THE CELTIC EXPERIENCE Written by Razor Well, after a few emails about not being able to read my other documents, I finally figured that I might as well convert this into a text file too. The original Time otter document had some emphasised words and what not using Italics... so, if you'd still like to see those little extra touches you can check out that file. However, if you can't read the document, or if you know of a format that would be universally acceptable to all my readers, please drop me a line. I could use the help. ICQ#: 78640210 Email: ------------------------------------------ 'RRRIIIINNNININGININGINING-THWACK-CRASH' Razor was woken up rather rudely by an over-enthusiastic alarm, whose life ended shortly afterwards, when it hit the wall. He sat up, nursing his tail carefully, rubbing the spot where it had it the alarm. He got up, and walked, still naked, through to the kitchen. He made himself a cup of coffee as he tried to brush the fog off his mind. He had the distinct impression that he was supposed to be doing something important this morning, but couldn't for the fur on his back remember what it was. He sipped the coffee slowly, enjoying the fact that he could have a quiet moment to himself. Suddenly it hit him, and he spilled the hot liquid all over his chest. 'Oh SHIT! I'm late for work! Denver is going to KILL ME!' Rushing through to his bedroom, still dripping coffee, he hurriedly pulled his uniform out of the cupboard, dusting it off. He had been on sick leave a long time, and it was starting to show in the layer of dust that had gathered on it. He sprinted into the shower, almost throwing his uniform into the toilet before he realised what he was doing. He set the hot water tap to its strongest setting, and let out a howl of pain as it burnt on his skin. Opening the cold water tap, he howled again, as the water turned to ice. Hurriedly he found a comfortable mix, and soaped up his fur. He usually liked to take more time, for 'personal pleasure', but he knew that now was not the time to be jerking-off. He shut off the water, and leapt from the shower, spraying water all over the bathroom. He ripped a fuzzy towel from its hook, and cursed as the hook joined the towel in his paw, followed closely by a chunk of the wall. He stared in disbelief at the gaping hole for a moment, then continued to dry himself, trying to ignore his bad luck. When he was finally satisfied that he was dry, he pulled on the fur-tight, one-piece uniform, realising too late that he had forgotten to dry his tail. Still, the uniform still clung tightly to his form, accentuating his naturally muscular body. He checked his watch, and found that it had stopped working. Running back to his bedroom, he managed to get his uniform and tail dry with his fur-dryer, and found that his tail kept poofing out, giving him a ridiculous, plushie appearance. Picking up his keys he sprinted out the front door, locking it behind him. He turned to run down the stairs, then turned slowly back, cursing all the time. He hastily unlocked the door, and ran back to his bedroom. He spent a moment searching, and then found what he was looking for. He ran back out the door, buckling his recall device around his wrist as he locked up again. It blinked to life as it came into contact with his fur and almost immediately beeped an alert that there was a holo-message for him. Sighing, he touched the button that accepted the call. He was greeted by the derisive face of a large white lion, as it materialised in front of him. Raz' tried to smile happily, giving the lion one of his charismatic grins. 'Morning Denver, you're looking good. Long time no see.' The lion frowned, then replied in an irritated tone, 'Well, I see that you haven't changed much in the weeks you've been off, Agent Razor.' His British accent emphasised the sarcasm in his voice. 'Ah, well Denver, you seem to have caught me on a...' 'I'm not interested in your weak excuses Razor. Just get your furry, gay arse down here. We've got an emergency!' 'Right away, Denver!' 'Oh, one more thing Agent Razor...' 'Yes, Denver?' 'Maybe you would like to zip up your uniform, you seem to be showing a bit too much fur' The lion's eyes wandered the length of Razor's body derisively, before the hologram winked out of existence. The ride over to the complex was thankfully without mishaps, and Razor was feeling much better by the time that he reached the entrance to the underground bunker. He entered the parking area, and parked his hover-cycle in an empty place. A guard stepped forward, barring his path to the elevator. Razor sighed impatiently as the guard held up a small scanner to the recall device around his wrist, and then stepped aside. As the doors of the elevator closed behind him, the sounds of the outside world dwindled. He realised that he was not alone in the elevator, and greeted the familiar face of a slim vixen that lounged against one wall. 'Morning Feara. Good to see you again. Has Denver kept you busy in the labs?' 'Razor! Great, with your sex-drive prowling the complex, none of the guys are going to get any work done.' 'Awh, Feara, you're just jealous of the fact that the guys find me more attractive than you!' 'Hah! You are so conceited Raz', not all guys are gay you know.' 'They are when I'm finished with them' Raz' grinned playfully at Feara. He had missed these little exchanges, knowing that they were just affectionate banter between friends. Feara had been in the same training class as him in the academy, although she had excelled in research, while he had been better in field operations. They had even been offered jobs by L.E.G.I.O.N. at the same time. They had always been together, and in the times before Razor had accepted being gay, they had even gone out once or twice. 'That's if you get a chance to have your way with them! I would have thought you had learnt your lesson after that medieval tavern incident. By the way, how is that leg? It was pretty badly messed up, wasn't it?' Feara looked sarcastically at Razor. 'Oh come on Feara. How was I supposed to know that that tiger wasn't gay, hmmm? I didn't know he was having a bad day, and I presumed all guys liked being stroked...there.' 'Well, he still beat you up pretty bad. You almost didn't survive the return jump.' 'Hey, I wasn't worried. I knew that I had competent Docs like you waiting for me!' The elevator pinged, and the doors opened. Feara set off towards her lab, but shouted over her shoulder, 'Come in to the lab when you have time, I've been working on that request of yours. The L.E.G.I.O.N. complex seemed more busy than usual, and technicians swarmed over the time bubble generators. He spotted Denver's massive body on one of the overhead catwalks. The white lion spotted him, and pointed in the direction of his office. Denver's office was cosy, and Raz' settled into cushy chair and waited for the lion to arrive. A brief blast of noise from outside filled the office, followed by the sound of the door closing again, and Denver moved round to sit down. Razor grinned amicably at the frowning face, hoping to lighten the mood. Denver sat down slowly, then stared Razor in the eyes. After an uncomfortably long silence, Denver shifted in his chair, putting his footpaws up on his desk, and lit a cigar. 'So, Razor. Did you enjoy you're little vacation?' 'No more than usual, Denver, but I'm bursting to get back to work. You said there was an emergency?' 'Oh, that can wait. How's your leg? That gay-bashing tiger wasn't very accepting of your advances was he?' 'Oh gods, does everyone remember that? I hoped that it would of become old news by now.' 'Ah, I suppose you're still sore about being rejected like that. No matter, I'm sure you'll be back to your fornicating self soon enough.' Denver drew heavily on the cigar, puffing rings into the air. 'Alright Denver, you've had your fun with me, now what's this emergency!' 'Oh, we've got a little time ripple in Celtic England, no big worry.' 'But you said...' 'Can you think of a better way to get a lazy otter agent in to work?' 'Ah, I see. You crafty old dog!' 'By the way, I was very impressed by those new designs you thought up for the recall devices. Gods know, we've got to make them less conspicuous, easier to hide away from enemy agents, and you're idea might just work, while it is somewhat unorthodox. But I can't help wondering, did you think up those designs to help L.E.G.I.O.N., or was it just for personal use? Oh, no matter, we'll be fitting all the agents that are willing to wear them with your updated model.' Razor blushed visibly, silently cursing Feara for telling Denver about his request. 'You're probably a bit out of practice, so I'm going to send you on this Celtic mission. It should be an easy one.' Denver swivelled in his chair, looking out over the time bubble generators. 'You had better report to Feara. She can outfit you with all the new gadgets, and I'm sure you're eager to try on the new recall device.' Razor noticed that Denver was trying hard not to laugh as he said this last bit. Slightly miffed about being the laughing stock of the Complex, he started to make his way to Feara's lab. His irritation grew, as every single fur he passed patted him on his package, and walked away before he could say anything. By the time he got to the lab, he was read to bite someone. He stormed into the Lab. 