A flash of lightning lit up the dark sky above the desert as a green streak zipped by, following the giant footprints in the sand. It was SuperScotchVix, or just SuperScotch, the vixen superhero. At the speed of light she was flying, tracing the huge footprints to their creator, the giant tiger, The Amazing Colossal Kahn. She was close, she could feel it... And so could he, as she crashed into his huge chest with a loud THUMP! He fell backwards, almost causing an earthquake as his 400 feet tall body crash landed in the sand. SuperScotch found her way out of Kahn's fur and flew over to his huge head. "The Amazing Colossal Kahn, I found you at last!", she said, floating above the tiger's giant head. Kahn sat up, looking confused. "What? Huh? SuperScotchVix, is that you?", he mumbled as he tried to focus his eyes on the tiny green spot floating in front of him. "Yes it is, Kahn, and I just found out that the doctor's up to no good." "The doc? Oh, the doc." Kahn was still a bit confused by the overwhelming crash. "You need to come with me to the headquarters right now, we got to stop him!", SuperScotch cried out. "Sure, I'm with ya. You go ahead and fly, I'll be there inna few.", Kahn roared while standing up, and in a few seconds, the ground trembled as the giant tiger rushed across the desert, guided by the glowing, green suit of SuperScotchVix. "Here we are." SuperScotch looked around in the SSV headquarters, glancing at the massive computers and screens monitoring the activities around and inside the high-tech underground base. "So, what about the doc?", Kahn said, peering into the base from a hole in the wall. SuperScotch pointed to a big radar on one of the walls. "I've registered activity on the doc's space base. This here shows that the plasma generators must be running with full power." "And that means what? Heh..." "It means that he's either storing huge amounts of energy for later use, or that he's building something with the nano chambers." Kahn looked confused for a moment before replying, "Oh, so he's like, building a plasma cannon so he can destroy the earth or something?" Silence struck the base, SuperScotchVix didn't say a word. "What is it, SuperScotch?", Kahn said. SuperScotch listened. "I think I hear children, screaming in fear... I will return!" She flew out through the exit, leaving the SSV headquarters abandoned, with Kahn sitting outside, listening to the soft humming from the computers. A few seconds later, SuperScotch returned, panting and covered in leaves. "I need to learn how to tell the difference between screaming children and barking foxes! Darn foxes!! Now, where were we?" "I think ya were talking about the doc, SuperScotch." "That's right. Now, the doc could in fact be creating a doomsday machine, but why would he be doing that?" "So he can get your attention and capture you when you fly out there to save the earth, and then drain you of your powers and make himself super powerful so he can get all the money and power he wants and take control of the entire world?" Silence struck the base again. "Yes, but except for that. There's got to be a reason!", SuperScotch cried. Meanwhile, in the doc's space base... "Nyahaha! My plan's working fine! Soon, I will have gotten SuperScotch's attention and captured her when she flies out here to save the earth, and then drained her of her powers and made myself super powerful so I can get all the money and power I want and take control of the entire world!! Muahahaaa! Hrk! Gah...! Fiona! I need something to drink! Hrk...!" A young and pretty female skunk entered the room, carrying a silver plate with a glass on. "Aaahh. Good." the doc said, "My daily dose of cola...! Thanks Fiona, nice girl! Tee-hee." The doc 'accidently' laid his handpaw on Fiona's behind as she walked out of the room, glancing after her with a nasty giggle. "Now where was I...? Oh yah! Now is the time, to execute the first phase of my brilliant plan! Brilliant, yah right, any Bond villain would come up with a better plan... Uh... Now where was I? What the heck was I thinking about!? Err... Oh yah! The first phase of my