Foxy and Kitty: Episode 1Only the quiet sound of padding paws were heard as the figure hurried through the park. His large fluffy tail with its rose-red furr and black tip swayed with his gait, poking gently out of his black baggy pants. Hanging off of these pants, moving at a regular rhythm, were straps at the sides, as well as two criss-crossing straps that connected the two pant legs together. The pants ended at two bare paws covered in short soft black furr. Peaking above the low waistband was a well-toned, slender torso, covered is short creamy white furr that softly faded to the rose-red on the sides. A line of bare, toned chest was left to tantalize by his open shimmery black shirt and hinted at the muscles on his broad shoulders hidden under the cloth. As he hurried along, the shirt waved gently in the breeze his movements causing the eye to roam over to his arms, well-muscled and covered in rose-red furr leading to black paws, one resting on a hip, the other scratching his face. And here the eyes paused, for it’s the face of a handsome fox, complete with black ear tips and velvety rose-red furr. His muzzle was the same creamy white of his torso; a line connected it down his neck to his chest with the same colored furr. Past the whiskered muzzle were his eyes, which had a dreamy cast to their storm gray color, and a shock of long red furr falling right above them.

As he padded along at a fast pace, he didn’t seem to be in any particular hurry, more like that’s his natural pace. His eyes have a faraway look that tell you he wasn’t seeing what’s in front of him, so when he would have normally seen the person who suddenly stepped into his path, and avoided her, he missed seeing her until it was too late.

And as a female figure stepped onto the park path, arms laden with notebooks, loose leaf paper and writing utensils, the Fox rammed straight into her, making papers and pencils fly everywhere. As he hit her, he started out of his trance, and managed to catch her before she fell along with her things.

Looking startled, the fox immediately looked apologetic and stood her up straight. “I’m so sorry, I should have been looking where I was going…” He trailed off as he realized he was holding an arm with soft creamy furr on it and light brown splotches. He looked up to see that he had barreled over a cat…no, a kitten, he thought. She reminds me more of a kitten then an actual cat. Her face could be described as sweet, for she had big sea green eyes, that at the moment were wide with the shock of being almost run over. She had a pert little nose, long playful whiskers, and the round face of a kitten. Around her right eye was a light brown splotch, and the fox wondered absently if her muzzle was as soft as it looked. Creamy white ears poked mischievously out of soft brown hair that had streaks of blond running through it, but sadly what looked like beautiful hair was pulled back in a pony tail, nothing but a few escaped strands to soften the look.

As he finished his wondering perusal of her, she pulled back as if uncomfortable, then immediately bent down start collecting her papers. Still caught a bit off guard by what he had run into, his eyes fell on delicate paws, then he noticed what she was wearing and he blinked. She couldn’t have hid her body better if she had tried. She wore a baggy shirt and loose jeans, and although her paws were left bare, as his were, only her clawed paw tips showed out from under her pants. I wonder what she’s so ashamed of showing, he wondered. She doesn’t seem to have anything bad to hide. He snapped out of his thoughts when as she commented with a mournful voice.

“I just got this all in order too.” Her voice was sweet and a bit soft. And timid, he thought, no not timid, she just seems to be holding back.

He crouched beside her and picked up a few notebooks and some papers, and said with a glance at her. “I’m sorry. What is all of this for, anyway?”

As he watched her face got a genuine smile that lit up her eyes, and she forgot the papers she was picking up for a moment as she looked at him. “It’s the story I’m writing. Or at least what will be my story once I get the time to write it all down.” She added, her bright eyes dimming a little and her smile fading as she continued to pick up the papers.

The fox was silent for a while as he frowned and picked up papers, and he paused for a moment to read what looked like part of a story. He grinned at the funny scene she had created then looked over at her with a curious expression. “This stuff is quite good, why don’t you have the time to spend on it?”

