All characters herein are copy write Daniel Pering any duplication or reference thereof constitutes as theft and will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. I.E. enjoy but don’t mess with this stuff.




                                                                        CHAPTER X


            Since Lillian had rescued the human child, Omuse and Savannah had almost never left her side. They had become very attached to the little girl and the girl in return had a great amount of trouble sleeping unless Omuse held her and Savannah sang her to sleep. The day had finally come for Lillian to go back to the human’s home. Lillian was very unsure about the whole ordeal and this doubt had manifested itself in the form of nightmares. Lillian awoke that morning with a start panting wildly. She shivered at the memory of the dream then looked hopefully at the three forms sleeping next to her,

“I sure hope you’re worth all this, little one.” Savannah’s eyes slid open at hearing the sound of a voice close by,

“Lillian?“ she asked.


“Hmm. More nightmares?”

“Yeah, they’re still the same.”

“Tell me again.”

“I am running, searching for something or someone when all of a sudden I am standing in a field of dead bodies like a great battle has taken place. The bodies are of furrs and humans, though the humans are wearing strange cloths. Then I hear the rumbling and see a strange thing with humans riding it. I begin to run and run into the human male. He smiles and I look behind him, there are hundreds of furrs all armed and painted for battle. I turn back around and see an army of humans coming toward us. The only thing keeping the two sides from killing each other is the two of us. Then I wake up. I don’t know why the dreams are so frightening but I feel like they mean something.” Savannah heaved a sigh,

“Lillian you have to stop worrying so much. It’s your fear and doubt that is causing these dreams.” Lillian placed a paw on Savannah’s shoulder,

“You’re right. I just have to learn to trust the Great Spirit.” Omuse and the still sleeping child awoke with a start as a loud noise permeated the air. Savannah took the child from Omuse and began comforting it,

“Shh, shh it’s O.K. It’s just thunder.” Lillian had recovered from her shock and realized,

“That’s not thunder, it sounds more like…” Lillian jumped up and ordered to Savannah and Omuse, “Follow me quickly!” then sped out of the medicine hut. Lillian had heard that particular sound several times before, her fears grew as she saw the immense gathering of furrs around the field to the North of the village. Lillian pushed her way through the crowd and saw what they were all staring at. The human male had come searching for his sister, and was now surrounded by the entire village. The human looked frightened, but determined. He was holding a gun leveled at several of the armed village guard.

“Don’t go near him!” Lillian yelled, “He just wants to get his sister back.”


            The human looked toward Lillian at hearing her voice. Omuse and Savannah had arrived behind Lillian,

“Let us through!” Omuse bellowed.

“Approach him very slowly and stay with me.”


 The crowd parted and they strode out toward the human. Lillian noticed the human’s expression and was duly worried as he took aim at Omuse who stood head and shoulders above the other two. Lillian strode out in front, turned and addressed everyone,

“Savannah, Omuse stop where you are. Everyone stay back. I need to calm him or he may kill one of us.” Lillian then continued toward the human by herself.


            The human maintained a steady bead on Omuse as Lillian approached. Lillian placed a gentle paw on the human’s shoulder and shook her head ‘no’. The human lowered his gun by a few inches,

“Savannah, Omuse show him his sister.”


            The human raised his gun anew as they moved but Lillian maintained her position and gently forced the gun down. The human looked at Lillian with a pained expression, but she pointed toward Savannah who was now right in front of them. Savannah unraveled a sleeping skin and revealed the child sleeping peacefully. The effect on the human was immense. He un-cocked the riffle and slung it over his shoulder as he held out his hands to take his sister. Savannah looked to Lillian,

“Should I?” she asked. Lillian nodded. They both knew what would happen. The human gently took the child from Savannah and cradled her in his arms. Then the child began to cry. The human male attempted in vain to sooth the wailing infant but to no avail. He looked helplessly to Lillian. Lillian slowly took the child from the human’s arms and handed her to Omuse. The human looked upset to no end and almost as if he would attack, but then realized his little sister had stopped crying. Seeing she had quieted down the human again held out his hands for his sister. Omuse handed her to him and again she began to cry. The human’s jaw tightened as he realized what had happened. He closed his eyes, turned his head and handed the child back to Omuse.


            The child again stopped crying. The human had tears in his eyes as he stepped up to Omuse. He pointed at the child then Omuse then pointed two fingers to his own eyes ‘I will be watching you.’ The human then wiped his eyes, gave his little sister a kiss, turned and burst into a full out run back toward his home.


            Lillian took of after him leaving the rest of the furrs to their own devices. The human was very fast but Lillian was too, but for all her speed she could not catch him,

“STOP!” she yelled. Much to her surprise he did. Lillian was winded and doubled over to catch breath. When she stood up she was face to face with the human. There was a steady stream of tears down his face as he looked Lillian dead in the eyes. His jaw was quivering and he could barely keep his composure. Lillian saw the pain in his eyes and without really realizing what she was doing reached out to him. Before either of them realized what was going on he was huddled up to Lillian sobbing pitifully. Lillian could not support his weight and was forced into a sitting position while the human let his sorrow take it’s course.