maybe-not-so-brilliant plan! I must use my excellent invention to draw th'earth closer to my base, to focus the blast of the doomsday machine! And to make my space base look bigger and more frightening... Fiona!! Execute the Grav-o-Tron!" The attractive skunkette entered the room again. "But doctor, the lever is right next to you." "So?", the doc exclaimed, "Come here and pull my lever... Hehe... Uh, I mean... Hrm... Pull the lever to execute the Grav-o-Tron so we can... No, I can... Hmm... No, so we can conquer the world!!" Fiona went over to the doctor and put her hand on the lever that would start the Grav-o-Tron, wich would draw the earth closer to the space base. "Now, Fiona... Pull it! Pull it baby!" The skunkette pulled the lever, glanced at the doctor, and started walking back to wherever she came from, but the doctor grabbed her arm and pulled her into his lap. "Now that th' first phase is complete, whaddaya say we have some fun, you and I? Eh? Y'know, in space, no one can hear ya scream... And groan, and moan, and... Murrrr..." "But doctor", Fiona interrupted, "You're only sixteen, and I'm 27!" "Err... Oh yah, tha's true...", the doc said, and at the same moment the Grav-o-Tron got activated and made the space base fall towards the earth in high velocity. SuperScotchVix woke up with a twitch. She looked around inside the SSV headquarters, listening to the soft humming from the computers and Kahn snoring outside. She had dreamt again, another of those nightmares. It was probably around 3 am, but she didn't want to go back to sleep. She felt restless, like there was something she needed to do. She sat up, realizing she had been sleeping with her green glow-in-the-dark suit on, also understanding that's why she felt so hot. She grabbed her green and yellow mask and fastened it to her face before flying outside to cool down. However, she didn't come far until she crashed into Kahn again. Tired as she was, she had fastened her mask the wrong way, now having her ears in the holes for the eyes. Mumbling something about caffine, she adjusted her mask and flew away towards the city. Ironically enough, she collided with the crashing space base just before she had reached the city where she was headed. Kahn woke up with a twitch. He had dreamt again, another of those nightmares. But that wasn't what had woke him up, he had heard the crash from the doc's space base. "I gotta check this out... SuperScotch, are ya awake? SuperScotchVix?" He peered into the base through the hole in the wall... "No SuperScotchVix... I need ta find out alone then." Kahn strolled towards the smoking wreck he saw close to the city, but right before placing his gargantuan foot on the ground he was stopped by a noise. "What was that?", he asked himself before looking down, finding a tiny fox standing there, shouting. "Hey!! Phew! You almost stepped on me! You gotta take it easy, big guy, or you'll kill someone!" "Oh, I'm sorry", Kahn said, before kneeling so he could see the little fox better. Actually the fox stood at 5'10", but for the 400 feet tall giant tiger, that was sort of small. Kahn scooped the fox up in his handpaw. "So who might you be, lil' bud?", he asked with a friendly voice. "I'm Sarn, nice to meet you, big guy", the fox replied. It was Sarny the fox. He was known in the entire city, but apparantly he was tired of being famous and just wanted to get away for a while. Kahn placed Sarn on his shoulder and kept walking towards the wreck of the space base. SuperScotchVix looked around. She had penetrated the titanium wall of the doc's base, and had managed to trap herself in a metal box. There was no way she could accelerate enough to break out in such a small space, so all she could do was wait, and listen to the voice of a TV somewhere in the vincinity. "It's faster, it's harder, it's more VIOLENT! Don't miss the new season of FDW2002, live here on Channel5 on thursday nights! Fursuit Deathmatch Wrestling 2002, the best combination of blood and fur! (brought to you by M)" SuperScotch sighed. "What's happening to the world these days?", she said to herself before being interrupted by the doc shouting, "People in Fursuits killing eachother!? That I have to see!! Fiona, get over here! And bring s'more cola, willya?" SuperScotch perked her ears. "The doc!" The TV was suddenly turned off and steps were heard outside of the box. "Who was that!?" SuperScotch held her breath, but soon the doc's voice was heard. "Lookie here! 