OUTCAST BY RAZOR DA WOLF PROLOGUE The late twenty-first century brought a number of amazing revolutions in science. One of them happened to be the understanding of genetic manipulation. Scientists quickly got involved in experiments with this new science. It didn't take long for hybrids to be born. Furs, a mixture of human and animal DNA, entered into the world. Most were gentle and peace loving, not caring for the violent human pursuits, but history has shown that science has a tendency to be perverted in the wrong hands. Genetic warriors were spawned, nations pitting them against entire armies. And so a stigma was born. The United Nations condemned all genetic deviants, and human armies around the world turned on the helpless furs. Thousands were killed. Recoiling from the shock of being attacked, the furry communities banded together and formed a global resistance. Striking back hard and fast using tactics best suited to their individual natures, they still made little progress, and were forced into remission. Hiding underground in huge well-defended cities they built themselves, venturing to the surface only to scavenge for technology they could not produce themselves, they survived and worked towards freedom for all species. Whole cities on the surface were left abandoned. The human armies patrolled these regularly, keeping a tight reign over the surface, not bothering to venture underground. Our story starts here, in the city above a city. Below is New Luras, a central base and city for the furry resistance. Almost two decades ago, the city above the ground was a bustling happy place. That changed when the war began. <~> Razor groaned softly, trying to sit up. A cold breeze rushed through the storm drain and he hugged his body, shivering. His fur was damp and dirty and didn't offer him much protection against the icy zephyr. Sitting up slowly, brushing at his eyes, he shook off the last remnants of sleep, groaning again as he shifted his weight and felt the muscle in his left arm scream in protest. Crawling slowly, he propped himself up against the one side of the storm drain, cradling his arm against his chest and sighing. He looked down at the dirty and bloodied bandage around it, then shifted again, pulling his legs up to his chest, wrapping his tail around his footpaws to try and keep warm. Slowly, using painstaking care, he tugged at the bandage, easing it off. He flinched as the wound beneath it felt the bite of the cold air. Groaning again, he placed his other paw tiredly over the wound, closing his eyes. He tried to concentrate, to direct some sort of healing into it, but he was too tired. He was so hungry, and exhausted. He chuckled weakly and spoke to himself, "Well at least there's water to drink here. I won't die of thirst." He shook his head and looked down again, cradling the arm. He let out a long painful sigh, trying to think back. <~> Energy blasts echo through the streets, lighting up the dark night sky. Screams of terror, the sounds of fighting. A small otter pup, cowering in a dark alley, eeping fearfully. A dark shadow falls across his body. A snarling, sickly grin from a human soldier, the moon glinting in his rifle's metal as he raises it and aims at the otter pup's head. The pup stares at him with large, innocent, unknowing eyes, reaching out to him with little paws, craving comfort and calling in a pleading little chirp. The soldier chuckles and starts to squeeze the trigger, then a puzzled look crosses his face and he falls forward. Behind him a big white wolf stands, holding a blaster. He kneels down and checks the soldier, then looks up at the scared little pup and smiles softly, holding out his arms. The pup chirps and scampers forward to the wolf, shivering in his arms. The wolf whispers soft and reassuring words into the pup's ear, hefting him up. He turns, running from the alley as more sounds of gunfire echo across the city. The otter pup murrs softly, clutching at the warm chest fur of the wolf carrying him. Exhaustion soon takes hold of the pup and flings him into the darkness of sleep. <~> A young otter, barely 14, walks down a long corridor, an underground complex. He wears only a blue bandana, tied around his neck and resting in his golden chest. His muscular, brown-furred body moves with ease, almost gliding down the corridor. He reaches a door, and pushes it open, immediately greeted by a bustling noise. A white wolf bent over a table studying maps looks up and smiles, waving a paw. "Razor! Come over here my young friend." The otter smiles softly, his eyes displaying the great affection he feels for the wolf. There are others in the room, mostly clad in coveralls, working at computer stations and studying charts. The otter chuckles, wondering how they can stand wearing all those heavy clothes, and pads over to the table where the wolf stands. "Morning Rigel. What are we doing today?" The otter rests a deft paw on the table, studying the plans, trying to look grown up. The wolf smiles at him, ruffling his headfur playfully. "You are not doing anything. You're staying here in the command post." Rigel grins as he studies Razor's body. "You really should wear more clothes Raz. Some of the females will be starting to notice you soon." Razor blushes and grins "I like this. its comfy. Clothes are so stuffy and hot." Rigel chuckles and shakes his head, shrugging "Fine. you're your own fur. Just take care of yourself. Now, today I'm going out on a routine scan of the city. Promise me you'll stay here and be