Foxy and Kitty: Episode 21 



Kitten shook as tears ran down her furr, her hands on her aching belly. Teffy wasn’t much better as they both laughed, the healthy belly laugh that gives one a natural high.

They were in the movie theater watching a new comedy that they had agreed looked interesting, a little while later, as they strolled down the street downtown, glancing at the small shops, Kitten started to giggle.

Teffy smiled, glancing at her to see what was so funny and She gave him an amused, kewt smile and pointed over to a tea shop where a rather large, quite familiar tiger was balanced on one of the tiny chairs in- Teffy couldn’t think the words without laughing out loud- bright pink spandex and what looked like a lilac sports bra along with lilac platform boots.

Kitten stood there giggling- trying not to laugh too loudly and Kain turned around to glare in a generally surly way at them, Teffy noticed a very smug Kyle perched on top of another delicate high stool, looking surprisingly comfortable in his usual musketeerish garb, sipping tea from a small delicate cup.

He gave them a lopsided grin when he spotted them and waved cheerfully. They could both hear a growl from Kain.

Kitten, being one very curious kitty (Teffy could recall this one time which involved several kinds of vegetables, a few specialty dildos and some motion lotion…), padded right on over with a smile, her ears and tail perked. Kain mumbled a hello.

Kyle grinned even wider. “Hello, madam! How are you two this fine afternoon?”

Kitten ignored the question with wide curious eyes and asked the obvious one. “Is Kain feeling alright…I mean…what is he wearing?”

Kyle simply smiled charmingly and greeted Teffy who had strolled up behind Kitten. “A nice outfit, I’d say, goes beautifully with his furr.” Kyle put on a face of perfect innocence, and looked at Kain, seeming to say that if they wanted to learn more they’d have to ask Kain.

Kain grumbled, then glanced at Kitten and seemed to give a bit and relaxed a bit once he saw they weren’t still laughing at him. “I lost.”

Teffy raised his eyebrows, and Kitten blinked. They asked the question almost at the same time. “What did you lose?”

Kain glanced at Kyle in warning- who was highly enjoying his discomfort. “A bet.”

Kitten wrinkled her nose in a customary sign of confusion, and Teffy looked a bit skeptical. Kyle laughed and finally enlightened them.

“He bet me that he could pick up a girl we saw at the center and I couldn’t.” He paused to snicker at what he thought was broken logic. “So I accepted, told him if I won he had to do this, if he won I’d do something equally humiliating for him.” Kyle grinned. “The girl was a good friend of mine, and our cute tiger here is the exact opposite of her tastes.”

Kain seemed very fascinated in the teacup in front of him and refused to look at either of them. Kitten suppressed some laughter, while Teffy just shook his head. In his opinion the tiger deserved it for assuming the poor furr would want him.

“Well I guess Kain won’t assume things like that again.”

Kitten “eep”ed and jumped back when Kain swiped a paw at her. She simply giggled at his glare. Teffy said goodbye before they irritated the poor tiger even more and they padded off.

Teffy gave her an odd glance and shook his head. “What am I going to do with you?”

Kitten immediately grinned up at him and stopped to slip her arms around him. “Take me home and make hot passion love to me?”

Teffy chuckled and kissed her nose. “Besides that.”

“Love me.” She answered simply, charming him with her smile.

Teffy made a show of thinking this over. “I suppose I can.”

She poked him in the ribs and they continued on, paw in paw.


~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~


A loud squeal of delight lit the air as Ruffy jumped up and down in excitement. “Its her! She is here!!” He randomly hugged a nearby old gray cat with an enthusiasm that nearly knocked the elderly feline over.

He grinned at the startled male and skipped off in the opposite direction of the couple, whistling happily. He had found out she had moved in with him and he was so happy for her. He planned to set up the big meeting for tonight. He padded along the street with a big grin. He was going to be able to hug Kitten again.

He’d missed her so much.


~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~


Teffy roused from a light doze to hear a buzz from his phone meaning someone wanted to be let into the apartment building. He looked down at the naked Kitten in his arms, who was currently snuggled close, and purring away, and decided they could wait. Apparently they decided to come back later because about he time they finally roused themselves and were cuddled watching TV he heard a buzz and they kissed before Kitten tore herself away to answer it. She picked up the phone and soon frowned in confusion.

She covered the mouthpiece. “Do you know someone named Ruffy?”

