Army Loves - Where do we go from here? - By DesertfoxNick( N.M.

"Hey Alex nice work we did out there today, your sniping has gotten a lot
better." Saibin says as he sits laying his 20mm heavily off to the side.
"Shit I never thought they'd find me though." Alex says as he walks in
discarding a beaten up riffle and scope. Saibin murs slightly and props his
hind paws on the bench as he begins to take off his warn boots, "I heard you
were grazed on the midsection of your side, but how badly would you say?"
Alex sighs and takes off his shirt that supported a light feel of fluid to
it. He casts the shirt along side of the riffle and makes his way to his
locker near Saibin's. "Wow," Saibin begins, "that's not to bad of a wound,
why didn't you pick up a medic kit on the way to the locker room? Or better
yet, pick yourself off to get respawned.(?)" Alex shrugs, "I know it would
be easier to just kill myself and thanks to the military's machinery
respawn, but I have issues with that method." Saibin looks up at him oddly,
"Issues? What type of issues? Thanks to respawn we can finally fight to the
death, in war and play..."

Alex pulls out a small medic kit and lays it on the bench in front of Saibin
as he says, "I'm afraid to die, I feel like if I die, a part of me may not
be truly return when I am respawned. Like, how do you know, that you are
truly reborn, or if a copy of yourself is just reborn. There's no way to ask
a dead soldier weather he's really dead or not, so there is no way you can
tell. I want to live out though as many little bodies as I can, cause I
don't believe you really live when you respawn." Saibin's eyes look between
both of Alex's as he tries to think about what he was just told. Finally
breaking away and taking his own shirt off, he stands up looking over at the
other wolf's injury with curiosity, "There is no reason to fear death these
days, but from what you said, there might be one. I never thought about it
that way, all I knew was, 'Die, Respawn'. It was fun, and that's just the
way it was." Alex nods and breaks his eye contact from his friend. Propping
his legs up he starts to take off his own boots, shaking slightly as he
does, "I don't know where I was really born, out there on the play field
tonight, or in my humble den when I was a kit. Are my memories really mine,
or were they put there my the military."

Saibin glances still at the wound before taking off his pants showing off
all there was to see, sheath and all. "I don't understand, why did you
become part of the game if you were so much afraid of death?" Alex sighs and
takes off his own pants revealing his slightly peaking cock tip. "I have
personal reasons why I'm here." Saibin nods as he sits slumped forward and
watches Alex tend to his wound. "I mean," Saibin starts again, "I really
like the idea that you and I can go out there and own them bastards, but I
don't know how I feel about your fears. You either except respawn or you
don't, there's no in-between.." Alex sighs some as he hears the words.
Opening the kit he takes out a role of gauze and a bottle of peroxide, "we
should probably go shower up, it'll be less of a scare if I clean this out

Saibin nods and looks behind him at the off white porcelain floor and wall
tiles leading to the showers. Looking back at Alex he eeps as he sees him
wipe a paw over the side of his eye removing a tear. "Alex... It's not that
big of a deal, its just respawn..." Alex shakes lightly looking down at the
other wolf's tail, "no it's not that, it's something else I..." Saibin gets
up and leans down in front of Alex looking up into his eyes trying to focus
his attention, "Alex, you've always been a good friend, and an excellent
fighter, but I've never seen you cry before, what's wrong?" Alex closes his
eyes and looks away from Saibin's gaze, "Its nothing, I'm bounded by a code
that I can't say why... and your such a good friend, I don't want to lose
your respect or trust." Saibin blinks slowly and looks down at the wolf's
wound. Not really thinking about what he was doing, he rests a paw on it and
removes it seeing Alex jump some. "You said we needed to clean this out
right?... Lay back..." Alex nods slightly and sits laying down on the wooden
bench. Both The wounded wolf and Saibin lay their hind legs to either side
of the bench and their tails as well. Saibin says lightly, "this might hurt
a little, just stay still if possible." Alex nods and closes his eyes
waiting for the sting of Peroxide to burn over his wound. To his surprise it
was met by first a soft feeling not by a towel, or by his friends paw, but
he finds his friend licking slowly along the outside of the wound as he
looks down. Alex lays his head back against the bench and murs slightly
feeling his friend lick slowly about the hole and cleaning the surrounding
fur. Saibin moves a paw up to either side of Alex's legs and holds down on
them tightly as he shoves his tongue deeply into the wound.

