The cold rain was beating down hard upon the empty streets. It was a cold, windy night, but he didn't care...champions aren't supposed to worry about such petty things. Bud Gabson stood confidently in the rain as the canine thought about his next big fight. "I beat the very best to become the champ, but...can I do it twice?" he thought to himself. He scratched his goatee-covered chin in mid-question. ...Only time will tell... It was mid December 2631, and a press conference was being held for the next big boxing event. It was for the Undisputed Interdimensional Heavyweight Championship. Bud sat calmly on the far left, dressed semi-handsomely for the event. His expensive fine Italian suit earned him many amorous glances from some of his female fans. His dark brown hair was combed forward, as that was his usual style. His reddish-brown fur shined under the bright lights. This canine if anything was in shape. He bulked up 6 pounds from his usual 180 lbs. He was a small heavyweight though, standing only at 5'9". In fact he is the lightest heavyweight in the history of this league ever to hold a title. But that didn't matter too much, as his big heart is his greatest asset. The challenger sat on the opposite side of the table. He WAS the very best. But now he's only no. 2, a fact that he so desperately wanted to change. He NEEDED to be the champion again. Soak-ahn Sasma irately and repeatedly glanced at his conquerer. "It's only a matter of time, dog", he thought. He was dressed in his usual garb--a long yellow trench coat with black leather pants and brown boots. His white hair was short and semi-spikey, almost punkish. He wore a large scar across his forehead, and a small one bearing over his mouth. They were "marks of courage" giving to him by his father. His pupils were small inside his intense purple eyes. The Interdimensional boxing league contains mostly Fiends and Anthros, but he was the only "humanoid" fighter in years. But in truth this wasn't his real form. He is a demon, the third and strongest son of the Black Dragon Kusam at that, but it didn't matter too much which form he chooses, as he is the same strength either way. The Dark Prince of all Fiends chosed this form to conquer his foes in the ring, all to impress his father. "This is going to be the most significant rivalry since Paladin-Pheonix." the promoter promised. "Last time we had an indestructable force that was upheaveled by literally an underdog. This time it's going to be even more exciting!" He grinned widely, knowing that this fight promises to take in more revenue than any other bout in history. The only thing in question was the outcome. After the two pugilists eagerly signed the contract, Mr. Sasma had some unkind words to say. "I'll piss on you after I K.O. you, you dog." Bud just ignored his antics. "Soak-ahn is the true champ, you just got lucky you f***." (Soak-ahn often refers to himself in third person.) "Death to all Furries! Glory to the Black Dragon! Soak-ahn will have his way with your mother." It was about this time that Bud had had enough. He stood up, "Wanna piece of me? Well come an' get it!" The Prince stood up and got right in his face and raised both arms out, with his palms opened up in a sort of gangsta way. Bud only seethed, both fists clenched tightly, with his right hand raised. This was no publicity stunt, folks, there's no acting here. Soak-ahn pushed him hard. Bud staggered back, and lunged like a tiger at the Prince and tackled him to the ground. No punches were thrown, just a lot of wrestling. It took six people and a few minutes to get them off of each other. Eight weeks had passed by quickly. All the undercards were done with, and now it was the time for the main event. Bud Gabson was in his locker room, warming up. In walked a tall, well-dressed hedgehog. "Do it right, man. You know you can never let a Fiend win." It was Roy Paladin! He held the title four times and retired one year ago. Bud stopped shadow-boxing and glared at Roy. "Yeah, and you'll be next, asshole." Roy retorted, "Not after I slap you around and make you my bitch." The two walked to each other, each trying the stare the other one down. Roy gleefully smiled, "Oooh, the suckah's going dowwwn, BIG time!" Bud smiled back, "WhaaassUUUUUUUUPPP!!!" " 'suuuuuhh!" The two embraced each other. Roy eased Bud's pre-fight tension a bit, "Hey man, you'll be alright, just be one step ahead of him like last time." "You got it man. I'm aiming to end it early, if I can. Say...are you ever coming back?" Bud asked. "If I do, you'll be the first one I'll fight." Bud's brown eyes lit up. "Oh MAN. This of all the dough we'd make!" After a moment Bud turned into a serious mood. "But I gotta take CARE of something first..." Roy's smile faded and he nodded sharply. "Go get that asshole." the opposite dressing room... "HAAAH!!" Thump-thump-boom. Soak-ahn raised his intesity level comparable to that of a madman. That's what he does best. That's when he's AT his best. He knocked around sparring partner after sparring