Cautionary stuff and legalese

The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living, dead, or imaginary is purely accidental, unless we're talking about my imagination (I did write it after all). This work may not be reproduced, in whole in part, in any fashion, nor may it be re-distributed in any manner without my written permission. If somebody else wants a copy, have them contact me, or wait until it's posted to the Transformation Story Archive (assuming they'll have it -:) All rights to this story are reserved, and the entirety is Copyright© 1999 & 2000 Rochndil. That should cover the legal necessities, ick.

If you are under the age of 18, are unwilling to broaden the scope of your imagination, or have religious beliefs prohibiting the perusal of sexual materials, DO NOT READ THIS!

If you do not like lactation, n/c breastfeeding, pregnancy, male/female sex, interspecies sexual activity, and other acts that might be of questionable taste, then DO NOT READ THIS!

If you are an adult and the above does not apply to you, by all means read away. If you have comments and/or criticism, I would like to hear it. My address is at the bottom...I would like to hear from you after you have finished the story.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. This story has been in the works since shortly after the earth cooled, and I'm pleased to finally see it being completed.

Journeying Within

Chapter 1, Initiation

It was late, and the trees passed by in evening's shadow.

"It's not like the contract falling through was my fault! Any idiot could see," he fumed, "that Mr. Phillips had been bribed by Karnap Bros. After all, we researched their offer and we had better terms. Well, I guess we'll have to work on it Monday; maybe we can collect enough evidence to go to court."

"It's remarkable," he thought, "that only an hour from Atlanta you can get so far from civilization. There can't be more than three houses on thirty miles of road up here."

As it went out of range, Will changed from the Atlanta station to a local one. Unfortunately, the signal was full of static and interference, and while the radio was producing many interesting sounds, few of them were musical.

"Looks like a good time for a tape," he thought, "it's too bad they can't find a way to improve the radio reception up this way."

He pulled out a battered tape case and shoved the first cassette he grabbed into the deck. After some preliminary clicking and hissing, the opening chords of a song Will did not recognize began sounding in the car.

"What the hell?" muttered Will, "Must have gotten mixed up with someone else's tapes sometime...oh well, it's not bad."

While the music played on, outside the car the shadows seemed to lengthen, and fog began to gather in the low parts of the landscape.

"A little odd to see fog this time of year," he thought, "maybe some idiot has been dumping chemicals into the rivers again. I hope the stuff isn't dangerous."

Still the fog grew denser, and he was forced to cut his speed to avoid over-driving his headlights. The familiar, albeit darkened, scenery continued to roll past, but the outlines were becoming vague and uncertain.

"A real pea souper!" he chuckled, "I wonder if I could squeeze myself a bowl; I'm starving!"

By now the fog was so dense that he could hardly see the road lines, and he was forced to drop his speed well below the limit.

"I wonder if this'll make the news," he thought. "Nah, it's too far from Atlanta for any of the news people to know, or care."

The fog was so thick now that the world beyond his headlights and the road in front of him had disappeared. He moved through a narrow tunnel in the dimness, and he began to feel isolated, cut off from the rest of the world.

Suddenly, the fog began to lighten, growing milkily luminescent, and he thought that the moon must have risen. In the growing light the swirling fog took on strange shapes, almost seeming to move as it was shredded by the passage of his car.

"This is the damnedest thing I've ever seen," he thought, "I wish I'd brought my camera with me."

The pale light continued to grow, and soon it was nearly light enough for him to see without his headlights, but the fog still obscured the road. Strange movements in the fog continued, and he almost seemed to see things he could not name before they whirled away in the dimness.

Suddenly, leaping from the fog, a creature ran straight toward him! He slammed on the brakes, but although he was not going very fast, he felt the crash of a sudden impact, there was a tearing pain in his chest, and he was still wondering where he had seen eyes like that before when he blacked out...

               *         *         *

Awakening from a very strange dream, Will suddenly remembered where he was. He lay slumped over his steering wheel with a throbbing pain in his chest. His car seemed to be in a ditch, (or possibly gravity had suffered a local aberration) because the car was leaning sharply forward. He sat back and took stock of himself. Aside from the pain in his chest and a bruise over his eye, he seemed to be in fair shape. The car appeared to have stalled, but when he turned the key the engine caught and ran with no trouble. He killed the engine again and got gingerly out to survey the damage.

Walking shakily to the front of the car, Will was surprised to see that, as far as he could tell in the light reflected from his clothes, the car, while in a ditch, seemed to be otherwise undamaged. He also could find no sign of the creature that he thought he had hit, either on the car or in the road.

After a few false starts, Will managed to back his car out of the ditch and make his way home without further incident. Upon arriving, he threw together a quick supper and, hunger satisfied, he retired to bed.

Will spent a restless night, dreaming strange dreams, but brought no memory of them back into his waking life.

               *         *         *

The next morning, Will felt better (and a bit less weird). He got up and showered, going through his usual morning ritual. When he stepped from the shower and paused to examine himself in the steamy mirror, something seemed odd, but he couldn't at first put his finger on it.

He definitely had a nice bruise (and bump) on the left side of his forehead, although his hair mostly concealed it from casual view. He paused for a moment, taking stock of himself, and saw nothing not listed on his driver's license. Hair, black. Eyes, grey. Height, 5'9". Weight, 135lbs. He looked the same, and was about to dismiss the strange notion that something was wrong, when an errant drip of water rolled down his chest, and caught his eye.

He didn't know how he had been able to miss it before, but right in the sore part of his chest was a strange spiral scar. He was so amazed at this discovery that he didn't even notice a strangely familiar pair of eyes watching over his shoulder.

Showing clearly in the harsh light of his bathroom mirror, the scar rested upon Will's chest, directly over his heart. It was smooth and flat, as if from an old, long-healed wound, and showed a clear spiral pattern in an unusual silvery color.

Will touched the scar hesitantly...the feel was strange, leaving an almost electric tingle in both his fingertips and chest for several moments.

"Wow," he thought, "That's the damnedest thing I've ever seen...I wonder if I should have a doctor look at it?"

Strangely, the thought of being touched by a doctor made him immediately uneasy, nearly nauseous. "Well, maybe later," he said, "if it causes any problems."

The rest of Will's morning routine passed uneventfully, and he had nearly forgotten about the strange events of the night and morning when, upon getting into his car to go to work, he noticed something he had missed in the darkness. Caught on one windshield wiper was a long, shiningly white-blonde hair. Will pulled it loose and hung it over his mirror for luck, but it brought instead the strangeness of the night before to haunt his day.

               *         *         *

Arriving back at work, Will was distracted by all the usual trivia of his work day. Forms to file, calls to make, and Email to answer kept him busy through the morning.

At lunchtime, his buddy Paul came by, and invited him to eat in the park near their office. Glad for the break, Will assented, and they were quickly across the street eating chili dogs in the pleasant shade of a tree-lined path.

"So," Paul began without preamble, "have you seen the new secretary in accounting? I hear she's single."

Will choked on his dog, and had to take a gulp from his coke before he could speak. "Jeez, guy! I haven't even met her and you're already fixing us up?"

Paul smiled back, and nodded sagely. "But of course, my friend. It's not good for a young healthy guy like yourself not to have a girlfriend. Makes people wonder if you're funny or something."

"You know that's not true!" Will retorted hotly, "I'm still dealing with a lot of issues from Mary leaving me. It's been a year, but I still don't know if I'm ready to go through that again."

"When you get thrown off the horse, as they say, you have to get right back into the saddle."

"Yeah, but when you get thrown down, bitten, kicked, and then trampled by the horse and all her lawyers...

Paul held his hands up, yielding the point. "Alright guy, I give. But I am right, and the sooner you accept that the happier you'll be."

Will sighed, and nodded. "I know, I know."

Paul stood, and thumped Will companionably on the shoulder. "You remember what I said, and also that Sylvia and I would love to have you over to dinner sometime. OK?"

Smiling, Will replied, "Thanks Paul. I may take you up on that soon."

Paul smiled, and walked away.

For a few minutes, Will sat, lost in his thoughts, before he too rose to his feet and began to walk off his lunch.

Not very much later, Will was strolling slowly along the path when someone spoke quietly from behind him.

"Greetings, child." The oddly-pitched voice came from beneath a young tree.

Turning to look, he was startled to see what appeared to be a large white horse standing calmly beneath that tree. What was more, Will was quite certain that the space had been empty just a moment ago.

Puzzled, Will looked around for the source of the voice, wondering if it might be the horse's owner. He quickly considered the little he knew about horses, trying to remember if they were dangerous.

Despite his search, Will could spot no-one other than himself and the horse...the park was unusually empty for the hour.

Will approached cautiously, stretched out his hand, and said encouragingly, "Nice horsie. Are you lost, fella?"

Careful as he was, Will was totally unprepared for the reaction he got.

The next moment was a blur, but Will suddenly found himself flat on his back, pressed securely to the ground by the hoof planted on his chest, and staring up at a flashing hazel eye along the length of a wickedly sharp spiral horn.

"I will say this once, child-of-men," the creature angrily intoned, "if thou shouldst ever call me 'horsie' or 'fella' again, thou shalt suffer such that thine ancestors will spin widdershins in their graves!"

As Will lay prone and motionless, the creature continued, "Know, mortal, that my name is Neerana, one of the first children, and I have come a very great way seeking thee...I would hate to end thy life over a trifle. I am neither a horse nor male, and I would recommend that thee engrave that upon thy memory, male-human-child."

Will was, at the same time, both profoundly curious and completely terrified. He was afraid to move, or even to blink, for he might lose his vision to the needle-pointed horn resting unwaveringly a fraction of an inch from his eyeball.

"Umm...ah...pleased to meet you, ah, Ma'am," gasped Will, "would you mind turning your head just a little to one side? If it's not too much trouble?"

"My, how wonderful! A human with manners. And all I did was threaten his life," chuckled Neerana. "By all means, manchild, pray continue."

Noticing the cross-eyed concentration Will still lent her horn, Neerana relented and raised her head, still keeping a watchful eye upon her victim.

"Come along now, child," she said, fluttering her lashes coyly, "surely you can do better than that. You know a lady loves to be flattered."

Nonplussed, Will's confusion was clear from his bewildered expression. He made a few halting attempts to speak, but finally gave up in despair.

"Oh for the sake of peat!" exclaimed Neerana, "Humans! One wonders if they'll ever evolve." Annoyed, she nevertheless took a step back, removing her hoof from Will's chest.

"Get thee up, man-child," she said wearily, "we have a journey to begin, you and I." She considered him as he rose, and decided that he wasn't much to look at, especially after having come so far seeking him. Slim, dark hair, about average sized for a human male, but there was just a little more to his eyes than others. "Perhaps," she thought, "he will be worth the trouble."