'WHAT THE HELL IS EVERFUR'S PROBLEM TODAY! GODS, you have one accident with a pissed off barbarian tiger and everyone thinks you're in a constant state of being horny!' Feara glanced up from her work, and smiled vindictively at what could only be a conspiracy against him. 'What? Don't you like people being so forward with you, hmmm? I guess now you know how that tiger felt.' Feara laughed, but made an effort to control herself when she noticed that Razor was starting to bare his fangs. 'OKAY RAZ'! Calm down, I was only joking. Don't worry about it, I'll tell everyone to stop fondling you, okay?' 'You damn well better. Otherwise you may find the sickbay will have a sudden increase in paw injuries.' 'Ah, yes well... give me an hour before you do anything drastic. You've spoken to Denver?' 'Yes, I have.' 'And he told you how impressed he was with your cock-ring design for the recallers?' 'Yes, now please Feara, tell me how he managed to find out about that, hmmm?' ', well... you see, I thought it was such a great idea that I sort of just...blurted it out one day. I'm sorry Razor, but you know, it really is a great idea. Here, let me show you it.' Feara opened a drawer next to her, and pulled out a small blue rubber ring. She handed it to Razor. 'If you look closely, you'll see that it has the same configuration as the wrist recallers, but just on a smaller scale.' Razor looked at the ring, which seemed impossibly tiny, until he tried to stretch it. The ring widened it's diameter easily, offering the slightest resistance. He stopped stretching, and it returned to its original size. Feara continued explaining its functions. 'The one you're holding is the standard issue to all agents. It's equipped with all the functions of the original recallers, except for the vibrating alert. I thought it might be better to disable that. Some of the extra functions you asked for were definitely not for everyone...' Raz' blushed again. '... so I made you a different model. I left the vibrating alert on, since I knew you'd enjoy that sort of thing.' She took back the blue ring and reached into the draw again, this time removing a bright green one. 'Here, specially for you. Oh, here, let me show you the extra functions.' She took back the ring, and pointed out a button on the side. 'This is that lubricant dispenser you asked for, and this one is for the pulse weapon. Make sure it's not aimed at you when fire it, and be sure to pull back your sheath. It could easily circumcise you, and I don't want to have to sew you back together.' Razor's fur had turned a bright red, and Feara was enjoying embarrassing the otter immensely. 'Oh, an added bonus was that, because of the sensitivity of the area where you wear it, I was able to link it directly to your brain functions. It's configured only for you, so no one else can wear it. If they do, it'll constrict until it cuts off the wearer's... well, you get the picture. The up side is, you can now command it with just a thought. But you still have to protect it, because it can be operated manually without being worn' She grinned, and Razor started to feel nervous as she approached him slowly. She had a distinctly mischievous look in her eyes. When she got within arms length of him, she pounced on his body, taking him completely by surprise. 'Here, let me show you how to put it on.' She quickly stripped off his uniform, forcibly pulled back his sheath and stretched the ring over his dick. Razor turned a dark shade of purple, feeling incredibly embarrassed as she stood back to admire her work. 'A nice fit if I don't say so myself. Oh, I almost forgot. Knowing, enthusiastic approach to sex, I added one final function' She leant over and pushed a small bump on the side of the ring, which promptly extended itself into a condom. Razor was on the verge of fainting from distress, and Feara noticed that she might have gone too far. 'Oh, I'm sorry Raz', I didn't mean to be so...rough, but you don't have to worry, I mean, I've seen your dick before. Here...' She pushed the bump again, and the ring returned to its previous form. Razor was shaking visibly, and found that he couldn't move. Feara was his friend, but he was still embarrassed by what she had done. He silently zipped up his uniform, and then let out a quiet whimper. Despite his brash fa‡ade, he was a very sensitive creature, and he promptly sat down and began to cry. 'Oh Raz', what's wrong? Did I hurt you?' '-sob- No! It's just... I feel so ashamed about this all. I mean, everyone knows about it now. What are they going to think about me?' 'Hey, don't worry about it. I've given exactly the same treatment to all the other agents that have come in asking for one. Oh wait, didn't Denver tell you?' '-sniff- Tell me what?' 'It's a complete success amongst the agents, they love them. They think that it's a great idea to hide the recallers in the last place an enemy would look. I mean, how many agents are going to pull back somefur's sheath and have a look around underneath, apart from you, hmmm? Yeah, okay, I admit that it's an idea that only a gay horny otter like yourself could come up with, but as Denver always says, give the troops what they want, right?' 'Yeah, I guess so. So you mean, they liked the idea? They didn't think I was a pervert or anything?' 'Of course not, after all, they already know you're a pervert, but a good idea is a good idea, no matter where it comes from.' Feara reverted back to her sarcastic voice. She gave Razor a friendly hug, and wiped away the tears in his eyes. 'Now come my big, furry otter, I've got lots more to show you.' Feara got up and lead Razor by the paw into the next room. Her assistant, a large grey and extremely attractive male wolf called Jordan, was laying out a number of gadgets on a table. Jordan smiled, 'Hi Razor, good to see you're back on your footpaws.' 'Oh, hi Jordan. Tell me, have you reconsidered that offer I made you?' Razor grinned devilishly at him, feeling altogether much better. 'Come now Razor, you know that I'm straight.' 'Yeah, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy other 'forbidden fruits'' Feara stepped in between Jordan and himself, as he was about to pounce on the scrumptious wolf. 'Sorry Razor, not now! We've got more important things to deal with. These...' She indicated to the table, '...are our latest inventions. We've been pretty busy while you were away.' She lifted what looked like a standard issue sonic pistol. 'This little baby is exactly what it looks like, but we discovered a rather interesting side effect when we upped the power on it.' She pointed it casually at Jordan's tail, and fired a short blast. The wolf yelped in surprise, but was kept busy trying to deal with his tail, which had started thrashing about uncontrollably. 'It has the same effect on the other muscles of the body, it's very painful, but completely harmless.' Razor was looking very concerned, watching the young wolf writhing on the floor. 'Oh, don't worry, the effects wear off in about ten minutes.' Feara stepped over the squirming wolf, and picked up a small black sphere. 'Now this is an interesting one. It's a static ball. You turn it on by squeezing it...' She squeezed it, and promptly dropped it onto Jordan's chest. The poor wolf's fur instantly stood on end, and he turned into an enormous powder-puff. 'This immobilises your target completely, until you remove the ball.' She walked over and plucked the sphere off the wolf's chest. Though dishevelled, his fur returned to its former shape. The young wolf panted heavily, exhausted by the torture he was going through. Feara continued with her explanations, oblivious to the plight of the poor creature. She moved on, picking up a silver disc. 'Ah, I know how you can't abide violence, Razor, but I thought this might useful, if we consider the tiger incident. Here let me show you.' She clipped the disc to her thigh, and tapped it twice. The air just above her fur seemed to shimmer slightly, but otherwise nothing changed. She strode over to the still struggling Jordan, and lifted him by the fur on his chest with just one paw. She let go of him, apparently oblivious to the whimper of pain as he hit the floor again. She tapped the disc, and the air shimmered again. 'It creates a barrier around you that augments your own muscles. Sort of like a transparent exoskeleton.' Razor felt distinctly sorry for Jordan, as he watched him curl up on the floor, but didn't say anything, fearing that the next gadget might be used on him. 'Ah, last but certainly not least, is the pride of our new collection, the psi- glove.' She lifted a silver gauntlet, and fit it snugly over her paw. 'You know that we have a couple of agents with psionic abilities, well all of us have them, but they are just not strong enough to do anything. This senses and amplifies any of your natural psi-talents, for example...' She pointed at the tip of Jordan's tail, and it burst into flame in a flash of light. At this final outrage, Razor intervened, throwing himself on the burning tail of the wolf and putting it out before any damage could be done. Feara gave him a smug look, as if she had been waiting to see how much it would take to get him to react. 