Alex's jumps and growls of pain as Saibin pushes down into the wound with
his tongue. Alex lets out a deep breath as he gets used to the feeling of
Saibin moving his tongue slowly against the inner walls of the flesh. Alex
whimper's slightly, "Saibin what are you doing? That's fucking nasty."
Saibin looks up at Alex for a second as he moves his paw against the other
wolf's chest with a mur. Pushing lightly he signals for Alex to lay back
again. Alex nods slightly and lays his head back against the bench and
winces from time to time as Saibin cleans pushes in his wound with his

Saibin moves his arm and paw slowly back down the fur of Alex's chest.
Letting his arm's fur drag heavily over that of Alex's sheath before his paw
runs over the now half aroused member. Saibin murs slightly and places his
paw back on Alex's leg before nuzzling and pushing his tongue in deeper into
the wound. Holding down Alex's latest jump and looking over at the half
extended cock slightly retreat, he pushes in a couple more times before
slowly withdrawing his tongue.

Alex looks down at Saibin with a slight whimper and holding back a tear,
"Are you done yet? We should really be taking our shower." Saibin shakes his
head and says looking down at the tip of the other wolf's cock poking though
it's eyelet. He could smell it's keen aroma for quite some time now. He had
always smelt it for quite a time after realizing about his friend's
disposition. It was hard for him to ignore that smell since, but he didn't
want to believe that he could be the object of that type of affection. Nor,
did he ever have the thought too. Slowly, he looks up at Alex and says with
a slightly glazed look, "No, I'm not done yet. I believe there might be
another wound that need's tending too." Alex ear creeps itself to the side,
"I'm sorry?" Alex says slightly confused. "Lay back Alex, I told you before,
it might hurt." Alex nods slowly and lays back closing his eyes waiting for
Saibin to dig his tongue for the deepest depths of his wound again. Saibin
holds on Alex's legs like before, but this time to the wolf's surprise it
wasn't his wound's flesh this time that was licked, it was the very tip of
his cock!

Alex jumps up slightly and looks down at Saibin lightly kissing the bottom
tip of his pink meat with small dabs of his Tongue. "Saibin?" Alex says with
a whimper, "Why.... What, are you doing?" Saibin looks up at the peaking
wolf gaze and growls lightly not wanting to be seen this way. Looking like
some fagot kissing at another man's cock. He thought of himself better then
this, and didn't want to be seen this way just yet. He wasn't ready.
Bringing up a paw he pushes Alex back down to lay his head back. Alex not
knowing what to think lays his head back and closes his eyes feeling a tear
escape and run down away from his eye. 'What is he doing, I don't
understand. Does he know? Has he felt this way too all this time? Does he
knows how much this hurts, wanting this for so long, then without an
explanation or warning?' Alex's train of thought was soon broken by his
reaction to Saibin's paw lifting an cradling his fursack, stirring the two
weights held within. Alex can feel his eyes unable to hold back any more
tears. He sniffs so lightly he tries to hide the sounds from Saibin as he
heaves and sobs. 'This has to be a dream... It's to good to be true, I'll
only get rejected at the end.'

Saibin takes notice to these sobs and takes a minute to look at the extended
flesh just below his muzzle. "Alex..." He says as if slightly hypnotized by
what he had just done, "I know why you cry." Alex paws his arm against his
face before looking down at Saibin. Continuing he says, "I've only seen that
look before a couple times, but they weren't from any man I've seen that
look from." Alex nods slightly knowing exactly what he was talking about. He
has always tried to hide it, but deep down he wanted to be found out. Let
Saibin know how he really feels about him, then live happily ever after with
him being his mate. "Alex, the look I talk about is the one you seem to have
for me after a clan match that you weren't apart of. I'll come to the den
barracks, and you'll be so happy to see me, the look slips." Saibin says
quaintly as he rests his muzzle pushing the cock deep into the fur behind
it. He breaths in deeply taking in the salty scent of pre, and the velveteen
scent of cock skin. "Listen, I don't know what to say, I..." Alex is cut off
by Saibin talking against his member, "Alex, are you gay?" Alex eeps at this
question. Supposing it was a dumb question at first, but then as he thought
about it, it was hard for him to say yes or no. Speaking slowly and laying
his head back, "I'm not at liberty to say. I've never done this before, yet
I've always felt for you."

