O.K. someone is reading this right now and wondering what it is about. Well I’m about to tell you lard ass! Oh, ahem excuse me for saying that, I have had a bad week with hurricane Isabel coming through and ransacking everything. Alright look, this notice is to tell anyone who is interested to write me and please tell me what you think of my stuff. Critique in other words. The only way to become a more proficient writer is to encourage a plethora of opinions on every aspect of my work, and yes eventually there will be some mild yiffing though I will not describe it in great detail. I write to better myself and to entertain others while doing it. I love to hear what my audience thinks and am not prejudice to opposing opinions, I think that is part of the spice of life. Please write me, even if it is to be chatty, talk about characters, I am even taking a few applications for characters. Note only real applications not stuff like “Yiff-master-Gray” or something like that. I like jokes as much as the next guy/girl {well it depends or how well you know me} In fact try to guess my gender, age and anything else you may want to. I am pretty easy going and love to get to know other people. If you are in the neighborhood of Virginia, I may even hang out with you some time.


            Spare note I have no artistic {drawing} ability whatsoever so I cannot do trades unless it is with another writer. If you like my stuff I can recommend: zapangel, Lars E. Hellberg, Vincent N. Terell, Vulpine Spirit, and Skunkaholic. These guys are terrific. There are many more excellent authors out here on VCL but these are the only ones that come to mind just now. Well goodbye for now, hope to hear from you soon.