Climbing slowly to his feet, Will looked cautiously at the creature before him. She (Will made certain to think in the correct terms) was slightly taller than him at the shoulder, with sandy-colored hair and a mane and tail that were nearly blonde. He wasn't certain, but there seemed to be patterns in her coat that were constantly changing, flowing away just before he could make them out. Her mane was thick and long, as were the tufts of hair on her feet and tailtip. She had a tail not unlike a lion's, but longer, and covered in short dense fur like the rest of her. From her forehead grew a sharply spiraled horn, about as long as his arm, the color of wildflower honey, as were her hooves.

"A journey? But I have to be back at work in 10 minutes..." Will trailed off, intimidated by the stormy look in her eye.

Suddenly, Will grew angry, "What a minute! This isn't real! You're not real! You're just a figment of my imagination. I must be hallucinating...I'm talking to a hallucination." Rubbing the bruises on his chest and backside, Will grew uncertain again.

Unruffled, Neerana replied, "We have an 'appointment,' my child. You may come when you are ready, but I will warn will be easiest for you to come now" She said. "I am far more real than you can yet understand, mortal child, and my business is very urgent. Do as you will, but you would do well to heed my words."

Will, still confused, began backing away, "I'm really sorry, uh, ma'am, but I really have to get back to work." Will turned and fled.

"You'll be sorry," he heard behind him, as he retreated to the safety and sanity of his work.

               *         *         *

The rest of Will's day was much less eventful than his lunch hour. After returning a little late, he was able to make excuses and get back to work. While he didn't especially enjoy struggling to make his superiors appear literate, it was a job, and one that paid well enough.

Equally unremarkable was his journey home, although the whole time he had the strangest feeling that he was not alone. This uncomfortable feeling persisted all through the evening, but he eventually fell into a restless sleep.

With sleep, came the dreams.

Several times during the night, Will awoke in a cold sweat, heart pounding...the strange noises he heard in the darkness didn't comfort him at all. When his panic and breathing had calmed, Will was able to get up, look around, and laugh it all off as nightmares. But it happened again. And again.

               *         *         *

When the morning finally made its cautious way through his window, Will sat up, believing that the worst was over. He was wrong.

Pulling the knotted covers off, Will swung his legs over the side of the bed, and got the surprise of his life.

There were snakes on his floor...lots of them, in all colors and sizes. But when he looked again, the floor was clear.

Similar incidents plagued him all morning. The plumbing was a mess, and what happened at breakfast didn't even bear thinking about. Each time, though, a second look was always effective in banishing the phantasms. Will, heartened by this, proceeded, trying to use his routine as a mantra. He was determined to prevail over his "madness," and managed to get through his morning preparations on sheer stubbornness. He even tried to make an appointment with his doctor, but the phone apparently wasn't speaking English this morning, so he gave up.

Still, Will was determined, and planned to drive straight to the clinic. All went well until he opened the front door. He stared, quite certain that he had lost what little mind he had left. The land and sky were in a constant state of change, images appearing and vanishing like ripples in a pool. Nothing seemed dangerous, but it was nearly impossible to see his car, let alone try to drive it. These phantoms didn't go away when he looked at them, and, to add to his surprise, a passing purple and rose rain cloud left his clothes damp when it let lose a shower.

Chapter 2, Flight

Wisely, Will decided to postpone leaving.

While rapidly closing his front door, Will nearly had a heart attack when that same oddly-pitched voice spoke behind him, "Art thou ready yet, child-of-men?"

Spinning around rather less gracefully than he would have liked (he managed to get his shirt caught on the doorknob and tear off three buttons), Will again confronted the strange creature from the park, this time in his dining room.

"Surprised to see me, dearie?" she winked, "I told you we have an appointment...or have you forgotten already?"

Will stared at the creature, "Neerana," as his memory belatedly provided, first in confusion, then in fear, and finally with a burning intensity. "You aren't real," he stated flatly. "I'm hallucinating, again. I must have had a concussion when I ran off the road, or something."

Screwing up his courage, Will, mumbling his new mantra, "Not real. Not real. Not real," and walked straight into Neerana's side, and got the surprise of his life when he bounced off and fell flat on his backside.

Amused, Neerana whinnied, "Now is that any to treat a lady? Looks like I'm going to have to teach you some manners on top of all the rest, youngster."

From his seat on the floor, Will looked up in confusion. " can't be real. I looked it up last night. There are no such things as unicorns. You're a myth!" beginning to panic, Will shouted the last.

"If I prick me, do I not bleed?" Neerana demonstrated, by scratching her foreleg with her horn tip, and indeed bled a normal healthy red. She moved quickly, and scratched him in turn. The sharp pain, and the sight of his own blood, seemed to shock Will momentarily. "Trust me, youngling, I am every bit as real as thee."

Sighing, Neerana softened her expression and her voice. "Gently, William, son of Morton. I truly mean you no harm, very much to the contrary, in fact." She smiled a small secret smile here, and continued, "But we must begin our journey, and soon or it will be much harder for both us to reach the far end whole and hale."

"What on earth are you talking about?" shrieked Will, teetering on the razor edge of his sanity, "Who the hell are you, and what is going on? Isn't it bad enough I'm losing my mind?"

Will giggled madly, "'Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most,' " he laughed hysterically (not in a humorous way), "I'm sitting here in my dining room talking to a mythical unicorn...too much, too much!"

"Humans!" snorted Neerana (although the actual word she used would only be understood, with all the appropriate nuances, by one of her people). "Why in the nine planes am I visited with such?" Her conscience replied primly, as such things always do, Because it is necessary. But mostly because you're a pervert, dear. You did volunteer, remember?

Neerana's tail gave an involuntary twitch at this, and she once again smiled that small, secret smile.

"Enough of this nonsense, man-child, or, perhaps better put," here again that smile, "child period. Perhaps a change of wardrobe is in order."

Moving far more swiftly than her size would suggest, Neerana thrust her nose solidly into Will's chest, knocking the wind out of him. While he lay there croaking feebly, she calmly licked the blood from his forearm and then from her leg. The sharp tang of their commingled blood swirling in her mouth, she sang a song of change while she called upon her powers.

Streams of light flowed down from the tip of her horn, all about her body, swirling and merging in complex patterns. Quickly, the brightness grew impenetrable, and with a final flash, and a scent reminiscent of a rose, she stood again quietly, but this time on two legs.

Ignoring the croaking Will for the moment, Neerana paused to be sure of her balance, before turning to admire herself in a convenient mirror. She was much changed from before, and yet still much the same. Her head was smaller, her muzzle much less prominent, and her eyes nearly faced forwards now. She raised her hooves (no, hands!) to her face, toucing it gently. Her horn also had shrunk, being now merely two spans of her hands, but everything else seemed to be in place, and he tail still twitched reassuringly behind her.

She ran her hands over her face and neck, feeling the fine fur of her body, and the soft strands of her mane. Stepping back, she explored the new contours of her body, first with her eyes, and then her hands, testing all the new feelings. Her breasts she found particularly amusing, hanging so heavy as they were in such a silly place on her chest! A wheeze from Will brought her back to the moment, and she walked lightly to him where he lay upon the floor.

She folded easily to a seat beside him, and raised him gently to a sitting position. "Poor baby, did the mean ol' unicorn beat you up?" Neerana grinned mischeviously as she spoke, smoothing the hair back from his face.

"Here, rest a little against my side, and everything will be OK." She leaned him into her embrace, his head upon her breast, and softly stroked his hair.

Gasping weakly, Will slumped against her, his face buried in her chest, as Neerana gently massaged his back, moving soothingly up and down, whispering gently, "It's okay, little one. Shhh...I'm here, and everything will be OK. Just rest for a moment against me, and it will turn out right, you'll see."

Slowly Will's breating returned to normal, and he gentled under her skillful ministrations. As he lay pressed full against her, calmed by her embrace, he began to come back to himself again. Waking slowly from his stupor, Will mumbled "It was terrible, mommy there were snakes and things..."

Neerana shushed him again, continuing to hold him against her as he regained his senses, although an almost imperceptible shiver ran through her frame as he mumbled the word "mommy."

Suddenly, Will came fully awake, and sprang awkwardly back from her again. Fortunately she had sensed this coming and was prepared to release him. Although he didn't realize it at the time, he looked more than a little comical with his torn shirt, mussed hair, and a long strand of her mane dangling from his nose.

Neerana smiled at him, with the most curious mixture of expressions crowding her face: tenderness, warmth, humor, and back in the corner of her eyes, a strange fire, burning bright. Her tail twitched once more, curling neatly around her folded legs.

Sprawled awkwardly on the floor, shaking with reaction, Will seemed baffled by the change in Neerana. "What happened to you," he asked, followed quickly by, "Do you know you're naked?"

Caught totally off guard, Neerana froze for a moment, and then laughed! She laughed so hard, she fell right over, and lay chuckling on the floor, tears running from her eyes, while Will turned a lovely shade of red!

After a few false starts, Neerana finally stopped giggling, and levered herself back into a sitting position, although the effects her change in position had upon her charms seemed to make Will even redder.

"I am sorry little one, I did not mean to make sport of thee, but..." she struggled to control her mirth, "being 'naked,' as you say, is the only way I have ever been. It is natural, and normal, for me. I do thank thee for the best laugh I have had in many a day though." She nodded her head gracefully, bowing to him.

Will tried to respond, but every time he turned towards her, his embarrassment returned, and he had to turn away again.

Seeing this, Neerana got smoothly to her hooves, and walked over behind Will, as he sat facing the wall. "Are you afraid to look upon me, child? Am I that uncomely?"

Will mumbled something, but still would not turn toward her. Smiling wickedly, Neerana took matters into her own hooves.

Placing one hoof upon his shoulder, she pressed back and down, leveraging him suddenly onto his back beneath her! Before he could do more than splutter, she leaned over his supine form, resting her hands against the wall, she smiled down upon him, all laid bare before his bemused eyes.

Fluttering her eyebrows once more, she began, "Do you see anything wrong from down there, child?"

Completely flustered, Will tried to reply, but could only gape.

Relenting finally, Neerana stepped back, and, raising her hands to her breats, laughed once more. "I suppose I'll never be able to talk to you again as long as you're distracted by these." She gave them a good squeeze, nearly making his eyes pop out, and then stomped her hoof once. From nowhere, a clinging, silkien garment, exactly matching her natural coloring, fell about her body, concealing little more than the colors of her fur.

Twirling neatly on one hoof, she smiled and said, "Is that better little one, all the naughty naughty parts hidden all away?

Will shut his mouth with an almost audible snap, and tried to regain his composure, a situation not aided when Neerana leaned over once more to sit before him.

Desperately trying to change the subject, Will spoke quickly, "I still don't understand any of this. It's madness, impossible! Who are you anyway? What are you doing here? Leaving aside entirely the fact that you don't, you can't, exist, What do you want with me?" whined Will.

