The Specs Warner story Animaniacs universe: Specs was a doodle created back in the late 1930s in an attempt to make a more "mature" Warner, one that could actually contain the rambunctious siblings and keep them from causing havoc across the lot. At the time the idea of a Warners series was still being played around with, but shortly after Specs' creation the animators simply gave up, that is, those that weren't driven insane first. Specs turned out to be a bit of a dud. While the Sibs were energetic and happy, he was slightly lethargic and a bit more apathetic. He indulged in the guilty pleasures in life, not in great amounts, but enough to no longer truly be considered a role model for the children of that generation. Unlike the other Warners, Specs was never locked in the water tower. He never really brought much attention to himself in the first place, and as such slowly faded from the minds of the producers and others until he was virtually forgotten. It wasn't until 2001 that he suddenly "showed up" again, a fact which peeves him off slightly since he never actually left. He can usually be found somewhere near a coffee pot or a box of donuts, whatever he can eat that is free. He tends not to care about people's social status, walking into actors' dressing rooms and taking a can of Coke, borrowing Mr. Plotz's stapler while he's on the phone, etc. Specs' personality is best described as being a combination of Lewis Black and Denis Leary. He has an opinion on everything, and that opinion usually centers around someone being stupid. He smokes cigarettes, he drinks his coffee black (or when he's in a lighter mood, "double double"), but he doesn't fawn over women that much (most likely from the sad realization that he is not anatomically correct). He tends to be uncaring about most issues, but if you push him enough he'll explode into a fury of opinions and controversy. According to the A! Bible: Specs was created to be the sort of "older, wacky cousin" role, his glasses giving him the appearence of maturity, knowledge and technical capabilities. Sadly, it did not turn out that way. He knows very little about technology (although he is increadibly adapt at problem solving) and although in the show he is supposed to police the Sibs, in reality he couldn't care less about what they do. He actually bares a slight resentment towards Yakko for being "the smart one", as he considers himself to be far more intelligent. Whether this is true or not... The world may never know. Reality: Specs was created from a little sketch I did in class of a Warner with glasses. When I started going to #warner_cafe I wanted to play my Mycroft Nickel character, but there was already a person there named Mycroft who was a bunny. So, I kept looking at different ideas, and came across the little sketch in my notes. With some help from a sketch by Jo(the Freakazette)anna Davidovich for me to rip off... AHA! Yes, I've found it! In the middle, on the lefthand side of the page. That was part of the inspiration for him. Of course, every Warner has to have a gimmick. Reaching behind your back, into your pocket or into a sack had been done so many times... I wanted to do something a bit different. Then I thought of an old movie from years and years ago called Cool World. I won't explain what it is, I can't even remember how bad it was. But anyway, I remember a cartoon spider freaking out because the animator had brought an ink pen into the cartoon world with him, and said it had a lot of power. So I thought "what would happen if a toon got ahold of an artist's pencil?" And thus we have our first gimmick. Not just any old cartoon pencil, but an ARTIST'S pencil. I wanted to make Specs a bit more different than other Warners with more than glasses and different hair, but still keep a sort of "old school" appearence. I don't know what prompted it, but I decided to give him a white tailtip, probably based off of a dog my cousin used to have. I figured that since art pencils don't have erasers on them, he could just use the tip of his tail as one... Since it kinda looks like an eraser on the end of a pencil. As for his personality and habits... I find Lewis Black hilarious. I like the idea of cigarettes as props. That's enough explination, I think.