PHINNY EVENTS By Raz da wolfy (now going more by Razwolfy than Razor) Well, lets see... things have been pretty slow, I realise... sorry guys. I've just seemed to find it hard to write of late... but you know, I think I'm moving back into a writing mood. Anyway, here's my first attempt at a yiff only story... you know, none of the embellishment I usually add, like plot *grins*. In any event, it was done as a request on fur.stories.erotica, for a phin story of some sort. Seeing his post hadn't had responses yet, I decided to give it a swing, and this is the result. Who knows... I may consider doing sequels... it was fun to write just a sexual story. ICQ#: 78640210 Email: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The soft hiss of the surf on the shore brought shivers to his body as he stared out over the calm, blue surface of the ocean. His fur, swept in small ripples by the wind, mirrored the sea. He let out a happy sigh and shifted his muscles, hefting his bag from his shoulder and setting it down on the sand, unzipping it. Hauling out his goggles, and flexible rubber flippers, he settled back on his haunches as he checked the straps. A glimpse of his face, reflected in the laminated glass of his goggles, smiled back at him. A well built wolf, silvery gray and white fur shining in the bright sun that burned down on the beach. His pink tongue, a soft contrast from the rest of him, lolling from his muzzle as he panted. The day was indeed a hot one, and Brent couldn't wait to get into the water. Looking out over the section of sea he'd picked out on his drive along the coast, he smiled as he saw the waves break over numerous rocky sections, which promised untold hours of fascinating exploration. Further out, about halfway between the beach and the horizon, he could see the white mist of waves crashing against the outer reefs, making this section of beach particularly calm and clear. And safe. Despite Brent's love of diving, he had always had a paranoid fear of the bigger denizens of the sea... notably the ones with big teeth. Shrugging off his silly thoughts of looming jaws, he padded down to the water's edge, flippers in paw, goggles already around his head, strap comfortably positioned above his ears. He wadded into the water, letting out a soft gasp as the cold water rushed between his toes, then up his calves. Soon he was thigh deep in the water, picking his way between rocks carefully until he found one high enough to stand on so he could put on his flippers. A gentle wave raised the water level a notch, covering his waist, and he let out a rolling murr of happiness as cool trickles seeped into his tight speedo, submerging the package held within and causing a myriad of pleasant sensations at once. He blushed softly, looking around nervously and hoping no one was around to hear his little outburst. Thankfully, the beach was empty, and for the time being, it seemed that he alone existed in this blissfully beautiful spot. He tried to ignore the feeling of his shaft stirring in its sheath, but nonetheless enjoyed the sensation. Snapping out of his reverie, he pulled off the goggles and went through the motions of wetting his head, submerging up to his neck. After making sure the goggles wouldn't fog up, with a good wad of saliva, he fitted them over his eyes then pulled the strap back and made sure they were firmly secured. That taken care of, he put the snorkel in his muzzle and plunged his head into the water to see to his flippers. The water, startlingly clearer than other places he'd dived before, filled his ears quickly, altering the way he heard the world. He loved the heavy way everything sounded underwater. Sitting back on the rock he'd perched himself on, he quickly fitted the flippers and stretched his toes inside to get comfortable. And so he began his explorations into this new, excitingly colourful underwater world. Remaining close to the shore at first, as he got a feel for the currents, he contented himself with exploring the huge plateaus ringed by rocks, essentially creating underwater Olympic sized rock pools. He teased a few octopi out of their holes, watching them shift colours indignantly at his presence, and got water up his nose in a giggling fit. Swimming lazily from place to place, he barely noticed he was drifting further out. When he finally looked up from the water, he found himself a good 40 meters offshore. Shrugging it off, he smiled to himself and thought "ahh, what the heck... there's the reefs. I'll be fine." In the same moment his blood froze as he felt something big swim past him. Something big and powerful, from the way the tail of whatever it was thumped against his leg. Dropping down into the water more out of fright than anything else, he was confronted by a snout lined with small white teeth. Thankfully, when he saw what it was attached to the nose, he felt the feeling returning to his body. A dolphin, long, smooth and muscular, swam lazily around him, apparently very interested in his presence here. Reaching out a paw carefully, he touched its side, feeling its smooth skin as it passed. His nerves were slowly starting to calm down, and he pushed off the rock, swimming alongside the dolphin, who turned and butted against his chest playfully, with a soft burst of melodic sounds. He laughed softly, the dolphin gliding against his side and tickling his fur. It turned and this time, butted him from behind, seeming to push him out into deeper water. At first, he tried to protest, but the dolphin got more forceful, nudging him and even sticking its