'You'll need some training in the psi-facility, but you should gain control over at least one of the elements.' She pulled off the glove, and handed everything to Razor in a small black pouch. Razor removed the sonic pistol, and put it into his thigh-holster. Unbuckling his old recaller, he handed it almost regretfully to Feara. She looked at him sceptically, and held out the recaller. 'You had better transfer all the information in this to your new recaller.' Raz' sighed, because he had hoped to avoid this indignity. He took the old recaller back, and shoved it down the front of his uniform. He could feel the information flowing from one recaller to the other, and was surprised by the fact that he could remember every piece of information he had ever stored in it. Noticing his reaction, Feara piped up, 'I told you that the mental connection is an advantage. Oh, and the unit doesn't need to be recharged, it runs off your own body's electricity. Now I just have to design one for the female agents. You wouldn't have any more good ideas would you?' Razor frowned, before explaining carefully, 'Sorry Feara, I only get good ideas when I know what I'm talking about, and if there is one thing I'll never understand, it's females. I've never been able to see what other guys like about them. Males are so much more...cuddly.' 'You know, that's one thing I can agree with you on.' Feara ruffled his fur, and began to push him towards the door. 'Now get out, I've got work to do.' 'But Jordan...' 'Don't worry about him, I'll take care of it', and with a final shove, Razor found himself in the corridor again. Walking back to Denver's office, he received only two pats on the groin, and he took the time to enjoy them. Once the other furs realised he was enjoying it, rather than becoming irritated, they stopped. Before entering the warm office, he glanced at the screen the hung overhead. It indicated any disturbances in time, caused by other travellers. Staring at the dot which pulsed over England, he thought back to his training as a temporal agent. He remembered what the instructor had said, concerning the recallers. 'NEVER lose this!', the old linx said, holding up the bulky wrist strap, 'Without it, you will not be able to come home. It holds within it all the codes to activate the bubble generators. It is your duty, indeed your very reason for living, that it never falls into the wrong hands.' Since then, the danger of another using the generators had receded into the past, since the codes where changed after every mission. Still, each recaller held a large amount of data, mostly directly from the L.E.G.I.O.N. mainframe. He smiled to himself, and patted his new recaller gently. At least now, there was much less chance of it being found. He knocked on the door, and heard Denver's gruff voice from the inside. He opened it, and walked bravely inside. Closing the door behind him, he heard the lion chuckle quietly. 'So Agent Razor, did you enjoy the fitting?' 'Damn you Denver, you knew she was going to do that to me! Why didn't you warn me?' 'Well, I though maybe it would change your view on females. It's bad form to have a gay otter working on the payroll.' Razor knew he was joking, since L.E.G.I.O.N. where actually quite pro gay furs. 'Sorry to disappoint you old sport, but since I'm attracted to you, I must still be gay. Although, its not going any further than that, you're just not my type. No hard feelings, Denver?' 'None whatsoever Razor. Keep your furry body away from me and we will get along just fine. Still, what do you think now that you've seen your design in action? I really was quite surprised. Work of this calibre coming from you, it's just not normal. I've been considering getting one myself.' Razor nearly fell out of his chair from surprise. 'Oh, ha, sorry Denver, it's just... I didn't think it was really your style.' 'Why? Because I'm British?' 'No, it's just that you are normally sort of, well... boring.' 'BORING! Agent Razor, just because I don't go around bonking every female I see, or male for that matter, it does not mean that I'm any less interesting than you are!' Denver rose in his chair, becoming almost menacing, before a gentle smile returned to his face. 'But I'm glad you told me the truth, you know, spoke your mind. It's an admirable quality. Yes, please forgive me, I didn't mean to insult you.' He fumbled with some papers on his desk, looking rather unsettled. 'It's okay Denver, it's nice to know that I have the reputation of a slut. Gives me something to talk about.' 'Ahem...yes, here is the information on the Celtic mission. It appears that we have a problem with a terrorist organisation known as 'the Vermin of Damocles'. It is composed largely of rats from southern asia, but they do have others in their ranks. They have sent back a number of operatives to Celtic England, and are attempting to take over a small duchy there. Our probes say that they aren't having much success, but they have managed to raise a small army and take over all the lands surrounding a castle. We're going to dump you in a wood, just south of the castle. Here, let me show you the layout of the land. He punched in a sequence on a keypad next to his desk, and a hologram appeared above the desktop. 'The Red dot is where we expect you to touch down, the yellow dots show projected positions of the enemy. We know that they are of a greater number than shown here. The castle is surrounded by a deep moat. For an otter of your calibre, it should prove little problem. Let me say now Razor, this isn't about the protection of the status quo. Your job is to neutralise the invading army by whatever means possible. I take it you've been given the new psi-glove. It should prove useful, You can use it to pass yourself off as a druid. From what I know, you have strong Celtic roots anyway, so who knows, you may have other talents. I want you to get inside the castle and co-ordinate an attack on the 'vermin of Damocles'. Be careful though Razor, because from what we can tell, at least three operatives of theirs are there, and they will have almost certainly taken modern technology with them. I'm sorry about this, but time is of the essence, and I can give you only twenty-four hours to prepare. The generators are working at full capacity to keep a pathway open as it is. We could lose the window if we wait any longer. Do you understand?' 'Completely Denver. You can count on me.' 'One other thing Raz'. There will be no reinforcements on this mission. We can't spare the resources at the moment. With luck, I will be able to send through one shipment of tech. We'll drop it in the castle courtyard when we receive your signal from inside.' 'Sure thing Denver. I guess I better go find Feara and get training with this psi-glove thing.' 'No Razor, I cannot spare Feara at the moment, but I have however assigned you a trainer.' He pressed a button, and a moment later the door opened, allowing a tall, thin and well-endowed female cougar to enter. 'Razor, allow me to introduce you to Delphi.' Razor stood up, offering Delphi his seat. She sat down carefully, and lounged back in a sensuous manner. Razor couldn't help but wonder if this was another one of Denver's attempts at 'straightening' him out. If it was, it wasn't working. 'Delphi is our foremost psi-agent. Her natural powers seem to stem from her own Celtic blood, and I thought she might be able to help you unlock your abilities. Show him what you can do, Delphi.' Delphi stood up, and placing her hands on Razor's shoulders, she stared deep into his eyes. He suddenly found himself in the centre of a lake, surrounded by blue skies and green horizons. The image shifted, and he was flying high about the city. It shifted again, and he found himself tied to a bed, with a pale, hairless creature towering over him. He panicked, trying to break free of his bonds. He cried out, and found himself back in Denver's office, his fur soaked in sweat Delphi released his arms, stepping forward to support him as he started to collapse. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It just slipped in there. Oh gods I'm sorry!' Delphi seemed desperate to get a response out of him. Considering what he had just experienced, he found it rather hard to talk. He finally managed a whisper, 'Wow!' Denver lent forward, 'Yes, it is rather interesting isn't it. Delphi specialises in telepathy, but what powers you could have we can only imagine. I want you two to get to work on it immediately.' 'Yes Denver, right away.' Delphi and Razor responded together, grinning at each other. It was apparent that Delphi felt the same way about Denver as Razor did. They left his office, and Delphi led Razor to the elevator. This confused Raz' slightly. 'Delphi, why are we leaving the complex?' 'Who said we were leaving it. We're simply going to a more secure area.' 'More secure than this!!??' Razor glanced around at the automated turrets and stun guns that peppered the walls. 