'Ts SuperScotchVix! I got her trapped! Hah!! Fiona, get over here! And bring that dang cola!" SuperScotch turned around inside the little box and noticed a tiny hole in one of the walls. The doc was watching her. "Tee-hee... I got her! It was easier than I thought! My not-so-brilliant-but-still-good plan went straight to hell, but I cought her anyway! I just had t'sacrifice my entire space base that took thirteen years t' complete! Damn!! Well anyway, now that my I've caught SuperScotchVix, whaddaya say we have some fun, you and I, Fiona? Eh?" "Doc", Fiona said, "You're still only sixteen, and I'm still 27." "Oh yah... Damn... We hafta fix that sometime." Suddenly, the entire space base trembled, as if an earthquake was starting. One of the titanium walls was torn away from the rest of the base like if it was made of paper. It was Kahn. "Nice job, big guy!", said Sarn who was sitting on Kahn's shoulder. "SuperScotch! Are ya in there!?", roared Kahn. "I'm here! And so is the doc!", shouted SuperScotch. "And his assistant, too!" The doc murred, "Assistant... Oh yah, d'ya hear how nice that rings, Fiona...? Oh baby! Wait a second... A huge 300-500 feet tall macro tiger just ripped my space base's three feet thick titanium wall off and is threatening to squish me like some useless bug and tear all my awarded inventions to pieces... Hmm... We've got time. Come here, Fiona! Murrrr... Good girl, come here..." "Hold it right there, doc!", growled Kahn, "You're not goin' anywere!" "Yeah! Get him, Kahn! Do you know what you get if you cross breed a snake and a hedgehog?", said Sarn. Kahn blinked. "No, what? Heh." "Three feet of barbed wire!" Kahn giggled. "Yeah, but what does that have to do with this situation?" Sarn shrugged. "I have no idea... Now catch the doctor! He's getting away!" Everyone stood entirely still, crickets could be heard in the background. "Psst, doc! Do something!", Fiona whispered. "Oh yah! Uh... Like what...? Oh, now I got it! To flee is a cowards method! I will use my patented Shrink-Ray to shrink Kahn into the size offa pea! So there! Uh... Fiona, could y'go get my Shrink-Ray? And bring some cola!" Kahn picked up Fiona and grinned. "Now what are ya gonna do, doc? Heh." "Like I said", replied the doc, "Fleeing is the method offa coward! I'm certainly no coward! Now, goodbye!" The doc disappeared in a cloud of dust. Kahn blinked again. "He's dumb, but he's certainly not slow!" "Okey, Kahn, now please, get me out of this box!" cried SuperScotch. "And could you please put me down?" asked Fiona politely. Kahn placed Fiona on his shoulder and poked a hole in SuperScotch's box with a claw. "There ya go." As SuperScotchVix crawled out of the metal prison, Sarn looked Fiona over on the giant tiger's shoulder. "What are you up to, Sarny?", asked Kahn curiously. "Nothing, big guy, nothing at all.", answered the fox. SuperScotch looked around. "There's no time to play around, we have to catch the doc before he escapes!" Fiona edged away from Sarn up on Kahn's shoulder. "Why's that? Why do you have to catch him?" Silence striked again. The crickets were still there, chirping... "No questions, just... Follow me!" SuperScotch ran into the space base. Sarn and Fiona sat there on Kahn's shoulder, Kahn just stood there, being too big to do anything at all. SuperScotch ran out from the base again. "Hello? Are you here with me? I told you to follow!" She looked up at the huge tiger. "Kahn, put those two down so they can follow me, ok? And keep an eye out for the doc, and if Fiona tries to escape, stop her!" Kahn placed Sarn and Fiona on the ground carefully. "Sorry about that, SuperScotch. Heh." SuperScotch nodded and ran into the base. "Follow me!" The inside of the base was poorly lit. As the team consisting of SuperScotchVix, Sarn