Saibin quivers some still feeling the nuzzled flesh throb and warm his nose.
Wanting to go farther he tries to move but is stunned into the position he
is in. Him, laying down, on the bench, with his best friend, and he had
actually kissed his cock. 'What the fuck is wrong with me, this isn't right,
why am I doing this... Argh! 3... 2... 1... Now....' Suddenly as Saibin
counts down to himself he takes Alex's cock by it's knot base and aims it up
for his muzzle where he pushes the tip of it in though his muzzles lips.
Keeping his eyes closed he tries not to visualize this is really him doing
this. He can taste the wetness in his muzzle not created by his own saliva
as the tender skin spreads his muzzle apart. Holding it there some he tries
to figure out what the tastes are. Sweat, Precum maybe? Hard being able to
tell what exactly he was tasting. He is more irked by the idea that what he
tasted was more sweat then pre. Then it was the other way around. He didn't
know what exactly he really wished he was tasting most of now. Was this what
cock flesh of another man tasted like? He was accustomed to his own taste as
that was the way everyone cleaned themselves. However, he had never taken
the liberty to suck himself off, let alone taste his own pre.

Alex closes his eyes waiting for his friend's next move. The feeling of his
cock's tip felt like it was in a sea of mush. Not moving, lingering, but
definitely warmed and wet. Slowly as Saibin becomes more accepting of this
situation, he does what comes naturally to him, mimicking the way he thought
his girlfriends had done to him orally. Pushing his head down towards the
flesh, he is taken of guard at it's length and makes a noise as the air in
his muzzle are replaced by that of Alex's throbbing meat. Pulling away, and
pushing back down slowly he keeps his eyes closed and gets accustomed to the
tastes and fullness of his muzzle.

Alex looks down with a slight scare as he hears Saibin's muzzle and throat
make these noises, 'oh god is he choking himself on my cock?' Looking at his
friend descend and lift on his member sends a shudder though himself and
lays back again. Saibin felt this and suddenly felt almost proud of himself.
Finally he opens his eyes and looks up at the teeth gritting wolf from his
fixed position. 'Wow, I'm doing this to another man with my own power. I
fell like I have control over him, but its like, a different control. I am
bringing him to his knees before me.' Saibin concentrates on the tip of
Alex's muzzle as he does some more tighter passes down the wolf's shaft with
his muzzle. He pushes down letting the cock go deep within his muzzle. His
elongated muzzle keeps the cock from going to far into his muzzle, but just
tickles the ridge to the lining of his throat. Leaving it there he uses his
paw's fingers to move around the wolf's balls, trying not to put to much
strain on them. Almost expecting it, he feels a small trickle of fluid start
to descend down his throat. Shuddering himself, he swallows over the tip of
the cock sending the lite juice down his throat to depths unknown to
anyone's pre. Even his own.

The wolf removes his muzzle's hold over the cock and lets his free paw hold
it by it's knot propped into place. He could feel the blood inside Alex's
knot throb as this cock stood happily, sucked by himself and no one else.
Continuing to mimic the way he's been tended to in the past, he takes a long
lap from the base of Alex's cock to the very tip. He definitely knows that
the splash of taste over his tongue he got from the tip was definitely
precum. Alex laid there trying to keep quite, his sobs of love almost
replaced by whimpers of lust and feeling. He shudders again as Saibin blew
air over the wet part of his cock sending a shiver of cold though to his
spine. Quickly though, it was warmed by the wolf taking the flesh back into
his muzzle and holding it again. Saibin's eyes lingered to the side to where
he had laid his weapon. Releasing his grip on the wounded wolf's fursack he
paws out for the bandoleer of 20mm bullets that lay off to the guns side.