"We really don't have time for this, little one, but if you insist, I guess it must be story time." Neerana sighed as she settled herself more comfortably onto the floor. "A long time ago, there was a war. A terrible war, of horrors greater even than those you children-of-men have conjured with your 'science.'

"On one side stood the guardians; those to whom this world, and many others, had been entrusted. On the other were the shadows." She shuddered, and paused here for a moment.

"I cannot tell you in words, of them...but perhaps there is a way. Come closer, child, and gaze into my eyes. That's it, closer..." Her voice descended to nearly a whisper, and Will was drawn hypnotically toward her, ensnared by her strong voice and bottomless eyes.

Will found himself drifting, lost to his body, and was surrounded once again by the strangely luminous fog from the other night. Images flashed past him, familiar and alien, until finally the view steadied. He was looking out over a wasteland, strange and twisted. He couldn't see clearly, the air seemed almost gelatinous, but he could spot bodies here and there, and creatures fighting, of all shapes and sizes. Some were heartbreakingly beautiful, and others bore gut-wrenching forms from an artist's worst nightmare. None, however, were familiar to Will.

There seemed to be no end or beginning, just struggle everywhere. Finally, the scene shifted, and time seemed to have passed, because much of the devastation had faded, and there were signs of life on the land. The view suddenly blurred again, and he was back in the luminous fog.

What passed next were a rapid-fire series of images, flashes from all directions, too quick to capture more than a few. He saw a waterfall...a glimpse of a far-off mountain at sunrise...felt a sensation of warmth and closeness...caught a brief glimpse of a pair of familiar eyes...and at the last, saw a clear image of his grandmother, as she had been when he was very young. Then the fog swirled down again, and darkness claimed him...

               *         *         *

Slowly, Will regained consciousness, and found himself curled against a warm soft shape, with an unfamiliar scent lingering in his nostrils. Opening his eyes, he saw Neerana's face taking up nearly the whole of his vision, and after a moment he realized that his head lay in her lap. Startled, he tried to sit up suddenly, only to bump his head awkwardly into her breast.

As she chuckled quietly, Neerana rubbed at her bruised breast, probably for far longer than was really necessary, "Is that the way you always treat your females? I'm amazed your species survives."

Mumbling an apology, Will rose to his feet, and stood up, looking down upon her puzzledly. "What happened..? Was that real? I saw things...I don't want to see them again. What is going on? I still don't understand anything about all of this."

"I showed you some of what has passed before, long ago, to help prepare you for what is to come, for there is little time left to us." She paused, considering her next words carefully, but before she could begin, a tremendous crash reverberated through the house!

"Gods curse me for a fool! We have no time at all." Scrambling awkwardly to her hooves on the slick floor, she commanded him, "Come with me, we must be away now!"

While will hesitated, Neerana tossed her head back, and in a flash was standing once more upon four hooves. She looked expectantly at Will, and gracefully arched one eyebrow.

Despite his misgivings, Will still refused. "Why should I go with've caused me nothing but grief and turned my life into madness!" Before he could continue his rant, however, a claw the size of his sofa ripped open the wall of his living room, leaving poor Will gaping like a fish. Apparently finding humor in the moment, Neerana inquired sweetly, "Are you sure you don't want to stay and entertain your new guest? I like to think I'm better company."

Still incapable of speech, Will turned, and took a shaky step towards her, mercifully saved from viewing the face that now appeared behind his back. Neerana wasted no time, dashing forward and sweepings his feet from under him with her foreleg. While Will crashed to the floor, she reared up and slashed at the massive paw now swinging through the space Will had recently occupied.

As an unearthly bellow reverberated through the room, she quickly ducked her head under Will, trying to clamber back onto his feet, and lifted him bodily across her shoulders, somehow managing to balance his awkward mass as she spun about and raced through the nearest wall.

Will's head cleared as he recovered his breath, although being bounced around like the proverbial sack of potatoes did not make it easy. They seemed to be traveling through the mists now, and shortly emerged into a small clearing, whereupon he found himself unceremoniously dumped to the ground. Once again he was looking up at a rather amused Neerana, although for some reason he could not place she looked subtly different.

Still smiling, she asked, "Are you ready to come with me of thine own will, child, or would you rather face that collector again..? I can assure you that you need only wait, and he will be along shortly..."

"No! I mean, um, I guess I would like to go with you, ah, away from that thing!" Will ground to a halt, not sure how to proceed.

A subtle change came over Neerana. She stood straight and proud, and her speech took on formal, almost ritual tones. "Thou must do better than that, little one. Thou must come of thine own free will, and thou must consent to be put into my protection. I can assure thee that if thou dost not, thou wilt not have long to live. It is nay a fair choice, but neither can I compel thee against thy will." She paused here, and waited for his response.

"Very well. I wish you to take me with you, and I place myself into your protection." As he said those words, a burden seemed to lift from his shoulders, as though he had just shed a great weight. Neerana nodded slowly, and bowed low to him, which was a bit of a shock. She seemed excited out of stride with the situation, but he paid it little mind.

"Well said, child. Perhaps there is hope for thee yet. Now, we must be moving once again. Pray mount me and we can be upon our way." Turning, she nudged him with her hip and winked slyly at him, with a sparkle in her eye.

"I, um, don't know how. Don't I need a saddle or something? I've never ridden a h...umm, unicorn before." Will looked uncertainly at her back, which seemed dauntingly high now.

"A saddle! Perish the thought!! Never have I borne such, and never shall. Fear not, little one, I will take very good care of you. Do not forget that you are under my protection - I shall let no harm come to thee, child. I'll teach you how to mount first. Just put your hands on my, higher...and jump up and swing your leg over..."

Several attempts later, and with bruises to more than his pride, Will finally found himself seated upon her back, with his hands wound tightly in her mane. She seemed to be shaking, but judging from the sounds she made he was fairly sure it was with laughter.

"Ready? Then off we go! Hang on well mortal, for I would hate to lose thee amongst the veils we shall travel...there are those who would do ye ill hereabouts." As she spoke, Neerana began to walk slowly and smoothly, surprising Will with the evenness of her gait as well as the speed of her passage. As she walked, the scenery again faded into shifting mists.

They traveled like this for what seemed hours, and Will grew first accustomed, and then bored from her smooth motions. Eventually, the repeated shocks of the past days to caught up with him and he slumped forward on her neck, halfway between waking and dream. So their strange journey continued.

               *         *         *

As she bore the dozing Will along the veil-paths, Neerana began her own preparations for his greater Journey. With him safely oblivious, she allowed some of her excitement to show, and trembled this time with anticipation instead of mirth.

There were many steps to complete, and more than outward distance to cover before he would be ready for what faced them both. First and foremost, however, she had to prepare Will for his eventual journey within. He also needed to be fed, for there would be no browse he could safely consume for quitee some time. Fortunately, the two would be one and the same. As she walked on, she sang quietly to herself, turning back the clock to a time past, her breathing and pulse quickened, and she felt the changes within her as her breasts begin to tingle and grow warm. It had been far too long, and she could hardly wait...

Chapter 3, The Journey Begins

After the first flush of excitement faded, Neerana calmed down and got back to the business at hand. They were both exhausted, and needed a safe place to rest for the night. She sifted through all the possibilities swirling around them as she mistwalked, and finally located one that seemed safe enough.

The mists swirled one last time, and then parted before Neerana, and she waled out into clear moonlight. Before her stood an old barn, weathered by years of exposure, but still sound. All was silent, and there was no sign of any human habitation nearby. Cautiously, she stepped up to the half-open door, and then slipped inside.

The innterior was all shadows and dust, but still smelled of hay and grain. Carefully making her way in the semi-darkness, she found an open stall which still had a large pile of hay in one corner, and even some grain in the feed bucket. In times like these, she couldn't afford to be picky, and was glad to have found this much. She even found a half-full barrel of rainwater near the entrance.

She gently dumped Will over into the hay, and pulled it around him to keep him warm while she ate. Her initial hunger satisfied, and Will still slumbering in his nest, she slipped outside, and went hunting for herbs that would help her milk come in quickly, and be right for Will's needs. Once more she was fortunate, and found several of those the sought, growing sweet in the light of the full moon.

Savoring their variously sweet and tangy flavors as she walked back to the barn, Neerana could feel her breasts hang just a little lower and fuller with each step, waxing heavy as her milk began to come in. Soon she would be ready.

               *         *         *

Will slowly swam back to wakefulness from the dark, dreamless waters that had held him all night. At first he could not figure out where he was, since his bed felt almost scratchy, and his nose was assaulted with a number of unfamiliar, but not unpleasant, smells.

He slowly pried his gummy eyes open, but the first thing he saw was not reassuring, for as he first looked, Neerana was eating the hay near his face, and the sight of her wide-open mouth, inches from his face, was a bit more than he expected upon first waking!

While Neerana chewed calmly, amusement lighting her eyes, Will tried to scramble back into a corner of the small stall, generally making more mess than progress. As she finished her mouthful, she smiled gently, and said, "I am sorry young one, but I bedded you in the best hay. The rest is beginning to sour. I did not intend to startle thee."

Huddled in his corner, Will was slowly regaining his calm, and finally stood to stretch. "It's OK, Neerana, I know you didn't mean to scare me. With all I've been through in the past couple of days, I think you'll understand that I'm a bit jumpy."

Neerana nodded, and demolished some more of his erstwhile bed. The smells of the stall were making Will hungry, but first he had more urgent business to take care of! As a pained expression crossed his face, he looked quickly around for a secluded spot.

Noticing his discomfort, and deducing its source, Neerana, hay still dangling from her mouth, pointed her head towards the half-open door, now lightened with the first rays of dawn.

Will quickly scuttled out the door, and took of necessities.

As he returned, Neerana was just finishing up the last of the edible portions of his bed. Looking up, she mumbled, "Feel better?"

Will nodded, but a growling in his stomach quickly brought to mind another problem. "You seem to have plenty of breakfast, but what am I supposed to eat?"

Neerana looked puzzlesd, a few strands of hay still dangling from her lips. Swallowing quickly, she stepped over to the grain bucket, and sniffed carefully at it. "You can eat this safely, child. It may not taste like much, but it will fill your belly."

Uncertain, Will joined her at the bucket, and lifted a handful of grain to his nose. It didn't smell bad, so he sampled a small mouthful. Unfortunately, he nearly broke his teeth on the hard grain, and had to spit it back into his hand with a muffled curse.

Chuckling quietly to herself, Neerana considered a moment. "Hmm...I suppose I could chew it for you, as if you were one of our young. Once the shells are broken you should be able to eat it."

Even though he was revolted by the idea, Will's hunger had the upper hand, and ne nodded his head slowly.

