The Game of Cat and Mouse

Commission written for MistWing SilverTail
Do not use characters or ideas without permission from the writer and receiver

 A soft murring arose from the small, darkened room.  A small orange furred tabby cat, with numerous lighter orange striping, covered her pelt.  Her ears had a small bend near its tips, and her whiskers gave a small droop, somewhat hiding the sly looks in her golden eyes.  Looking nearby, she saw her friend, looking towards her in  a loving fashion.  She was quite short, but it didn't seem to hide the cunning in her own brown eyes.  Her body shone with light silver-gray fashion in the pouring light from the ajar door.
 "Hey, Mouse...." the cat whispered.... "I've been thinking...."
 Mouse perked her ears to the light voice bounding around the room.
 "Yes, Cat?  What is it?"
 "Oh, nothing...I was just long have we known each other?"
 Mouse closed her eyes, humming a soft tune in her mind and she found the answer.
 "About 2 years's been so long, hasn't it?"
 "Yeah....I can still remember how we met..."
 Mouse shuddered a little from the words, her eyes half-closed.
 "I can still remember it as if it were yesterday...."

 "I'm starving!  Man, have to get some food!"
 The mouse, slightly worn and thin, crept up the the corner of the humongous kitchen in her world.  Her figure was quite shallow, and her skin clung to the bones, thinning from nutrition lack.  She stared greedily towards the half open fridge, small entrails of saliva dripping from her muzzle onto the hard floor.  Quickly taking advantage of the situation, she bolted through the room towards the fridge, blinded by her own desire.  As she dipped towards the door, she tripped and fell, landing hard on her forearms.  She forced herself not to cry out in pain as a crack erupted from one of her limbs.  Small teardrops started to form at the corners of her eyes.
 "What the...oh, no..."
 Looking over, she saw her foot entangled in thin wires, a small sharp tip pointing out at each couple inches.  One of the points seemed to jab itself writhing her ankle, as small blood droplets leaked out.  Using her healthy forearm, she struggled to free her foot from the trap, the wire slowly cutting itself deeper into her and starting to eat through her paw.  Cursing, she felt her arm slip farther into the wire trap, felt it starting to consume her in a world of agony, felt it dragging her in.  She felt her body convulse as she struggled to force herself out, only to find the wires dragging her farther into the trap, as if its only purpose was to trap its victim and devour it whole.  Her breath started to come out in short wails as a constricting wire wrapped itself around her neck.  She started sputtering for air as the wire cut deeper, making  a small crimson river flow down her face and one the ground...she could feel herself falling deeper into the surrounding darkness....deeper.....her breath stopped....her heart slowed...and her eyes glazed over....

 A small purr surrounded her form.  She opened her eyes as a small warmth enveloped her, took her close inside.  Noticing her eyelids slowly letting in blurry shafts of light, she let them trace around her location.  The mouse noticed her small body was wrapped in small bandages, her broken arm mended, and a warm blanket covering the rest of her.  Looking up, she noticed what she had feared most of her known life - an orange furred femcat was staring right back at her with small, slit like gold eyes.  The mouse could only muster a wounded scream. The cat jumped back a little, startled.
 "No, no, it's okay, I won't hurt you....just calm down..."
 The mouse quivered in her bandages, unable to speak further.  The cat decided to try it once more.
 "Don't' worry, you're fine.  I don't really like eating mice, especially ones who need help...."
 The cat lied down on her belly so that she could be level with the mouse.
 "You see, you got caught in a wire trap....when I saw you at first, I thought you were dead...but when you gave that short breath, I just couldn't let you sit there and I cut you out o them and brought you here, so I could care for you..."
 She brought a small bowl of cream over to the mouse, still badly traumatized.
 "Here, you must be can have this."
 A sudden burst of energy radiated from the mouse's body and she lurched under the blankets and immersed herself in the cream, gulping it down as quickly as possible.  The cat laughed a little.
 "Hey, slow down there, you'll make yourself sick...heh."
 When the cat noticed her new friend was too immersed in her food to care, the cat shrugged and stretched herself out.
 "What's your name, little one?"
 The mouse raised herself out of the bowl.
 "I....have no name....everyone just calls me Mouse, so I let that be my name..."
 The cat nodded in approval.
 "I understand...I never had a name myself.  You can call me Cat.  Seem fair?"
 The cat gave a large grin at her friend's folly.
 "I'll take that as a yes."