'Yes.' She stepped into the elevator, and motioned to Raz' that he should do the same. The door closed behind them, and that now familiar feeling of isolation came over Razor. Delphi turned to him, 'Razor, could you please put your paw here.' She pointed at a silver panel that Razor could not recall being there before. He did as he was told, and felt a tingle pass up and down the pads of his paw. An electronic voice boomed into the small elevator, 'Agent Razor has been authorised for psi-training.' The elevator started to move down, and stopped shortly afterwards. The doors opened, and what Razor saw took his breath away. In the depths of the earth, Razor stared into massive rectangular cavern, easily a kilometre across. Delphi touched his shoulder lightly, indicating that he should follow her. She led him out into the centre of the field, into which there was set a silver disc, about three metres across. Delphi placed the palm of her paw in the centre of the disc, and again a computer boomed out, 'Agent Delphi scanned, initiating psi-program.' The air all around them started to shiver, and piece by piece, the cavern changed its appearance. Razor found himself in the middle of the same lake he had seen before. 'I thought we would start with something that you were familiar with. Do you recognise the scene?' 'Yes, you showed it to me in Denver's office.' 'That's right. I thought it would be best to start with simple controls. You're an otter, right?' 'Yup, otter to the core.' 'Well, then you should be able to work with water fairly easily. Don't be afraid to experiment. While we're here, I can control everything that happens. I can do anything here, since it is modelled on my mind. For you however, you will only be able to influence things that your talents allow. Do you understand?' 'Ah, not really. What is this place?' 'It's the psi-training area. It creates a holographic representation of whatever the trainer wants. That is why I can control what it does. The trainees can only do things they would normally be able to do. But enough of that, put on your psi-glove. You probably won't always need it, but for getting started, we might as well use one. Here, try this.' Delphi stepped out on the water, and remained afloat. She continued to walk, her footpaws creating ripples in the surface, but never sinking further than a few centimetres. Razor looked uncertainly at the water. 'Don't be afraid. Just imagine that the water is solid.' Razor took a deep breathe, and stepped out on to the water. It went instantaneously solid, supporting his paw. Surprised by this, he walked out further. He tried running, and again, the water held him up. Delphi grinned wildly at him. 'Well, that's a surprise. Most trainees fall through the surface first time round. I guess you are more talented than I thought. Right, you seem to have mastered that. Lets try something more challenging.' She lifted her arms and a column of water rose up in front of her. It quivered, and then fell back into the lake. Razor, filled with enthusiasm, did the same, and was suddenly propelled into the air, with a massive pillar of water rising up all around him. He called out for Delphi's help, and she blinked out of existence in a flash of light, reappearing next to him on the rising column. 'Wow Raz'! How the hell did you do that! Are you sure you haven't done this before.' Razor started to panic, and screamed at Delphi, 'JUST MAKE IT STOP!' She shrugged and he found himself back on the silver disc. The giant shaft of water crashed back into the lake. A moment later Delphi popped back into existence next to him. 'Dear gods, you are special. No one's done that before. I can see we are going to have to be careful with you. Just remember, you are in control, you can stop anything that you start. Just relax.' 'RELAX! How the fuck can I relax when I just about got myself killed!' 'Okay Raz', calm down. I'm sorry, but you have to understand that I really hadn't expected anything like that from you. Things will go more smoothly now, I promise. The first thing we can do is take off that glove. You definitely don't need it.' 'But...I've never been able to do anything like this.' 'Maybe you just never tried.' Delphi pointed at the glove, and it dematerialised. She walked out onto the water again, beckoning for Razor to follow her. He was less sure of himself as he did it this time, but it made him concentrate harder. He got the same response from the water as he had before. A few more steps, and he convinced himself that he no longer needed the glove. Delphi moved over to him, and put a hand on his shoulder. 'Try the column of water again, but this time focus your mind on a specific patch of water.' Doing as he was told, he was rewarded with a small snake of water that rose out of the lake. On a whim, he tried to cool it down, and the snake turned instantly into ice. Emotions rushed through his body, mostly happiness. He had never felt this powerful, not even with a weapon in his paws. He threw his paws into the air, and pillars rose around him. He flitted amongst them, adding little ornaments here and there, and before long he had constructed a massive temple, complete with statues and an altar. He returned to where Delphi was standing, panting from exertion. 'Well, what do you think?' 'I think that you aren't taking this very seriously.' With that she turned on the temple and vaporised it in a ball of flame. 'Now, I know this is fun, but there is a lot of things you still have to learn. Like being responsible with your powers!' Razor looked ashamedly at his footpaws, and Delphi took pity on the otter. 'Oh, I'm sorry if I shouted Razor. I guess I'm just a bit jealous that it came so easily to you. It took me months to develop my talents to the same level as you.' 'Okay Delphi, but look at it from another point of view. I have a great teacher.' 'Thank you Razor. I'm flattered. Come, I've got something else to show you.' She closed her eyes, and the lake disappeared. Razor found himself on top of a skyscraper, with blue sky on all sides. 'Well Raz', you've proven yourself with water, but your personality seems like an air elemental. Why don't you give it a whirl. Here, try this.' Delphi floated gently into the air, and then soared off into the sky. Razor looked sceptically off the side of the building, and then up at her. Taking a deeper breath than ever before, he closed his eyes, and felt his paws leave the ground. 'Ha, you did it Raz', you did it! Great work. Now try some controlled flight.' Razor opened his eyes, and found himself floating above the roof of the skyscraper. He felt panic well up inside him, and he glanced around for Delphi. She was instantly beside him, and he relaxed. Slowly, he concentrated on moving upwards, and he glided into the sky. He felt the power flowing through him, and he soared like an eagle, darting through the air as if it were water. Delphi suddenly appeared before him, and he remembered not to get carried away. 'I know about your mission, and I thought I'd show you something that could prove useful. Watch carefully' Delphi crossed her arms, and her body slowly became transparent until she was invisible. 'So, what do you think!?' 'Oh wow! Where are you?' Delphi faded back into reality. Razor spun upwards, finding a clear patch of sky to try this new trick in. Crossing his arms he tried hard to get himself to disappear, but nothing happened. 'Delphi, why isn't it working?' 'It is, you just don't realise it. Just look at yourself from the outside, not the inside.' He shifted his perspective, and suddenly his paws disappeared. Satisfied that he could do it, he faded himself back. 'Wow! Why aren't more of our agents trained like this?' 'Well, it's not everyone that can do this sort of thing. At least, not without a psi-glove. But you have to be careful Razor. Using these powers makes you really tired in the real world. You could find yourself in the middle of a battle without any energy.' 'Oh damn, I knew there was a catch.' 'Don't worry, it's nothing that sleep won't fix, and believe me, it's a greater weapon than any gun could be! Oh well, I can't teach you much more Razor. You've learnt everything I could show you. The rest you have to learn yourself. Just know that it won't be this easy once we return to the real world. Okay?' 'Yeah, I think so.' He felt a pang of disappointment at having to give up all this power. Delphi noticed the unhappy look on his face, and comforted him. 'I understand what you're going through. It would be great to be able to use these powers adlib, but we have to accept that we can't. We can be happy in the knowledge that they will be there if we need them urgently, but only then. You will know when to use them. But come, you are going to need sleep. You have done a lot of work.' They found themselves back on the silver disc, and the cavern flickered back to it's original form. Almost immediately, Razor felt how drained of energy he was. Delphi was fine, considering everything she had done was a hologram. He suddenly felt faint, and collapsed in her arms. Lifting his limp body she carried him back to the elevator. Razor woke up in a hard bed that he immediately identified as one of those found in the infirmary. The rough sheets confirmed his suspicions. Getting up, he found that he was naked, except for the soft ring of his recaller. He looked around, and found a new uniform hanging on a hook nearby. It was obviously meant for him, since it bore his call sign on its breast, an inverted triangle with a paw print inside it. While he was getting into it, Feara walked in, obviously intending to wake him up. 