~~Friday, July 16, 2004~~


Last one alive is the winner.


1 Roy Paladin (wolf/part-summoner, part-boxer)

2 Old School Roy Paladin (hedgehog/Mystic Paladin)

3 Floyd Phoenix (cat/boxer)

4 Kusahm (panther form only/tyrant)

5 Jeremy (dog/asshole)

6 Isis (cat/sage)

7 Temple (raccoon/summoner)

8 Leotis (lion/Roman gladiator)

9 Rainshatter (rabbit/assassin)

10 Bud Gabson (dog/boxer)

All start in an abandoned city. They are in a circle, eyeing each other left and right. A loud whistle blows. It starts!

Rainshatter quickly leaps into a defensive position, assessing all possible moves. Leotis raises his sword. Isis leaps back and is casting a spell. Temple runs far away, and is casting a summon spell. Old School leaps in the air and hovers.

Bud and Floyd trade blows left and right. Floyd knocks Bud down with a left. Bud rises quickly.

+Isis casts "FAST" on herself. Her speed doubles. She thens starts to cast another spell.

Roy Paladin assesses the situation. Jeremy pulls out his gun and personally talks trash to everyone in his immediate area. He attempts to pistol-whip Roy, but Roy blocks the blow and cracks him with a right cross. Jeremy runs away and curses everybody.

+Rainshatter stabs Jeremy in the back with a samurai sword. Jeremy is bleeding profusely and is still cursing. Leotis swings his sword and chops off Jeremy's head. His last words were "Mother...fuckerrr..."


Leotis and Rainshatter eye each other. They quickly battle it out, with loud clangs and metal flying at lightning-fast paces.

+Temple summons a Phoenix to aid her. The Phoenix picks her up and places her on its head. She is in flight, mostly safe.

+Isis casts "METEO"! Fire and brimstone come raining down from the heavens and crush and burn Floyd and Bud to a crisp.


Temple then turns to Isis and winks. Isis returns the gesture. They team up, both on the Phoenix. Temple then starts to cast a summon spell, along with Isis, who is casting either some black or white magic.

The two Roys look at each other, and decide that taking out the magic-users would be the best option. The lion and the rabbit are still fighting.

Roy summons a pack of wolves to assist and protect him.

+Kusahm comes out of seemingly nowhere and stabs Leotis in the thigh with a giant spear. Leotis gets pissed. Leotis slices Kusahm's arm with a sword. Rainshatter is insulted that Kusahm would interrupt his battle (and wishes he had been paid more in the past). Rainshatter slashes at Kusahm. Kusahm blocks and his arms are cut. Kusahm roars and retaliates with an overhand right to Rainshatter, knocking him down. Leotis stabs Kusahm in the belly with his sword, yet Kusahm manages to crack Leotis with a right hand, staggering him backwards.

+Old School shoots energy blasts at the phoenix. The phoenix seems to take no damage. It breathes fire at Old School, but the hedgehog warps a few dozen feet away to safety. Old School fires a Hypernuke blast, nailing the phoenix, knocking it unconscious. It falls to the ground, along with the two magic-users. Roy's wolves charge in, attacking Isis and Temple. Isis's spell has been interrupted and cancelled. Same with Temple.

+Roy dashes in with a machete and stabs Temple in the throat, killing her.


The phoenix disappears, due to the lack of existence of its caster.

+Isis quickly casts Snowstorm, killing the pack of wolves instantly. She then runs far off, dodging energy attacks, all the while casting a spell of her own.

+Leotis comes back and thrusts his sword into Kusahm's belly. He collapses, and is thought to be dead. Rainshatter leaps in frighteningly fast, and stabs Leotis in the chest. With a final retaliation move, Leotis counters and violently slashes Rainshatter across the throught. Leotis dies a few moments later. Rainshatter's life ends due to loss of blood.


+Old School Roy fires a Hypernuke Blast at Isis. She manages to dodge it. Isis then casts "Meteo" and it hits Old School. After taking immense damage, Old School Roy finally passes away.


Roy runs to investigate the body of Old School. He learns that he is indeed dead. He then collects Old School's weapon, the Artemis Sword.

+Isis casts Revive on Temple. Temple is brought back to life, fully healed. Temple starts to summon again.

+Kusahm creeps up from behind and rips Isis's heart out from her back. Isis dies.


Kusahm then sees Roy and smiles. He charges after him. Roy doesn't notice. Kusahm shouts near Roy and surprises him and he turns around.

+Kusahm cracks Roy in the chin with a huge overhand right, knocking him down and to the point of half-consciousness. Roy raises his sword, trying to defend himself, but isn't succeeding very well. Roy gets stabbed a few times.

+Kusahm then stabs Roy in the throat with a spear. Roy counters with a thrust into Kusahm's chest, and some of Roy's wounds are healed, due the the mystical power of the sword. Still, both are heavily damaged.

+Temple then summons the humungous Golem monster, but he has been ordered to directly appear over the two remaining combatants. His size and girth come forcefully crashing down onto Kusahm and Roy. They both are crushed.