Teffy shook his head, his face telling her he had no idea who that was.

She turned back to the phone and asked which of the two he wanted to see, she blinked in surprise at his answer and finally gave him a “yes” and padded over to push the button that unlocked the door for a visitor.

She was slipping on a pair of jeans and a shirt along with Teffy who slipped on a pair of pants, when he asked whom it was the Furr wanted to see.

Kitten looked at him with a curious frown and replied. “Me. I’ve not a clue who he is, but he sounded fairly nice.”

When the knock sounded she was appropriately dressed and with a lil stretch she unlocked and opened the door.

She blinked a few times at what appeared to be a twelve year old fox standing in her doorway. The voice had sounded so grown up to her apparently. Teffy blinked at the fox’s strange Furr coloring; baby pink furr with electric blue belly and muzzle and black stockings. The furr was wearing a tiny pair of shorts and a small tank top with a pride symbol on it.

He grinned with an enthusiasm that startled Teffy once his eyes rested on Kitten. He quickly scanned her, and finding her with a happy, curious gleam in her eyes he immediately stepped forward and gave her a huge hug, one single tear of happiness escaping his lilac eyes. Teffy shook his head in confusion and padded over, shocked at the display from someone Kitten apparently didn’t know.

Kitten absently hugged the Furr back and finally stepped back with a curious smile. “I don’t want to appear rude, but I don’t seem to know who you are.”

The small fox grinned at Kitten. “Oh you know me, it’s the new look that’s throwing you off.” He laughed in delight at her confused look. “Well a calico I used to know called me Foxy, but now everyone calls me Ruffy.”

Teffy watched as Kitten warred with excitement and confusion, hoping against hope that it was her Foxy, but not knowing how it could be. She had finally told him all of what had happened a week ago and the bunny couldn’t bring himself to believe this could be the same fox she’d known.

Ruffy just grinned at them both then finally he giggled and closed the door behind him. “This is going to be one heck of a story, so you might as well sit down Kitten.”

She looked at him uncertainly then finally Teffy took her paw and led her to the futon where they both sat down, Ruffy taking the nearby chair.

Ruffy opened his mouth to start, then something in Kitten’s eyes caused him to take her paw in his, and then he finally started.

“Well, the story begins in Teresa’s basement, when Kitten saw me disappear. Teresa had thought to punish Kitten, but she didn’t count on witches being good as well as evil. It seems this witch was a rather good one and the spell had been made to refuge people from this world to the mundane one. So you see, if Kitten had made it, she wouldn’t have been too bad off.

I got to a holding place in time and space, where an unseen voice talked to me and asked me a few questions. What did I hold most dear? What would I miss about the mundane world? The voice listened to my answers and warned me that the stay in the mundane world was going to be until the being that sent me called back for me, so I must think about my answers.

When I finally got to the mundane world, a rather nice apartment, and not so bad body, I found a manila folder at my feet. When I opened it up I found a drawn picture of Kitten.” Foxy paused to squeeze Kitten’s paw and smile at her. “Along with a picture that showed me our house, and the note from the front door as well as the tuft of furr I had been holding, which was wrapped in a small piece of cloth from our bed.

I found out the voice had set up a life for me there, and I set about waiting until I was called back. I didn’t have to wait as long as I had thought. It seems since the spell only involved me as far as the furr tuft, the time didn’t apply and soon the mundane world faded.

What took so long was the reintroduction to the Furry world; apparently since Furrs reflect our soul, and mine had changed I had to undergo a change of appearance. I sat in limbo while the being from before probed my mind and heart, when I finally appeared here a few weeks ago I had this form.”

Ruffy grinned in excitement. “I can’t believe it, I had all kinds of fun testing it out.” The way he carried himself attested to how much he loved the way he looked.

Kitten jumped up and hugged Ruffy tight, tears coming down her cheeks. “Oh, I missed you so much, Foxy! You have no idea what I went through when you disappeared I thought I’d never see you again. Teffy is the only reason I came out of it.” She gave Teffy a teary smile, and he smiled back, torn as always by her tears, but quite happy that her closest friend was now back.

Ruffy nodded and kissed her muzzle, then smiled so that she’d smile back. “But that’s all over now, I’m back! And yiffier than ever.” Kitten laughed, even Teffy smiled.

The two friends rubbed muzzles and started off an evening of laughter and a lot of catching up.



End of Foxy and Kitty


Happy Yiffing!