Alex keeps his head laid back and lets out a deep breath feeling the sea of
warmth over his cock shift. He also winces at his hidden tongue, that digs
at the hole of his rod. He can feel his friend strain to reach something but
doesn't give it a second thought until he hears a mettle like click. Alex's
ears perk lightly to the sound, but then calms down again, 'Saibin must of
forgot to put the safety on..." Seconds later he winces to the feeling of
cold mettle at the only area besides his cock and wound that seem to have no
fur. Alex winces and grinds his claws into the bench as this cold mettle's
tip pushes against his tailhole. Saibin, taking a wild guess ponders to
himself as he suckles and laps at the cock's flesh before him. 'I can do
this, I'm doing this right now, I can do this for the long run. I can learn
to love this, for him. I'm so used to fucking though, can Alex take this? Is
it really possible fur us to be mated?' On that note he pushes the 20mm
round more forward and eeps as the resistance given suddenly puckers and the
mettle rod slips in quite easily thanks to the bullet's tip.

Saibin still unsure of himself didn't know if he felt he was attracted to
this or not. Thoughts wondering of whether he really wanted this, or whether
he let his thoughts get the best of him and he was creating this lie within
himself to do this for his friend. Slowly he releases his grip of the wolf's
knot, but lets his bobbing muzzle keep it rightly tended to. Lingering his
paw down his stomach, he was afraid of what he may, or may not find when he
would finally come to his sheath. His paw bumps against the tip of his
sheath but as he moved to pet down over his eyelet it was met by his largely
knotted cock. He mentally sighs with himself as a tear slightly forms, 'It's
okay...' He thought to himself, 'I can do this... I couldn't be this hard if
I truly didn't like this.' On that note he wraps a less then decent
proportion of his paw over the knotted base of his cock. Not feeling himself
this hard for such a long time, the sensitiveness of his knot told him he
was a volcano just inches from exploding. This must have gotten to him more
then he thought perhaps. To almost cum off of just the thought of what was
going on had to mean something. He moves his paw to his tip and jumps his
cock away from his paw as he feels how his own precum had been leaking for
quite a wile. It made his touch slick and very sensitive to the touch. So
much pre had escaped in fact, he could now smell his own scent of precum was
mixed with the smell of Alex's cock meat.

Saibin takes the tip of his cock in his paw again and covers his paw in a
suitable lather for him to paw off too. Keeping his imagination more alive
and less timid, he slowly begins to force the large bullet deeply into
Alex's ass. His own paw mimics what he believes to be the same depth of the
bullet, in like motions over his own meat. He does this as if he was
actually fucking him in his own mind. Alex whimpers in pain and pleasure
feeling the opening to his ass opened for the first time. Learning fast he
tries to relax his hind, but this was hard considering his cock was almost
ready to give more then just precum very soon. Saibin's body clenches as he
has the urge strongly builds in him to cum. Grabbing hold of Alex's tail
between his legs and holding it there he pushes more vigorously into the
wolf's tailhole with this bullet. Now both this bullet and his own paw
speeds up their pace.

Saibin's nose lets out a growling whimper as he spits out Alex's cock.
Beating slightly against the fur, it's not left unattended for long.
Saibin's gritting muzzle lowers to rub his chin's fur against the velvety
pink wet skin of the wolf's cock. He nuzzles and pushes at it's skin with
the tips of his muzzle and fur of his chin. Pushing the bullet in as far as
it can go, he loses it inside of the wolf's ass. Laying his own cock's dip
against the fur of Alex's tail, it tickles his last bit of control away from
him as he releases his first jets of cum that soak deep below the fur.
Feeling the worst of his muzzles grit going away, he turns his muzzle to the
side and laps out his tongue at the other wolf's cock tip. Griping and
lapping at it's tip he finds a small trail of cum ooze from it. Saibin
thinks to himself, 'there must be more, he's got to be holding back...' And
on that note he takes half his friends cock into his muzzle and suckles
harshly at Alex's lightly cumming member.

Alex whimpers in pain again as he hides a howl into his arms as this sudden
attention sends him past his point releasing long loads of cum into Saibin's
muzzle. Saibin is taken by surprise by exactly how much cum was being
expelled into his muzzle. Saibin was barley able to stand the taste and
swallowed just a little of this spit like ooze before coughing and choking
lightly. His muzzle opens as he feels much of the load roll down the tongue
of his muzzle and drip down to the fursack below this cock he has
familiarized himself with. He finally calms down releasing his last of his
own loads against Alex's tail. They seemed to have traveled high close to
the wolf's tailhole, but the most of it was soaked into the fur right below
his cock. Saibin lays down and rests his head on the wolf's stomach.
Nuzzling down he places the tip of Alex's cock in his muzzle and lets
himself suckle at whatever might be left of the shaft's cum.