 3 weeks passed by....
 Mouse awoke to the sounds of morning and the smell of fresh milk from the bowl.  HEr bandages were gone, and her forearm was a good as new.  She looked around and noticed her friend, Cat, was nowhere ot be found.  Standing up and stretching her body out, Mouse walked around a little bit, unable to see the one who had cared for her for so long.  It was as if the last few weeks were just a dream.  A sudden roar from behind caused her to cry out in shock.  The cat suddenly appeared in front of her a large grin on her face.
 "Hello, Mouse!  How are you today?"
 Trying to catch her breath, Mouse looked up at her friend and growled.
 "What the heck are you trying to do?  Kill me?"
 "Now, if I wanted to do that, I would have done it a long time ago.  I was think about this idea last night..."
 Mouse sat down on her tail and sighed.
 "What is it, Cat?"
 Her grin grew even wider as she knelt down to her friend.
 "We've known each other for awhile now...and I thought it was time that your services."
 The cat nodded.
 "Yep.  I did care for you and all, and I thought...well, you would accept my offer..."
 The mouse stirred in her seat a little as the cat stretched herself out again.
 "How about....we play a little game?  A bondage game."
 "Bondage?!  Forget it!  I'm not playing!"
 The cat looked back a little, stunned.
 "Hear me out first, Mouse....all we do is every now and then, I try to catch you in a trap or something...nothing life threatening, just for fun...and you can do it back to me when you see fit.  Does that seem fair?"
 The mouse moaned reluctantly as the thought entranced itself in her head.
 "I don't know....I just don't like the idea, that's all..."
 " owe about this, then.  If you don't like the game, just tell me and we'll quit.  Okay?"
 "Well....okay. I do owe you, after wouldn't be fair if I just said no like that."
 The cat murred, knowing she finally had her way, and now had a new playmate to enjoy her little game with now.  Giving the mouse a small lick, she went off to go about her daily routines.

 Mouse grinned a little as the thought passed through her head.  She did have to admit, no matter how painful their meeting was to start, everything seemed to turn itself around in the end.
 "You're right, Cat....we did have a good time together so long ago..."
 Cat grinned slyly as Mouse took her tail in her paws and played with the tip.
 "Yep...heck, I even remember our first game."
 Mouse found her own smile protruding from her lips.
 "Heh, yep...I have to admit, I was worried the first time we played..."

 Mouse quaked a little as she sat in a dark corner, Cat moving around on her paws, shifting her gaze just so to spot her target.  Cat grinned as she stared ahead, noticing a small rope loop nearby the open doorway, prepared to suspend it's victim in the air and wrap them up with thick, tight ropes.
 (This is all too easy...I hope Mouse is ready to learn what it's like to play my game...hehehe....)
 Looking to no avail, Cat shrugged and moved farther forward down the narrow hallway.  Listening to the pawsteps grow fainter, Mouse climbed into the empty space, and looked around for obvious escapes.
 (Oh, geez....I can't believe I let her talk me into this....)
 Her heart lurched as a rope extended from the ceiling to the doorway, ready to snare its victim into a trap.
 (She expects me to go into that trap, I know she does....I don't even know what she'll do afterwards....huh...)
 Taking a small step forward, she felt the floor here wasn't carpeted like most of the house.  Small, thin tiles stood in their place.  Mouse soon realized that she had reached the kitchen.  She giggled a little as he fear left her thoughts disoriented.  Looking left and right, she noticed the hallway was carpeted where the kitchen started, and where it ended far to her right where she saw the trap.  The fridge was slightly ajar, filling the room with a strange coolness.  Her smile widened as an idea popped into her head.
 (She did say I could trap her just as well as she could me....maybe it's time to test that theory out...)
 Scurrying quickly towards the kitchen, Mouse drew the fridge door open, and squandered around the contents, pulling out the item she wanted - a large packet of butter, a thin color and texture to it, as everything seemed to play out as she figured.  Making sure that Cat was not in sight or unable to smell out her plan, she opened the packet and spread a large ball of the substance in her paws, spreading it along the floor, aligned perfectly with the hallway path, working as quickly as possible.  Hearing pawsteps coming once more from her left, she slid the butter pack as far as it would go out of sight, praying that she could make this work...
 (God, let this work, please....)
 Stepping into the hallway, she displayed herself right into Cat's eyes, a grin on her face.  Cat grinned, knowing that Mouse would have nowhere to run, but right into her quite obvious, but unavoidable trap...
 "You're making this too easy, Mouse!" Cat exclaimed as she ran for her.  Mouse felt her stomach quaver inside her as she ran towards the kitchen, noticing her adversary closing in to set her in the trap...
 "You're mine Mo--WHOA!"
 Sidestepping just at the right moment, Mouse moved out of the way from the buttered path, Cat stepping directly on the mess, unable to regain her footing and feeling herself slide uncontrollably out the room and into the hallway, her body rolling and crashing about as she rammed into the doorway, groaning in pain.
 " fair, Mouse, you're supposed to trap me not"
 Cat's voice wavered off as she felt a strong tug on her tail, lifting her upward and around, hissing as the rope wrapped and whirled itself around her body.  Mouse ran up the hall to see Cat, bound in the rope, only her head popping out from her trap.  She laughed uncontrollably as her fear melted away, replaced with sheer glee.  Cat merely hissed, her eyes half-closed.
 "All right, Mouse, I get caught my trap and sent it back on me...very funny."
 "Hheheee...yeah, it is....heheh...HAHAAHA!"
 Cat gave a soft moan as Mouse's laughs echoed through her head.
 "It was too obvious...anyone could avoid it....well, at least you're getting the game down now."
 " know, I kinda like this game now...I'm glad you suggested it!"
 "Well, next time, my trap won't be so easy to spot OR be ready..."
 "Yeah...sure, Cat, VERY sure."
 Noticing her friend was no longer happy or pleased, Mouse sighed.
 "I'm sorry for laughing at you, Cat...I mean, al you wanted to do was play, and I turned it into a disappointment."
 "No, you didn't...I'm glad that you're happy.  I mean, you were quivering when I suggested this game, now you actually want to do this.  So I don't mind a little embarrassment."
 Cat grinned mischievously.
 "Besides, this is just the beginning."
 Mouse shared the happy smile Cat wore.
 " how about I get you down and we clean up the mess I made?"
 Cat murred softly under her binds.
 "Sure thing, pal."