good, okay? I'll be back round about six. Make sure you're at home when I get back, okay?" Razor snickers and nods "Yes dad." The wolf leans down and kisses the young otter between the eyes, then hefts his rifle and makes for the door. Razor waves, then goes to find something to occupy himself. <~> Rigel never came back. His team's signal had been lost a good hour after they had left. Razor was inconsolable. He stayed in his room and sobbed his heart out for months. The otter's surrogate parent had been all he had ever had. The others tried to comfort him, but nothing helped. He had known that this might happen, war was never easy. but then, war was all he had ever known. Every single fur in the complex took turns to spend time with him, fearing he might take his life if left alone. Before long, he became the adopted mascot of the rebels. A kindly old bear, Taskur, took Rigel's place as leader of the resistance. He knew the most about the Old World, what it had been like before the war, and Razor received lessons from him now and again. Slowly, very slowly, the chasm in Razor's heart started to knit, and he ventured out of his quarters now and again to spar in the practice room or to get something to eat. Eventually, he found he could face life again, and returned to the command center. The pain still stabbed at him, when he thought back and remembered how many times he had come in to see Rigel working, but he knew he couldn't just cower in a corner. And besides. he wanted to make Rigel proud. <~> Razor grew and learned much in a few short years. At 16 he had mastered basic hand to hand combat and had sneaked an attempt at the arcane arts, much to Taskur's rage. The bear relented eventually and let Razor pursue his interests when it became obvious that the little otter had a talent for it. On the day of his eighteenth birthday, he was presented with a silver staff, something the base smith had worked on for a good couple of months. As Rigel had predicted, he soon became the target of many of the females on the base. He was forced to admit that his choice of appearance did have its shortcomings, when women constantly tried to brush against his groin. When they, did he simply smiled and shrugged. He had no interest in them, something he never admitted to another person. One night, he lay awake, staring at the ceiling, wondering what had made him different from all the others. He was afraid of what he might be, and he knew the rumours that were circulated by the women that were sore about being brushed off like they had been. He just wondered if maybe they were right. maybe he was gay? <~> The cold wind whistled through the drain again and he shivered. The pain dug at his heart and he started to sob. They had cast him out so viciously when he had revealed his secret. Their faces, twisted masks of derision, faces that had once been friendly and caring towards him. And now he was alone; injured and scared. Looking up, he stared out the grating that covered the drain's entrance. He had managed to drag it back into place after he had crawled in here. Now he looked past it, staring out at the desolate city, so quiet, so uncaring. A crack of thunder blasted across his ears, amplified by the drain, and was soon followed by a steady downpour of rain. The small trickle that ran down the center of the drain swelled, and soon a stream of water flowed over his footpaws. He gasped from the cold, grabbing down at his staff and holding it against him, not wanting to lose his last connection to his old life. Holding it tight, he was slightly reassured, and he clutched it like a security blanket. The full storm broke quickly and soon water gushed over him, chilling him to the bone. His normally waterproof fur was dirty, and did not function as it was supposed to. Drenched and shivering, he strapped his arm to his chest, then moaned and kicked the grating away, hopping to the ground outside the drain. His shelter for the day was gone now. but night was fast approaching. He could hide better in the dark. Moaning and leaning heavily on the staff, he limped up the stone steps that lead to the street above the pier. Straining his ears, he searched for any sign of danger, then crossed the street, whimpering to himself softly. In this state he would not be able to run. or to defend himself, if the humans found him. He had barely escaped the first time, but the wounds they had inflicted would be sufficient to make the second encounter a quick capture. or kill. He shook his head, pushing away the depressed thoughts that threatened to drag him under. He looked up at the dark sky, its angry clouds seeming to condemn him. He dropped his ears, tears welling in his eyes and mingling with the rain that fell on his face. So so alone. <~> "DAMN IT TASKUR! He's just a kid!" Roan paced the command center, yelling at the bear in a blatant show of insubordination. His turned to face the ursine commander, his foxy muzzle snarling. Taskur's grey face turned away, his body beginning to show his age. "Child or not, Roan, I cannot allow our forces to be weakened by someone like that." "WEAKENED!? Fuck Taskur, that kid is one of the strongest furs I know. You're a prejudiced old bastard! Just because he's gay, that doesn't mean he's a pansy! There are sure to be other gay furs in the force even right now. You of all furs know the stats, 10%. Damnit Taskur, let me go find him, please!" The old bear crossed his arms and drew himself to his full height, towering above the fox. "Captain, my word is final