Foxy and Kitty: Episode 19 



“Now, with less force, Ben, remember- you’re using their energy against them, not giving yours to use against you.”

“Yes, sir.”

Kyle padded around the room full of kids, watching with attentive eyes while they practiced. They’d been at it for a good while and he was just about to ask for a group display when he sensed a new presence in the room.

He turned around to find a calico cat standing the doorway, watching him with uncertain eyes. It took him a few moments to realize who it was. After 3 months she’d finally made it back. Kitten looked good, but very different. You could see it in the way she stood and the look on her face. She’d gained a good measure of confidence and a fairly large backbone.

Kyle finally walked over and on impulse gave her a hug.

Kitten started, and then smiled, hugging him back before he pulled away.

“Finally decided to learn martial arts?” Kyle smiled at her, and she smiled back.

“Nah, not today. Looks like hard work.” She giggled as he groaned in protest. She suddenly got serious, as she continued.

“Actually I came by to see where I could find Kain.”

“You can find me if you’d just turn around and look.” Kyle closed his mouth and shrugged sheepishly at Kitten’s accusing look.

Kyle could see the moment where her old spirit almost took over as her ears dipped for a moment when she turned. She’d found something that gave her the strength not to run. He decided the kids needed watching and left the two to talk.

Kain looked just as she remembered him, complete with the scar over his eye and the dangerous expression on his face. His eyes were different. His eyes were drinking her in, but keeping his emotions secret at the same time. She had no idea what he was thinking, and although it scared the hell out of her, she stood her ground. She refused to let Teffy down.

“Where have you been, the number I called wasn’t one I recognized.” Kain leaned in the doorway and awaited the answer, watching her quietly.

Kitten raised her chin a bit as she answered. “Its where I used to live before I came here, where I went back to.” Kitten shifted, folding her arms and watching the children put on a display for Kyle. Kain was silent, and she knew he wasn’t going to help her say anything. She deserved it, but it was still hard getting the words out.

“Why did you come to the club that night?”

Kain shifted, and she could tell he was surprised, he hadn’t been expecting that question, and Kitten was curious why, turning to face him as he answered. It took him some time.

“Because you asked me there. I missed you and no dream was worth losing you…it took me some time to figure that out.” He looked directly into her eyes. “Why did you run?” She could hear the hurt in his voice even if she couldn’t see it in his eyes.

Her lips quivered and she had to look away. After a few moments she forced herself to look at him again and answer. “I was dead inside Kain. I’d just watched my best friend disappear and put my lover in the hospital. I…”

She gave up making excuses and finally told him the truth, looking into his eyes with all the regret she felt. “I ran. I ran away from everything. I ran instead of facing what I’d done and what had happened.”

His eyes never flickered and he gave no hint as to his feelings and she finally turned away. “I’m done running Kain. I have something I refuse to lose. Something that keeps me where I am. I don’t know what you’ve done these past weeks, but I know I’ve cried so many nights and woken up from nightmares more times than I can count. I’ve called out for the two people I thought I’d lost forever so many times that I was beginning to think Foxy might actually hear me.” She bowed her head. “I don’t want you to forgive me, I just want to know you at least understand. You can hate me, I deserve that. I just want to be able to put it behind me.”

She stepped away, but felt a large paw on her arm and glanced back. Kain was looking at her with his heart in his eyes and she simply stepped up to him and hugged him. He hugged her back tightly and finally spoke.

“I can’t hate you, I’ve tried. You’re right, we need to put this past us.” He paused and pulled back to look at her, once more she tiger she knew. “You’re with that rabbit you drew that day, aren’t you, that ‘Teffy’?”

Kitten looked at him in surprised, and then blushed. “Yeah.” She smiled up at Kain. “He’s home to me.”

Kain smiled at her and kissed her cheek. “As long as he makes you happy.” Kain looked a little sheepish. “I met my home a couple weeks ago.” He smiled down at her gratefully. “I knew I didn’t really deserve her until I sat down and talked to you. Holding onto the past hasn’t gotten me anywhere.”

Kitten hugged him tightly again with a smile.

“Perhaps we’ll see each other soon.”

Kain smiled back. “Perhaps.”

Kitten turned to wave to Kyle and found him right next to her. She hugged him. “Take care of him for me.”

Kyle grinned and winked at her. “Will do.”

Kitten grinned. “Later!” With that she makes her way out, her tail waveling happily behind her.

Kyle nudged Kain. “Friends now huh? Who’s this lady you spoke of?”

Kain watched her go, his eyes admiring the view before she disappeared behind a corner. “She doesn’t need to know that I still love her.” Kain smiled sadly at Kyle. “Perhaps what I said will come true some day.” He shrugged.

Kyle looked down the hallway with a thoughtful frown. “It will, it will.”


~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~


“Ha! Gotcha!” Was all Kitten heard before she saw a blurr of copper flying towards her for a pounce.

And moments later she was looking up at a dragon’s playful expression. Which quickly changed to horror. “Oh my god! I’m SO sorry!” He blushed like crazy and swiftly got off of her and helped her up. Kitten looked at him curiously as he shyly apologized up one sidewalk and down another.

Kitten giggled and asked curiously. “Who did you think I was?”

The dragon- who had copper scales and copper hair- both with highlights of green and purple, shuffled his clawed foot in embarrassment. “I was waiting for my friend to come out. She’s a bunny, with the same markings.”

Kitten laughed. “Gee am I glad I’m not her.” She grinned at him playfully.

He smiled at her. “Yep! She’s used to it by now though. Oh! I’m Alaric. Figure after running you over you deserve an introduction.”

Kitten frowned and shook her head as she had deja-vu. This was a lot like her first time meeting with Foxy. She smiled at Alaric and hugged him on impulse. “I’m Sanura, but everyone calls me Kitten.”

Alaric looked startled at her hug, but hugged her back. “Oh. I know why, you look like a kitten.”

Kitten giggled. “Yeah, I usually act like one too.” She winked. “But don’t tell anyone.”

He laughed. “Sure.”

“Are you waiting for your friend?” She looked around curiously.

Alaric shook his head. “Nope just trying to find something to do, summers are boring here.”

Kitten chuckled. “Wanna keep me company at lunch? I got a little bit before I gotta leave.”

Alaric shrugged. “Sure, why not? I’ll meet you there- where were you gunna go?”

“Oh that burger joint on the corner of Fritz and Yiffidge.”

Alaric eyes widened and he grinned. “They have the most awesome burgers there!”

Kitten giggled and proceeded to her car and spoke her comment over her shoulder. “Why else would I go?”

“Oh.” He smiled. “Good point.”


Hours later Kitten drove home with a smile on her face and a screen name in her pocket. She’d agreed to talk to him more- she was looking forward to it; he was a great friend already. And pretty cute, but she knew Teffy had nothing to worry about- he was several years younger than her. But he would make for a great friend.

He had an unerring ability to make her smile. She figured everyone needed that.