Alex bends his head down to look at his love, and the position that he's in.
'This still can't be real, he's never showed any signs of wanting to do
this, god please don't let me wake up from this dream. I don't know if I
could stand to live one day longer without him if this isn't real. If this
is real, please don't let him leave, he may have never done this before, but
neither have I, all I know is that I loved him for the longest time. Oh, god
he probably hates me now, for being perverted or something, he's going to
blame me for what he's doing now..' Saibin nips lightly at the tip of the
fully knotted cock and kisses at it's tip again. Looking up at Alex he claws
his way up to meet his muzzle up to his. Alex's eyes shift back and forth
between Saibin's, scared and love filled at the same time.

Saibin brings a paw up to lightly close Alex's eyes then removes his paw.
Turning his head slightly and closing his eyes, he lets the lips of his
muzzle touch against that of the wolf below him. The lips of the other wolf
don't seem to respond right away, but when they do both muzzles open and
descend upon each other slowly. 'Oh wow...' Saibin says to himself, 'I've
never felt this conformable. With a girl I've always felt restricted, that I
was going to do, say, or touch something wrong. The way I feel right now
though, I know I could do anything with him, and he would love my affection,
not regret it.' Alex's own thoughts linger but with only the words, 'Thank
you god...'

Saibin's and Alex's lips part long after that. With tears back in Alex's
eyes he looks up at Saibin again. Saibin looks down and softly speaks, "It's
that starry eyed look that I've seen in you that told me. I didn't want to
except it though, I didn't understand how you could feel that way about me.
However, as time grew on, I became curious as to wanting to know why." Alex
remembered all the times he had let himself slip. Wanting to be found out,
but telling himself not to tell Saibin right out as not to want to lose him
and scare him away. "Saibin, are you gay?" Alex asks without thinking.
Saibin looks down and paws around Alex's ass before retrieving the mettle
cylinder and laying the strangely hot thing on the ground carefully. Looking
back up at him he cracks a whimper as he says, "the way I feel right now,
the way I feel with you, I don't know. I suppose I am strait, but it's
really clouded right now. I never knew I could be this way with another man,
so I never gave it a second thought and rejected the idea that I could love
like that..." Saibin's last word runs off slightly as he nuzzles at the
other wolf's neck. Alex speaks without thinking, "but the way you feel right
now has thrown everything you thought out of proportion."

Saibin nods lightly and stairs at his imaginary image of where he laid. On
top of his best friend, embarrassed and tail cum covered. That was his cum
on his friend.. His best male friend. What got to him was that it was his
cum, his seed. Was it a waist, or was it what he really wanted. He shifts
his tongue in his muzzle swallowing again, 'this is Alex's taste in my
muzzle, his cock, his cum, his seed. Does it belong there? Does anything
belong here?'

Alex could see it in Saibin's eyes that his thoughts were wondering. 'Oh
god, this is where he tells me he can't do this again. It's over, he's going
to reject me as a friend to stay away from me.' "Saibin, I... I.." Saibin's
concentration is broken and he looks back finishing Alex's statement for
him, "love me... I know. Remember I've seen it in your eyes. Since then I
couldn't keep the sent of your cock, even from a far, out of my mind. I
avoided you sometimes irked being able to smell your scent was so strong. I
didn't know how to handle it. However, I think I'm learning how I can." Alex
nods slightly, "Saibin.... Please.. Don't L...."

Alex's statement was cut off by the slamming of opening doors in the other
room leading to the lockers. Saibin ears perk, "crap they must of had an
unscheduled PUG, quick lets get to the showers before they find us like
this." Alex and Saibin growl and quickly try to clean up the bullet and make
sure their gear was in there lockers before just escaping the gaze of the
other entering wolfs. As Alex hides his tail's mess and both try to hide
there fully knotted cocks, Alex looks over at Saibin and asks, "Why now?"
Saibin lightly turns and meets his eyes with Alex's as they walk past the
corner and he replies, "You only live once...."