Warning, this story deals with homosexual relationships. If you are underage, homophobic, or just really conservative, this story isn't for you, and I will not answer emails that simply repeat what I have just said. The characters are all co Garth Forster 2000, and are not based on other furs that I know of in real life. I am Razor, and so he is based on my experiences (well, except for the money and parents), but Jordan is completely fictional. If there is an eighteen-year oldish grey furred wolf out there that goes by the name Jordan (gods, please won't you do this one little thing for me!), I apologise if you don't like your fictional counterpart, but I still won't feel obliged to change the story. Feel free to share this story with your friends, so long as it remains unaltered and is transmitted in its entirety. The Soul Lovers story takes place in the FurryMUCK universe as will any of the stories I write as follow-ups to this series. ------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Lovers: part 3 (Completed on the 31st July 2000) -by Razor ------------------------------------------------------------- 'Look Jordan, I know you aren't happy about this, but we have to go. You can't just keep wearing my clothes, and I'm sure there's some stuff you want to get from home. Come on, we can use your dog-tags to program my telecrystal.' Razor continued to dry his headfur, sitting patiently on the bed. A grey tail drooped out from under the bed. 'No, I'm not coming out. I can't do it Raz. Isn't it enough that my parents hate me! Now I've got to go back to confirm it!? No!' 'Oh come on Jordy. You were fine with it this morning. Look, they aren't going to say anything while I'm there. We can just breeze in and pick up all your stuff. I know you love them, but maybe they just need some time to sort things out for themselves.' He lay down on the bed, hanging his head over the edge so he could look at Jordan. The wolf crawled further under the bed. 'Anyway, if you don't go get your stuff, they're just going to throw it all out. Do you really want to lose all those nice plushies?' Jordan collected plushies like Raz collected yiffy art (and maybe for the same reason). Jordan just curled up into a little ball. Razor made up his mind to do something that might be a bit dangerous. Lowering himself onto the floor, he reached out under the bed, and grabbed onto Jordan's tail. Pulling as hard as he could, he managed to drag the wolf out. He let go quickly as Jordan tried to snap at him. The wolf's teeth narrowly missed his paw. 'Hey that hurt!!! Ah...', Jordan snarled at him, stopping when he realised what he had done. 'Oh gods Raz I'm sorry. It was just an automatic reaction.' Razor looked at his paw, checking that it was still intact. 'That's okay Jordy. I'm sorry too, but we have to go. You do understand that, don't you?' Jordan sighed, looking at his paws. 'Yeah, I guess. All right, let's get it over with.' 'Give me your tags.' Jordan handed over the tags. Ever fur in Furry had a set of tags, or at least, the ones that had homes did. The tags simply told the matrix where your home was. Razor walked through to living room, and pushed on a panel that opened the telepod room, the center of which was dominated by a massive crystal. Telecrystals weren't strictly endorsed by the matrix guardians, which was why it was built into a secret room. The fur that had sold him the apartment hadn't even known about it. Razor had discovered the panel later, and considered it a bonus. At the moment it showed a picture of the park. Razor held the tags up to the crystal, allowing its light to fall on their metallic surface. The picture shimmered, and changed to a view of Jordan's front yard. Razor heard Jordan gasp as he stepped through the doorway. 'Wow Razor. I knew you had a telecrystal, but I had no idea... I mean, it's like the ones that they have in the Jump Room.' 'Come here Jordy. Hold on to my paw.' Jordan did as he was told. Razor handed the tags back to him, and picked up a small faceted crystal that stood on a pedestal nearby. He stretch out his arm, and touched the main crystal. A bright flash surrounded the two furs, and a sudden rush of wind ruffled their fur. They found themselves standing in front of Jordan's house. Razor glanced at the wolf. 'You ready for this, Jordy?' Jordan took a deep breath. 'Yeah, I'm ready. Lets go.' They walked up to the door, and Razor knocked three times, in the way he usually did. The door was opened by a short brown- furred wolf, Jordan's mother. 'Jordan! I was worried when you didn't come home last night. Oh, hello Razor.' 'Hello Mrs. Luna.' Jordan's surname was fairly appropriate for a wolf. 'Come in boys. Jordan, your father is in the lounge. Won't you go talk to him, please?' Jordan's mother's voice took on a pleading tone. Jordan looked sadly at his paws. 'I'm sorry mom. I just came to get my things.' 'No Jordan! You mustn't listen to what your father said. I know he didn't mean it. He was just angry about...' She glanced nervously at Razor, not knowing how much Jordan had told him. Razor smiled carefully at her. 'He told me everything Mrs. Luna.' She glanced nervously at Jordan, and he nodded, before padding off in the direction of his room. 'Oh Razor, he was always such a good boy. What happened to him?' 'He still is, Mrs. Luna. He told me what his dad did. Is he serious?' 'I'm not sure Razor. He's very angry right now. He won't even talk to me. It's not easy, I keep wondering what I did wrong.' 'Jordan didn't choose this, Mrs. L. I mean, I've been friends with Jordan for a long time, and we've always told each other everything. But this... this he didn't know how I'd react to. I'm glad he finally told me though.' 