Pseudo Life 2 by Schitz Wolfie


> NeuroTech has been a very different place of work since I was born, the contracts still come in, and some are still completed as per requests... but the internal nature of the business has been restructured, thanks to a few… experimental accidents. From an outsider's perspective, not much would look different... but then... outsiders don't know about me... or Sheen... Shimmer... Pigment… Lynn... or any of the other... accidents... that are now more in charge of this place than the human workers that are still left.<


Katie sat at a jet black stone desk, typing away as she sat in her office, still trying to write down pieces of her life... her hobby of trying to record the events of her life still alive and well... if not spaced out more. She was alive, after all... and still had to sleep sometime... then there was work... and feeding... and now mommy time. Her first three months of life had been pretty full. But for now, she had some time to herself for about an hour before a meeting with Pigment... the thoughts of her life flooding in her mind.


Patricia had been right, of course... the security tapes had monitored the whole thing, and she would have a lot of questions to answer for when she finally went back to work. But those weren't the thoughts running through Katie's head... the memory of her first night with Patricia... she sat back in her chair, puddling lightly into the molded rubber backing, oozing over the ridges in the seat lining... as her thoughts drifted back.




"How are we going to get you out of here? You're not going to be able to walk out through the security checkpoint..." Patricia paced around the room of the lab, looking at Katie, a worried expression hanging on her brow as she thought out loud... a habit she broke into whenever she was nervous. Katie sat in a swiveling chair, her legs scrunched up in her lap as she spun herself...a thin tendril pushing her in circles in the seat, grinning at the sensation of her vision still seeing everywhere... but everything slanting to the right as she spun. "Katie... you aren't helping... and you're making me dizzy!" Trying hard to stifle a giggle, Patricia half pleaded with her to stop. "But it's fun! Besides, there's not really any problem... I'll just hide in your pocket."


"In my... pocket? You'd never fit...” Patricia started to respond questioningly, her voice trailing off as her eyes widened… staring as Katie gurgled… her ooze rippling and twisting over her body, actually shrinking down in her seat… the squishing liquid noises slurping over the cushion seat as she molded her entire body into a small pen… the same size as any other pen. Slowly walking to the chair… it’s spinning motion slowing to a halt, Patricia looked down at the pen… slowly reaching down to pick it up… hardly any difference in weight from a real one… and just as solid. “Ka… Katie?”


Giggling a little; her voice making the pen vibrate a little, but not causing any large movements as she spoke. “Still here! Just don’t try actually writing with me… I don’t think having my toes dragged across a piece of paper would feel very pleasant.”


“Your… toes!?” Patricia stammered out. “Just teasing… I don’t have any toes, silly! I’m a mimic, remember?” Katie answered with a laugh.


“I know… it’s just… “Patricia sighed, “this is going to take a little getting used to on my part. I didn’t realize you could change your size like that.”


“Well, it’s a little cramped, but it doesn’t actually hurt or anything… just put me in your pocket, and we can go.”


Patricia rolled the pen in her fingers for a few seconds… before smiling softly, and slipping Katie’s pen body in her shirt pocket. Quickly looking around the lab… half thinking that she should hide things… and realizing that the security tapes would have that recorded too… she grabbed her jacket, and walked out from her lab, not really expecting to ever be back.


The security check went by without a hitch, the guards not suspecting for a minute that Patricia was sneaking a stowaway out from the building… Katie wriggled up a little in Patricia’s pocket… the tip of the pen oozing a little as two small arms slithered out, sticking her tongue out at one of the guards and wriggling her hands where her ears would have been. Patricia pushed her back deep in her pocket as soon as she glanced down to see what the movement was all about… her face reddening.


Pulling her car out from the parking lot, and driving out onto the road… she reached in her pocket… pulling Katie out and setting the pen down on the seat next to her. “You could have been seen, you know…”


Giggling softly, “I couldn’t resist… he didn’t have a clue.” Katie grinned as she gurgled, expanding in a melting coil, shifting back into her preferred form…


“Just… try not to attract too much attention… I know this is your first time out, but having the police pull us over would be a bad thing.”


