Untie My Wings
About this chapter
This is a story I've been working on for about seven or eight years now. It takes place in an Antrho setting, meaning all of the characters are anthropomorphized animals.

This story is about Alleah, a bat who was kidnapped and sold as a slave at a young age. In this chapter, she is finally sold by the slave dealer to live with a kind, aging owner, but a younger abusive master.
Chapter 2: Beyond the Walls
Despite the fact I had no control over the events to follow, I felt I was going back on my promise when I was bought soon after. Kobi and I did much bonding for the short time we were together, and that made it all the worse to separate us.

I was in the middle of attempting to calm Kobi by telling him a story, when my future owners walked into the building. At first they paid me no heed, and I, too, ignored them, to continue the weaving of my tale to the young mouse in the next stall, my first friend.

Kobi stared up at me with his eyes wide, hanging on my every word as I continued to improvise my story, having had none told to me in my childhood one must have wondered where my imagination came from. Apparently the prospective buyers did as well, as they stopped near my stall and looked me over. I saw the movement out of the corner of my eye but more or less ignored them completely, finishing my story... a tale of freedom and happiness, of a world without wars or pain or slaves.

I finally turned to see them as I heard one of them applaud my tale, and faintly glowered at them as I was in the habit of doing to all buyers, perhaps attempting to intimidate them off. It'd worked mostly before, most other owners wanted a slave who was going to obey, and quickly. I showed them that I wouldn't do a thing I didn't want to do, despite the consequences, until they became frustrated and left. I already bore many scars of my pertinaciousness, inside and out, from frustrated shoppers as well as some of the several auctioneers.

But my defense was obviously not working on the two there today. This was the first day I met the two who would become my owners... the man who would buy me, and the man who would control me. I was also in the custom of carefully inspecting each potential buyer as they entered, and took the opportunity to do so now. The smaller man, who was to be my owner, drew my attention to him first. The coyote was dressed... flashier, the turquoise colored fabric of his clothing was embroidered with gold thread in a magnificent swirling pattern. He definitely seemed to like showing off the fact that he was wealthy. He wasn't particularly unhandsome despite the fact that he was older, and I admit the same of the other.

The taller, more intimidating man stood behind him. I noted that as I glared at him he glared back. His eyes were the color of a storm-battered sea, a turbulent shade of grey-green. There was something terrifying in those eyes. The man was frightening in body, apparently being an odd combination of my species and also of wolf... but in spirit, I swear I felt the presence of pure evil emanating from him. His eyes seemed to become pools of darkness descending into nothingness. My glare faltered as his pierced into me, and I can recall visibly flinching as he narrowed his eyes at me. It was possibly the first time I'd ever felt truly frightened of someone.

I wasn't listening to a thing of what was said around me, and the dark, demon-man appeared to be doing the same. I had a vague realization that something was happening, but found myself unable to break myself from those violent storm-colored orbs that continued to bore into me like a skewer, almost thinking that if I so much as blinked or breathed he'd harm me, the buyer subjecting the seller to a lengthy list of questions and concerns before deciding on a price.

For those of you that care to know, the value he placed on my life and my freedom was disgustingly low. Several years of attempting to sell me with no success whatsoever Jeno and the others were fairly eager to get rid of me to make room for a more agreeable slave, one who was less stubborn and who would bring in more than the pathetic handful of coins I finally fetched.

Jeno and the coyote talked for a few moments as I remained in this numb state for longer than I'd care to remember, not listening as I was told I was leaving, nor as my chain was unhooked from the wall. Some semblance of conscious thought finally returned as the frightening gaze of the other was finally diverted. I was still in a dumb state of confusion as the chain was handed to the owner of that horrid glare, a vague realization that something was wrong finally coming to me.

Even so, I offered no resistance to being led out of the building, besides lagging behind somewhat (which each time was met with a vicious yank on the chain by the one holding it) to look behind me at the others... wondering to myself if I wanted to leave, or if I'd preferred to stay there for the rest of my life... or perhaps purposely cut it short like the boy I'd met my first day there. But those thoughts weren't worth anything, I couldn't change what happened that day, though I do wish it hadn't, especially since in retrospect I know what I was headed for.

My eyes glazed with tears I refused to shed, I walked with my head bowed behind the two leading me... my owner in front, the slave master ahead of me and me lagging behind yet again. My wings were bound to my sides, and the chain attached to my wrists. It is difficult to imagine anything more degrading than being lead outside by someone who is your legal owner. Just knowing you are property, an object someone could buy, is demeaning.

I was lead to a carriage which was waiting outside for us, which was lavishly decorated, after all, my buyer was an important person. After the coyote stepped into the carriage, I looked up just as the slave master delivered another harsh tug on the chain, and I stumbled slightly. His stoic features finally offered the slightest hint of an expression as the space between us was diminished... his lips twisted into a faint grin as he grabbed my wrist. Twisting my wrist much harder than necessary, I noticed how strong his grip was as he shoved me into the carriage. I also noticed that he seemed disappointed I had been tolerating his mistreatment thus far with a detached air and silence. At that moment I silently resolved to never let him hear me cry in pain, deciding he didn't deserve the satisfaction of hearing it.

The interior of the carriage was dark, limited light filtering through the curtained windows. The seats were plushly lined, and red. The close confinement of the vehicle might have been comforting to me if I hadn't been sharing it with them. At the moment I hated them both, though had little reason to do so (other than the bit of abuse the slave master had already administered). I drew my knees up to my chest, and shut out the world as I stared at the window, completely disregarding anything that was said to me during the entire trip.