 Mouse giggled as she finished the memory.  Cat gave a small smirk towards her.
 "Yeah, yeah, I know, it was a stupid trap idea.  I wanted to start small anyway to make sure you wanted to get into the game."
 Mouse grinned towards her feline friend.
 "But you have to admit, if it weren't for that game, I would have never wanted to keep the bondage games up."
 "That's true.  I guess it was a blessing in disguise that you reversed the trap on me."
 Cat soon had that strange sly grin Mouse was so familiar to, and it usually meant a good idea or a really nasty memory.  And she already knew what was going on.
 "Hehehe....I remember that one trap I used on you a while after the first one.  I still can't stop laughing about how simple it was to use...."
 Mouse felt her ears droop with embarrassment and despair as Cat continued her memory aloud.
 Mouse walked slowly along, a small tune in her head, and a kind thought in her mind.  Walking around a little while, she had noticed that it was suddenly quiet....but Cat had no real place to go, so she just blew the fact off and continued down the hallway.  A thought suddenly struck in her mind as she sniffed the air around her.  A faint odor of her favorite cheese brand wafted into her nostrils.  Letting it cloud her mind, she walked through the hall, looking around for the source.  In the distance, a thin tail wagged happily as the faint sound of footsteps grew louder along the bright white and yellow carpeting, holding a small treat in her paw that Mouse would never get to fully enjoy.
 (Just a little farther, my'll see exactly how much fun I can have....hehehe....)
 Mouse took one more step forward, stopping for a moment and sniffing the air once more.  It was strange...a faint musk had surrounded the cheese aroma, but she wasn't quite sure what it was, the scents blended in too well...not to mention the floor felt slightly weird here.
 (Probably just me...maybe it's near the trash or something...but it is nearby...can't resist....)
 As she moved forward, she found herself falling towards the floor, towards the strange carpeting, landing hard on the surface.  She squeaked out loud as the carpeting matted itself on her belly fur, taking hold of her feet, her arms blending in with the floor.  Only after looking over the ground did she realize that it wasn't what she originally thought.  Bering her head up as far as it would go, she saw the familiar fur patters of her friend, a grin on her face as she held tight to the ball of cheese in her paw.  A small smirk crossed Mouse's muzzle.
 "I should have known that scent was you, Cat....what the heck IS this stuff?"
 Pulling at it, she fell back and she found it too hard to move.  Cat used her free paw to lift the trap from the ground and towards her, grinning.
 "This," Cat purred, "is my ingenious trap.  True, it's even simpler than the last, but by the looks of things, not very noticeable."
 (Great...I fall victim to a stupid trap for a piece of old cheese.  Boy, that's the last time I let a stereotype get the better of me.)
 "Who knew the glue and plastic holding blended so well with the carpeting?  Heh, sometimes I even amaze myself."
 "Ha, ha.  Very funny, Cat.  How am I gonna get out of this?"
 "Calm down, little one.  All I gotta do is this..."
 Placing the cheese down, Cat tended to removing the trapped mouse from the sticky trap, the victim squealing in pain as she progressed further.  Sinking her claws deep into her fur as to get a firm grip, Cat gave one sharp tug and a loud ripping sound ensued, followed by a great cry on pain.  Looking over to the empty trap and over to her friend, she had noticed that Mouse had apparently lost a majority of her fur on the front end, a small chill running down her body.  Cat couldn't help but laugh as she placed Mouse down on the ground, quite upset.
 "That hurt, Cat!  Look at me!  My glorious coat is ruined!"
 "HAHAHA....hehe....ohhh....I'm sorry, Mouse.  I didn't mean for your fur to get ripped out, I really meant to just get you in a good trap...but don't worry...your fur will grow back...I mean, it's not so...bad....hehe....hehehee.....HAHAHHAAH!"
 Mouse sighed heavily as Cat's ruse echoed through the halls, shaking her head.
 (Well, it isn't that bad, I suppose.  Wait until she finds the little gift I left in her food...heh.)