“I’ll behave… in fact… “ half-formed into her body… she suddenly slinked back against the car seat, oozing and pooling over the back cushion… her gel slithering over the fabric as her body shimmered a little… stiffening into a light blue seat cover… complete with a mimicked fabric coating. “… they’ll never even know I’m here.”


Patricia stared… mesmerized by the moving liquid, even though she had watched Katie shifting and copying things all night long… turning back to the road with a quick lurch of the steering wheel as she started drifting off the road, awakened back to reality from a passing car horn. Her hand reached over to run softly over Katie’s covering… soft… tiny folds in the gel that felt just like the rough pattern on the real car seat… hardly feeling rubbery or liquefied at all. They talked on the ride home… Katie gazing at everything that passed by the windows… asking so many questions about anything she saw. Patricia smiled, trying to answer what she could, being a little embarrassed at the stop lights when she noticed people in their cars staring at her… talking to herself…


They arrived at Patricia’s home in about 45 minutes, a mid-sized apartment on the second floor with an underground parking shelter. Patricia walked to the elevator, a pair of blue tinted sunglasses over her eyes… Katie stretched so thinly in the lenses that Patricia could actually see through her. Unlocking her door, she walked in, flicking the light switch as she set Katie down on the counter top “Welcome home.”


The apartment was clean… sterile, actually. No piles of papers like her desk back at the lab, couch cushions free of crumbs… everything organized and open… a bit boring, Katie thought as she melted out into her form, glancing everywhere at her new environment… plenty of new things to feel and become. Patricia smiled as she hung up her jacket in the front closet, watching as Katie walked around the rooms, her feet rippling every time she stepped on a new section of carpet or rug, the contours of the fabrics briefly rolling up her legs as she sampled their physical structures. Walking back to Patricia, she smiled.


“Now what do we do?” she asked with a smirk.


“Now… I need some sleep… I don’t think I’ve had a longer day in my life… and I imagine you’re tired too.”


“I… don’t think so… I’m not sure if I actually sleep at all…” her smile faded as she thought about the possibility of losing consciousness… even if for a little while.


Patricia sighed, “Well… I’m exhausted. Maybe you can keep yourself occupied by touching all th…” Her words stopped abruptly as Katie suddenly doubled over, falling to the floor and rolling, her hands gripping at her body as a strange dimly colored wave rolled in a surge under her surface. “Ka…KATIE?!?”


Her face twisted in a wince of pain, Katie squirmed on the floor, her body starting to trickle and drip down into a small puddle of grayish blue. Her voice was badly shaking as she tried to reply, “I… Patri… HURTS!!!!! Feel… empty, h…h… hollow…” Her body was slowly sinking down into the swirling puddle, growing greyer… more silvery by the second…


“Katie… oh god, no… NO! You can’t just slip away like this!!!” Patricia panicked, reaching down and trying to pick her body up… her hands slipping into the gelled ooze… trying to grasp at something that had no form to begin with. The instant she touched, though… Katie’s head jerked up… staring at her… her eyes fading into a pale silver color as she looked up at her.


“Hunnnn… ger…” The single word slipping from her mouth as she glared at Patricia.


Patricia froze in sudden fear… her body stuck in shock and realization… Edgar… was her last meal…


Desperately, jerking at her hands, trying to pull them free from Katie… but her wrists were bound tightly in the ooze… tears rolling down her cheeks as she struggled… Katie didn’t say another word… but her arms reached up for Patricia… slipping up her thighs… Katie’s fingers oozing and clawing up the fabric of her pants.


“PLEASE!!! KATIE?!? If you’re still in there… Please!!!” Patricia sobbed as the empty eyes of Katie looked at her questioningly… her oozing fingers reaching the seam of her pants… and slithering in over her skin…


Patricia tugged uselessly at her hands as the feel of the cold ooze slithered onto her flesh… whimpering as she braced herself for whatever sensation was coming… only to snap open her eyes… as the cold ooze slithered down inside her panties, suddenly gurgling and oozing over her vaginal lips. Her breath lurching up in her chest… almost screaming… as the gel quivered, pressing against her slit… and trickling in.