Neerana dipped her head into the bucket, and took a mouthful of grain. As her strong jaws went to work on it, the grinding sound filled the small stall. After a few moments, she mumbled through her mouthful, "Ofen your mouf!"

Will took a moment to puzzle that out, before it hit him, and he shook his head voigorously, and he held out his hands, "Nono, just put it here."

Looking very disappointed, Neerana nevertheless spit the mass of doughy material into his hands, where it steamed gently in the chill air. She licked her lips carefully, then bent down for another mouthfull.

Will stared dubiously at the mess in his hands, and sniffed cautiously at it. The smell wasn't bad, not unlike bread dough, so he sampled a little. It tasted quite bland, but was at least warm and filling.

Seeing him eat, Neerana winked, and spoke carefully around another mouthfull, "It's even better straight from the source you know."

Will nearly choked, not helped at all when Neerana carefully licked his messy face clean. Her breath smelled, not as he expected, but of grain, and sweet grass.

Leaving him to his confusion, Neerana finished all the rest of the food, and bruped contentedly. Walking calmly over to the rain barrell, she took a good drink, and enjoyed the feeling as the cold water slid down her throat. She turned and walked back to Will, enjoying the feeling of fullness in her belly and slowly swelling breasts.

Will finally choked down the last of the mashed grain, and also went to the rain barrell to drink. Both fed and watered, they were ready to continue their journey.

Clearing his throat, Will brought Neerana back from whatever her thoughts had fled, and she started a bit guiltily before turning to him. "Are you OK," he asked, "or were you planning to hang around here all day?"

Stung, Neerana advanced quickly on him, "My, aren't we getting all uppity all of a sudden? It would serve you right if I just left you here!"

An angry unicorn is quite a bit more impressive than Will was ready for at that moment, and doing the wisest thing his panicked brain could come up with, he cowered before her wrath.

Seeing the poor child shaking before her took the fire quickly from Neerana's eyes, and she dropped her head in shame. "I'm not doing a very good job of this, am I..?"

Surprised, Will did not respond, but he came out a bit from behind his hands.

Neerana sighed, and spoke quietly, "I am sorry William, and I know thou dost feel abused and alone, lost in a world suddenly turned to madness about you. I truly wish I could explain more to thee, but there is not time, and so many things yet beyond thy understanding.

"I can tell thee this much, little though it may be. A great destiny lies before thee, countless lives may be saved by thy deeds. To do so shall place thy life, even thy soul, in the most grevious peril. Unknowing, the weight of many worlds lies upon thy frail shoulders, but few options have ye. Come with me, and I give to thee my sacred word, that nought shall harm thee while I yet live, and I shall spend my life freely to guard thine. Stay here, or return to thy former life, and those who would see thee fail will do so quite promptly. As I have said, the choice is not a fair one. However, with me you have at least a chance of winning through, and doing great good.

"I will wait outside for thee. Know that I too have given up much in all this, but my resolve to see it through is firm. Know also that I love thee more than life itself. Lady help us all, that we may survive the coming storm."

Finished, she turned and walked slowly out the barn door, to stand quietly in the sunshine, while Will stood open-mouthed. Shortly, though, he pulled himself together. He considered his options, and whether he could trust any of her words. Finally, he decided, not from what she said, but the feelings that ran through her speech, that his best path lay with her.

Neerana heard Will come up to stand beside her, and was surprised and pleased when he placed his hand gently upon her withers. "Are you ready," she asked gently, turning to look deep into his eyes. Satisfied with what she foun there, she continued, "we have a lot of ground to cover before we can rest again."

Will nodded, and mounted her without too much trouble, taking a firm grip on her mane.

Neerana made sure he was settled, then trotted off down the hill. They passed first through open, but fallow, farmland, and for a while the scenery was pleasant, if dull. Then Neerana took a turn down a small lane into a foreboding wood, and things got less dull quickly.

"Stay low, and hold on child," she began, "we need to pass through a pretty nast space, and it may get rough until we're clear. Just remember not to touch anything, and look and listen just as little as you can. Deception and illusion are their chief weapons."

Will nodded, and asked, "Those things you showed me earlier?"

"Perish the thought!" She all but neighed in her vehemence. "Seeing one of them in the flesh, as you are now, could be the end of you and me as well! With luck we won't see anything more than the least minions until we get back to the council. Now hush, and be careful!"

As they had been traveling on, the wood had grown darker and darker, until it seemed now that they almost moved in a world of twilight, far from the light and warmth of the sun.

Will grew increasingly nervous, for it seemed that he was descending once more into the nightmares that had tormented his sleep so much recently. From every side strange noises, and all-but-unseen shapes moved about. Neerana walked softly onward, alert, but apparently not frightened.

Though the unnerving atmosphere continued, nothing seemed to actively threaten them, and Will began to relax a little, though he was still keyed-up. Watching carefully, he noticed something he had missed before. A faint, barely noticeable radiance seemed to surround them, and the shadows the the foot of the trees actually drew back as they passed, though reluctantly.

"Neerana," he began, "are you glowing?"

Startled, she stopped and turned her head back to look at him. "Am I what?"

"Are you glowing?" He asked again, "It looks like a light is around us here, and the shadows seem not to want to touch it."

She gazed sharply at him, and asked quickly, "You can see that? Can you see this as well?" She made a small, complex motion with her horn in the air, leaving a faintly luminous symbol hanging there.

Will nodded, gulping, as he watched the faintly blue shape hover silently above her head.

Neerana considered him for a long moment, her gaze seeming to pass right through his fragile flesh. At length, she spoke again, "This is most puzzling, but could be helpful to both of us. Lean forward for a moment child, and close your eyes."

Puzzled, Will nevertheless did as she asked, leaning down low over her neck. He felt a light touch on each eyelid, and then she told him to sit back up and open his eyes.

He blinked, his vision first blurry, bit cleared soon, and he seemed to be seeing, if anything, even better than before. "What did you do?" he asked.

"Not more than a little charm, fear not. I simply aided the sight you seem to have acquired, so that you can help keep watch. While we should be in little real danger here, we might still be hurt or delayed by the local fauna." She smiled for a moment, and then continued, more loudly, "And they're listening to us right now!"

A sudden flurry of scrabbling and rustling followed from her last, nearly shouted words, and for the first time Will could actually see some of what lurked in the shadows beneath the trees. He really wished he couldn't. Many of the creatures superficially resembled familiar forest animals, but their shapes were all twisted, often scaled or diseased-looking, and inevitably snarling in their direction.

He really wished he hadn't been able to see them quite so clearly. "What is up with those things," he asked, "They all look weird, and nasty."

"They are shadow-touched, tainted. But only half-way, which is why they often look so unfinished. This place is tainted, but not fallen entirely. Else, we would not be here." Neerana began moving once more, and their speed quickly left behind most of the creatures.

Several minutes passed uneventfully, but slowly an itching began to grow right between Will's shoulderblades. He was about to ask Neerana abot it, but a sharp glance from her, and an almost imperceptible shake of her head, convinced him to remain silent. Her muscles grew tense beneath her sleek fur, and Will took a tighter grip on her mane, uncertain what was about to happen.

He didn't have long to wait. As they passed through a particularly dense thicket of thorny brambles, something sprang from the shadows, tackling Will and throwing him to the ground! Rolling awkwardly through the thorns, he came face to face with nightmare, all gleaming fangs and blazing yellow slitted eyes. He didn't have the attention to spare, but from the sounds Neerana was having troubles of her own, so he needed to at least hold on until the cavalry came.

His opponent seemed to be studying him, for it made no move at first, but then apparently lost whatever interest it had had, and lunged right for him! Taking a wild chance, Will ducked under its lunge, and tried to drive his knee into its chest. He succeeded, somewhat. The creature gave out a squeaking noise totally out of place with its appearance, and crashed to its knees! Puzzled, Will wasn't sure what to do next, but was saved from that decision when a large, dark-feathered arrow suddenly sprouted from the eye of his opponent.

Events seemed to pause there for a moment, frozen, before the creature finally toppled forward, to lay with frightening finality, sprawled, still, upon the leaf litter. Will raised his frightened eyes to Neerana, who lay surrounded by no less than five of the creatures, all still, and looking quite the worse for wear.

However, her attention was focused beyond Will, into the forest verge. Still scanning slowly through the shadowed trees, she shouted, "Show thyself!"

As Will turned to look behind him, a shadow seemed to detatch itself from one of the larger trees, and coalesce into a tall cloaked figure. Neerana stepped silently up to Will, and spoke again, "I offer thee thanks for your timely assistance. Come closer that I might see thy face." She spoke more gently as she went on.

The dark figure carefully approached them, and then slowly pushed back the hood of its cloak. Will gasped in shock, for although the creature had the head of a black fox, it walked on two legs, and wore clothing like a man! He unconsciously took cover behind Neerana, who smiled quitely.

She spoke, bowing gracefully, "Hail and well met, shadow-runner! I am Neerana, and William is my charge. We both are grateful for thy help with these mist-wolves."

Speaking in a voice fair as the creature was dark, it replied, "Hail and well met, unicorn. I am Vreela, and I thank you in turn, for you have shortened my journey considerably." The creature also bowed, sweeping the hand still bearing a recurved bow across what was quite apparently her chest.

Neerana smiled, and replied, "Therein, I believe, lies a tale that I would hear, but first we must clean up this mess!"

Vreela smiled in turn, and they both examined the dead mist-wolves carefully. Will also took a good look at them for the first time, especially the one that had attacked him. It resembled a wolf, with white, coarse hair all over its body, but it, like Vreela, walked on two legs, and even bore crude weapons and garments.

Unnoticed, Vreela had come over to Will, and finding her suddenly peering over his shoulder nearly scared him out his wits! He took an awkward step back, and fell right on top of the body! As he landed he felt a sparp pain and coldness in his tail, and cried out involuntarily!

Vreely immediately turned him over, despite his protests, and, scenting fresh blood, ripped open his pants! A long shallow gash trailed from his thigh up across his cheek, and was bleeding sluggishly. She called for Neerana, and found the knife that had delivered the wound, sniffing the blade carefully.

Neerana arrived immediately, and together they checked the knife and wound, while Will turned red from embarrassment, especially when neither seemed in any hurry to help him dress! Neerana and Vreela finally decided that, fortunately for Will, the knife had not been poisoned.

Will had little warning, other than her warm breath blowing across his skin, when Neerana suddenly started licking him, quite thoroughly! His protests went unanswered, and when he tried to rise, Vreela forced him to lie still, saying, "She knows what she be about, human! If you want to be healed and whole, be still!"

Finally, Neerana seemed to be finished, and Will belatedly realized that the pain was gone. Released, he carefully sat up, and found no sign of the wound.

Vreela offered him a hand up, and while her hand was lightyl furred, it was still warm and firm. She smiled as he faced her on his feet once more, her tounge lolling slightly from one side of her muzzle. "I am sorry that I startled thee, William, and that I caused thee injury.