'Oh Raz', I see you are already awake. Hurry up, your jump is in fifteen minutes. How is the recaller? You aren't having any allergic reactions to it or anything?' 'WHAT ALLERGIC REACTIONS!!!!???' 'Oh nothing important, just a horrible rash that some agents got. It must have been a bad batch of latex. Don't worry, I made you're from a separate compound.' 'Oh thank the gods!' 'Come on you silly otter, you're going to be late.' He strapped on his holster, and then moved quickly past Feara, giving Jordan a passionate goodbye kiss on the lips. The wolf just stood there, completely surprised by the action. Feara scowled at Razor, and he returned and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. 'Keep the bed warm for me Jordan, I'll be back soon.' The wolf shook himself from a daze. 'Dream on Razor, you may be a good kisser, but I'm still a straight wolf!' 'We'll see, goodbye you two.' Razor ran down the corridor towards the bubble chamber. When he reached it, he saw that the gateway was already open. Denver rushed over to him. 'Here Razor, I thought this might come in handy.' He handed Razor a long wooden staff, tipped with metals. Razor recognised it as an amazon warrior staff that he had brought back from one mission he had gone on. He accepted it gratefully. 'Good luck Agent Razor, this will be the first field test of the new recaller, so use it as much as possible.' Razor grinned impishly, 'Oh I don't think that will be a problem Denver.' He ran up the ramp to the gateway before Denver could ask what he meant. Turning, he waved goodbye to all the technicians, then jumped into the bubble. Razor had always enjoyed the sensation of time travel. It felt like thousands of strong fingers where massaging him all over his body. He had heard other agents complain that they thought it was a bit violating, but he rather liked it. Lights rushed past him as he flew down the travel corridor. Sparks started flying through his fur, and he could see the end of the passageway. He hit the threshold, and his world exploded into a million pieces. He felt the familiar rush of wind as he appeared in the night sky above a forest. Bracing himself, he concentrated his mind, and found himself floating gently to the ground. This was a pleasant surprise, since most landings were generally fairly painful. The dark night closed around him, and he took a moment to allow his eyes to adjust. All around him, shouts of alarm echoed through the woods. 'Damn, they must have seen the entry bubble' He thought to himself. He was up on his feet immediately, sprinting silently though the forest. He tripped, crashing into a bush. The shouts renewed themselves when they heard the noise. Jumping up, he continued dashing for the safety of the castle. He could see its lights in the distance. He was almost to the wall when he remembered all too late that there was a moat, and he plunged headfirst into the cold dirty water. Taking a deep breath, he swam as deep down as he could. Lights appeared at the surface, but soon lost interest and dispersed. He swam to the wall, and surfaced as quietly as he could. Unfortunately, the wall was as smooth as glass, and offered no paw holds at all. He floated on his back for a while, trying to decide what to do, then he remembered what Delphi had taught him. He concentrated hard on the water beneath him, and willed it to rise up. It immediately did so, but did not take him with it. Instead, it created a tower of water that passed around him. Razor was not one to be dissatisfied with a failed idea, since it would still serve his purposes. Ducking under the water, he swam straight up the column he had created. When he surfaced at the top, he simply stepped onto the battlements. Unfortunately, the noise of the water falling back into the moat raised the alarms, not only in the enemy camp, but also within the castle itself. Razor suddenly found himself surrounded by a bristling bush of spears and swords. Someone hit him over the head with a club, and the world around him dimmed into darkness. Lights danced in front of his eyes, and his head ached. He felt carefully around the back, and found the spot where he had been hit. Prodding gently at it, he decided that it wasn't too serious. He looked around the room he was imprisoned in, and was pleasantly surprised. He lay on a soft four poster bed, covered in expensive silks. The floor was covered in richly-coloured carpets, and all around the room, tapestries of bright and happy scenes hung. On a table nearby, lay his pouch, his holster with the gun still in it, as well as a silk robe and his staff. He got out of the bed, and realised in a strange, deja vu sort of way that he was naked again. A fire blazed in a fireplace, in front of which his uniform dried. He walked over to the table, and picked up the robe. It dawned on him that many of the tapestries bore a crest that was similar to the inverted triangle of his call sign. He looked at the robe, which was a deep purple. He pulled it over his head, and found that it was a perfect fit, though it lacked a tail hole. He tore one himself. He hated having to wrap his tail around his legs. Having adjusted the robe to suit his body, he buckled the holster around his waist, and attached the pouch to the belt and picked up the staff. He wandered over to a mirror, and realised that he cut a striking figure as an otter druid. It hit him like a ton of bricks that that was what must have happened. The inhabitants of the castle thought he was a powerful wizard, and where trying to make up for the indignity of being hit over the head. Oh well, who was he to complain. His stomach growled loudly, and he looked around for some food. He found it, in generous supply, but forced himself not to eat too much, realising that there must be a shortage of food during the siege. He put a few fruits into his pouch for later. A cautious knock on the door diverted his attention from the plate of eats. It opened gingerly, to reveal a large muscular tiger that seemed extremely familiar. In a wave of nausea, he realised it to be an older version of the tiger that he had once hit on in a tavern, and who had responded with hitting of a harder variety. Controlling the urge to run like the wind, he tried to look as powerful as possible, but removed the silver disc from the pouch and clipped it to his thigh, just in case. Fortunately, the tiger appeared not to have made the connection that he had, and Razor realised that it must be a good twenty years later. The tiger stepped forward nervously, and bowed deeply. 'Welcome, most powerful druid, to our humble castle.' The tiger's voice quivered as he said this, and Razor decided to have some fun with the brute that had beaten him up so badly. 'What is the meaning of this, you squirming worm!? I come to this castle, hoping to offer assistance in the battle, and instead you brutes attack me! I have a good mind to take the side of the vermin outside. The gods know I could level this castle if I wished.' The tiger trembled visibly at the thought of this fate, and Razor felt a affection for this cringing tiger well up within him. Changing his tone completely he moved forwards, stretching out his arms towards the tiger, 'Oh, come here you silly thing, I'm not going to do anything to this castle. I was stupid to try to sneak in under the cover of dark. It was as much my fault that I did not explain myself properly' He hugged the tiger close, and while he felt him tense up, he made no attempt to push him away. Razor was beginning to enjoy the control he would have over these furs. He made the decision that he would not hide away the fact that he was gay, since he felt that they would have to respect him anyway. He let the tiger go, and he backed away from Razor uncertainly, obviously surprised by the change in the emotions of the wizard that stood before him. 'Tell me, are you the lord of this castle, or are all the guards this cute?' 'I...I'm sorry great druid, I do not understand what you mean.' 'Oh come now, I just said I think you are attractive, now what do you have to say to that?' The tiger frowned, before responding. 'Well, to be perfectly honest...I do not think the feeling is mutual, my lord.' 'Ah...I see. Oh well, you can't have it all your way. Now, are you the lord of this castle?' The tiger relaxed, and seemed eager to get off the topic of his sexual preference. 'Yes, druid, I am. I go by the name of Blitz.' 'Well met Blitz, you will please call me Razor, I can't stand all these formal titles.' 'As you wish milor... Razor.' Blitz bowed again. 'And do stop bowing like that! Treat me as an equal, alright?' 'Yes Razor. Ah...Are you satisfied with you accommodations?' 