partner. Hell, one of them even quit their job five minutes ago because of the Prince's relentless, pain-inducing ways. "Soak-ahn must win...gottawingottaWIN..." He sped up more and more. His trainer tried to intervene, "Hey, save some of that for the ring... Uhm, it's only my humble suggestion, your majesty." He knew his role. Trainer and nothing more. It's best not to piss off the second-in-command of an entire army of demons. The arena was sold out. Murmurs grew louder each minute as the fans patiently awaited the big fight. Suddenly very heavy metal riffs exploded throughout the arena. It was Metallica's rendition of Discharge's "Free Speech for the Dumb". The Champion came out first. Bud, wearing a dark blue robe, had his game face on as he ploddenly jogged to the ring. You can see that he had worked out a sweat. One of his cornermen held aloft the title. It was mostly gold, with streaks of silver and jewels encased in it. In the middle, large black letters spelt out "UNDISPUTED CHAMPIONSHIP". Moments later, a prepared Bud hopped back and forth, awaiting his diabolical rival. A different tune blasted throughout the building. It was the WWF's "Our Time". The Dark Prince briskly walked to the ring, apparently eager to get his title back. His expression was blank, with his eyes seemingly staring miles away. He and his party entered the ring as he repeatedly mumbled to himself. A ticking time bomb that he is... Surprisely there was no trash-talking being the two combatants. At least not yet... "Ladieeees and gentleman, this is the fight that you've all been waiting for...LLLET GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLEEE!! In the red corner on my left is the challenger and former undisputed champion. Weighing in at 201 lbs...the Prince of All Fiends...the Blarnarian Madman...the Demonic Razor...Soak-aaahhhn Sasmmmaaaaa!" The crowd was mixed with cheers and booes. Soak-ahn raised his arm up in a triumphant gesture. With his robe off you could see his many scars on his torso, back, and arms. The announcer continued..."Annnd in the blue corner on my right is the Undisputed Interdimensional Heavyweight Champion...weighing in at a trim 186...the Anthro Canine...Bud...GAAAABsssooooon!" The crowd mostly gave a warm cheer towards the champ. The final instructions were made by Layne Aicman, a furry cat referee, as the two stared each other down. Soak-ahn taunted, "Knock you out" Bud just stared back coldly. The two traditionally touched gloves and went to their corners... The crowd's noise louder and louder as the tension built up dramatically before the final seconds of the fight. Moments like these are what make boxing so exciting. DING! The two slowly and cautiously circled each other, each exchanging jabs. This happened for the first minute and a half. The crowd was a hurricane of audicity as the action picked up. Sasma exploded off with a five-punch combination that was mostly blocked by the champ. He tried another combo and some punches landed. Gabson fired back with head-hunting shots, most of them landing. Soak-ahn never minded getting hit, in fact he almost LIKED the pain. So blocking was not his forte', just an all-out offense. Seeing how easily he could hit the challenger, Bud opened up more. Jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts flew everywhere, with the Prince eagerly responding in return. Bud landed a left hook, a right bodyblow, followed by another left hook. He pulled his head back in a defensive maneuver. That's when Sasma saw an opening. BAAM!! A right hook caught the champion square on the chin. Bud's legs collapsed as his rump his the floor hard. The Champion was down in the very first round! "One!....Two!...Three!..." Layne reluctantly counted. The crowd went ballistic. Bud rose up at the count of four, and seemed to be alright. It was just a flash knockdown. The referee wiped his gloves, and moments later the madman came in swinging wildy like the nut that he is. The Champion backed into a corner and covered up most of the shots. DING! Thank goodness, the bell. However the round was a 10-8 in favor of Soak-ahn. Round 2 was more of the same, minus the knockdown. Only the action seemed to slowly pick up. Bud was going to the body more, while Soak-ahn was blocking less. The same went on for the next 3 rounds, with Soak-ahn winning the first three, and Bud winning the last 2. Round 6. The two warriors surprisingly started out slow, until an explosive left hook cracked off of the Champion's jaw. Bud staggered back into the ropes and clinched his opponent for a few seconds. Bud blinked rapidly as his emotions rose. Soak-ahn had made him mad. Gabson slowly and carefully used his left jab as a range-finder. That was the only punch he used for the next 15 seconds. Then...jab, jab, BOOM!! An explosive overhand right made Soak-ahn stagger the first time since their last fight. The crowd went insane. Headshots rained from every angle, almost each one connecting. BOOM-CRACK-BOOM-BOOOM. By this time a cut had opened up over the