Saibin Trence Alex Haimes "Hey Alex nice work we did out there today, your sniping has gotten a lot better." Saibin says as he sits laying his 20 mm off to the side. "Shit I never thought they'd find me though." Alex says as he walks in discarding a beaten riffle and scope. Saibin murs slightly and props his hind paws on the bench as he begins to take off his warn boots, "I heard you were grazed on the midsection of your side, but how badly would you say?" Alex sighs and takes off his shirt that supported a light feel of fluid to it. He casts the shirt along side of the riffle and makes his way to his locker near Saibin's. "Wow," Saibin begins, "that's not to bad of a wound, why didn't you pick up a medic kit on the way to the locker room?" Alex shrugs, "I know it would be easier to just kill myself and thanks to the military's machinery respawn, but I have issues with that method." Saibin looks up at him oddly, "Issues what type of issues, thanks to respawn we can finally fight to the death, in war and play..." Alex pulls out a small medic kit and lays it on the bench in front of Saibin as he says, "I'm afraid to die, I feel like if I die, a part of me may not be truly there when I am respawned. Like, how do you know, that you are really reborn, or if a copy of yourself is just reborn. There's no way to ask a dead soldier weather he's really dead or not, so there is no way you can tell. I want to live out though as many little bodies as I can, cause I don't believe you really live when you respawn." Saibin's eyes look between both of Alex's as he tries to think about what he was just told. Finally braking away and taking his own shirt off he stands up looking over at the other wolf's injury with curiosity, "There is no reason to fear death these days, but from what you said, there might be one. I never thought about it that way, all I knew was, 'Die, Respawn'." Alex nods and brakes his eye contact from his friend. Propping his legs up he starts to take off his own boots shaking slightly as he does, "I don't know where I was really born, out there on the play field tonight, or in my humble den when I was a kit." Saibin glances still at the wound before taking off his pants showing off all there was to see, sheath and all. "I don't understand, why did you become part of the game if you were so much afraid of death?" Alex sighs and takes off his own pants revealing his slightly peaking cock tip. "I have personal reasons why I'm here." Saibin nods as he sits slumped forward and watches Alex tend to his wound. "I mean," Saibin starts again, "I really like the idea that you and I can go out there and own them bustards, but I don't know how I feel about your fears.. you either except respawn or you don't there's no in-between.." Alex sighs some as he hears the words. Opening the kit he takes out a role of gauze and a bottle of peroxide, "we should probably go shower up, it'll be less of a scare if I clean this out first.." Saibin nods and looks behind him at the off white porcelain leading to the showers. Looking back at Alex he eeps as he sees him wipe a paw over the side of his muzzle and eye removing a tear. "Alex... It's not that big of a deal, its just respawn..." Alex shakes lightly looking down at the other wolf's tail, "no it's not that, it's something else I..." Saibin gets up and leans down in front of Alex looking up into his eyes trying to focus his attention, "Alex, you've always been a good friend, and an excellent fighter, but I've never seen you cry before, what's wrong?" Alex closes his eyes and looks away from Saibin's gaze, "Its nothing, I'm bounded by a code that I can't say why... and your such a good friend, I don't want to lose your trust." Saibin blinks slowly and looks down at the wolf's wound. Not really thinking about what he was doing he rests a paw on it and removes it seeing Alex jump some. "You said we needed to clean this out... Lay back..." Alex nods slightly and sits laying down on the wooden bench. The wounded wolf lays his legs to either side of the bents and his tail as well. Saibin says lightly, "this might hurt a little, just stay still if possible." Alex nods and closes his eyes waiting for the sting of Peroxide to burn over his wound. To his surprise it was met by first a soft feeling not by a towel, or by his friends paw, but him finds his friend licking slowly along the outside of the wound as he looks down. Alex lays his head back against the bench and murs slightly feeling his friend lick slowly about it and cleaning the surrounding fur. Saibin moves a paw up to either side of Alex's legs and holds down on them tightly as he shoves his tongue deeply into the wound.