and Fiona finally managed to reach the main hall, from where they could access the entire base, a strange noise was heard from one of the corridors. SuperScotch made a sign with her hand, ordering the team to be as quiet as possible as they followed her. They followed the noises and ended up at a door. "This is it", whispered SuperScotch who tried to open the door. "It's locked!" Sarn looked around. "You think there's a key here somewhere?" Fiona slapped Sarn. "Don't be silly, this isn't a computer game or something!" Sarn looked suprised. "It isn't!? Oh man..." "Wait a second... I think I hear... It's the doc, he's in there!", SuperScotch exclaimed. "Whaa'?" The doc's muffled voice was heard from behind the door. "Hey, you people, this is a private room okey!? Look at the sign for crying out loud!!" The team looked at the door. A sign was hanging on it. [wc] "Hmm... That kind of explains the stench around here.", said SuperScotch. "Yah, this is my toilet", said the doc, "MY toilet!! Get outta here and wait fer me t'get done okey!? Sheesh...!" Sarn leaned against the wall, and SuperScotchVix tapped her foot impatiently when the toilet finally flushed on the other side of the door, and out stepped the doc! "Did you wash your hands, doctor?", asked Fiona. "D'I wash my... Oh yah, sorry, I forgot!", the doc laughed and slammed the door shut, then coming out again after a few seconds, drying his handpaws on his shirt, smirking. "Now I'm clean, whaddaya say we go have some fun, just you and I, Fiona? Eh?" "Hrm... Doc", said SuperScotch, "Aren't you forgetting something?" "What!?" "You're supposed to run now, so we can catch you and take you to jail for no apparant reason, like all superheros do with all supervillains. Well, most of them, anyway." "Aren'tya gonna beat me up like Spiderman or Batman'd do? Tha'd be cool!" "No." "Oh... Darn." The doc took off with an amazing speed and an insane cackle, but the team was right behind him. Soon, they reached the main hall again, having lost the doc, they looked around... "Where'd he go?" SuperScotch looked around, trying to figure out where the doc fled to. "Wait a second", Fiona said and walked over to the toilet again, opening the door. There sat the doctor. "Dang!! You know me too well... Maybe playing hide and seek all those times with you was a mistake, Fiona... You never did anything to me once y'found me anyway... How about you an..." "Doc! Enough!", exclaimed Fiona, "I'm getting real fed up with all this! I say we just take this freak to the police station RIGHT NOW!" "Well... Good idea", said Sarn and grabbed one of the doctor's arms. SuperScotch grabbed his other arm. "Well then, let's go!" The doc sat behind bars, on a wooden bench, glaring out at SuperScotchVix, Kahn, Sarn, Fiona and a prison guard. "You're in jail now, and you can't escape no matter how hard you try, so stay cool.", said the guard. "Gah!", exclaimed the doc, "My plan was perfect! Well, okey 't wasn't perfect, but it was at least decent! I woulda 'ave gotten everything I wanted in the whole world if it weren't for those meddlin' kids... Hrk... I need cola!!" "Who are you calling a kid?", said Kahn, "I'm actually 18." "Yeah, and I'm 27, you know I am, doc.", said Fiona. SuperScotch was about to open her mouth, but gets interrupted by Sarn. "And I'm 29!" "Okey, even if I look like I'm in my early 20's, I'm 37. And you're still only sixteen, doctor", she said. "37? You? No way!", the doc exclaimed. "But you, Fiona... How about y'get me outta here so we can go have some fun, just you n' I, Eh?" Fiona sighed and left the cell block, followed by the rest of the team and the guard who slammed the door shut and locked it, leaving the doc in the darkness. Only the muffled voice from a TV in the guard's room, outside could be heard. "This show featured... Butterscotch, as SuperScotchVix Kahn, as The Amazing Colossal Kahn Sarnath, as Sarn Fiona, as Fiona and... Rox, as The Doc Remember that this was a 100% fictional show that does not represent the real FM characters, in this case the actors, in any way... This show was brought to you by Channel5, good night."