here. He remains an outcast until he renounces his ways." Roan smashed his paw into the wall "Gods you are an idiot. Didn't you listen to one word he said? Do you REALLY think he would have CHOSEN this pain!? Bugger you Taskur, bugger you!" With that Roan stormed from the command center. Taskur slumped into a chair, putting a paw over his eyes. Sighing loudly, he looked up and scowled at all the furs watching him still. They all jumped and returned to their work. Roan loped down the corridors, grumbling loudly to himself "Fucking old bastard. Impotent idiot. he's going to get us all killed!" He barked loudly at someone in his way and the fur blanched visibly, scurrying away quickly. Flicking his fluffy red tail angrily, he suppressed a tear at the thought of his old friend. "I'm sorry Rigel, I can't do anything." Suddenly he stopped in mid stride and pricked his ears up, an idea growing in his head. "DAMN Taskur, I'm going out there!" He stormed into the old hangar; his sonic-rifle slung over his shoulder and a tight black leather jacket zipped up over his white chest fur. Stopping and pointing to the engineering fur on duty, he barked "OPEN THE DOORS!" before running over to his scout cycle and putting on his helmet. The raccoon at the controls stood staring at him, before voicing his opinion "I'm sorry sir, but we have no orders." Roan spun round so quickly the raccoon nearly wet himself. "Bugger the orders! I'm going out there! If I have to, I'll blow them open myself." Roan reached for the missile controls, and the raccoon jumped and flicked the switch. The hangar doors opened, letting in a gust of cold, windswept rain. Roan pulled down the helmet's visor, started the cycle and roared out of the complex. <~> Razor huddled under the overhang of a collapsed building. It offered very little protection from the cold wind, but it did at least keep off the rain. He could hear the engines of the human patrols, and he crouched low, curling up into a tight little ball and whimpering softly. Pain still teased at his nerves, and over it all, the overriding tiredness sucked all his strength away. Closing his eyes, curling tighter, his mind slowly slipped away, and he slept, hoping he wasn't discovered. A sharp brilliant pain in his side wrenched him from sleep as he tumbled over, slamming against a fallen brick wall. He groaned and coughed, gasping for air. A derisive voice bore down on him "Aww. is the little otter scum tired?" Another swift kick to his side, throwing him to the floor, twisting in agony. He opened his eyes slowly, trying hard to focus through the roaring pain. An angry face glared at him, camouflage uniform below that. He groaned and tried to claw his way out of range but the soldier stepped closer and wrenched him upright by the scruff, pulling roughly and digging his fingers in painfully. Razor tried to yelp and twist away from the cruel grip, tears springing to his eyes. The soldier laughed and dragged him out from the building, yanking on his scruff and pulling his arms into a painful position each time he tried to resist. He suddenly found himself surrounded by eight grinning marines. Their grins turned to roaring laughter as the one that was holding him threw him to the floor. Razor groaned from the pain, rolling slowly onto his back and gasping for breath, his eyes shut tightly. Instinctively he brought his tail up to protect his groin, but on of them grabbed it harshly, yanking hard and causing him to whimper in pain. Looking up with tear filled eyes at his captors he pleaded in a low weak voice "please. don't." This brought a fresh uproar of laughter, and one stepped forward, grabbing his headfur and pulling his head up so he was looking straight into his torturer's eyes. "Why should we you furry little bastard? Half human scum like you don't deserve to live." He let Razor go and stepped back. "So guys. do we waste this one?" Razor whimpered and tried to curl up, "please. don't kill me." The was suddenly an unsure voice "I dunno guys. this one looks like just a kid. he's barely eighteen. they aren't all bad you know. Just the ones trained for killing." The other soldiers burst out laughing, slapping the younger soldier who has spoken on the back "You'll learn private. the less of them there are the better, no matter what they are or what they do. Wha' the fu." A sudden roar from behind Razor somewhere cut off the soldiers' laughter and a flaming bullet punched a hole in the ground nearby, followed by the thud of a body. Razor twisted, opening his eyes and looking up at the young human soldier who had frozen in fear. It was obvious this was a rebel raid, and Razor slowly regained his senses. This must have been the first time the young soldier was in battle, because he had gone snow white and was not moving a whisker. Razor heard the roaring of a gun again and suddenly reached up and pulled the soldier down onto him, just as the fiery bullets flew through the space where the human had been standing. Groaning in pain as the human fell onto his wounded arm, Razor held back the tears and fear as the soldier stared down into his eyes, his own eyes filled with surprise. "You. you saved me." Razor couldn't answer, the pain flooding too quickly through his body. The soldier realised why and rolled of, crouching next to him. "Are you okay?" Another roar of gunfire, then the gruff voice of a human "ALEX!!! What are you doing you idiot?! Kill the fuck and get your ass over here, we have to go!" The young soldier looked up, then back down