Katie’s body was still melting down into the silver pool… her gaze not leaving the lock she had on Patricia’s eyes… as her ooze gurgled in… swimming in the warmth between Patricia’s legs… surging in slow wave-like pulses tight around her clit. Through all her fear, Patricia’s body would still respond to primal arousal… and she needed to feed… now.


Patricia whimpered as the gel from the creature… this thing that she had considered a friend… squirmed inside her… her heart racing from terror… and starting to beat faster from arousal. She closed her legs tightly shut, but not tight enough to keep the trickles of ooze from pouring in… more liquids seeping in through her lips… starting to swell against her vaginal walls… pulsing as her clit engorged with terrified blood. She could feel herself getting wet… as the tears streamed down her cheeks.


“Not… kill… you… Patr… icia…” Katie slowly forced the words as her cells swarmed against Patricia’s leaking walls… devouring every drop of juice… every trace… of organic matter that was being produced… by her touch. “Must… feed.”


Patricia opened her eyes slowly… looking down at Katie… the silver starting to seep away from her eyes, looking up at her. Still terrified, she sat tugging as she watched Katie… straining to pull closer, licking with her dripping tongue up her pants… her oozing fingers surging faster now, harder gel formations starting to gurgle into solidity, rubbing and stretching slowly into her pussy. Half moaning, half whimpering… Patricia stared… as Katie licked down against her skin above her waistline… before squishing her muzzle down inside her pants… her tongue licking and dribbling as it crawled inside her lips.


The dark silver of her pool slowly faded as she devoured Patricia’s juices… sensing so much still trapped inside… so much food. Katie plunged her tongue as deeply as she could solidify it… lapping up against her walls… thrusting with the rubbery gel of her lips deeply inside Patricia’s warm pussy, stretching and stroking the trembling walls… a soft current starting to roll over her surface as her cells absorbed the meal.


The tingles of electricity rippled over Katie’s body… as Patricia gasped, still terrified, but so aroused… her nerves shaking as the current jolted in slow pulses at her clit… driving her insane… arching her back as she crashed down, her legs opening slowly, uncontrollably… letting Katie crawl in more… her vagina already tensing and tightening as the pressure built up inside her, aching so badly for release… wanting to explode…


The silver color almost gone, Katie thrust her muzzle fully inside Patricia’s lips… popping the button off her pants, the zipper loosening as she forced her rubbery lips deep in Patricia’s warmth… feeling the surge coming… the taste sweetening… the…


Screaming out in a loud, wailing moan, tears spilling down her cheeks, Patricia’s hips lurched, her legs kicking as her orgasm rocked through her hips… gushing cum in a hard bursting release… the warm juices splattering against Katie’s thrusting muzzle, her cells greedily devouring every drop that touched her body… surging as electricity rolled in thick arches over her form… her body soaking the pool back up into her form… suddenly very solid again, feasting on Patricia’s cum. Thrusting her muzzle in as her fingers, now solid enough, spread Patricia’s lips wide, her thumbs plunging in and squeezing in quick steady pulses on her clit… milking her of every drop that she could produce… Forcing her to cum beyond her tolerance… Patricia’s body shaking on the living room floor as she passed out into unconsciousness.


Slowing her thrusts as she felt no more reaction coming from Patricia’s limp body… Katie slowly pulled her face out from Patricia’s pants… looking at her friend… feeling very guilty for putting her through that… but, hoping she could explain it when Patricia woke up. Katie crawled to her feet… her body feeling much better now… picking up Patricia’s spent body… and carried her to the couch… resting her as gently as she could, before laying on top of her, her body melting and stretching into a tightly bundling blanket, snuggling around her as she nuzzled against her skin…


“I’m sorry… I couldn’t speak, or explain… when you touched me… your sweat… I knew what I needed… and I was too far gone to say it. Please forgive me, Patricia… I never wanted to scare you like that… I didn’t know I needed it… “Mumbling softly, trying to explain to Patricia while she slept… Katie’s voice trailed off… lost in her thoughts…


Apparently, she was able to sleep.




