The Roenick Chronicles is a series that mixes science-fiction with fantasy, furry and sometimes old-fashioned monster. As a whole it gets an NC-17, even though a few episodes MAY be tame enough to put on afternoon cartoons. I will make no effort to label which are which. "Why not?" you might ask. I believe Elf Sternberg said it best when he stated: "If you want to know the whole story, you may well find yourself exposed to material that disturbs you as powerfully as it arouses you. That, in the final analysis, is the point of good storytelling." And I agree. Life doesn't have an editor, so neither will I. Within could be anything from graphic violence, language, sexual acts or situations, blah blah, you know the drill. I don't believe in age check. If your parents trust you enough to leave you home alone with the computer, the responsibility is theirs. This is your only warning. That means continuing on absolves your ability to sue me ;) Lastly, do not expect and kind of non-consensual, violent, or painful love-making. It might be a part of life, but it won't find it's way into these stories. I prefer intimacy and tenderness and genuine affection. Call me an old softie I guess. Translation? There will be NO whips or chains or toys, but there CAN be light-hearted fetishes (tickling) or one character smothering the other with ice cream. ^_^ All Stories are copyright (c) 2000 by Ricky Galahad. Don't steal anything or I'll have to tie you to a chair and make you listen to non-stop Hanson until your head collapses of it's own weight.