at Razor, brushing a hand across Raz's brow then leaning in and whispering. "Lie still like you're dead." He drew his knife and pushed it between Razor's chest and arm, leaving it there and getting up, running from the gunfire. Razor did as he was told, and lay very still, listening to the receding noise of the human vehicle. Then the sound of fast footpaw falls. "RAZOR!? Are you okay?" A fox voice. Razor groaned unhappily and coughed, trying to get up and move away. Strong paws gripped him and shook him gently. "Its okay Raz, I'm here to help you." The otter just moaned and looked up, tear-filled eyes shimmering. "Roan? Is that. you?" Strong arms hugged him close and he flinched as his arm yelled at him. The hug softened and a gentle paw explored his body, checking for injuries. "No broken bones. but you're going to be sore for a long time yet. Those bastards. Its okay Raz, I'm here now, let's get you back to the complex." "But. Roan, I'm gay." Razor hung his head, looking down at his injured arm. The fox suddenly went serious and looked ponderously at Razor. "And that makes you a worse person? Just because you find men attractive? Come on you silly otter, you need help, that arm looks nasty." Roan picked him up gently, and Razor cringed in pain. Gently carrying him to the bike, he seated the otter in front of himself, taking off his jacket and putting it around the shivering form. Then he climbed onto the bike and started it, just as Razor tried to turn. "My. my staff. in the building." His eyes pleaded. Roan smiled and hopped off the bike, running into the derelict building and quickly emerging, carrying the silver rod. Sliding it into the carrier on the bike, he hopped on, hugging Razor to his chest and then sped off towards the base. <~> "Well doc? How is he?" Roan leant against the door to the sickbay, carrying a small bundle underneath his arm and grinning happily. The friendly female panda doctor turned and smiled at the fox. "He's going to be okay. He's lucky you got there when you did. He had a dislocated tail, someone must have jerked on it bloody hard, but it was repairable. He's badly bruised, that includes his tail base, and the blaster burn on his arm will take a while to heal, but otherwise he's fine." She tapped a chart in her paw and smiled "Its about time for his next shot of antibiotics. why don't you come along and help me. He's a royal pain when it comes to injections." Roan chuckled and nodded, following the panda to a room off the main ward. Inside Razor lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling and counting tiles. As Roan and the doctor entered he grinned widely and churped "ROAN!!! Have you come to get me out of here?" The doctor shook her head and chuckled "He's been complaining that its boring in here." She took a bottle out of her pocket, filling a syringe from it, then grinned devilishly at Razor. The otter continued to grumble "Roan, tell her I need something to do." then noticed the syringe and yelped "NO no. not again, those things hurt!" Roan chuckled and walked to the other side of the bed, gently squeezing his paw "Come on Raz. be a brave little guy." He looked at the doctor "In the butt?" As she nodded, he chuckled and sat down next to Raz. "Come on Raz, show us that cute ass that drives the girls crazy." He grinned playfully as Razor smirked and shrugged. "Oh alright. just make it quick doc." and he rolled over slowly, kicking off the blankets. The doctor administered the injection, and that was that. She smiled and patted his butt cheek softly, then left. Roan grinned and pulled the blanket back over Razor as he rolled onto his back again. "So how are you feeling?" He smiled softly at the otter. The otter shrugged and grinned "Okay I guess. bored out of my skull, but okay." He paused and looked down at his paws. "Thank you Roan. if you hadn't been there, those guys would have killed me." The fox patted Raz's shoulder and smiled "Hey, I'm just glad you're okay. And whether they say so or not, so is everyone else, well. most people anyway." Grinning, he bent down and picked up the parcel, putting it on the bed. "Here. got you something." Razor studied it carefully, cocking his head to one side. "What is it?" Taking it in his paws he shook it lightly and heard nothing. Opening it slowly, he clapped his paws once and chirped happily, hugging Roan. "Oh thank you thank you thank you. I've been feeling naked without one." He grinned broadly as he lifted the blue and silver bandana out of the parcel, tying it around his neck. Roan chuckled and shook his head "Damn I've missed your smile. You were such a cute kid, you know that?" Razor blushed and smiled back, then frowned and looked back at his footpaws, asking in a low voice, "How is Taskur?" Roan grinned "Pissed as hell that I brought you back, but he'll get over it. Already the others have voiced their anger when they saw the state you were in. He won't be able to throw you out again. Oh, by the way, I got you your old room back. All your stuff is in storage somewhere, and as soon as we find it we'll send it right along." Razor hugged Roan again, gently purring happily "It feels so good to be home." Roan smiled and patted the otter on the head "Its good to have you home. I've got to get back to work, but I'll be back later to check on you, okay?" Razor nodded thankfully and smiled. As Roan turned to go, he piped up "Its good to know I still have some friends. Roan stopped and turned back "You have plenty of friends Raz. You just have to find them."