 Mouse shuddered at the thought of re-living that moment in her memory.  She practically shivered all month trying to keep herself warm.  Cat merely smiled at her rodent friend.
 "Heh, that was a good one, you have to admit that."
 Mouse grinned viciously at her comment, a look of envy and defiance in her eyes.
 "All right, you proved your point, it was a good one.  But what about the one I used a while back?  Man, you are such a sucker for catnip, I was surprised it worked so well."
 Cat closed her eyes and murred softly, imagining fresh catnip between her paws and biting down on the succulent substance.  She soon became lost in her own memory, unable to hear Mouse telling the story....

 A clear, sunny day, not a cloud to interfere.  A slight breeze swayed through the trees and massaged the grass, as the morning dew faded into a light list all around.  Mouse stood in the middle of a magnificent lawn, fidgeting around and making sure all the necessary traps were prepared and well hidden.  A sly smile passed her face as she focused on the weighted switch in the trap's center, being careful not to trap herself in it.
 "Hmm...all the wires are connected...everything looks sturdy...all right, let's try this out..."
 Taking out a small catnip filled chew toy from a nearby gift box, Mouse brought it near the center of the trap, slowly, as so not to destroy the plan altogether.  Taking out a small pen, Mouse tugged softly on the attached gift tag and labeled it just so that Cat wouldn't feel too bad afterwards.  After all, she was giving her friend a nice gift....
 Her ears perked as she heard the padding of Cat's paws on the soft grass.  Mouse scurried up the tall, bulky tree and hid in the branches, smiling as her rival neared closer.
 "'s pretty quiet today...I hope Mouse isn't up to anything....of course, it's not like she has a good trap or anything out here..."
 Suddenly, Cat's nose wriggled as a faint, lovely aroma passed her by.  Her eyes slowly glazed over, as a dreamy image surrounded her.  She grinned as she looked over for the source she was so familiar with.
 "Catnip...I know it's here...I have to find it..."
 A small stuffed toy lay in the distance near a large tree.  She edged closer to it, her claws extending slightly in preparation for the gift.  Upon approaching it, Cat felt her ears perk up to a strange giggle in the trees....but she let it pass, figuring it to be a bird anyway.  Taking the toy in her claws, she noticed a larger gift tag connected, an inked message stained onto the paper..."To Cat, From Mouse, Friends Forever."
 " sweet." Cat felt her eyes water a little as she poked a little at the toy, laying down to play with it, as she connected with a small, wooden object hidden in the thin grass shavings.  Whooshing sound surrounded her as the walls of a sturdy wood cage popped up from the grass, trapping her within.  Gazing upwards, she noticed the familiar figure in the branches, waving to her.
 "Hello, Cat.  Lovely day, isn't it?" Mouse giggled.  Cat smirked within the cage.
 "Yep, if you don't include the fact that I'm trapped in a cage."
 "Heh, just a little payback from that last one you pulled on me."
 Cat grinned and joined in the same giggle Mouse was in.
 "Yeah, I isn't as harsh a revenge, but it's one nonetheless."
 Mouse smiled from her position in the tree and pointed to the toy.
 "Like the present I gave ya?"
 "It was an actual present?  Not just for the trap?"
 Mouse shrugged.
 "Yeah...I really do mean it...we are friends, right?"
 Cat took the toy in her paws and clawed it a little, smiling as she struggled to blink the tears from happiness fro her eyes.
 "Yep...friends forever."