(more journeying here)

Some hours later, she reached a relatively safe and hidden area, and slowed to a stop. Gently rousing Will by nibbling and snuffling in his ear, she helped lower him to the ground, whereupon he limped slowly about, his legs stiff and sore from this new mode of travel, even as gentle as she had been. She could not have continued much farther, for now every step caused her full and heavy breasts to rub one against the other, and she could wait no longer to relieve the pressure.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!" Oblivious to all but his own discomfort, Will gingerly picked his way around the softly twilit clearing, bordered on one side by a quietly flowing stream. "Where are we..?"

Pulling herself back to the present, Neerana collected her thoughts and answered gently. "I'm sorry little one, but I cannot answer that question in any terms that you would understand. We are somewhere between where you were and where we are bound. We have a great distance to cross yet. For now I would suggest that you stretch the worst of the cramps from your legs. I'll grab a bite to eat and then we can get some sleep." Her physical changes had taken their toll upon her body, and she was ravenously hungry and even more thirsty.

Neerana first went to the stream, and drank and drank until it seemed she would inhale it whole. Then, ignoring Will for the moment, she tore ravenously into the lush foliage, seemingly determined to eat everything in sight. Will gradually regained his mobility, and took a moment to relieve himself in the forest verge. When he returned, Neerana was chewing happily upon some sweet-smelling herbs, and looked a great deal rounder than she had just a few moments before, her now full belly almost sloshing with her meal.

Giving a tremendous burp, she turned once more to him, and smiled gently as she lay in the soft grass. "Come lay down beside me child. I will keep thee warm this night, and we can talk more in the morning. In the fading light, Will came over to the now reclining unicorn, and laid his head hesitantly against her warm side, never thinking to question her instructions.

"That's good, just lie down and relax...I will take care of you. Everything is fine, I'm here and you are safe with me. Close your eyes, I know you are weary child." Her voice was soothing, as was the warm sweet smell rising from her flank, and Will felt the troubles and stresses of the day slowly fall from him as he relaxed into her. "Good, very good child." Her warm muzzle softly caressed his face as he drifted off, sharing her breath with his.

As he fell asleep, a subtle change came over Neerana. She did not move, but seemed to come alive with energy and tension, all but trembling. Her voice became low and husky with need, and she whispered to him with quiet urgency, "You're a good boy, Nana's good boy. You would do anything for Nana, and Nana will take good care of you, and keep you safe."

Still asleep, Will's head nodded slightly. "Good boy. Now I need you to lay back, lay back, relax and lay your head in Nana's lap, it's warm and soft...that's it, just like that..." As Neerana spoke softly, her muzzle gently pushed his head and shoulders back, sliding him along the soft fur of her belly, until his head came to rest cradled between her hind legs and tail, all but pressed against her swollen and ready breasts.

"I'm so full, so full," she trembled again, and reveled in the moment and its sensations, before continuing. "And you are very thirsty my child, go back, be small and gentle again, let are hungry, and I will feed you all you need, all you ever need."

Neerana shifted slightly, and her turgid nipple brushed against his cheek. Looking at his innocent and trusting face, she relaxed, and her milk let down with force, the first spray from both nipples arching off into the dark as she whinnied with pleasure. Pressing her now dripping nipple against his lips, she continued brokenly, gasping between her words, "Drink deep, my baby... suck me hard...feed from your Nana." After a moment of uncertainty, his fumbling lips remembered, closed around her aching nipple, and he began to suckle. Soon he was drinking strongly, the motions of his mouth pushing her sloshing breasts back and forth as he fed.

Neerana could not speak for some time, panting and shaking with pleasure as she fed him from her breasts, aching with relief. The feelings flowing through her were so intense, her long empty womb began to spasm, although she knew he was not yet ready.

"Mmm...good boy, take it all, drink me dry. Fill your tummy from my heavy breasts, so full of warm milk, it's all for you." She continued to encourage him as he nursed, until he had drunk deep from both her tingling breasts. Shortly after he finished, he burped loudly and then passed quickly into a deep and exhausted slumber.

Far too keyed up to sleep yet, Neerana first licked his face, making sure to clean his mouth inside and out, and finishing with a long warm kiss in thanks for his efforts. She then licked her breasts and belly clean, enjoying the taste of her sweet milk. The stimulation excited her more, and she nursed from herself for a few minutes in self-indulgence, before she was forced to shift her attention farther to her rear, and lick the sweet honey drooling from her nether lips.

She licked at herself, her warm tongue pressing against, and then between her burning lips. Groaning in pleasure, she thrust her nose into her hot wetness, stretching herself wide and rubbing against all the magic places. A few minutes of this activity finally thrust her over the edge into silent spasms of pleasure.

During all this Will dreamed on oblivious. After recovering, she settled down and snuggled herself tight around her gently snoring charge. She carefully rested her warm thighs on either side of his head, the rhythmic pounding of her heart helping him slumber deep, while his face pressed against her soft and musky-sweet breasts. Wrapped together in mutual satiation and security, the two slept on through the night, and dreamed of nought of moment.

               *         *         *

In the predawn light, Neerana woke refreshed and revitalized, the night's activities having restored much of her strength. Quickly, however, her satisfaction turned to discomfort, and then pain, as she realized that her breasts had swollen even farther than before as she slept.

"Bright lady!" she muttered under her breath, "If I don't take care I'll start mooing at any moment. I'm huge!" Fascinated, she took a moment to examine herself, postponing her relief. Her breasts, previously small enough to fit within the frog of her hooves, had grown to nearly the size of Will's head, which lay quietly beside them. Engorged from her long rest and recent meal, they were large and round, uncomfortably forcing her legs apart. Her movements upon awakening, as slight as they were, had started them to weeping a thin stream of milk, which was collecting in a pool on her belly. Their color had darkened from warm tan almost to a chocolate brown, and their surface was laced with blood vessels busily supplying their productive tissues. Her nipples had also grown and darkened, standing high and proud, ready to serve her desires.

"Well, I have always heard that human males liked large breasts, so I suppose it's not all bad, but I still can't believe how much milk I am producing this quickly. I won't just need to feed him morning and evenings, I'll probably need to stop at midday as well! I certainly won't begrudge the lost time though," she stretched deliciously, "It's even better than I remembered."

Leaning over the still gently snoring Will, Neerana licked softly at his face, nuzzling its unfamiliar contours. "Wake up my little one, Nana needs you." As he began to stir, she once again captured his head between her thighs, pressing her full breasts against his mouth. After a little confusion, began to nurse with gusto.

Panting quietly with her eyes closed, Neerana reveled in the sensation of him feeding at her breast for several minutes before she noticed something pressing against her side. Investigating carefully, without disturbing the greedily drinking Will, she found that somehow during the night he had rolled towards her, and his maleness was pressing hard into her chest.

"Oh ho, somebody else is awake this morning..? I wonder what he would like?" She stroked her soft muzzle against the length of his shaft, and he arched his back, pressing against her face. Intrigued, she spent several minutes discovering how the catches of his clothing worked before extracting that part of him from their confines.

Mmm...looks like we'll both be having breakfast this morning." Lowering her mouth once more over the prone young human, she licked once, slowly, along the hard length of his shaft, before swallowing him whole, balls and all. He convulsed as she did, and accidentally bit at her nipple in the process. Neerana groaned softly, her eyes rolling back at this, and then continued to shake as she slurped her soft lips and tongue all around him, her rhythm and hunger irresistible. Soon she was rewarded for her efforts, and swallowed his sweet seed, reveling in the taste of him, as he was of her.

After he eventually finished nursing, and she had finished cleaning him from her morning "meal," she rearranged his clothing as well as she was able, and gently disengaged herself from him. Rising gracefully to her hooves, she looked smiling down upon him, and enjoyed the well- worked tingling in her breasts, and the lingering taste of him on her tongue. She walked slowly over to the stream, and drank deeply again, for lactation drew a great deal of fluid from her system. While standing admiring her lovely reflection in the stream, she noticed that her larger breasts were now visible to even casual inspection. Although the look gave her a tingling thrill, seeing her breasts dangle heavy and dark between her legs and belly, she was worried that it might cause problems when Will woke fully.

However, upon further consideration, she decided that it would be more fun to flaunt her newly improved assets. With a wickedly mischievous smile upon her face, she spent several moments exploring the best ways of revealing them to good advantage. She practiced showing them by artful movements of her legs, exploring the look and feel of squeezing, shaking, and swinging them to and fro hypnotically.

Returning to the still slumbering Will, she gently poked him with her nose. "Wake up, sleepyhead, it's morning. Time to rise and shine." She carefully positioned herself over him as he dragged towards waking, so that his first sight would be of her lovely breasts, hanging low and empty for the moment.

Waking from wonderful dreams of warmth and peace, Will opened his eyes to see Neerana standing over him, although this time he found the sight strangely comforting instead of threatening. As his eyes focused on her, however, he was dismayed to find himself staring open-mouthed at her breasts, which he had never noticed before. To cover his embarrassment, he tried to make small talk. "Umm, good morning. Where are we?"

Laughing musically, Neerana replied, "We are in the exact same place we were last night, child. Do you forget so quickly? You might wish to bathe while I graze for a few minutes, you are beginning to grow a bit...ripe." She winked at him, swirling her tail around and flicking him lightly with the tip, before turning slowly around and sauntering a few paces away, swinging her breasts artfully and keeping Will totally off balance.

Totally nonplussed, Will rose, only to have his pants fall around his ankles! Crimson with embarrassment, he quickly pulled them up, very glad that Neerana was facing away at the moment. Fortunately for Will, he did not know that Neerana could see him clearly, for her angle of vision was far wider than he was used to. He slunk off to take care of his morning ablutions, and returned, somewhat more composed, (and less odorous) some while later.

Noting his return, Neerana quickly hid her amusement. It had taken much self-control not to fall over laughing when he stood, but although she enjoyed embarrassing him (he blushed such a nice shade of red, and so easily), she did not wish to anger him. She finished her meal and shook out her coat, warm in the golden morning light. "Are ye ready to continue on, man-child?" At Will's nod of consent, she continued, "Mount me then, and we can be on our way. We still have great distances to cover before we will be safe."

Will managed to climb to her back with only one false start this morning, and she quickly wheeled and was off, this time trotting evenly through the morning sunshine.

               *         *         *

As they traveled along, Will belatedly realized that while they definitely moving, it was no longer through the mists, or "veils" as Neerana called them. Curious, he asked her, "Why aren't we moving through the mists today?"

Still moving steadily forward, she replied, somehow managing to regulate her speaking and breathing together, "We are continuing our journey, little one. This is one of many ways we need travel, and far from the strangest. This place is relatively safe, so for the moment I am collecting my strength for the many trials that lay before both of us. We will take again to the veil-paths soon enough, never fear. For now, enjoy that we may move through the warm sun and clean air."