snout between his legs and swimming him along faster. Brent squirmed a bit when the dolphin nudged him between the legs, feeling the stirring in his sheath again, looking back at the dolphin with a blush on his muzzle. The dolphin just seemed to laugh at him silently with that toothy grin, then nudge him again. He relented and swam alongside the dolphin, holding onto its fin gently as it pulled him along at a speed faster than he could swim. He set his mind on concentrating on the dolphin instead of the feelings in his groin, wishing very much he'd pawed off when he woke up, but it just made him wonder what sex the dolphin was. Brent didn't really know much about dolphins, and the goggles restricted his view of the creature. Suddenly the dolphin stopped moving forwards with another blast of squeals, and seemed to suddenly dive. Taking a deep breath, Brent dove with it, down to the ocean floor, which was about 2 meters down. Swimming off a few feet, the dolphin seemed to turn and regard Brent from a distance. Brent floated as best he could, staring right back at the dolphin. It seemed for all the world, an average, normal dolphin. He couldn't help but trace his eyes over the smooth but muscularly built body, and despite not knowing its gender, he found himself strangely turned on. In the scentless world he was in, at least for HIS nose, there were no pheromones to tell him this dolphin was interested too... but something about the way the dolphin seemed to be regarding him... just sent his hormones through the roof. Soon he felt his body responding to the feelings, his sheath growing slightly, and he knew that inside his speedo, a pink tip would be emerging from the confines of its warm haven. Something in the dolphin's pose seemed to change, and Brent wondered if it was somehow sensing his arousal. It drew closer slowly, opening its snout and showing its pearly white teeth, and seemed to smile at him. At this point, he realized he needed a breath of air, and paddled for the surface. Reaching the top, he blew out the water in his snorkel, and took a quick breath, then with a wag of his tail, he dove back down. Looking around, he tried to find where the dolphin was. It had moved from where he had been watching it. It was suddenly beneath him, and he yelped as he felt the snout bite down on the back of his speedo. Fighting to get free, scared that the dolphin was getting aggressive, he was forced to slide the speedo off, the dolphin 'helping' by yanking it off his legs and leaving them floating in the water as it turned its attention back to him, and with a kick of its tail, sped towards him. Turning, Brent started paddling as fast as he could for the shore, grabbing another breath of air at the surface before swimming underwater, but the dolphin was easily three times as fast as he was and caught up in a few tailswishes. He felt its cool belly suddenly press against his back, forcing him down. It seemed to steer him roughly towards a rock, pushing him down onto it, naked as he was, and its tail hitting his legs, making him kneel before it. The dolphin settled down on top of him, chittering softly right in his ear. Brent, while his heart was racing with fear, got the feeling it was trying to reassure him, because the fins were now gently stroking his sides. His cock, which had shrunk back into his sheath during the chase, was now hardening up again, his nakedness helping to increase the eroticism of being pinned by the muscular beast. Just was he was starting to wonder what the creature was up to, he felt it. Something squirming gently between his butt cheeks, thin at first, then soon thickening as it was pushed closer to him. In an instant he realized what this dolphin was doing, and his head swam in arousal at the thought of what was going to happen to him. Relaxing completely to conserve his breath, he pushed his butt back gently against the dolphin's penis, loving the feeling of the smooth skin of its belly against his cheeks. He moved his tail out of the way, laying it flat against his back. His cock was by now quickly hardening, pushing free from his furry sheath and bobbing in the current. The dolphin seemed to take well to the relaxing of the wolf beneath it. Lifting off of him slightly, its tail beating and pushing its cock more firmly between his cheeks, it let him up off the rock a little. Its cock seemed to move of its own accord, exploring between his cheeks, then suddenly knifing forward and thrusting into his tailhole. Arching his back, Brent suppressed the urge to cry out, knowing he had to conserve his air. He didn't know how long this might last, but he certainly didn't care. The dolphin paddled with its fins and tail, trying to better position itself. Brent groaned inwardly in ecstasy, feeling the hard dolphin- dick moving inside him, the tip of it twitching and squirming and causing shudders of pleasure across his body. All of a sudden the dolphin found its place and started thrusting hard, the cock plunging deep inside him, pushing his tailhole apart and forcing its way into him. This time he couldn't hold back the happy cry, and bubbles swam from his muzzle to the surface. The dolphin seemed to sense his pleasure and doubled the strength of its thrusts, letting out its own happy squeals. Suddenly Brent had the dolphin's fins wrapped around his chest and was lifted off the sand, propelled to the surface. The dolphin rolled onto its back and pushed him out of the water. He knew it was letting him get air, and he gulped in a quick breath, before he was plunged back under, and