 "  Cat?  Cat!"
 Cat shook from the daze, regaining control of her thoughts.
 "Wh...what?  What did you say again?"
 Mouse groaned, putting a paw to her forehead.
 The feline murred softly again, getting the last thought of catnip out of her memory.
 " what I thin about it, another one of our little bondage games is coming to mind....remember that time you took a bath?"
 Mouse blushed a deep crimson, showing through her light fur.  She stammered a little bit as she tried to find the words through her embarrassment...
 "Wh-wh-what game?  I don't know what y-y-you-you're tal-tal-talking about...."
 Cat gave that too familiar smile Mouse could never forget.
 "Oh, you remember....heh, I know I do..."

 Mouse stood in a small opal bathtub, made especially for her due to her small size.  She took a small washcloth and brushed off the dirt she had to clean off from the last trap she set Cat up in...
 "I gotta remind myself...NEVER used dirt and mud as a quicksand trap again...ugh, I feel so dirty...."
 A click caused Mouse to look over and see two gold eyes peering right back at her.  She screamed and back away in fear.  The eyes soon took form in a noticeable head, and think laughter surrounding her.  Mouse growled at the figure.
 "CAT!  Gah, I can't believe you'd do that!  I'm trying to bathe here!"
 "Hahahaha...hehe....I'm sorry, Mouse, I didn't mean to scare you.  I just saw you taking a bath and thought I'd help you out."
 Mouse felt her face glowing red with embarrassment.
 "What?  Help me out!  No thank you, I prefer privacy, thank you!"
 Cat put a paw to her head and chuckled a little.
 "What does it matter?  You don't even wear clothes!  Come on, the least I can do is help you..."
 Mouse sat back into the tub, moaning with regret.
 "Alright.  Just don't get any ideas, okay?"
 Cat turned her head away, laughing once more.
 "What, me?  All I wanted to do was try this new soap I made for you, since I don't need to take actual baths...."
 "Really?  Well, what is it?"
 Cat opened the bottle and poured a thick, pink substance into the tub, which bubbled immediately, filling the room with a rose fragrance.  She tried to keep a straight face as she poured more into the tub.
 "I like to call it...." A Bubbly Surprise".
 The bubbles soon grew to larger shape, surrounding Mouse, as she tried her best not to touch it.
 "What the?  I don't like this soap very much, Cat!  Ahhh!"
 She screamed as a bubble, a little smaller than she was, sucked her form into the bubble, lifting her to the tub's surface.  Mouse dug her dew claws into the soapy bubble, but it held firm, raising her higher and off the tub as Cat gave it a small flick.  The bubble flew and hit the wall, bounding around a little with the rodent kneeling, unable to stop the movement.  As it bounded onto the sink, Cat went to face it, her eyes glowing sinisterly.
 "You should have known something was up, know I don't need soap.  And at least you're all squeaky clean now.  Hehe...."
 Mouse opened her voice, echoing all around the bubble she was stuck in.
 "Shut up, Cat.  At least I don't get hairballs."
 Cat smirked a little at Mouse's slurred comment.
 "Yeah, sure Mouse....*cough*...*cough*...*HACK*!"
 Mouse chuckled in her trap as she saw Cat spitting up a nasty chuck of hair from her throat.
 (I'm so glad I take baths.  Even this bubble doesn't seem so bad now...)

 Mouse's crimson color grew deeper as Cat finished talking.  She apparently had not forgotten the embarrassment she went through actually getting out of the bubble.  Cat noticed her blushing friend and smiled.
 "So you do remember now.  How the color in your face tells your tale so well."
 Mouse turned to her in a slight huff.
 "Oh, please!  I was just remembering how embarrassed I was when you pulled that stunt on me!"
 Cat shook her head and shrugged a little.
 "Suit yourself.  What you remember and what I remember is totally different.  Just don't trust cleaning methods and cats when they're used in the same sentence."
 "Uhhh....yeah.  You know, now that I think of stick situations, I think I remember that last one I pulled on took a lot of waiting to prepare, but, oh, man was it sweet..."
 Cat gulped a bit, closing her eyes.
 "Oh, boy, here we go with this one again....."

