy, I'm sorry about your folks. I know it must be hard. Tell you what... You can move in here for as long as you want to. It's a big apartment, and it'll easily take two furs junk. It just means...' Razor wasn't sure if his love was ready to hear this, but Jordan surprised him, speaking quietly between sobs. 'I'll have to go back and face them to get my stuff.' The wolf looked up from his paws, his blue eyes still shimmering with tears. 'Raz. Will you come with me? I'm not strong enough to go back alone.' Razor hugged his friend tightly. 'Of course I will. I said I'll be there for you. Come on now, finish your breakfast. We'll go over some time later today.' He sat down again, and before long, they had both finished off their food. Jordan seemed much happier now that he had got it off his chest. Razor started to clear the table and put the stuff into the sink, but Jordan stopped him. 'Uh uh, little bud. You made breakfast, now its only fair that I do the washing up. If we're going to be living together, I had better start pulling my weight around here.' Taking the plates out of Razor's paws, he walked casually over to the sink. Razor couldn't help himself, and he collapsed in a fit of giggles. Jordan cut a strange figure, standing in front of the sink in an oversized T-shirt and tight jeans. 'Oh dear gods! Jordan, you better come through to the bedroom as soon as you're finished. Those clothes look terrible on you. I'm sure I have something better.' Jordan grinned over his shoulder. 'I don't see much of a problem, after all... we're not going to be needing clothes too often, are we?' 'Jordan! One of these days that yiffy mind of yours is going to get you into trouble.' Razor shouted over his shoulder as he made his way into the living room. All things considered, Razor's apartment was more like a luxury villa. It had it's own telecrystal linked to Central Furry's park, not to mention the fact that it had its own pool and solarium. For an otter, the combination of sun and water was irresistible. Still, it hadn't come cheap. Of course, money wasn't really a problem. He had inherited a great deal when both his parents had passed away and, while he didn't really like to show it, he was rather well off. The fact was he had hoped that Jordan would move in anyway. He thought about Jordan's parents. They had been like family towards him when he had lost his folks, and had treated him like a second son. He had loved them. Right now he was just really angry at them, for hurting Jordan like this. He couldn't understand how they could just throw their son out on the street. He didn't want to depress Jordan with his own behaviour, so he tried to think about something else. Going through to his bedroom, he picked up his laptop and brought it through to the livingroom. Turning it on, he tapped in the request for access to the Matrix that controlled Furry. He started a search, looking for a nice place that he could take Jordan to sometime. Among the numerous matches, one seemed to jump out at him. Caf‚ Rose. It was fairly close to the park, so they wouldn't have to walk too far. He made a mental note of its location. Jordan emerged from the kitchen, drying the fur of his arms with a dishcloth. 'I'm all done in there. So, do you want to dress me up in something stylish?' 'Oh gods yes! Take off those silly clothes.' Jordan grinned, licking his muzzle. 'I hope I get to hear that quite often.' Jordan stripped off the clothes, revealing that he had chosen to wear a pair of blue silk boxers that were covered in pawprints. Razor ruffled his headfur, then put a paw on the slight bulge in the boxers, gripping tightly on to Jordan's sheath through the silk. Jordan yelped in surprise, but quickly relaxed, smiling sheepishly at Raz. 'Oh come on you yiffy wolf. We'll never get anything done if you keep behaving like that.' Raz tugged lightly, feeling Jordan's cock begin to harden in his paw. Razor took a few steps towards the bedroom, tugging Jordan along by his wolfhood. Jordan grinned again, purposefully being stubborn to try and lengthen the experience. He was succeeding quite successfully in delaying the inevitable, since Raz didn't want to pull too hard, fearing that he might hurt his lover. Making full use of this, Jordan took one step back for every two that Raz took forward, murring loudly each time Razor pulled. Seeing that he wasn't getting anywhere, Razor let go of Jordan's cock. Jordan just stood there looking a bit disappointed and very horny. Putting his paws on his hips, Razor looked at the pleading wolf sceptically, before saying, 'You're enjoying this, aren't you?' Jordan gave him one of his begging puppy dog looks, slipping his paws suggestively inside his boxers. His tail started wagging uncontrollably. He stepped forward, pushing himself up against Razor. The otter couldn't help but begin to feel aroused. Jordan took his paws out of his boxers, and slid them up the front of Raz's T-shirt, rubbing his chestfur. In one movement, Jordan lifted Razor's arms and pulled off the T- shirt. Dropping to his knees, he stared up hopefully at the surprised otter. He emphasised his point by rubbing his muzzle against the now prominent bump in Raz's pants. 