The cat gave him a startled look. “Because I’m too busy keeping food on the table and a roof over my head.” She shrugged. “Besides, their probably not good enough to publish anyway.”

He frowned. What a shame. To have the talent, but not even realize it. He continued to pick up the papers, moving towards where she was finishing up, then yiffed sharply as he felt something brush against his paw. He looked behind him and started when he realized it was her tail. But it wasn’t sleek and slender like most cats’ tails he’d seen, it was long and fluffy and soft looking. Cuddly, he thought, just like a snow leopard’s. He instinctively reached out to touch her creamy tail with little light brown blotches on it, unable to help himself.

As soon as he touched it, the cat jumped with a very startled “mrow!” and scrambled away from him. Her eyes were wide when she finally looked at him, clutching her tail to her almost protectively.

His eyes widened a bit in surprise, not sure whether he was more shocked at her reaction or that he had touched her tail without quite realizing what he was doing.

For a moment, he tried to think of something to say, but couldn’t come up with anything appropriate, so he finished picking up her things and stood. At first she watched him with a slight frown, then seemed to realize what she was doing and blushed slightly, standing also.

“Here’s your papers.” The fox said as he stepped within arms reach and handed them to her.

She dropped her tail and took the bundle from him, while he absently followed the tails decent. Not quite realizing he was doing it, he commented out loud, “It is as soft as it looks.”

The cat blinked, obviously not sure how to take this, and blushed. “Thank you.” She replied softly, embarrassed.

The fox looked back at her with slightly wide eyes, as if saying, I said that out loud?

A slightly awkward moment passed before the fox thought, why am I being so stupid about all this? You could at least ask her name. It would be the nice thing to do.

He smiled at her. “I think after almost bulldozing you to the ground, I should introduce myself. My name is Adrian Rosefox, and it’s a pleasure meeting you.” He comically added a sweeping bow, making her laugh softly and relax.

She smiled at Adrian, “I’m Sanura Mosi. Don’t you mean running into me?”

He laughed. “Yep. Hey!” The fox exclaimed, an idea coming to him. “I was just heading to the tea shop, if you want to come, I’d enjoy the company.”

Sanura looked about to refuse when she glanced at where she had come from suddenly. It was then that she turned and smiled at Adrian. “You know, I’d like that too.” She looked thoughtful as they started off in the direction Adrian had been originally headed. “I’ve been meaning to try tea.”

The fox stopped with his eyes wide and gazed at her as if she had grown a second head. “Never had tea? My you’ve lived a deprived life.”

He said it with such sincerity that Sanura laughed and smiled up at him. “Quite thank you. Look at it this way- you can tell me which ones are the best.”

He considered this as he padded along, slowly his usual pace a bit for her shorter legs. “Good point.” His ears perked and he smiled in sudden inspiration. “As a matter of fact I know exactly which one you should try first. It’s the best tea there is to be had.” He stopped suddenly and frowned a bit, making the cat stumble slightly as she made a sudden stop a step ahead of him.

“What is it?” She asked curiously, tilting her head a bit at him.

“Well, they don’t have that kind at the shop.” He suddenly caught her expression and smiled with a chuckle. “Has anyone ever told you that looks exactly like a kitten when you do that?”

She blinked as though taken off guard, then tilted her head to the other side thoughtfully. “Nope.” She said finally, looking back at him. “Can’t say anyone has.”

He looked at her thoughtfully and nodded to himself. “Yes I think Kitten suits you. Kitten it is.” He suddenly seemed to remember what it was they were talking about before because his ears twitched a bit and his eyes became alert once more. “So, Kitten, would you mind coming over to my place? I happen to have some there.”

She colored a bit at the nickname, and then seemed to get over it to consider his question. She answered him as she glanced down at her stuff. “Alright, I just have to drop this stuff at apartment before we can go. Its gettin’ kinda heavy.” As she said this she shifted the papers in her arms.

The fox smiled a bit. “Sure, which way do you live?”