 The light strewn through the room's window as Mouse gave a sly smile, running her paws on a large pink ball of thick yarn, running her fingers a little through the fabric.
 "Hehe....I can't believe how long it took to get this entire trap ready...but it'll be finally worth it."
 As her paw finished through the ball, it rested on a rather large bucket, filled with water.
 "And all I have to do is add water. Hehehehe....."
 Mouse put a paw to her mouth as her giggles ran through the room, trying to muffle it the best she could as so not to give away her plan to Cat, who lounged on the couch in the other room. Managing to keep it in check for some time, Mouse grabbed hold of the ball and ran it through the doorway and out into the open hall.  Knowing how sensitive Cat was to catnip, she pulled out a small bundle from a pack and rubbed it gently on the surface, but not too much to set Cat's sense off right away.  With that task completed, she took the bucket of water and dragged it, due to it's weight from the water stored inside, and slipped into a large crack in the wall behind the drawer.
 (Oh, if Cat ever finds out what I did with that wall, she'd ear me to shreads....but it would be worth it if this works.)
 Once inside the darkened passage, Mouse pressed onward through a sloping path towards a deeper darkness, all the while her breathing echoing off the passage.  Each step she took seemed to sound like anvils on the ground as she dragged the bucket higher and higher, trying her best not to spill the contents.
 (Almost....there....just a little....further....)
 As her foot hit a flat surface, she sighed with relief.  Knowing she had finally reached her destination, she went to a small patch of light shimmering through the cracks.  Being careful not to cave it in, she grabbed a firm hold and pulled, tearing it off and placing it aside.  She looked below, and smiled as she saw the ball of yarn just below.  Taking the bucket and bringing it near the edge, all she needed to do now was wait.

 Cat slit her eyes open a bit, wriggling her nose as a familiar smell went through her nose.  It seemed to blend with another scent, but she was uncertain.  Shrugging and standing up, she stretched as she leaped off the couch and stretched, the smell growing stronger.  She hummed a bit as she walked towards the incoming smell, growing stronger as she neared the hallway...
 As she turned the corner, all that was there was a solitary ball of purple yarn.  Mouse looked from above and giggled as she neared the ball of yarn.  Cat stopped.
 "Wait a minute...there's nobody here and there's a ball of yarn..."
 Cat looked around with suspicion.  Mouse held her breath and prayed that she didn't look above and to the ceiling, or she'd notice the crack and all her work would go to waste....but it passed, and Cat shrugged, taking the ball in her paws and batting it around.  Mouse sighed with relief and watched with patience.
 (Come on, Cat...that's it...have fun...)
 Cat batted it around, her grin widening as she purred.  She laid on her back and knocked it in the air a bit, and tugged on the end, the loose thread wrapping itself around her body, all the while she was purring louder.  With a short laugh, Mouse grabs the bucket and tipped it softly into the hole and down on Cat.
 "What the?  AAAHH!"
 The water soaked through her fur and Cat's happy purring soon changed to a roar of anger.  As she tried to pull the yarn out of her matted fur, it seemed to clump together, sticking to her paws.  Her eyes widened as she found the yarn, wrapped around her body, was stuck on her.  Mouse laughed from the crack in the ceiling, hearing Cat's angry wails.
 "Mouse!!  Urgh!  I can't believe you did this!  Agh!  No fair!!"
 Cat rolled around, the yarn matting itself deeper in her already wet fur, causing her to pant with frustration.
 "Awww..don't worry, my dear feline friend....all you gotta do is let it dry, and it'll crust right off....of course...."
 Mouse grinned as she waved the bucket from the hole.
 "That's if I EVER let it dry....heheheh...."