Will had not previously noticed, but the air was clean, clear with a sparkling purity he had never before seen. All he could smell were the living scents of the forest, growing greenery and decaying leaves. The air was alive with the gentle sounds of breezes and birds playing tag in the branches. The early morning sun lanced down through the open spaces, dappling the forest floor with stripes of light and shadow. All in all, it was a beautiful scene, quite at odds to the nightmare of the past few days.

Will was still confused by all the recent changes he had undergone, and took advantage of the relative quiet to consider his position. He was alone with a strange and unpredictable creature, running from even stranger and frightening things, across a land he did not know, bound for who knew where. What he needed most right now were answers, and his only source of information was either condescending or spoke in riddles. Still, he had to try.

"Neerana," he asked quietly, "Where is it we are going?"

As Will spoke, Neerana swivelled one ear back towards him, catching his words. "We are going to my home, child, the home of my people. There is a need for you there, an urgent one. I cannot say more than that for now, but I will tell you more when you are ready."

"That's not much of an answer, you know" he replied. "Why must you speak in bits and riddles?"

"It's an occupational requirement little one, just relax and enjoy the ride." Neerana smiled quietly as she replied.

As they traveled on, Neerana appearing never to tire, the trees gradually grew sparser, and the land flattening into open grassland. While the terrain opened up, Neerana grew more and more restless, skittering unevenly and bouncing on her hooves, until finally, saying only a hurried "Hang on, mortal," she leapt into a flat out run! Skimming across the land like smoke before a gale, she flew along laughing, springing and leaping from one foothold to the next, almost like some mad dance.

Poor Will, clinging awkwardly to her back, was absolutely terrified, and quite certain that she had lost her mind.

Some time later she finally slowed, and walked toward the banks of a large river. As she ambled towards the bank, she was finally breathing hard, and her skin was slick with sweat. As soon as she came close enough to a stop for him, Will dropped awkwardly from her back, and hugged the stable ground for reassurance, glad to be alive.

Still burning with energy, Neerana danced in place for a few moments, unable to stand still, before turning to the cowering Will. "Fear not, child. I have said that I will protect thee, and I have never yet broken my given word. Perhaps I would have warned thee, but yet there will be other trials, and far greater ones, laying ahead that will neither give ye fair warning. Relax for a moment, for I must now bathe." So saying, she sauntered off to the river bank, her tail swaying rhythmically behind her.

Standing on the bank, she paused, her tail switching back and forth violently. Then gathering her hindquarters under her, she leapt straight into the waters, screaming a challenge! Of course, her impact sent up great gouts of water, splattering Will, who was still lying upon the ground with his eyes tightly closed. His angry protests went unheard, however, for Neerana was having far too much fun jumping and splashing around in the river shallows.

Eventually, she grew tired of the game, and lay floating. "That was great fun," she thought to herself, "Poor child, I'm sure he thinks me mad, but he needs to learn, and by example is fastest." She swam out for a little distance, enjoying the feel of warm waters caressing her body, sluicing away the stains and stinks of traveling in the mortal world. Moving back toward shore, she stopped to drink, and took her fill of the river's waters. The satiation of her stomach, however, brought home to her just how full her breasts were again, and left her with a dilemma.

Standing head down for a moment, considering her options and enjoying her reflection, she noticed that she could clearly see her heavy breasts hanging, dripping (with water this time), between her hind legs. This view, finally, gave her the inspiration she needed.

Will was sulkily trying to wring out his wet shirt and comb the water from his hair as Neerana finally emerged from the river. She stood on the shore a moment, and then began to shake herself dry, her swaying motions becoming increasingly suggestive as she moved down her belly toward her hindquarters and tail, which seemed to need particular attention.

Noting Will's (once again) open-mouthed reaction to her performance, she ambled slowly up to him, making sure to sway her hips and now very full breasts as much as possible. As she drew near she lowered her eyelashes, smiling, and asked him suggestively, "See anything you like?"

Will was flustered, and although he could only feel the heat, he knew his face was red. While he was having trouble accepting it, he was almost mesmerized by the breasts hanging low and full beneath her body. For some reason he did not understand, the sight of them bouncing and swaying, ripples traveling along their sides, excited and attracted him. He summoned up some self-control and turned away from her, trying to regain his modesty.

Neerana, anticipating his reaction, immediately changed tack. Lowering her head, she dug one forehoof into the turf and sulked, "You don't like me. Aren't I pretty enough for you? Others have found me to be fair, even beautiful."

Will, now quite sure he was out of his depth, replied quickly, "No, of course I like you. It's not that..."

Neerana, her head turned away, grinned just out of his sight as she cut him off. "It's my breasts, isn't it? They're not pretty enough for you, are they? I know male humans like breasts more than anything else." She carefully posed herself, drawing one hindleg back and the other forward, to make certain that Will would get a good look when he turned around.

Hooked now into looking despite his better intentions, Will, turning around, got a full and calculated display of Neerana's bulging and gently quivering assets, and had to admit to himself that they were indeed attractive. "No, they are also very pretty, but..."

Cutting him off with a twinkle in her eye, Neerana interjected, "Then you do like me! You like to look at them, hanging there, swaying gently, so round and full, don't you?" She carefully lowered her voice, smiled as she saw that Will was beginning to succumb. She began backing towards him, alternately revealing and concealing her swaying breasts with her legs and tail, dancing slowly and sensuously towards him. "They are lovely, so warm and soft, and full of life, look at how they sway for you..."

She gently positioned herself over Will, who was now thoroughly mesmerized. Still swaying rhythmically, she too was caught up in the dance, and swung her aching breasts closer and closer to his face, whispering low and huskily, "Mmm, beautiful, aren't they child. So full, so heavy...and you're hungry, my baby. Time to feed from your Nana. Drink from me, my good baby."

At the last moment, Will somehow broke from his trance, and shouted "I'm not a baby!" He was overwhelmed by her nearness as she loomed over him, and attempted to scramble from beneath her.

When Will began to move, Neerana quickly took the only action she could think of at the moment, and simply sat down upon him, pinning him to the ground with her rump, breasts, and belly.

Neerana chuckled, immensely enjoying the feeling of her body pressing down upon his. "Not a baby are we..? You didn't say that last night, or this morning my child. How do you think I've been feeding you for the last day?"

As she chuckled above him, Will, totally abashed, cringed, pinned as he was beneath her hindquarters. He was having trouble breathing from her weight pressing down, and he could see, feel, or smell nothing but her still damp fur. In desperation, he flailed at her, trying to push her off, but only succeeded in groping her in several interesting places.

Neerana, enjoying the extra stimulation, began squirming atop him, panting slightly, "Mmm, good baby, do that, yes...." She wiggled herself around a bit, placing her breasts squarely over Will's face, and maneuvered her nipple against his lips. Speaking huskily, she continued, "Mmm. That feels really good, but if you don't suck me right now, I'm going to burst...drink, baby."

Will felt his face buried in her quivering breasts, the warm sweet smell of her flesh overwhelming his senses. He could see nothing, for his eyes were pressed closed by her breasts, their warm contours molding themselves completely to his face. Desperate, Will tried to bite at her nipple, hoping to startle her into freeing him, but succeeded only in squeezing it between his teeth. The reaction he got was not at all what he expected, for Neerana whinnied shrilly and pressed herself hard against him, nearly knocking the wind from his chest.

Panting raggedly, she spoke, "Ohh, yes, very nice, do that again..." When Will did not respond, she continued, "Very well. Struggle as you wish child, but I will not be denied. Drink...or drown." With this, she relaxed completely, her body almost melting onto him, and let down her milk all at once.

Will had little warning. One moment he was struggling between the warm weight of her quivering breasts, and the next he felt her settle more softly upon him. Suddenly, the nipple she had pressed into his mouth absolutely exploded! Immediately his mouth filled with hot milk, overflowing onto his face and running into his nose and eyes. He could not breathe, he could not move, and at last he was forced to submit to her desire, and drink. It was all he could do to keep up with the surging pulses streaming from her breast, echoing the strong beat of her heart pounding in his ears.

Neerana, making an odd rumbling sound deep in her chest, was in ecstasy. "Ohh," she thought to herself, "this is even better than before." Greatly aroused, she rubbed her sex rhythmically against Will's shoulder as she sprayed her milk into his mouth, pushing herself higher and higher toward orgasm. Milk was pooling all over his face and chest, running down their bodies and feeding the ground. She wound herself tighter and tighter against the human, stroking her hungry flesh upon unfamiliar shapes of his form. Passing the point of no return, she came, screaming, and poured milk and her other sacred fluids over their conjoined bodies.

Still trying to breathe between huge gulps of milk, Will could feel her tensing and flowing upon him, and knew she was using him. When she screamed though, and he felt her body pouring out upon him, he felt...changed. He realized that, like it or not, he was completely dependent on her, and accepted his fate. He began to taste her milk, and found it sweet. The warmth of her breast in his face, the nubby feel of her nipple rolling between his lips, seemed somehow right. Although the weight of her upon him was no less, the feel of it became warm and soft instead of hot and oppressive. The sound of her heart, beating even and strong in his ears, was comforting, and he began to relax into her breast.

Neerana felt the change in Will, and moved softly upon him now, slow and rhythmic, rocking him at her breast, as he fed now willingly. "Good boy, drink from Nana's breasts, feed yourself upon my sweet milk. You need to be full and strong."

When Will finished his lunch, she rose and turned around, laying once more against him, and gently licking his face and torso clean, her wide soft tongue caressing his skin smoothly.

Will lay through this lost in wonder, and raised his hand to touch her face, saying, "I don't understand..."

She quickly shushed him by kissing him gently on the lips, her whiskers tickling at his face. Breaking off, she whispered softly, "Don't understand, my love, just be. I am here for you, and I will take care of you. I'll always be here for you, to feed you and care for you as long as you need. Lie with me for a little while, and relax."

Rearranging herself slightly, Neerana snuggled up to Will all along the length of his body, and gently rested her head on his shoulder, gazing warmly into his eyes. He hesitantly put his arm around her neck, and she smiled encouragingly, and snuggled closer. Lying thus, they rested together for a little while.

               *         *         *

Later, Neerana roused Will by nuzzling her soft muzzle into the hollow of his throat.

Will started out of his doze, and as he tried to sit up suddenly, he smacked his forehead soundly into Neerana's horn. The resulting impact stunned them both, for different reasons.

At the instant the bare skin of Will's forehead touched the smooth surface of her horn, it seemed that a whole galaxy of stars exploded in his head. At the same time his body jerked rigid as something like a bolt of lightning charged down his spine, leaving him dizzy and weak, barely clinging to consciousness.