'what? NOW!?' Jordan nodded enthusiastically, not wanting to spoil the moment with talk. He was still murring loudly, and started rubbing a bit harder. He stopped, looking up questioningly at his otter friend. Razor looked down at Jordan, and was suddenly overwhelmed by the love in his eyes. He nodded. Jordan grinned, pulling down Raz's pants slowly. Razor let out a loud chirr as Jordan pushed his paws up the legs of his boxers, rubbing at his balls. As soon as Jordan pulled the boxers away from Raz's waist, he wrapped his muzzle around the throbbing erection that emerged. Razor moaned, the combined sensations of Jordan's sucking and licking almost becoming too much for him. The wolf closed his eyes, taking Razor in all the way. Razor felt the head of his cock touching the back of Jordan's throat. He felt a pang of guilt ring through the pleasure, since he was not doing anything for Jordan. He arched his back, feeling the approaching orgasm. Jordan felt it too, and redoubled his efforts. Wave after wave of pleasure pulsed from his groin. Jordan swallowed as much of his cum as he could, just letting it dribble over his muzzle when it got too much. Opening his mouth, he sat back, panting loudly. Razor collapsed onto his knees, and was about to lie down on the floor when Jordan guided his head into his lap. Jordan looked down into Raz's eyes, grinning wildly. 'So... how was I?' Razor panted, trying to catch his breath. 'WOW!' 'Aha, not bad for my first blow job huh?' Razor just chirred loudly. Jordan licked his muzzle clean of any dribbles of cum. 'Mmm, and I must say, you don't taste half bad either.' From his place in Jordan's lap, he could still feel the wolf's erection bumping against him. He turned sideways, licking affectionately at it. Sitting up, he wrapped a paw around it, rubbing gently at the wolf's ball pouch. 'Now it's your turn. Just lie back and relax.' Jordan stretched out, his tail flapping about in expectation. Razor lay down next to the wolf, turning onto his side. Jordan was still panting from the blow-job, and the heaving of his chest acted as the perfect counter-stroke to Raz's gently pawing. Jordan found himself squirming from all the stimulation, Razor's paw working wonders on the sensitive surface of his penis. Using the back of his other paw, Razor gently rubbed the head of Jordan's cock. With surprising accuracy, Jordan blew his load all over Raz's face, the wolf's body arching as an incredible orgasm swept through all his muscles. Razor could feel the relief of tension in Jordan's body immediately. He had the sudden wild idea of patenting his stress relaxing cock stroke. Wiping at his face with his paws, he proceeded to lick off all the sticky cum that Jordan had so 'kindly' spurted onto him. Once Jordan had recovered from the orgasm, he rolled over onto his side and started to help in the cleanup process. This was the first time that Razor had considered tasting his own cum, but he had always lost the urge after he came, but all things considered, he liked what he tasted. When they had finally finished, Jordan got up, lifting the otter in his arms. 'I think we had better have a shower, hmm?' Raz looked at his dishevelled fur and nodded. 'Yeah, I guess we had better. You go first.' 'Why can't we go at the same time? We're lovers now, remember.' 'Oh yeah...Sorry, it takes some getting used to.' 'That's okay. I know what you mean.' Jordan nuzzled Razor affectionately 'I guess it's not everyday that friends fall in love. Especially not guys.' 'Come on you silly wolf. Let's go have another shower. I can see my water bill going through the roof with you around.' Razor was happy that Jordan had relaxed, and he didn't want to remind the wolf about the trip they would have to make later, but it was already nearly lunchtime, and they would have to go soon. He only hoped that things would go well. ***** And yes, there will be a sequel to this. If you enjoy my writing, tell others! oh, and PLEASE let me know! I'm a little insecure about my worth as an author and I could use the support. You can email me at: Yiffball@hotmail.com Or you can send me a message on ICQ: 78640210 Every now and again, I get onto Furrymuck. If you're on it too, add me to your watchfor list if you like. My character name is: Razwolfy