Night had come crisp and cold, over the village. Already there was a thin layer of dew covering every hut and it glistened in the light of the quarter and half moons. The owners of each hut, save one, were preparing for the next day of gardening or hunting in the cooling weather. Winter would soon be upon the inhabitants of the peaceful village, and with it the yearly raids from the ferocious Feral clan. Everyone knew of the horrors they would see and experience. The sudden attacks, without warning or provocation, the reckless murder of anyfur who could not fight or hide from them, and the stealing of children, and females, to be eaten or worse. Tension and the smell of fear would hang in the air whenever someone would talk about the winter raids, but this year it was different. This year there was hope. If the humans were successfully accepted into the clan they would bring the edge the clans warriors needed to fight off the Feral clan, guns. It was with that strongly in her mind that Ruth heard Lillian tell of the success of finally communicating with the human male.


            “What!” Ruth exclaimed, “No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no! And double NO! It’s too soon! How can you possibly expect me to organize all this so quickly!? Lillian are you out of your scheming, male-repulsing mind!?” Ruth continued on her tirade while Lillian listened with a heavy heart, ‘I’m finally getting her the results she wants and it’s too soon?’ Lillian was loosing her patience. Suddenly she remembered her life-sustaining crops, ‘NO!’ her mind panicked.

“Are you insane? I will need at least until noon just to inform the Clan of what is going to happen, then I have to look through a list of possible guardians then weed out any who might not want to care for a human kit, and then you expect me to…”

“SHUT UP!” Lillian bellowed before she knew what she was saying,

“Look Ruth I respect you and your position on the Council of Elders but, I have performed every service you have requested of me without so much as demanding a holiday or compensation for the extraordinary amount of time I’ve lost on my gardening. I may very likely starve this winter and all you can do is have a pity party because you don’t have enough time for preparing the Clan for what is going to happen tomorrow?” Lillian was enraged that she had forgotten about her precious crops and was in dire need of tending them or else she would surely starve, plus the stress of having to be a mediator for the humans and her fellow furrs was taking a heavy toll on her already stressed mind, since she had no mate to protect her.


Lillian had reached a breaking point and Ruth had not only crossed it but had defecated on it,

“If this is the thanks I get, for all my hard work, nearly being shot, starved, eaten by feral wolves, and infected to the point of turning into my own little plague, then I’m done with everything! I quit in a royal manner! You can take these humans and stuff them up your ancient nose! As for having a scheming, male-repulsing mind, I’m sorry! I cannot help it if I don’t have the biggest teats, sweetest scent, or the prettiest face, but I have a damn good mind and I’ve been doing some thinking. You know what I’ve thought out? My needs are being neglected to a point where I will die soon. I rarely sleep a full night due to nightmares, I haven’t eaten in almost two days and I have not even had the time to brush me fur! Look at my tail! It has a permanent kink in it because of that damned wolf attack! No male would ever want me now! A KINKED TAIL IS A SIGN OF DISEASE FROM A YOUNG AGE! I am now permanently robbed of the possibility of ever having a mate or kittens of my own…” Lillian was panting and in tears as what she was saying deeply gouged into her heart, “I am done with everything! Done with the humans, done with the Clan, done with the council! I have nothing left now. And last but far from least I am done with YOU!” she pointed at Ruth hissing violently, and ran out of the Elder’s Hut her every step was shaken with her heavy sobs. Lillian was nearly to the point of collapse due to the stress of her situation.






            Ruth didn’t know what to say. She had totally forgotten about Lillian’s crops, and Lillian hadn’t mentioned anything about her fur, tail, or the nightmares. Ruth felt terrible for neglecting her greatest asset and undeclared adopted daughter for so long. The entire Council had heard the commotion as Ruth had been yelling and were about to step in when Lillian had lost it. They had listened in stunned silence as Lillian spoke of her hardships and several feline elders shuddered when she had mentioned what happened to her tail. Ruth was mumbling brokenheartedly to herself when the rest of the Council made its appearance,

“What was all that about?” the spokes-fur asked. The spokes-fur was an ancient grizzled opossum. Her name was Elsa and she was the oldest and wisest of the entire Council. Ruth realized they must have heard at least some of what Lillian said,

“I seem to have completely forgotten about Lillian. I have become so wrapped up in the prospect of the humans coming to live with us that I …” Ruth lowered her head as a single tear rolled down her muzzle and she realized the pain she had caused Lillian, “I’m sorry Lillian.” Elsa had known Ruth for many decades and knew her heart was well-meaning,

“Ruth, look at me.” Elsa said as she put a paw to Ruth’s muzzle and lifted it to meet her own gaze, “You made a grave mistake, there can be no doubt about that. You can still save Lillian though. Go to her and grant her open access to the collective food stores for this winter.” there was an audible gasp from the rest of the council. Elsa was the only one who could permit such a thing and it had not been done in decades. Elsa continued,

“You will also inform Lillian that she has been granted permission to undergo a surgery to straiten her tail. Plus she has been given permission to be on the list of creatures awaiting mates despite her failure of the mating test.” The Council was stunned. No one in recorded history had ever been given permission to undergo any kind of non-life-threatening surgery. Ruth looked hopefully to Elsa,

“Is there really hope for Lillian, despite what I’ve done?” she asked. Elsa looked at Ruth through ever-wise eyes,

“Yes, but only if someone attends to her soon.”

“I cannot. She would never hear it from me.”

“This whole Clan owes Lillian deeper thanks than we will ever be able to acknowledge. I will personally speak to her tonight. The rest of you and especially Ruth will stay here and pray to the Great Spirit that Lillian is receptive to my words.” Elsa departed the Elder’s hut with her walking stick in her paw. As she walked she began praying slowly,

“Great Spirit, grant me the words to say in order to heal this poor girl’s shattered heart and dreams. I pray to you that she be willing to hear me out and stay with the Clan. Please forgive us our negligence of one so dedicated to the wishes of the Council as to push herself nearly to death in order to serve our desires. I ask this, and I ask for one other thing. I ask for Lillian to be happy. She has sacrificed so much of herself. Please give her the opportunity to know the joys of having a mate even if she remains barren. She deserves joy. Grant it I beg you. Amen.” Elsa finished her prayer as Lillian’s hut came into sight. Elsa suddenly became alarmed. There was no fire from within and the scent was old. Lillian was gone.