Neerana was having problems of her own. The touch that blasted Will affected her as well, causing both confusion and extreme arousal. Her thoughts were slow through the haze of passion clouding her brain, but she needed to pull herself together, for Will was in danger. "How, it's not possible...but it happened. He's male, true, but of another species...Bright Lady, I can't think..."

Taking a deep breath, Neerana tried once more to pull herself together. "Alright girl," she thought, "why isn't important now. You need to complete what is begun, ready or not."

From a great distance, Will heard Neerana calling to him, but he could not see, the stars were everywhere, and his head echoed with concussions. He struggled to speak, but could only manage a feeble moan.

With a growing sense of urgency, Neerana shouted, "Will! Will, wake up! I need you to do something right now!" Exasperated and desperate, she bit him sharply on the nose!

The sudden pain helped clear Will's head somewhat, and he became more alert, opening his still bedazzled eyes. Struggling to comfort his stinging nose, he tried to rise, but was still trapped beneath her weight.

"Lie still child, and do exactly what I say! You are in danger, and I am in...need..." Lowering her head once more, she stroked her horn across his lips, and hissed between her teeth, "Suck on it! Now!"

Confused as he was, Will complied and opened his mouth, taking the smooth shape between his lips. It tasted like fire and the stars still bouncing behind his eyes, but he didn't wonder until much later how he managed to avoid the sharp tip.

Moaning louder and louder, Neerana was lost in her own world, the touch of his lips upon her horn driving her absolutely wild. It was only with the greatest effort of will that she could avoid taking him right then, but she knew he was not ready. Panting rapidly now, she managed to whisper, "Use your teeth love, bite it...that's it, harder...more..."

She could feel it growing within her, the need for release. As the energy built, the spiraling force pulled the sparks from Will, concentrating within the matrix of her horn, growing brighter and hotter by the moment.

Slowly growing more coherent, Will continued to service her horn, although the growing heat was approaching the limits of his tolerance. Suddenly, Neerana gasped, and the energy jumped up dramatically.

Feeling it come, Neerana ripped herself free of his mouth, and drove her steaming horn deep into the soft earth. As her scream of passion rent the air, a huge jolt of energy blasted into the ground, a visible wave traveling outward from them into the distance.

Panting and dripping now with sweat, Neerana lay trembling, still atop Will. His head was finally clearing, but he was very confused. His mouth was tingling with an unnameable taste, and the air reeked of ozone, but he seemed to be in one piece.

Moving slowly, Neerana pried open her eyes, and raised her head. As her vision cleared and he heartbeat steadied, she took a deep breath and spoke softly, "That was a very near thing, child. I was as unprepared as you for what just happened, but it perhaps may explain some things." Stretching her legs out carefully, she clambered to her feet over Will, still prostrate upon the ground.

"What happened?" questioned Will. "I remember trying to get up, and then nothing but stars, and then I was...sucking your horn..?"

"That may take some explaining, little one," she replied, "and most importantly it should not have been able to happen at all. There may be a great deal more to you than it seems. Come, we both need a wash, and I can talk as well while we bathe."

With a little help, Will climbed to his feet, and made unsteady tracks toward the river bank. He stopped to take off his shoes and shirt, but hesitated at his pants. Glancing up, he caught Neerana laughing gently at him.

"Go ahead child," she encouraged him, "you will feel better, and I promise I won't hurt you." Giving him a saucy wink, she sauntered slowly into the water, her breasts and tail swaying invitingly.

To his great surprise, Will actually found himself attracted to her, although he could not understand why. To hide his embarrassment, he quickly shucked his clothes and splashed into the water beside her, hiding himself beneath its shining surface.

Dunking herself suddenly beneath the water, Neerana bowled Will over with a wave, leaving him choking and spluttering. "First things first, little one," she said casually, "get yourself cleaned up, you're a mess." She took matters into her own mouth, and grabbing Will by the scruff of the neck, dunked him again. When he came back up this time, however, the water running from his hair was clear.

Will coughed for a moment, scraping his hair from his face, and glared at Neerana, who was doing her best to look innocent. "You did that on purpose!" he shouted.

"Yes, I did" she replied calmly. "And with good reason, you smelled nearly as bad as I do." Ducking once more beneath the water, Neerana rose again in a fountain of sparkling spray, flinging her mane back from her face. "What I really need," she thought, "is a good grooming."

Will didn't like the look in her eye as Neerana turned to him again, but he wasn't fast enough by half.

"Time to learn something useful, little one. I need to be groomed, and you're elected. First work on the tangles in my mane, if you please, and try not to pull it all out."

Sighing helplessly, Will moved to her side, and began running his fingers through her mane, pulling the tangles free easily. The strands were silky and slick in the water, but still warm and soft. Unconsciously, he began to lean into her side as he worked.

"Now, as for what happened a little while ago. As I said before, it shouldn't have been possible. Do you know anything about unicorn matings?" As he shook his head in embarrassment, she continued. "A mating between unicorns is an exchange of energy as much as matter. A significant part of our magical energy resides in our horns, and during mating the stallion will stroke his horn against the mare' is very...nice." Neerana paused for a moment before returning to herself. "At the climax of mating, a part of their conjoined energy is gifted to the new life at its creation. Thus the circle remains whole."

"Now, as you might imagine, since our horns are so important we don't generally go around letting people touch them. The effects can be rather spectacular, as you have seen. In most cases, however, the results are merely stimulating to both involved, much like the human custom of kissing. What I don't understand, is why your accidental touch brought out such a strong and rapid reaction in me. Not to mention, a reaction which we were both completely unprepared for."

Interrupting, Will queried, "You mean all that was because of some weird unicorn mating ritual?"

Replying calmly, Neerana continued, "Not quite, since you are a not unicorn, but I reacted almost as if you were. The resultant energy, had I not grounded it, could have destroyed you as you are. I guarantee you that I would have enjoyed it a lot more than you."

Nearly finished with her mane, Will worked on her forelock now, and found himself caught by her beautiful deep eyes.

Smiling gently at Will, Neerana nosed him gently in the chest. "It is safe now. Go ahead and touch my horn, lightly. You must understand."

Cautiously, Will pressed his fingertip to the base of her horn, The surface was smooth, and surprisingly warm, a warmth which seemed to flow up his arm and settle embarrassingly in his groin. Through half-lidded eyes, Neerana winked at him, and muttered, "That's much better child, doesn't it feel nice..?"

Embarrassed, Will quickly snatched his hand away, and returned to grooming her mane. Neerana let him continue in silence for a minute, and then causally said, "That will go faster if you use the brush. Here." She handed him a worn wooden brush; Will had already taken it and made several strokes before he wondered where it had come from.

"Harder child," she chided, "I'm not made of glass." As Will turned to continue down her back, he nearly jumped out of his skin as she began to lick and nibble at his shoulders. "Hold still! You're filthy and will never get clean without help."

Will did his best to remain quiet under her ministrations, and he had to admit that her lips and tongue felt nice against his skin.

Busily grooming away, Neerana was shocked once more to see a tiny white tuft of hair at the base of Will's spine. "So soon! It can't be," she thought, "but then, how else to explain earlier. He must have the old blood, but after so much time, to find it so strong? I must be sure, but time may not wait. If he is so far along, I may need to take him now, ready or not." That thought sent a warm quiver through her entire body, although Will did not notice.

While Will continued to brush her side, Neerana carefully drew the tip of her horn along his spine, setting them both to shivering. Before he could pull away, she pressed him to her side and did it again. After a moment, she asked him huskily, "How do you feel, lover?"

Pressed against her warm slick side, Will could feel little beyond a burning need in his loins, his rapidly growing arousal quickly blocking all other thoughts from his head. He unconsciously thrust himself against her softness, and replied, "I feel...horny," he replied, giggling after a moment when he realized the joke.

"Good, very good child." Neerana turned herself around somewhat, so that Will was now positioned squarely behind her. Her breasts, full and heavy again, swung soft around his hard shaft, and his chest pressed against her rump and warming sex. "Can you feel my breasts embracing you shaft, so soft and warm?"

Will nodded, "Mmmhmm." He felt his manhood sliding between the warm globes of her breasts, the soft skin caressing him.

Neerana felt him carefully, both physically and magically, and began preparations for the next steps, for despite her expectations, he was ready long before she had ever hoped. Rubbing herself against him, she whispered, "Touch my breasts, lover...stroke them, squeeze them."

Hesitantly at first, and then with growing assurance, Will pulled and squeezed at her breasts, necessarily lowering his head to the base of her tail, which she pulled aside. Her lips were swollen and red, and much to his surprise she winked at him, flashing their inner pink surfaces before his eyes. The smell that arose from them was heavenly, and he moved closer to sniff more deeply, his lip curling up in unconscious reaction.

"Mmm, good baby, lick me there...yesss." Neerana pressed herself to Will's face, and was quickly rewarded by the feel of his tongue squirming and lapping inside her, shaking her from nose to hooves every time he touched her magic places.

Despite her growing arousal, she paid careful attention to Will as he grew nearer his own orgasm. When he was close she paused and asked him, quiet and intense, "Would you like to be inside me?"

Much too far gone to care, Will only nodded, shocked for a moment when Neerana pulled away from him, only to lower herself to her knees. She held herself there for a moment, savoring the anticipation, and then thrust herself back upon him.

As her burning warmth closed around Will, he nearly cried with the intensity of the sensation. Her lips wrapped close around him, pulling him ever deeper, and she felt so hot! Her tail coiled around his waist, holding him close and immobile. Even though he could not thrust as he wished, the sensations of her sucking at him were rapidly pushing him past the point of no return.

Neerana panted hoarsely as she pulled at Will with her lips. It had been a very long time since she had mated, and the feeling of him in there, however small, was thrilling. Never letting up, she drove him relentlessly higher and higher, keeping pace herself, and quickly had him to and past the brink.

Will finally was unable to contain himself, and all the pent-up energy and stress of the last several days burst from him, flooding in a thick stream into Neerana's hungry womb, pumping her full of his seed.

When Will came Neerana did as well, taking his seed into herself and transmuting it, the shocks of her own orgasm traveling back and forth across her body. Finally, the waters still flowing about them grew quiet once more.

               *         *         *

Neerana was the first to recover, and while she still had Will in an unbreakable grip, she began the remainder of her preparations. She took his energy from the seed swirling amongst hers in her womb, and spun the strands out, making her body ready for the next and final steps. Lowering her head, she drank and drank of the warm waters, until her sides bulged, and then finally released Will. In the depths of her womb, a special potion was brewing.

Slowly coming back to himself, Will slumped exhaustedly over Neerana's back, catching his breath as she relaxed beneath him.

"Wake up child. You need to come to shore before the night falls, or you will catch chill, " Neerana said gently, "Come along lover, you can rest on the bank."