'Hell yes, I don't think I've ever stayed in a room as...well furnished as this one.' 'Then it is to your liking?' Razor sighed, seeing that he would have to be careful about how he phrased his responses from now on. 'Yes, gracious lord. I am greatly honoured by the reverence you show to me. Now, please could you tell me what time it is.' 'Certainly Razor, it is approximately three hours since the sun rose.' 'Damn, Have I been asleep that long?' 'Yes, my guards gave you quite a twack. I am truly sorry for that, because our own druid has just passed away, and without his help, we have been fighting a losing battle ever since. I hope you will not hold it against us.' 'Oh rubbish, why would I do that. Come, you had better introduce me to the rest of the inhabitants. I get the feeling that we might be here a while.' 'Absolutely, great Razor. I will call my best furs together immediately.' Blitz rushed from the room, and Razor had to hurry after him when he realised that he did not know his way around. 'Wait, Lord Blitz, could you send someone to act as a guide for me?' 'By the fur on my back yes, but of course, great Razor!' the tiger shouted over his shoulder. 'And you can drop the great...' Blitz disappeared around a corner as Raz' shouted this. Razor returned to his room, and busied himself with seeing to the lump on the back of his head. A knock on the door once again shifted his attention away from himself. 'Enter!' A young female tiger dressed in dark silk flounced into the room. Razor immediately took a disliking to her. 'I take it that you are the guide that Lord Blitz has sent me?' 'Yes, that is correct, oh great, powerful, all seeing druid of the hidden grove' She draped herself against Razor, who pushed her away rather roughly. 'Hey now, get off me! I'm sorry, but I will not be treated like some sex toy that you can snuggle up to when you wish. If I'm not mistaken, you are a daughter to Lord Blitz. That be as it may, you should realise that while I am a great and powerful druid, I am also homosexual, and am not in slightest way interested in you.' The young girl reeled at this news, cringing in the corner. Razor felt immediately guilty for shouting at the girl, and he walked over to her and gently took her by the hand. 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout. Are you okay?' 'Yes, milord, I'm fine. Please, can you forgive me for being so forward. You understand that I did not know you were... that way.' 'Oh please, I've already forgotten it.' Razor suddenly remembered that he had to get a message to Denver. 'Now, what is your name, little one?' Razor felt strange calling someone that was barely younger than him little. He himself was only eighteen. Temporal Agents were chosen young. 'Tiera, Milord. They call me Tiera.' 'That's a beautiful name Tiera. Do you think, if you're feeling up to it, you could show me the way to the courtyard. I'm expecting a special spell from the main druid council.' The young tiger perked up quite a bit at the mention of magic, and she grinned at him. 'But of course, my gracious lord. And if you wish, I can introduce you to some males of your own age. I'm sure some of them might be interested in you.' Tiera grinned devilishly at Razor, picking up on his own playfulness. 'Ah well, business before pleasure Tiera. Please, lead the way to the courtyard.' She got up, smoothed off her dress and made her way towards the door. When she wasn't looking, Raz' quickly slipped a paw under his robe and gave his sheath a squeeze, activating the recall device. The guard that was standing at the door must have noticed this, since he winked at Razor as he walked past. Just what the wink meant, Razor was too surprised to stop and find out. He followed Tiera down a long corridor, and found that the tapping of the metallic end of the staff on the flagstones irritated him incredibly. He strapped it across his back, pausing quickly to shift it into a comfortable position. Tiera turned around, realising that the tapping had stopped, and grinned back at Razor. 'I didn't think you were old enough to need that staff to walk.' 'Oh heavens no, I'm barely older than you are. How old are you?' 'Sixteen, Milord.' 'You see, I'm only two years older than you.' 'And yet you are a master druid?' 'Oh yes, we are educated and trained from very young to do what we do. But enough banter girl, I must be getting to the courtyard.' 'Yes, of course milord' Tiera set off at a faster pace down the passage, knowing now that Razor could keep up with her. They soon arrived in the courtyard, and Razor was relieved to see that it was clear of any obstructions that could cause a problem with the jump. He instructed Tiera to stand along one of the walls, and he cleared the yard of any other bystanders. They hurried out of the way of his regal figure, taking up places on the battlements to watch the show. Razor stood for a moment in the centre of the yard, feeling the warm sun on his fur. He realised that he would have to use all his skills of showmanship if he was to get these furs to believe that he was a great druid. He unstrapped the staff from his back, and held it up to the sunlight. The metal caught the glare of the sun, and reflected it in bright rays all around. All the furs perched on the battlements gasped, and Razor was filled with confidence. If a flash of light could amaze them, an exit bubble would certainly cause a stir. Just for fun, he concentrated his mind on the air around him, and he caused his robes to swirl in a majestic manner. Shifting his concentration to the staff, he let the air lift it from his paws, and it twirled silently in front of him. The gasps of astonishment echoed around the courtyard. He twirled the staff faster and faster, until it was a blur of blue light. He closed his eyes, and issued the command that would send the message back to the complex. For a moment, there was complete silence, and then the air was filled with crackling. Razor brought the staff back to him, and stepped back. The air where he had been standing started to shimmer, although this time it was not his doing. He pointed the staff at it for extra effect, and a moment later, the exit bubble opened in front of him. To his great surprise, no crate of supplies arrived. He waited a moment longer, staring into the swirling colours of the gateway. All of a sudden, a grey shape was hurled out of the sphere, and landed right on top him. In a great finale, the staff was knocked from his paws, and at the same instant the exit bubble slammed shut with a loud bang. Despite the disappointment of no supplies, he was pleasantly surprised by what had been sent to him. He lay on his back, staring into the blue eyes of a young wolf he recognised as Jordan. 'Hey Jordy, I guess you like me more than we both thought.' Jordan got up quickly, dusting off the uniform of a temporal agent. Razor thought that the body-hugging suit looked really good on him, especially when he considered how well it showed of the wolf's crotch. 'Oh give it a break Razor. You're lucky to get anybody.' 'Congratulations on your promotion. You look grrrreat in a time-suit!' Razor was happy for Jordan, particularly since his new position meant that Feara couldn't abuse him any more, well, at least not as much. 'Yeah, I do, don't I...' Jordan was the same age as him, a distinct bonus in Razor's eyes. The sounds of celebration reached their ears. Jordan glanced around at his surrounding, before offering a paw to Razor, helping him up off the ground and dusting off his robe. Razor just stood there, enjoying the heavy petting. 'You know, you don't have to take so much pleasure from this, Razor. I mean, I didn't have to come, and I will gladly go back.' Razor gave Jordan one of his famous puppy-eye looks, and Jordan's icy manner melted immediately. Razor looked up at the faces on the battlements, and noting that they were eager for more, he hugged Jordan tight and kissed him passionately. Jordan resisted for a few moments, but just gave himself over when he realised that he had little hope of getting away, and that he was rather enjoying it himself. Cheers and shouts mingled with the cries of disgust as the all the other furs realised what was happening. When Razor finished, he looked deep into Jordan's blue eyes, and spotted what he was looking for. 'You enjoyed that, didn't you?' Jordan looked guiltily at his footpaws, and nodded gingerly. Raz's heart leapt in his chest, but he managed to control himself, not wishing to embarrass Jordan any further in front all these furs. Putting a comforting arm around him, Razor led him back to the corridor where Tiera was waiting. He couldn't help grinning wildly at her. 'Tiera, let me introduce you to Jordan. He wasn't what I was expecting to get, but he's ten times better than any spell could be.' He licked affectionately at one of Jordan's ears, but he pulled away, though not as much as usual. Tiera stepped forward, kneeling before the two agents. 'I am at your disposal, great druids. What is it I can do for you?' Jordan started to protest at the treatment, but Razor interrupted him. 