FurDimensia Chapter 1: The Great Dilemma I sit at my computer looking over a packet of pictures I printed from the net and stapled together, all female furres, various types. "I wish furs existed." I think. I put the packet down. The mail indicator at the bar on the bottom right hand of my computer screen flashes reminding me that I have 12 new messages. I open my e-mail and read the messages, all solicitors and advertisements that do not interest me. I lay my head down on my desk. I feel my eyes to be heavy and I close them and fall asleep. The next morning I wake up and realize that I never went to my bed. I get out of my chair and stretch. Bones pop. The scent of eggs bacon and pancakes reach my nose and my stomach rumbles and I head out my room and down stairs. I see my mom at the stove cooking and look at the bacon sizzling in the pan, the occasional pops of grease spattering. The clock reads 10:30am and my neck is stiff as hell. "Good morning" my mom says. I nod my head and slightly wince as pain shoots down my spine. I yawn and sit at the counter waiting for breakfast to be made. "The pancakes are already on the table, you may start on them if you want." She says. I grab a plate and a fork and grab a pancake. After awhile I finish my breakfast and stand up, I push the chair in and look out the kitchen window. It's snowing, incredibly hard, almost no visibility. "Wow, I'd love to go cross country skiing in that weather." I think. I think for a moment and finally decide it is too much trouble to take out the stored skis, I'll have my father take them down. "Can you go get some milk for us, where all out." My mother says, holding an empty gallon milk container. "Ok, I will." I respond as I head towards the door. I get into the truck in the garage and start it up, I open the garage door and back out, I head off towards the convenience shop 13 miles away from my house, and the milk there is cheaper too. I pull on to the highway, which is where it is located, I pick up speed as I near the end of the on ramp and I easily merge into the traffic. I turn on the radio and listen to classical music on the way. I look down to alter the heating and as I look up back to the road time seems to come to a standstill as I watch a car from the other lane spin into my lane. Under complete control and clear of mind I quickly and easily react to the situation, but the car that spun out tips over and rolls into my path, I raise my arms and loosen my body to prepare for impact, time seems to freeze and the impact I was expecting never happened, I open my eyes to see my self still in the truck undamaged, in the middle of a wide wind swept field in what seems to summer. There are butterflies all over the place and many white flowers are amongst the grass. The scene is very tranquil. "Where the hell am I?"I think I unsteadily open the door and step out; I stumble and fall to my knees. "I must be pale as hell." I think. I look around and decide that I possibly could not have been killed because the truck is here with me. "Is it possible that I shifted dimensions?" I think I get up off my knees and stretch my legs. I start to walk towards a randomly chosen direction and I look over my shoulder at my truck. "Maybe I should take the truck." I think. I walk back to the truck and get it. I shut the door and turn the key. The truck starts right up and I shift the truck in 3rd gear, just when I start moving I feel guilty leaving wheel tracks in the field. I pick a direction and go for it, even though I have no clue where I'm going I like just flying along these open fields. I roll down my window and hang my arm out and feel the wind on my sweaty hand. I try the radio but all I get is static no matter what station I dial to. As my mind drifts back to the most recent events I stare down at my steering wheels emblem and as I look up I see a massive canyon ahead of me, I slam on the breaks but the wheels do not grab at the slippery grass, I skid towards canyon. I hold my breath and pray, miracle of miracles I stop just inches away from the edge. I immediately shift into reverse and back away from the canyon. I wipe my hand across my sweaty face. "Phew, another close catastrophe." I think I ride along side the canyon looking down into it, the rocks are a dark sand color and the bottom is covered in many sharp looking spires. I look at my gas gauge and realize that this won't last forever; it is full because I just refilled it but I must find some type of civilization soon. Another worry strikes me; I have no food to eat, and no fluids to drink. As I continue to drive I notice that it is starting to get dark and I have no idea what I might encounter in the dark so I pull a few feet away from the canyon and stop the truck, I shut if the engine and lock my door. Night quickly approaches and I decide to get some sleep so I can get up early in the morning to continue to look for civilization. I make my seat back go flat and I unsnap my seat belt, as soon as I shut my eyes I fall asleep. The next morning I awake and look out the windows, still the same scene in front of my eyes. "My mom and dad must be worried sick, I hope that I may find a way back to my dimension." I think sadly. I unlock my door and buckle in and start the truck and head off towards the direction I was going. I slowly realize what seems that there is no civilization here and I am almost out of fuel. The truck slows down and comes to stop, and the gas indicator shows there is no gas left. "Oh shit." I think as the truck comes to a complete stop. I slam my head against the horn and the horn beeps. I decide to get out of the truck but I don't get far as a wave of dizziness washes over me and I black out, the last thing I feel is my body hitting the ground.