the thrusting resumed. Time seemed to grow immaterial. Brent didn't know how many times this was repeated... the dolphin pushing him to the surface still impaled on its cock, letting him breathe, before they both sank back into the sea to resume their hot and wonderful pleasures. The dolphin's cries were becoming more and more ecstatic, as was his own, and his own penis yearned for release, standing stiffly in front of him. He was unable to stroke himself to relieve the tension, because it would cause him to lose his breath faster, and so just resigned himself to the passion and eagerly accepted the dolphin's maleness, trying his best to urge the dolphin into giving him more of it. The dolphin seemed to get the idea behind Brent grinding his hips back against it, and the spasming tailhole surrounding its cock. Using all the muscles it could, it pumped relentlessly at him, and let out a loud cry that pierced Brent's ears, even underwater. With one last gigantic thrust it sunk its meaty member into him fully, and Brent felt the hot flood of dolphin-cum filling him almost immediately. All this sent him over the edge, and opening his muzzle wide, not caring that he was losing his air, he tried to cry out in pleasure as his penis shuddered and began to spurt its load into the clear water, the strings of whiteness floating to the surface slowly. The dolphin kept rocking against him gently, then Brent felt its cock seem to lose its firmness, and slip from his rear smoothly. Looking back, he saw a small cloud of whiteness leak from his tailhole, before he clenched his cheeks tight to keep the cum inside him, warm and wonderful. The dolphin back-pedalled slightly and nuzzled his neck, its cock slipping back into its slit. Brent smiled widely at the dolphin, suddenly feeling utterly exhausted. He closed his eyes, and as the world slowly blackened, he realized he hadn't been breathing ever since he'd come. -- The world faded back into focus very slowly. He coughed and spluttered and managed to sit upright, spitting out water and resting his head between his knees. The first thought that struck him was that he wasn't underwater anymore, but rather on the beach. The second was that he was still naked, and he quickly looked around to see if there was anyone around. His eyes widened as he stared at the naked guy lying on a towel next to him, sunning himself. His eyes traced the muscled figure... and a slow realization dawned on him. For lying next to him, was a male morphic dolphin. His arms were behind his head, a pair of sunglasses balanced over his eyes, and one leg was raised. The dolphin was breathing deeply, and Brent suspected he was asleep. Shaking his head heavily, Brent tried to figure out just exactly what had happened. Sifting through the heady memories, he found himself utterly confused. Scratching his head, he said aloud "Maybe I just dreamed it all..." A soft laugh made him jump and the dolphin removed his sunglasses and rolled onto his side. "I hope not... that would mean that I'm just a figment of your imagination." Brent stuttered a little and frowned, staring at the dolphin, then suddenly getting rather embarrassed at his nudity and holding his towel up in front of his crotch. The dolphin laughed and gently extended a hand, rubbing Brent's arm. "Hey, it's okay... you don't have to be shy... remember? I saw it all back there..." he nodded in the direction of the water. "... and besides, no one else ever really comes to this beach. I pretty much own the land for a kilometre in either direction." Blushing even brighter, Brent shook his head again to clear water from his ears, and blubbed out the words "b... but... that dolphin... couldn'ta been you? Could it? I mean... that dolphin... had no arms... or legs for that matter." Smiling softly, the dolphin leant close and whispered to Brent like it was a deadly secret "I can change my form silly... its kinda hard to walk around on land without legs." And having said that, he laughed in what Brent was starting to see as typical dolphin fashion, and lay back on his towel, putting his sunglasses back on. "I know it must be a shock to you and all... I'm sorry if I scared you..." Brent frowned and was still trying to process things, when something clicked into place in his brain and he smiled widely, poking the dolphin in the side. "So what was all that back there in the surf about? Do all guys who come swimming here get treated like that?" He gingerly felt under his tail, his butt still feeling a bit sore. The dolphin chuckled, placing his arms behind his head again. "Well, no... not all... I mean, like I said... not many people come around these parts. And well, you seemed to enjoy my presence... I could have smelt that horny scent you were giving off a mile away." Rolling onto his side again he chuckled and said "after all... you did enjoy what we did together... didn't you?" Brent blushed deeply, but had to nod. He had really enjoyed himself. Looking up, he asked "So... what's your name then? Mine's Brent." "My name's Robert. But most people just call me Rob. Nice to know your name..." That line started a conversation filled with small talk and jokes, leading well into the twilight hours. And as the moon peeked above the deep blue waters, colouring them silver, Robert lead Brent back to his shorefront home, which turned out to be quite lavish. Over a candlelit dinner for two on the patio overlooking the evershifting waters, Brent realized that the short encounter in the water would be just the beginning of a long, happy friendship... and maybe more.