 "Ugh...I've never been able to look at a ball of yarn straight since."
 Mouse grinned, facing her friend a little.
 "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know yarn scared you so much."
 "Oh, shut up!" Cat hissed at her.  Mouse merely shrugged.
 "All right...if that's what you want."
 The tabby started off with a dazed look, and a brief memory flashed in her mind.  She smiled as her lips parted again.
 "Hey, I have a good, sticky one...even worse than the last one I got you in."
 Mouse hummed a little.
 "Hmm...refresh my memory on that one.  I totally forgot it!"
 "Heh, from what I did, I'm surprised you actually forgot..."
 Cat purred a little as she placed a firm sheet of flypaper right underneath Mouse's bed, while she snored softly.  It was quite large, perfect for what she planned.  No matter what her friend did, it would end up in a very sticky situation.  With everything set, she slinked out of the room and awaited for her friend to awaken.
 "Heheheh.....ooh, this is going to be a very fun sticky it will be when it's all done, too....hehehehe...."
 Time creeped by slowly as the morning wore on.  cat sat there, playing around with her tail tip and gazing every now and then to see if Mouse was awakening.  All she got was soft snoring and turning over a bit.  After 2 constant hours of waiting, Cat groaned a little.
 "Oh, come on....this is ridiculous."
 Sticking her head into Mouse's room once more, she decided to get things started before it was too late.
 "Oh, Mouse...wake up....Come on, I got something to show you."
 Mouse stirred and groaned as her eyes opened.
 "Cat?" Mouse yawned.  "What do you want?  I wanna sleep....*yawn*"
 "I wanna show you something.  Come on, get out of bed."
 Mouse gave her a skeptic look, he ears still drooped from weariness.
 "Oh, please, Cat.  You really expect me to fall for one of your tricks?  I already know what you're trying to do...get me out of bed, follow you to a room, and then you pull some lame trap on me.  Oh, no...not this time.  Now, if you don't mind....*yawwwwn* I'd like to sleep."
  Turning groggily, she rolled over in her bed and fell back asleep.  Cat moaned a bit with frustration.
 (Great....I can't get her out that way....and if I don't hurry up, she'll wake up and find my trap....wait...she didn't know I already had a trap set.  Heh...I got it....)
 Rushing over to the kitchen, Cat rummaged through the closet and pulled out a match and took out a large piece of paper.  Grinning viciously, she went back, stopping a little way before Mouse's room, being sure that she wouldn't know about what she was gonna try to do....
 (I know this is risky...I could set the whole house on fire.  But with any luck, I'll make this work...)
 Sparking the lighter in one paw, she spread the flames across the paper as it leaped across and sent billowing smoke around.  Trying her best not to cough, she forced it the best she could around the hall and her room.  With one loud bellow, snuffing out the remaining flames, careful not to burn herself, she called into the room, as the smoke kept circling about.
 "FIRE!  FIRE!  Mouse, get up!  We gotta get out of here!"
 Mouse sprung from her sleep, looking around worried as she noticed the smoke creeping softly into her room, the rest stuck in the hallway just outside.
 "A fire?  Oh, geez!"
 Jumping out of the bed, Mouse started to move forward to the door, but fell flat on her face, felling herself stuck to the floor.
 "Oh, not again!!  Urgh!  CAT!!"
 Cat creeped in, noticing Mouse stuck, face first, in the flypaper she was stuck on.  Taking the sheet with the rodent stuck on, Cat grinned as she took it in her paws and started rolling up.
 "Heh, don't worry, Mouse, the house isn't on fire...course, that doesn't mean I wasn't gonna trap you...hehe..."
 Finishing the job, Cat brought an open end to her face, seeing Mouse's embellished face, scowling at her.  Cat purred a little.
 "Hey, it's only fair that you get what you deserve.  Besides, I am leaving an air hole for you...."
 Taking her free paw, Cat snipped the other end of the flypaper sheet closed, darkening the tube inside.  Mouse, unable to speak, merely growled in her trap.  Cat gave her vicious grin once more.
 "Hehe....poor little mouse.  Don't worry, the flypaper will come off eventually....once I let you go, that is...I think you  would make a good fy swatter for a while...."
 Mouse merely sighed and closed her eyes as she felt herself move onward with Cat, towards the billowing smoke, seeming to rise faster, as the heat seemed to grow.  The tabby gulped, worried.
 "....oops....maybe I shouldn't have used that fire bit...."