Will reluctantly pulled out of her, and stumbled up the short slope to the grassy area where his clothes lay. Although still groggy, he tried to dress himself until Neerana gently pushed him to the ground and covered him with mouthfuls of sweet grasses.

"Rest for a little, my child, for I need to eat before we...move on." She smiled at his drooping eyelids, and thought, "Just like a stallion, come and then sleep."

Raising her head, Neerana spotted the things she needed, a swath of wild grasses, heavy with seed, and a small clump of hardy herbs. Wasting no time, she devoured them all, hardly bothering to chew each mouthful, for she needed all the food she could contain before she could attain her ultimate desire.

As she ate, her belly and breasts swelled still further, although the greatest changes were occurring under her tail, as her soft lips stretched tight containing their load. Finally, unable to eat any more, she searched the ground carefully, and then proceeded to wake Will.

"Up sleepyhead!" she chirped, the brightness of her tone masking her growing tension, "It's time for you to eat again, and I know you're hungry."

Stretching and prying his eyes open, Will looked up to her smiling face, and nodded. He rose and followed her to the river bank, and then, at her instruction, climbed down upon his knees to suckle at her breasts.

Neerana kept up a constant monologue, companion to the wet suckling sounds of Will feeding, "Mmm, very good, my baby. Drink at Nana's my milk not sweet? Warm and lovely, and all for you."

Will drank deeply, for some reason absolutely ravenous. He simply could not drink enough of her milk fast enough to quell his hunger.

Swaying back and forth in time to the pulling of his lips at her nipple, Neerana could feel her milk flowing through her breasts and into his mouth, and let it go as fast as he could take it. It was very important he drank it all, for he would need strength as much as she, and very soon.

Finally, Will finished, and almost immediately sagged against her, the pronounced curve of his belly jiggling softly with his breath.

"Lay back, child, and Nana will take care of everything" she purred. The time was finally come, and she was shaking with anticipation and need. Laying Will gently back upon the ground, she pushed him across the soft grass to the edge of the riverbank, undercut here by several feet.

Positioning herself over him, she pulled her tail up, exposing her straining and swollen lips. Releasing her control, she let a thick stream of aromatic fluid pour down upon him, making sure to cover him and the ground thoroughly. Finally spent, her lips hung wide and open, twitching restlessly. Will lay prone, slicked from head to toe with her latest gift, and dreamed on oblivious.

She lowered her head and pricked the scar she had placed upon his chest (how long ago now?) with her horn, and then pulled away. In the wake of her horn's passage a silver strand, light as the hair of her mane, spread from his chest. She drew it long, it growing thicker and more solid all the while, and stepped lightly down the bank. First she pulled his feet towards her until they rested together and hung in mid-air, then touched the tip of her horn beneath the base of her tail, causing the now solid strand of silver to break off and slide into her waiting depths.

Finally the moment she had waited and worked for was at hand! Forcing herself to relax despite her excitement, she lifted her tail and spread her hind legs wide, pulling open the gates to her passage. Taking small steps backwards, she slowly eased his hanging feet between her hungry lips, and began to swallow him, taking him home!

"Gods above, it feels so good to have someone there again!" she thought. Then there was no more time for thought, for her contractions had begun, and they erased all else from her mind.

Massive ripples traveled along her sides, echoing the powerful action her birth canal was using to pull Will. Each time her muscles clenched and released, a little more of him was consumed, and she panted in anticipation of the next, both to build strength and because of the singular pleasure it brought her. There was nothing in the world like the feeling of her womb swallowing someone whole, and as she proceeded up his legs, he stretched her wider and wider.

Things moved on swiftly until she reached his hips, their flare straining even her great capacity, but she persevered, and inch by inch he moved still into her, swelling her belly tremendously.

After he passed into her to the waist, she paused and changed her position, folding her forelegs and laying her head upon the ground, so that gravity would aid her straining muscles, for there was much yet to go.

His hands lay folded upon his chest, and soon they also had passed into the tight embrace of her straining lips, sliding slowly deeper into her warm passage. She was panting constantly now, both her exertion and arousal rising as her belly swelled with more and more of him, growing huge and round.

Will slowly awoke from a pleasant dream, a rhythmic but not unpleasant motion rocking him gently. As he struggled to open his eyes, he found them covered with some kind of gummy slime. Further, he was not able to move his arms or legs, which seemed to be wrapped tightly in some kind of warm moist bag. He struggled futilely in its grip for a moment before crying for help.

Neerana felt Will wake, despite the special milk she had fed him to make him sleep through his final journey. She twisted her head around awkwardly, pressed as it was to the ground, and spoke brokenly to Will, "Lie still, love. You are not in danger, but what has begun must be complete. I will have you inside me. I cannot be denied this."

Will squirmed and strained, but he was inexorably drawn more and more into her waiting depths, her lips climbing slowly up his chest to his neck as her warmth enfolded him.

"Just relax and let it be, my child. You are mine, and I will be your world. Sleep, rest deep in the peace that is only within me, deep in the warm safe space in my belly." Neerana had to break off, for his head was once more straining her wide, and, so close to her goal, she had no more time for words.

Inch by precious inch she swallowed him down, her belly hanging low and full, curving wide below and to the sides as well. As the final moment finally approached, her passion rose one more time. As she at last wrapped him entirely in her belly, locked close and warm under her heart, she screamed through the special orgasm that only came at such a time, finally full and complete once more.

Collapsing to the riverside, her huge belly spreading wide, she drank once more, deeply, for her foal needed the fluids to keep him safe and quiet in the alchemy of her womb. Nosing gently at her belly, she sang the ancient songs softly, the sounds echoing with her heartbeat in her secret spaces.

"One more thing, and then I may rest as well," she said quietly to herself. Climbing awkwardly to her hooves, made all the more difficult a feat by the mass of her heavy belly, she slowly began walking across the waters of the river.

She journeyed some little ways, eating and drinking the while to keep up her strength, until she took a final turn into a well-hidden grove of ancient trees. There, at last, she could rest, lowering herself to the ground gratefully in the safety of the birthing grove.

For some hours she slept, waking now and again to restless movements of her foal, only returning to full awareness at dawn the next day. Rolling over slowly, she relished the feelings the mass of her belly gave her, feelings of completion and satiation. She was a bit surprised at how large she had grown, breasts and belly both, for this child had not seemed so large.

Nosing softly at her belly, she spoke to the child within her, "Sleep well little one, and long. I am loathe to release thee once more, for nothing pleases me more than having you snuggled warm and full right where you are."

Neerana lay down once more, and dreamed happy dreams of a long gestation, while her baby dreamed also within her, soothed by her heartbeat, as regular as the world.

               *         *         *

Time passed for Neerana and her foal in the usual fashion. While they bided in the grove, three moons rose and set over them, and in that time Neerana nearly grazed the small grove down to the earth. Her body remained much the same, but she could feel the tremendous changes passing through her foal as it shape and size altered.

Neerana woke one morning, and could sense a change in herself. While for moons she had been content to eat and drink and rock her foal warm in her belly, this day she felt unusually restless. Peering down her belly, the waxy caps on her nipples told her that her time was near. As she climbed slowly to her hooves, she could tell that the foal's position had also changed, a sure sign of an impending birth.

She ate a little, though the browse seemed to have little taste, and drank what she could hold, but her stomach was not easy. She was considering how best to prepare when the first contraction rippled across her massive belly. Quickly moving to the center of the grove, she lay in the sunlight amid the wildflowers.

For an hour or more, the contractions increased in severity and frequency, wracking her body with the mixed pain/pleasure of birth. She was about to complete another turn in the great dance, and she longed to see her foal now, even though it meant emptying her belly. She smiled gently between contractions as thoughts of her foal made her feel just how badly her breasts also needed to be emptied.

The foal's caul was slowly being pushed out of her, and at last a mighty heave broke her water. As it poured warm upon the ground, she could feel the foal within her clearly, waiting to be born into the world. Another heave brought the first hoof out into the warm sun, she could tell by the feel, though she regretted not being able to watch. She had to concentrate on the birth, however, for the contractions were coming harder and faster now.

Laying panting upon her side, she pushed and pushed at the foal, the same muscles that had so recently consumed him now worked to squeeze him back into the world. She strained herself wide as his head passed out between her shaking lips, and all but screamed in pain and frustration as his shoulder caught.

Time was precious now, for if she did not birth him soon, he would suffocate. Neerana gathered all her reserves, and strained...caught and held there, as a musical note sliding up the scale, her effort mounted higher and higher, until finally something gave. With a jolt and wet slithering sound, her foal finally moved again, slipping quickly from her to lie upon the ground.

It was several moments before Neerana recovered enough to check on him. She crawled around, unable to stand yet, and beheld him for the first time. His face and neck were a delicate shade of rose, although how much of that was blood was hard to tell, for, as expected, he was a mess. His coloring deepened to a rich chestnut down to his hooves, which were so dark as to be nearly black. What could be seen of his mane and tail were russet and gold, nearly so pale upon his brow as to be white. The most remarkable thing about him was his size. No wonder the birth had been so hard, he was nearly twice the size as when he entered her, just a few moons ago.

Although he was struggling to move, he was not yet breathing, and Neerana needed to help him right away. Reaching to him, she tore the tatters of his caul from him, and breathed in his nose. Coughing reflexively, he spit his milt upon the ground and took his first breath. While he began to open his eyes, she bent down and bit through his cord, stimulating the contractions to pass his afterbirth.

Struggling once more to her hooves, Neerana felt the painful weight of her breasts once more. She had to get him to his hooves, and quickly, so he could nurse. Nudging him with her nose, she all but knocked him over again. His eyes flew open, and he cried softly at the sight of her. She nodded encouragingly, and licked softly at his fine muzzle as he attempted to climb to his own hooves.

Through a supreme effort, he staggered upright, too unsteady yet to move further. Eventually, however, the smell from Neerana's dripping nipples called to him in a voice he must heed, and he carefully reached beneath her belly to drink.

As he finally latched on, Neerana gave a great sigh, and relaxed. The feeling of her beautiful foal nursing at her breast filled her with a sense of completion and wholeness. As he fed she cleaned his body carefully, exposing more and more of his natural colors. After consuming the remains of the birth, Neerana simply stood, gazing lovingly at her greedily feeding child.

"Thou'rt lovely, my little one. A name need you, but what?" Pondering, she looked once more at his colors, which were brightening as he dried. The nubby fur of his foal coat was still sticking out in every direction, but she could see it would soon be as smooth and slick as her own. Suddenly, inspiration struck. "Welcome to the world, Flamedancer."

She sang an old song to him, of welcome, but though he heard the words, his attention was focused upon eating, as a foal's should be.

That's it for now. There may be more, depending on the feedback I get. Good or bad, let me know what you think. Drop me a line: rochndil (at) comcast (dot) net.

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