The trip seemed to last an eternity. After a while, my new owner and slave master had given up on trying to get me to speak, and returned my silence. Nothing was heard at all but the tramp of the horses drawing the carriage, and the occasional howl of wind that whistled over us without an effect. I felt so alone, and so cheapened...

The carriage jerked to a halt, prompting me to cautiously push aside the crimson curtain covering the window and examine my new surroundings. We seemed to be caught in a traffic jam of sorts, having just entered a very large town. We seemed to be near a sort of market, with people milling on both sides of the road, each side lined with small shops selling this and that, everything from food and clothing to pack horses and et cetera. I watched curiously, as I heard the coyote remark offhandedly of my fascination with such a common occurrence. But I wasn't listening, I was watching the so-called commoners, following them with my eyes and wishing I could be outside with them.

Getting through the market took a long while as well. Though the people in the road parted to let the carriage through, it seemed to inch along the entire way, and I glanced behind us to see that the road fill with people again after we'd passed. I watched the people outside closely, none of them watching me back, as I longed for the freedom they knew, that which I'd been deprived my whole life. I let the curtain fall, and curled up once more, burying my face in my arms, not wanting to confront the reality I was now faced with.

I looked up again as I felt the carriage stop once more. I tentatively pulled aside the curtain again, and was surprised to be met with the sight of a huge palace before me. The coyote often told me that the palace was not so large, though I'm not sure by whose standards that statement was made. Most of my life had been spent confined to a single stall, the palace seemed utterly enormous. I squinted in the harsh sunlight that reflected off a shallow pool in front of the building, not used to the brightness of the day. Not only was I normally nocturnal but it'd been so long since I'd seen natural daylight I couldn't remember it.

The fox who was driving the carriage opened the door, and the coyote stepped out. I hesitated, not wanting to walk with the slave master behind me. He didn't head out either for a moment, and he glared at me again before following the coyote. I swallowed, and hesitated more, having forgotten the chain around my wrists until a savage pull on said chain reminded me of its presence, and who was carrying it. The jerk on the chain nearly caused me to topple from the carriage, but I managed to maintain my balance as I stepped from the vehicle.

I was led inside the palace, which seemed even bigger on the inside than it had on the outside. I still wasn't listening to a word the coyote said, so fascinated with the bright colors and lavish furnishings of the palace. I didn't notice how far we had walked, nor did I particularly care. I vaguely heard as the coyote spoke both of their names, his was Alec. The slave master's was Vladimyr.

Though I'd paid attention to little else during my time thus far, I noticed as Alec left. Vlad had apparently been instructed to show me to the communal slave quarters, and he began to walk away with my chain. I was all but dragged along as he quickened his pace just to make following difficult, and every time I asked him to walk slower he would speed up.

He seemed to be refusing to speak to me, and other than the occasional request for him to slow down for me I didn't want to talk to him either. I stopped saying even this much to him, as he continued pulling me through the corridor, closer to my new home.

He opened a large door, and shoved me into the room. He didn't bother unlocking the chain, keeping it attached to my wrists and simply flinging it after me into the room. I glanced around the room as the door slammed, noticing each and every head in the room snap towards the door expectantly. Apparently I wasn't whoever they expected, and them seemed to relax. I briefly wondered what they were on edge about, but didn't think about it too hard. I was absolutely exhausted and depressed.

One thing I did notice before crawling into a corner and shutting out the world again was how luxurious the room was. It was a million times better than my stall at the auctioneers', comparing the two would be like comparing a disgusting sewage pit to a rose garden.

Despite the beautiful conditions, the place was steeped in misery, the light from many candles and torches kept low and the soft sound of weeping heard near constantly. From afar it was the picture of Utopia, nearer the muttering of curses and prayers becomes audible. It was as if a lump of lead had been painted gold, the underlying suffering drowned out by the grandiose illusion presented to the outside world.

I tried to keep to myself. I didn't want anyone's pity as the 'new girl', and thankfully the others seemed to sense this, offering only a brief greeting and introduction before leaving me to my sullenness. Perhaps I was warning myself not to get too attached to anyone here, especially after what had happened with Kobi.

One of the slaves I lived with seemed particularly intent on trying to get me to feel better, however. The white rabbit's real name was Fabiana, but she was nicknamed Trixi. Her eyes were the color of silvery clouds, like fog in the early morning. She introduced herself to me, and the first thing she asked was if the slave master had hurt me.

"As of yet, nothing but my pride," I answered coldly, trying to wait her out. I didn't feel much like talking to anyone.

But the rabbit just nodded, and sat down, telling me in her actions that she wasn't going to leave until I'd opened up more to her. She proceeded to explain everything she knew about living here in Alec's palace, explaining what we were allowed to do and what we weren't, and what we were allowed to do yet shouldn't for reasons I was about to find out. She talked low, like she was trying to keep others from listening, though I knew she wasn't succeeding at that... at least within the room.

Fabiana was silenced, as well as the rest of the room suddenly. The thin chatter of dozens of voices was suddenly hushed, the praying and cursing all gone in an instant, and every head in the room snapped towards the door again at a sound that I'd hear all too often in the near future.

It was the crack of a whip.
Copyright 2006 Sophia Pacheco