'Tiera, could you see that a robe like mine is delivered to my quarters. We will be waiting there. If you could then also find your father and see if he has managed to assemble his furs yet, I would greatly appreciate it.' 'But of course, Razor' She skipped off down the corridor. 'Razor, if you don't explain what is going on here right now, I'll remove you cock, recaller and all.' 'No need to get kinky Jordan. Come on, we can talk in my room. It's really very comfortable.' Razor took Jordan by the paw, and led him back to his room. Jordan gasped at the luxury of everything. He walked over to the tray of food, and began to 'wolf' down a few pieces of dried meat. He sat down in one of the tall-backed chairs, and gave Razor a inquisitive look. He grinned at Razor before he stuffed his muzzle with another piece of meat. 'Mmm, grumph...-gulp-... so, what is it you've got yourself into this time?' 'Ha, you'll never guess. You remember that Tiger I ran into in that British tavern on my last mission?' 'Oh yes, the one you came on to. How could I forget. You looked really strange in a body cast.' 'Yes well, joking aside, twenty years from then in his time, he is lord of this castle.' 'You can't be serious!? Does he recognise you?' 'No, I don't think so. He certainly didn't show any sign of remembrance when I hit on him earlier today.' 'Oh gods Razor, you didn't!? How can you be so stupid twice in a row.' 'What can I say. I think with my genitals.' 'Damn right you do. I mean just look at what happened out there...' His voice trailed off, and he seemed to grow distant. 'Are you okay Jordan?' 'Yeah, I'm fine. It's just, you've given me something to think about.' 'The kiss?' 'Yeah.' He spoke softly, staring at his footpaws. 'You are afraid of being gay, aren't you?' 'Yeah, I...I suppose I am. I mean, you used to joke with me about it, and I know that I said I was straight, but you know...the thing is...I've never been attracted to females. And I've never told anyone this, but I have fantasies about guys...about you too.' 'Hey man, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I've been where you are right now. I'm sorry if I used to put you down about it, I mean, I hoped, but I didn't realise...' Razor didn't finish his sentence, but instead went over to where Jordan was sitting, and put a comforting arm around him. Jordan leaned against his chest, and started to cry. 'It's okay man, just let it out. That's it, let it all out.' 'Oh gods Raz', -SOB- I feel so torn up inside.' 'Its okay Jordy. I promise, it goes away in time, once you decide which way you are. I don't want to push you where you don't want to go, okay? Just relax. I'll let up on you for a while, you have to make you own decision about this. But I'm here for you if you want to talk about it, okay?' '-SOB-thanks Razor. You're really a great guy, you know that?' 'Thank you Jordan. Look, why don't you get some sleep.' He gestured to the bed. 'You look really tired. I'm sure that we can expect an attack soon, and I'd rather that you aren't tired when we have to fight. I don't want you getting hurt on your first mission. By the way, do you have any psi-powers?' 'Oh, -sniff- yeah, I can work with air and fire' 'Great! A flashy flame should work wonders on the moral of the enemy, and I can then bring down a nice rain on their spirits. At least we can both fly if we need to. Are you afraid of...' But Jordan was already asleep. Razor picked him up gently, and carried him to the bed. He cautiously unzipped Jordan's uniform, peeling it back slowly. He suppressed the urge to lick his attractive body all over, and continued to pull the uniform off of Jordan. After a lot of painstaking work, caused by the fact that he didn't want to wake Jordan up, he managed to remove the uniform. Staring down at Jordan's naked body, he felt his emotions run wild inside him. Torn between showing Jordan how great it was to be gay, and letting the wolf make his own choice, he forced himself to do the right thing. He covered the sleeping wolf up gently, and then turned and walked straight into Tiera. 'Tiera, how long have you been standing there?' 'I arrived outside your door and I heard Lord Jordan crying. I'm sorry Razor, but I listened in on your conversation, and I watched what you did for him. You are a great soul, Razor, a lesser fur would have treated him with scorn. Truly, you did the right thing.'' 'Did I Tiera? What if he comes to the decision that he isn't gay? I will lose him forever.' 'You may lose him, but you will still have done what is right. It would be very wrong for you to force him to love you, and I know that you wouldn't want that, would you?' 'No, you are right, I wouldn't.' Razor looked at Jordan's sleeping face, and smiled gently. He turned back to Tiera, and saw that she was carrying not only a second robe, but also a handsome two-handed sword and scabbard. 'I noticed that Lord Jordan arrived without a weapon. He will need something to defend himself if the vermin attack.' 'Yes, thank you Tiera.' Razor took the clothes and sword, and arranged them on the table as he himself had found his own things. He picked up Jordan's holster, and noticed that he too had chosen a sonic stunner, instead of the more violent particle beam weapons. Placing it on top of the robe, he turned and walked from the room. Tiera followed, after putting more wood on the fire. Razor turned to Tiera and asked, 'Are your father's furs ready to meet with me?' 'Yes, Lord Razor, they await you in the war room. Come, I will take you to meet them.' Their path took them around a number of bends, until they finally found themselves in front of two great wooden doors. The two guards that blocked the way stood aside when they saw Tiera approaching. She pushed open the doors, and stood aside, gesturing for Razor to enter first. Razor strode confidently past the guards, into a long room. The centre of the room was dominated by a large oak table, on which was spread many maps of the surrounding countryside. Around the table, there stood five furs, one of which Razor recognised as Blitz. He walked up quickly, not waiting for the trumpeter to announce him. The five furs stopped the conversation they were having, and all four of the strangers dropped to one knee. 'Oh gods, not you as well. Blitz, tell your buffoons that I wish to be treated as an equal. I don't know who your previous druid was, but it seems to me that he was a pompous bastard.' A fox raised his head, a look of indignation on his face. 'I happen to know Lord Trenor's parents, and they are most definitely married to one another.' 'Oh gods -sigh- Alright Blitz, I suppose you better introduce me.' The tiger stepped forward. 'Of course. This fox, which has so rudely contradicted your words, is known as William. He is captain of the guards here.' The fox bowed melodramatically. Razor rolled his eyes, asking for strength. 'This fine hare is called Michael. He is my chief scout, and has gathered most of our intelligence on the enemy.' 'At you service, Lord Razor. I was very impressed by your work out in courtyard. Magical and...ah, otherwise.' Razor blushed violently. Blitz frowned slightly, not understanding the joke, but continued with the introductions. 'This here is our best knight, Sir Kerrigan.' The tiger gestured to a massive badger. 'You do me too much honour, milord. I doubt that I am your best. Still, I swear allegiance to you, Lord Razor. Michael tells me that another of your kind has arrived in our midst. Should I give to him the same fealty?' 'Yes, Kerrigan, there is another druid here, but he sleeps now, for he was exhausted by the spell which brought him here. I would appreciate it if you show Lord Jordan the same respect that you show me. He is going through a rather rough time.' A snigger issued from Michael, but he suppressed it before anyone else noticed it. Blitz continued, gesturing to the final face. 'This is Fenor. He can perhaps tell you more about himself, for I do not understand what it is that he does.' The old bear rose from his kneeling position. 'I welcome you Lord Razor. You certainly seem more intelligent than that idiot Trenor. I do not know if you know of my kind, for we are of a fairly new breed. I am what is know as a scientist. I design machines for the castle.' Razor smirked at the old bear. 'Great, now that I know everyone, lets get down to business. Michael, you have been doing the scouting, can you tell be how many groups there are out there?' 'Sure can milord. Last time I checked, there were five separate armies surrounding us. Each one is lead by a vicious looking rat it full body armour. Um... let me see,' he ruffled through some papers, pulling out a sheet, 'here we are. Their names are Verax, Termin, Scilor, Rafon and Weevil. It seems that Verax is controlling them all. His is the army out front, camped to the north. All the others are on each side of the castle, except for Weevil, who was seen travelling north. Why, I cannot imagine, since there is nothing there except for an old church. They have fairly powerful bows, but our crossbows can easily outshoot them. Still, they outnumber us ten to one, and we could never hope to win a hand to hand battle. It looks like we are going to be bottled up in here for the foreseeable future.' 