Groggily opening her eyes, Patricia squinted as the room came slowly into focus... daylight. She looked around, half lost in the memory of her terrible nightmare, wondering just how she ended up on the couch and what time it was… she tugged at the blue blanket draped over her as she looked at the clock on the wall… 10:42… late as all hell for work... Groaning, she tried to sit up, but her body was so sore, she could hardly move… “Uhhhhhh… what the hell hit me?”


“Patricia? You’re finally awake! Oh Patricia, I’m so sorry…“ The voice rippled out from the blanket as Katie slowly shifted, melting up slowly into her form… hugging tightly onto Patricia.


Patricia shivered nervously beneath her… it hadn’t been a nightmare… it was all real. Katie was real… and had attacked her last night. Patricia sat in silence as she listened to Katie desperately trying to explain… wondering just how far she could be trusted now…


“I didn’t mean to scare you… I… couldn’t control it enough to explain that I needed to feed… I really didn’t want to hurt you!”


“But… you did.” Patricia groaned out beneath her. “How do I know you won’t do that again?”


“If… if I feed before that urge hits me… I don’t see why I would.” Katie pleaded back.


“What? You mean let you just rape me like that again?!?” Patricia asked angrily…


“… It wouldn’t be rape… if you wanted it too, Patricia… I need to feed to survive… I can’t help that… please… trust me not to hurt you again?”


Her scientific mind starting to run… thinking about what Katie was saying. She did need to feed, but there had to be another way... her thoughts suddenly interrupted as Katie leaned down… and kissed her, her warm rubbery skin passionately melting against her surprised lips… and found herself smiling a little inside at the sensation. Jerking back after a second… she spoke back.


“Katie… “ sighing softly,” alright, I believe you… but I can’t be your food source… I can barely move after what you put me through last night…” Staring back into Katie’s crying eyes, she sighed again… this wasn’t going to be easy.


> ”… At least give me a little while to loosen up so I can move again, then we’ll figure out what to do about all this…” <


Katie typed Patricia’s words on her keyboard as Pigment walked into her office, all painted up in a business suit, hir tail swishing behind through the opening in hir pants. Smirking at Katie, shi set the files in hir paws on the desk. “Still writing those darn things? Just who do you think is going to want to read those? I mean, it’s not like you can ever forget anything.” Pigment flopped in a chair, half joking as shi spoke; looking hir common foxish appearance.


“I know… but if anything was to happen to me… I’d like them remembered by someone… and at some point I have to give Shimmer a better explanation of what we all are.” Smiling weakly at Pigment, she saved her files and closed the computer.


“Yeah, I know… anyway, we’ve got three new contracts that might be interesting… one in the underground category…”


“More skin suits? I know they want to walk around in the rest of the world like everyone else, but really… don’t they think they’ll start attracting attention if they keep mating with the humans? Cross breeds are bound to happen!”


Pigment grinned… “You try explaining to a vixen in heat that horny humans they find in chat rooms aren’t a good idea to pursue, and see if you can get better results. Besides… you know the agenda… getting human society used to real furries is the only way we’re ever going to be able to really interact with them on a somewhat normal basis.”


Grinning, Katie quipped back “Other than the freaks, yeah, I know. Ok, let me see what you’ve got.” Thumbing through the folders… orders for more synthetic skin suits for the undergrounds… a political request for a discreet mental influencing commercial sub track, maybe if something else got added in the subliminal programming… another AI project…


“What exactly are you typing in there, anyway? Nothing about me, I hope…” Pigment asked as Katie scanned through the files, mindlessly scribbling at hir shoes, altering hir toes as shi smeared the paint that made up hir form… a habit shi had gotten into since the accident.


Smiling as she looked up for a second. “Yes and no…”