'You are?' 'Yeah, I am. I don't care about whether being gay is right or not. If Jordan can admit it to others, it means he can admit it to himself, and that's most important. Now at least he's found himself. I know how hard it is when you don't know what you are.' 'Oh Razor, I'm so glad that Jordan has friends like you. Maybe you can help him, get him back to normal.' Razor sighed quietly to himself, realising that he wasn't getting anywhere. 'I'll try Mrs. L, but I'm not making any promises. If this is what Jordan wants, then I wont try to force him to be something he's not. I... I had better go help him pack.' Razor turned to go, but she put a paw on his shoulder. 'Oh Razor, I don't want him to go, but his father... Where will he go?' 'He's moving in with me. I've got a big apartment, and the company will be nice.' 'Thank you Razor. I just wouldn't feel right if he had to stay with one of... his kind.' 'I'm going to help him pack now, Mrs. L.' Razor walked out before she could say anything more. He was feeling a bit angry that he couldn't get through to her, but deep down he was expecting this reaction. For once in his life, he was thankful that he didn't have parents. He reached the door to Jordan's room, opening it slowly and closing it behind him. The wolf was busy stuffing clothes into a backpack, throwing things that he didn't want into the trash. Raz could see the tear marks on his muzzle. He dug into his pocket, and fished out a small silver disc. Laying it on the bed, he pushed the button in its center. Jordan watched curiously as he did this. It buzzed slightly, and then started to vibrate slightly. The air above it shimmered, and then expanded into a glowing portal. 'There you go Jordy. It'll save you some time. Just throw anything you want to keep into the portal. It'll be dumped into the lounge of my apartment. Don't throw anything fragile though.' Jordan looked uncertainly at the glowing circle. He lifted the backpack, and pushed it into the light. There was a slight sucking sound, and the bag disappeared. A number of plushies flew towards the portal, as the wolf started clearing his shelves. Razor stood back, letting the wolf deal with his frustrations on his own. Jordan finally came to a number of photos. Some were of him and Raz, while others where family pictures. He knocked the family pictures over, smashing their glass frames and dumping them into the bin. The other pictures he removed from their frames, folding them up and putting them into his pocket. The room was now looking very bare, and Jordan turned to Razor, nodding that he could turn off the portal. Razor flicked the disk off, putting it back into his pocket. Jordan opened the door, taking one final look at his room before leaving. Razor put a comforting arm around his friend. They walked together to the door, and were surprised to find Jordan's father waiting for them. He frowned at Jordan, nodding only slightly to Razor. 'So you're leaving?' His tone was cold and unfriendly. 'Yes...' Jordan sounded like he was about to burst into tears. His father stared coldly at him, and Razor took his friend by the arm and tried to lead him out the door. Jordan's father stopped him. 'Take this with you. It was going to be your birthday present.' He handed a new laptop to Jordan. 'Maybe it'll be of some use.' Jordan took the laptop silently, staring at it's black curves. 'Thank you.' He murmured quietly, turning to go. 'I'm sorry son. It has to be like this.' His voice was still cold, and it made him sound very insincere. Razor suddenly lost his temper. 'NO IT DOESN'T!!! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO YOUR OWN SON!!??' Jordan's father just stared at the furious otter. Razor had to restrain himself, flexing his claws. The thought that he could gut this wolf the same way he gutted a fish flashed through his mind. Jordan just tugged on his arm, emphasizing his wish to get away. Razor stormed a few paces from the house, Jordan hurrying to keep up. Pulling the faceted crystal from his pocket, he rubbed it along one surface. The flash and rush surrounded him again. They were back in his apartment. Razor calmed down, trying to understand why he had gotten so angry. Jordan put a paw on his shoulder. 'Its okay Raz. Thank you for standing up for me, but its okay.' 'Oh Jordan, you don't deserve this. You deserve a loving, caring and warm place to come home to.' 'But I do have that. Don't you get it Raz. You're all that and more.' Jordan hugged Razor, pulling him close. He hugged the wolf back, ruffling his headfur and kissing his muzzle. He let go, and walked through to the lounge. 'GOOD GODS!!! How much did you have in that room?' Plushies littered the lounge from one end to the other, interspersed by various other items. Jordan wandered through, picking up a little otter plushie and hugging it tight. 'We can put all the rest in storage. I only want this one right now.' Throwing all the plushies into the portal room, Jordan and Razor picked up the rest of his belongings and took them through to the bedroom. Razor suddenly had a thought he hadn't considered before. He only had one bed. 'Um... Jordan... You are okay with sleeping together, right?' Jordan grinned impishly, putting an arm around Raz. 'Now what do you think, hmm?' ***** Oh damn, I've run out of ideas for the SL series. Please help me! If you enjoy my writing, tell others! oh, and PLEASE let me know! I'm a little insecure about my worth as an author and I could use the support. You can email me at: Yiffball@hotmail.com Or you can send me a message on ICQ: 78640210 Every now and again, I get onto Furrymuck. If you're on it too, add me to your watchfor list if you like. My character name is: Razwolfy