'Oh, I'm not so sure about that. We should be able to figure something out. Tell me Lord Blitz, are they making any direct assaults on the castle?' 'They try every now and then, but our archers pick them off before they can cross the moat. They have given up, and it looks like they are just going to wait us out. I must say Razor, it's starting to look a bit bleak. Our stores are almost empty, and there is no way for us to get supplies.' Razor cursed himself for not having discussed the supplies with Jordan. 'Don't worry Lord Blitz. You now have two druids on your side. I'm sure that between us we should be able to whittle down the enemy. And I may even have a solution to our food problems. Michael, can I get a copy of your maps sent to my quarters? Knock before you enter.' The hare grinned roguishly at him. 'Of course you can my liege. You will have them before sundown. I will deliver them personally.' 'Thank you. Now my friends, I wish to tour the battlements myself, to see if I can find a weakness in the enemy. I will leave you to your war talks.' The skies above the castle were unbelievably blue. It was one of Razor's favourite things about time travel. Back in the present, the sky was a dirty grey, covered in clouds of smoke. He sighed, climbing the stairs to the battlements. Of the furs that he passed, there were mixed reactions to his presence. Some bowed, or grovelled at his paws. Others, which he presumed had witnessed the show in the courtyard, winked suggestively at him, and there were even some which openly showed their disgust. None of this bothered Razor, he had come to terms with his being gay, and didn't give a rat's arse about what everyone else thought about it. Still, the angry responses worried him, since he knew that Jordan would have to deal with the same thing. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but the plight of the wolf was causing him a great deal of pain. His heart cried out to show him the love that he felt, but he knew that Jordan wasn't ready for it. He thought about the troubles he had had with accepting his homosexuality, and he began to cry. He was startled by a low voice from behind. 'I...I'm sorry Lord Razor, I'll leave you alo...' Razor turned to see the form of Fenor. The old bear began to shuffle away. 'No, please, join me. It is nothing. I'm fine.' Razor tried hard to hide the pain. Fenor wandered over, leaning on the stones of the wall, and staring out over the plains that surrounded the castle. After a long silence, the bear turned to Razor. 'I do not wish to intrude on your affairs milord, but I was wondering, how is it that such a young male as you seems to have the troubles of the world on his shoulders?' 'I...I don't think I understand what you mean Fenor.' 'Come, come now my young friend. These old eyes see more than you think. I too can recognise the problems of the heart.' Razor glanced nervously at Fenor, giving him a questioning look. 'You look worried, young one. You do not recognise me do you?' 'Should I? I don't believe we've met before.' 'Let me tell you of a time when Lord Blitz, his younger brother and I roamed the countryside together. We were in a region of unrest, and we were set upon by traitorous scum. Villainous rats, they were, evil glistening in their eyes. I remember it clearly. Anyway, we were attacked, and they quickly outnumbered us. We fell, and Lord Blitz and I were knocked unconscious. When we awoke, the Lord's brother was gone, taken by the rats. We later found his body, naked. It was mangled and mutilated with bite marks, and it was also obvious that he had been raped many times, from both sides. Blitz flew into a wild rage, and stormed off into forest with a bloodthirsty cry. When I finally caught up with him, I found him crying, surrounded by the corpses of many, many rats. I led him to a nearby tavern, and he simply sat at the bar, staring at his drink. I tried to shake him out of it, but the blood-rage had clouded his eyes. Now there was also a young otter in the tavern, roughly the same age as you. In fact, he bore remarkable resemblance to you. This poor creature, for I felt terribly for him, was obviously...what is it the young ones call it? Oh yes! He was obviously gay, for he sidled up to Lord Blitz, and began to stroke gently at his chest fur. While I'm sure he meant no harm, he could not have known that the Lord was carrying such a grudge against those that enjoy the company other males. Anyway, the young otter tried to, friendlier. Before I could stop him, Lord Blitz threw the young creature across the room, and then began to attack him viciously. I tried to do what I could, and I dragged the unconscious otter from the tavern, while others held Blitz down. Now, I had a good chance to see the face of that otter, before he was suddenly engulfed in a glowing ball of light. It was you, wasn't it?' Razor stared at the old bear, his jaws gaping. The old bear continued. 'I thought so. I do not pretend to understand the ways of the druids, but I will never forget that otter's face. I have lived with the guilt that he might have died, ever since that day. Until now that is. I am glad to see that you are well. Oh, and don't worry about Blitz. He remembers nothing from his time in the blood-rage. Still, I don't think that is what concerns you, is it?' 'Oh Fenor, I don't think I can explain it to you.' 'Oh come now my little friend, Old Fenor isn't going to tell anyone. They all think I'm mad anyway. But allow me a guess. It's about you friend, isn't it? What was his name? Ah yes, Jordan.' Razor stared at the old beast again, looking into the friendly eyes, before he looked down at his footpaws. 'Yes, it is. But how did you know?' 'Ah, well. That rogue of a hare called Michael never could keep his muzzle shut. Believe me, matters of the heart are always difficult to understand. Don't let them worry you. If it is meant to be, I'm sure it will happen.' 'Thank you Fenor.' Razor gazed out at the black masses that were the rat armies. He looked carefully at their ranks, and realised that they were little more than peasant rats, trained in basic arms and archery. Even their formations were shabby. Try as he might, he couldn't pick out anyfur that seemed to be leading the rabble. Most of the rats where sleeping out in the open, just beyond the reach of the bows of the castle. Suddenly an idea formed in Razor's mind, and his heart leapt as he thought he saw a solution to all the castle's problems. He looked at the four towers that were positioned at the corners of the castle. They were flattened on top, perfect for what Razor had planned. 'Tell me Fenor, you did say that you construct machines for the castle, did you not?' 'Yes milord, I do. Why do you ask?' 'I do believe that I may just have found the solution to our problems. Come with me, we must talk with Lord Blitz.' Verax prowled amongst his troops, viciously kicking those that he found sleeping. He hated this place, it seemed too clean, too uncorrupted. Even the rats here had basic morals. Disgust welled up in him, and he spat on the nearest rat, which promptly screamed as acid burnt away most of the flesh of his face. The rat died soon afterwards, writhing and kicking as the acid ate at his brain. Verax stood over the pitiful body, laughing loudly. All the troops around him immediately snapped to attention. He gazed at their faces, and saw exactly what he wanted to. Fear. An unquestioning fear of him. Who needed respect, when you held the souls of those under your command. 'Right! You are all becoming lazy. We do not want the enemy to catch us unawares now do we? DO WE!!!??' 'NO, GREAT VERAX!' The troops screamed in unison. 'Good, now go! I don't want to see your faces again for at least two hours. Go into the forest, and patrol with Scilor's troops. I wish to be alone.' The rats all disappeared without question. Verax grunted in happiness, or rather what could be considered a close but evil cousin to happiness. He stared at the walls of the castle, and the cogs of his mind started to turn. He may not have the resources he needed to get inside yet, but he would soon. Very soon indeed. A glint suddenly caught his eye, at least, his organic one. He turned his head to the other side, and his mechanical eye zoomed in on the battlements. He laughed out loud, seeing the figures of an adolescent otter and a senile bear. 'Is this all the great castle Felur can pit against me, an otter still suckling on his mother's breast and a mad bear. Hoaaarha ha ha!' His laughter echoed into the woods, and his troops cringed at the sound. It was suddenly cut short when he saw the staff that the otter carried. 'An amazon staff! No one here could possibly have one. That can mean only one thing, Temporal Agents. Damn. DAMN, DAMN, DAMN! They are going to ruin everything!' Turning to the closest messenger he could find, he yelled for him to come to him. 'You there, take a message to Termin. Tell him that I need to see him, before sundown.' The rat nodded unncertainly, before speeding off to the west. 'I will have their furs on my wall. They will not stop me! NEVER!'