challenger's right eye. Seeing the sight of his own blood made Soak-ahn Sasma snap. He challenged Bud's machismo with fast and hard combinations of his own. "Eat this!" Soak-ahn shouted through his mouthpiece. The two mixed it up, with neither man really blocking much. Overly excited, Soak-ahn pounded his own chest for a few seconds while repeatedly chanting his own first name. The bell rang as the challenger had a huge smile on his face. Sitting in his corner, Soak-ahn was being worked on by the cutman. He repeatedly banged his gloves together hard. No one knew what to quite make of him. Was he excited? Angry? Scared? Bud didn't care. He kept a firm gazed on the challenger. Bud's eyes were intense with a constructive anger and hard focus. Round 7. Soak-ahn had picked up his intensity and speed to an even greater level. So did Bud. Sasma poured on the bodyshots as Bud lay against the ropes. He blocked/countered and nailed Sasma with uppercuts and hooks. Gabson spun around him so that it was Sasma that was on the ropes. Now Bud was the one pouring it on. Roy Paladin screamed from the front row, "DO IT NOW!!" Bud nodded. He went all-out with 6, 7, even 8-punch combinations. He didn't bother blocking anymore; he desired nothing but maximum offense. It must've worked, because Soak-ahn was covering up the first time in the fight. "gottawingottawin..." Soak-ahn mumbled through his gloves. He stopped covering up, started to dodge and counter more, and unleashed wild hooks. Since Bud neglected to block, he got nailed with a left hook this time. He collapsed to the canvas, but immediately jumped up at the count of one. The ref wiped his gloves again, and Sasma came charging in like a bull. Now he was the one who didn't bother with defense. Big mistake. A right uppercut cracked off his chin, and now Soak-ahn was the one who was down! He slowly got up at the count of five, and he appeared hurt. He covered up in a corner as Gabson threw everything he had. He didn't care about saving his stamina, he knew this was it. Uppercuts, crosses, and hooks (oh my!) bounced off of the Dark Prince's skull. He wasn't defending himself anymore, and he had a dazed look in his eyes. Bud landed something like 30 more punches. The referee had little choice. He jumped in and saved Sasma from further punishment. "That's it! It's over!" Jim Lampley, a boxing commentator, shouted, "Bud Gabson retains his title via a seventh round stoppage!" Layne raised Bud's arm in triumph as the announcer proclaimed: "And STILL!!...Undisputed Interdimensional Heavyweight Champion...Bud..."the Canine"...GAAAAAABSSSOOON!!" The crowd was exstatic. "Good" triumphed over "evil". Bud Gabson was the people's champion. He felt the crowd's love and was very appreciative towards them. The fallen fighter was escorted to his dressing room. His head was down and half covered with blood. Once again he is defeated. He had little to say after the fight. Larry Merchant, a boxing analyst, quickly interviewed Bud after the fight. " went down twice in this fight, what do you blame that towards?" Bud responded, "Well in the first round he caught me good, but I wasn't hurt at all. I guess I was just careless, that's all." Larry interegated some more. "Do you think him being cut sort of...altered his plans in anyway?" Bud was still breathing hard and was covered in water and sweat. "Yeah, I think it did. He came at me more if you look back at the tapes. But, I just kept my head cool, and I did what had to be done." Larry paused for a moment. "Bud, you just beat him for a second time...they say that every fighter has someone with their you think you have his number?" Bud thought for a moment, "I don't know if I 'have his number', actually, I wasn't too sure that I would beat him again. It was just my night, that's all." Larry Merchant held the mic close to his mouth. "Did you dedicate this fight to anyone or anything?" Bud responded, "Well, actually, yeah. I dedicated this fight to all of my anthropomorphic brothers and sisters out there. You know us Furries have been getting some bad publicity recently and some bad feedback as well. I just hope with time we can all learn to live together peacefully with all species." Larry pulled the mic back, but just then Bud started talking some more. "I also dedicated this fight to my man, Roy Paladin. He's the greatest champion to ever put on a pair of gloves. Without him, I would not have become inspired to be a boxer, and I wouldn't be a champion today. I would also suggest you check out his new art at the Sci Artists Guild. He's still a beginner, but nonetheless, I think he's doing ju--" Larry cut him off. "No plugs, champ." "Oh...sorry. Look, I'm just relieved that this is all over and done with. Oh yeah...hi mom." Larry saluted him off. "Congradulations, and great performance, Champ." "Thank you." Later that night Bud and his pals celebrated with a huge party at his mansion. It was a spectacular festival with over a hundred people showing up. Now Bud Gabson can finally relax. He earned it. The End