Chapter 2:

                                        The Unfound Civilization

I wake up and sit up, but when I try sharp pain flairs in my head and I quickly lay back down. I open my eyes and see I lay where I fell. It is dusk out and still warm, the grass feels pleasant against my arms and neck. I put my hand on my chest and notice that it is very wet.

“Did it rain?” I think.

I decide against that seeing that only upper half of my chest near my neck is wet.

I slowly move my head to my right and see a small pouch that seems to be full of water.

I am puzzled about this but I do try not to think since it seems that I cannot think of almost any thing at the moment.

The pain seems to be almost gone when I try to sit up again. Still there but faint. I stand up and grab the water pouch. I look at my truck and decide to use it as shelter when need be, that is all its worth now. I walk over to the canyon and look down in side, since there is no light shining down there it seems bottomless, but then a glint of light catches my eye but I decide it is something else not worth worrying about.

I continue along side the canyon and I look ahead and what little light is left it seems to stretch on into the distance.

I decide to halt for the night for sleep.

I pick a spot 3 feet away from the canyon and lay down. I quickly fall asleep.


The next morning


I wake up and feel the pain is completely gone. It is very bright out so I continue to walk following the canyon looking down into it from time to time.

My stomach grumbles and I feel weak but I continue on anyways.

My ears catch a distant rumbling that is coming to the right of where I am. I look at the sky and it seems to be a very black sky, enough to send a shiver down my spine.

I walk a little faster.

The wind starts to pick up slightly.

By what is noon by my watch the sky directly overhead of me is very dark.

 “Not good.” I think nervously.

I continue to walk but as I try I feel myself being pushed towards the canyon due the winds becoming very extreme. I turn to face into the wind for better strength to push against it put that proves to be a big mistake. I am blown over the edge.  I feel myself pitch forward into the gaping canyon, I lash my hand forward and I grab a root. I slam into the rock wall as I am abruptly stopped. I manage to maintain my grip.

 The Determination and the will to survive course through me as I hang on; my grip tightens as the wind threatens to rip me off of my root.

“I cannot be killed now!” I shout out into the wind.

I let out another scream as I feel my grip on the root fail.

I look helplessly into the darkness below.

“I’ll never let go or give up!” I shout as one more final blast of strength rips through my body.

I try to pull myself up but the wind is so strong that I cannot pull myself up.

My grip finally fails and the root slips out of my hand and time seems to stop as I plunge towards the bottom.

I scream at the top of my lungs.

Suddenly as this all started I stop abruptly, but I do not hit hard ground as I expected.

In the blinding flashes of lighting and the torrent rain I look up. A furre has caught me. My expression goes wide.

The furre softly lets me down to the ground. I get to my feet and slowly back away as the furre stares at me.

“Jkal hnay hretas.” The furre says. 

“A different language.” I think.

The furre directs me to follow to what looks like an entrance of some sort.

Now out of the rain and wind I can get a clearer view of the furre.

The lighting from outside flashes from outside and in those flashes I can catch what seems to be a feline and has the facial features of a male, so I quickly come to the conclusion that this is a male furre.

The furre seems to be looking me over, but not as competition but as a friend.

He holds up his paw/hand and it glows a golden light, he touches it to my forehead and a shiver shoots through my body.

“What happened?” I ask

I reel back in shock, as what came out of my mouth was the same type of language the furre spoke but I can speak it and understand like common English.

“I have given you the ability to speak our language.” the furre says

I nod at my sudden comprehension of what he has said and what I can say.

“I will now take you to our city, you must promise not to make any eye contact with any of the citizens until we prove that you are not one of the great destroyers.” He says.

“What is your name?” I ask.

“In your human meaning or the furre meaning?” He replies.

“Ummm, furre meaning.” I reply

“Jakatan, now I must know your name.” He replies.

“My name is Jon.” I reply.

“I will give you a furre name now, I saw you hanging on to that root struggling for your life and never gave up, I will name you Kar which means the one with much bravery and strength.” He says.

“Thank you.” I reply.

He motions towards the darkness behind him.

“That is the entrance to the city, please remember what I said, we may go to the city now.” He says.

He turns around and starts for the city, I follow him.

After awhile of walking we reach the entrance.

I take a good look at the city; it is extremely high tech and has metal roads above the ground that these really cool looking cars travel. There are many types of furres walking the sidewalks but the most noticed are the feline furres.

“Remember, no eye contact.” Jakatan says.

I nod.

“Where do we go to now?” I ask

“To the government building, where you will be proven.” Jakatan says.

I nod, still in awe as I think about what I saw.

We enter the building and walk down what seems to be an endlessly long hall.

Jakatan stops in front of a door at the end.

“Please enter, and remember, no eye contact.” He says.

“Are you not coming along?” I ask

He looks at the floor and makes a motion for me to enter.

I walk in and stare at the floor.

“Well well, a human.” A voice above me says.

“We must prove him to be innocent or guilty, that is what we were assembled here for.” Another voice says, deeper in tone.

“Excuse me, but why am I assumed to be a great destroyer?” I meekly ask.

“SILENCE!” the first voice commands.

“He is aware of his situation.” The deeper voice says.

“Ok, we will begin the tests, does the word Bhayu mean any thing to you?” The first voice questions.

“Nothing at all sir” I reply.

“Ok, he passes the first, hold your right hand above your head, do not look at us.” The deeper voice says.

I do what he says and I feel a paw/hand clasp onto mine, suddenly I feel faint and dizzy, but pleasantly warm and cold at the same time. My hand is let go and my arm drops to my side.

“I have just scanned him for the coding and found nothing that resembles the malicious content of a great destroyer, he may be at peace with us.” The deep voice triumphantly says.

“You still may not look at us though, turn around and exit through the door you came into, you are proven innocent.” The first voice says.

I do what he says and exit through the door.

“I see that you passed.” Jakatan says.

I nod.

“If you did not pass you would have been sent immediately that very second to the rest of the great destroyers and would not have came back here.” Jakatan says, as if he is gagged by the mention of the great destroyers.

“What now?” I ask.

“Well, we need to decide where you are going to stay, you have to options at this

Present time, one, stay with me, two, find room at a rental area, which I would strongly go against.” Jakatan says.

“Hmm, I’ll stay with you.” I say.

 “Ok, lets go.” He says.