Foxy and Kitty: Episode 2




Several hours, much getting to know each other, and many cups of tea later, Adrian pondered out loud as they sat on his apartment balcony.

“You know, I need a bit of excitement, the days are getting a bit to mundane for me.” Foxy, as Kitten was inclined to call him after the first couple of hours talking, glanced at her position poised on the edge of the railing. “You could use something different too.”

Kitten shrugged a shoulder as she studied the flower clasped in one of her paws. “Probably. My roommate would probably love the privacy.” She glanced up at Foxy as if getting an idea. “Might just find some inspiration for my story too. But what did you have in mind?”

Foxy grinned ear to ear, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “Ever been to a rave?”

Kitten’s eyes immediately widened. “No…And I don’t plan on it any time soon.” She added as Foxy seemed to grin wider if possible.

Foxy smirked at the expression on her face. “Just teasing you, Kitten.” He finally said, laughing at her obvious relief. “Although…” He trailed off, considering her from paws to ears. “How about a club? It’s a fairly cool place to go, and nothing too showy.”

Kitten took a few moments to consider this, and then with a smile growing on her muzzle, answered him. “Sounds like fun actually. Maybe I’ll go to a rave someday.” She emphasized the last word as if making sure the fox knew it was a slim possibility.

Foxy grinned in response to getting his way, his tail twitching a bit in excitement, and his ears at attention. “You’ll love it, I promise.” He replied and took her paw, dragging her back inside the apartment as she meowed in alarm.

“First,” He said with a gleam in his eye that unsettled her, “We must get you something appropriate to wear.” Still dragging her after him, he grabbed his wallet on the way out the door.

Kitten pulled a face at that, obviously not eager to go out buying clothes, but resigned herself to the fact that it was going to happen whether she wanted it to or not.





“I don’t want to go!!” The rabbit growled as he fought his friend’s hands with a vengeance.

The cute looking cheetah grinned up at him, being a couple inches shorter. “Aw, c’mon, Teff. Its not Chinese torture or anything, just a club. Besides, Dain swore to Adrian we’d show up, so we have to.”

Dain, about the same height as Teff, showed them both his fine set of teeth by grinning at Teff also, giving the term “wolfish smile” a new meaning. “Yeah, but if you want some Chinese torture we’ll be more than happy to oblige you, right Gan?”

The cheetah nodded enthusiastically, making Teff struggle harder against them, digging his paws into the ground, and since he usually walked on only his tiptoes, his feet were a considerable deterant. His friends barely managed to drag him into the club.

Upon entering, Teff immediately stopped and blushed at the people who turned to see him making a scene. His friends shifted their grip to look more casual and guided him over to a corner table.

Teff, with furr an unusual shade of bluish green, straightened himself and glared at his friends, then proceeded to take a seat with a good view of the whole room, tugging on his one blue ear nervously.

As his friends made a few jokes and laughed at his expense, he ignored them as usual and looked at who was at the club. His eyes paused on a nice looking cheetah girl here, a vixen there. The door caught his eye as two people made their way into the club. His eyes first caught the familiar sight of Adrian, decked out in some kind of flowing blank pants and a short, tight top that seemed to have sequins sewn onto it. Raising an eyebrow silently at the fox’s taste, he glanced at his companion…

Then blinked, and glanced again. Standing next to the fox, glancing around the room curiously, was one of the most beautiful creatures he had ever seen. The calico cat was dressed up- or down, depended on which way you looked at it- for the occasion. Her creamy furr and light brown splotches were showing to advantage with a shimmery light green top with a plunging neckline that revealed she wasn’t lacking in that area, and a short, light green skirt that topped off some kind of strappy heels on her paws. He looked back up at her face, not aware that a smile had grown on his muzzle, and caught the color of her eyes, not quite green, not quite blue, and not quite gray, a mixture of the three as if they couldn’t decide who should take control. Large beautiful eyes, he thought to himself as he started in alarm, his ears perking up a bit when he finally noticed she was looking in his direction.

He ducked his head, blushing like crazy, his cheeks turning a vivid shade of purple, as he assumed that he’d been caught staring at her. After a few moments, he couldn’t resist looking at her again, then his eyes widened a bit as he realized- they were both walking his way!

Gan caught his expression and got a puzzled look on his face, glancing to see who Teff was watching, then grinned and nudged Dain who immediately looked over curiously. It was Teff’s turn to look puzzled when both his friends smiled a bit at the cat, greeting her, then seemed to dismiss her in order to chat excitedly with Adrian. He seriously questioned their judgement as he looked back and had to exercise a surprising bit of control not to smile goofily, thinking to himself how adorable that splotch around her eye was.