 Mouse growled a bit, her eyes half-closed.
 "Yeah, I still remember that one...good thing the fire department got here in time..."
 Cat gave a slightly awed look towards her.
 "Hey, at least we still have this house, right?"
 "So, let it go."
 "...all right...."
 Cat grinned and laughed a bit, her face twisted with happiness.  Mouse glanced over to see why she seemed so happy.  Noticing the glare she was getting, Cat decided to let her little thought go, knowing the reaction she would.
 "Hey, Mouse....remember the time we both got caught in each other's traps?"
 Mouse closed her eyes a bit, trying to think back, a smile growing on her thin muzzle.
 "Hehe...this is perfect!"
 Cat grinned widely as she tied the rope piece into a firm loop, placing it deep in the carpet as so to hide it from sight in the thin hallway.  Upon finishing it, she walked back into the living room, making sure that everything was perfectly set.  Looking towards the walls, her smile broadened as it was surrounded with nice flypaper, prepared to send the victim into a nice cocoon of flypaper, with just enough room to breathe.  But it would be a trap to remember for a long time.
 "Now, to wait for Mouse to walk by...all I have to do is think of how to do it..."
 Lost in her thoughts, Cat walked down the hall, pondering how to spring the trap on her rodent friend.  Just as her presence vanished, Mouse looked into the room, peering inside...all she saw was a few pieces of furniture, and a bit of flypaper attached to the walls, probably to catch the flies that were coming by more and more often lately.  She grinned as she went to the wall opposite to Cat's trap, unbeknownst to her, carrying a multitude of devices with her.  Taking care not to make noise, she set to work building her trap, carefully....

 Mouse walked through the hallways, satisfied with her work and prepared to trap her friend, should she decided to catnap in her favorite corner again...she would be in for a big surprise.  As she neared the hall, she saw the feline, cleaning her fur on the hallway's end.  Mouse gave a stern look towards her.
 "Cat...what are you doing?"
 Breaking off from her cleaning, Cat looked at her friend, scowling.
 "Me?" Cat said.  "I'm just cleaning my fur.  That's what I do.  I just find this spot comfortable."
 "Oh, please," Mouse smirked.  "This is a trap, I know it is...all I do is take a step forward....and..."
 Mouse placed her foot straight into the hidden noose, retracting quickly to her movement.
 "AIEEEEEE!"  Mouse squeaked as the trap dragger her from the hallway and past Cat, who firmly stood aside, watching Mouse fly towards the corner.  She smashed harsh into the wall, the flypaper consuming her body.  Within moments, the paper matted around her and surrounded her form, keeping her suspended by the dangling rope.  Managing to wriggle her muzzle free from the trap, Mouse took a few sharp breaths from inside her cocoon trap.  Cat laughed a bit.
 "Course," Cat chuckled, "I never said WHY it was so, if you don't mind, I'm gonna nap now..."
 Taking a good stretch, she walked over to the corner.
 "Have a good night, Mouse, you'll need ITTTTT!"
 As she stepped into the corner, a rope dragged her up into the air, twirling her around, feeling a tight cloth wrap itself around her.  Spinning furiously, Cat tried to notice what was happening, but it was too late after the cloth covered her eyes.  She twisted in the trap, trying to get out of it.  Listening faintly to the muffled cries in her cocoon, Mouse laughed a bit.
 "Serves....ya....right....", Mouse strained from her mouths under the tight paper.  As the sun set streaming light into the half-closed window, they remained in their traps, unable to move a muscle.

 Cat smiled and opened her eyes more.
 "Yeah....that was interesting.....ugh....I couldn't remember how we got out of it....owww....darn chains...."
 Cat struggled against the chain links surrounding her body, binding her arms to her sides, only her shoulders and head protruding from them, her tail hanging from a similar chain.
 "So...." Cat said to Mouse, unable to move much herself, trapped in a firm wire cage, her own body bound by leather straps. "....any ideas on how we get out of this one?"
 Mouse gave a firm groan under her restraints as the night creeped into the house.  But, despite the struggle she had in her trap, all she could do was muster a smile and a firm laugh.

The End

    Editor's Note
        Ah, another day, another story....this one was written for a FurBid auction for MistWing SilverTail.  As you proabbly can tell, this sort of seems like a Tom and Jerry-type story.  That's actually what the story is based on, only a few minor replacements.

    This was actually pretty fun to write, to my own amazement.  Being my first PUBLISHED story outside of my current characters, it gave me a break from them for a little while.  Not to say, that I'm tired of writing them, but I don't limit myself to just that, so this was pretty cool.  I especially enjoyed writing the Cat caught in Yarn scene, gave me a few chuckles as I typed it out.

    Well, anyway, that's it for my boring little notes ^_^  Thanks again, MistWing, for bidding on this auction, and I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

    Cya later!

    Rudolph "Rudy" Bradford