Kitten tugged at the short skirt and just barely stopped herself from blushing at her attire- an outfit Adrian had instisted they buy, since he said she had looked perfect in it. She had to agree she looked pretty good in it, but hadn’t liked showing so much furr to the general public, showing off her icky spots- as she thought of them (for the millionth time). She had always wished she could have one color of furr instead. She smiled shyly at the two cute furrs Adrian introduced her to, barely registering how they dismissed her as she tried to escape Adrian’s firm paw on her arm. They were talking about the great music and heading over to the dance floor when Kitten interrupted.

“I…think I’ll sit this one out.” She smiled lamely. “I’ll join you in a bit.” Adrian gave her a look that told her he knew she was being a coward, but nodded and led the other two down some stairs and onto the dance floor.

She looked at the table next to her- the corner table- and noticed with a bit of surprise that there was a bunny seated there quietly that she hadn’t been introduced to earlier. She tilted her head unconsciously, as she wondered at this, and stepped forward to stand closer to him.


Teff fought a hard battle to keep from looking at her when he felt her eyes on him, instead forcing himself to study his friends, who were now grinning and chatting with a couple of vixens that Adrian had just introduced them to.

The cat said something to him, and for a moment, he didn’t understand quite what she said as he sat a bit awed by the sweet voice she had, then it sunk in that she had said hello and asked if he knew Adrian.

He blinked out of his daze and half smiled at her. “Yeah, I do. I also know those other two goofballs down there.” He gestured towards Dain and Gan vaguely.

She graced him with a big smile, and held out a delicate paw to him. “I’m Sanura. It seems we get to sit out the song together.” He looked at the paw- as beautiful as the rest of her- and was quite tempted to kiss it instead of shaking it as she had intended. He mentally blushed as he could easily see her getting offended by that, and settled for taking her paw into his larger one.

“Hello. My name’s Teflon Avenger, but my friends call me Teff.” He let of her paw and mentally cursed his own awkwardness. You must have sounded so stupid.

To his huge surprise she grinned at him and gestured to the seat next to him. “Mind if I sit down?”

He answered with a smile he couldn’t keep down. “Of course you can. Doesn’t make sense to keep you standing all evening.” He admitted that was a bit better than his last sentence, but still felt he sounded like an idiot.


He’s adorable in an endearing kind of way. Kitten thought as he laughingly admitted that he also was way too shy to dance. That splotch around his blue ear is so…cute. Somehow I never thought a spot could look good. Such pretty blue eyes too…

He grinned at her and tugged on his blue ear in a bit of embarrassment as he caught her looking at it. “Yeah, its not too attractive I know. I’ve come to accept it being a different color though.” He shrugged. “Makes it easier to live with.”

She smiled and looked puzzled by that. “Why wouldn’t you like it? Its great.” She said honestly.

He looked at her as if judging her honesty, then blushed slightly and thanked her in a shy voice.

She smiled at him, taken in by his show of embarrassment, figuring he didn’t know exactly how endearing it was to her. “I have to say I’ve never seen such a beautiful colored furr before.” She commented, her head tilted slightly. “Does that run in the family?”

He smiled in self-depreciation. “Beautiful?” He laughed at that. “Male Furrs are never beautiful. And yes it does.”

Kitten wrinkled her nose at that. “Males are all alike. Wouldn’t like being told you have pretty eyes either would you?” She replied half teasingly.

“Maybe.” The bunny replied, his ears dropping a bit as he blushed purple, which Kitten figured had something to do with the red and the blue in his furr mixing.

She teasingly tapped the tip of his nose. “Ahhh.” She replied and chuckled at him.


“Anyone ever told you how adorable that patch ever your eye is?” Teff heard himself say. No! Where did that come from?! He could have smacked himself for saying it out loud as soon as the words left his mouth- maybe even before then.

He was distracted from cursing himself when she blushed slightly at that and ducked her head. Ahhh, so she’s shy about that?

“No.” She answered in a soft voice. “Don’t recall anyone ever saying that before.”

“What a shame.” He replied honestly, looking at her with his quiet, intense way, not noticing that he had instantly forgotten his own embarrassment once she had reacted to his comment, and now had his full and undivided attention.

She caught him looking and looked into his eyes for a few moments, and he saw something beautiful stir in her eyes before she blinked and looked back to Adrian.

She started laughing and he started looked to see what was so funny. Before his eyes found the reason, she explained herself.

“Foxy looks hilarious down there dancing.” She giggled softly and glanced at him with laughing eyes as he had to grin and chuckle too at the fox’s antics on the dance floor.

“Sure looks like he’s having fun, though.” Teff replied, smiling at her, taking the opportunity to admire her without getting caught at it.

Kitten nodded, still watching her friend with an amused expression. “Yeah, but I’m still glad I stayed behind.” She had obviously said this absently because when Teff asked why, she blushed a bit and stuttered for a moment before she finally answered quietly. “I might not have been able to talk to you and meet you.”

Teffy smiled a bit at that, his eyes thoughtful. “Yeah, I’m glad too.”