Pseudo Life 4 by Schitz Wolfie


“I don’t think she took that too well…“ Replikatie bit her lip as she lifted Patricia’s unconscious body off the floor. “She’s usually a much better conversationalist.”


Nodding softly, Sheen stood up and walked closer, stroking her paw down across Katie’s hips. “She is a frail being, isn’t she?”


“Yes, but she means well… she did make me, after all.” Walking to the couch in the living room, Katie gently laid Pat down on the couch before turning to smile softly at Sheen… the soft caress on her hip not going un-noticed.


Nodding as she sat down, a chair melting out from beneath her tails, Sheen spread her legs and motioned for Katie to sit in front of her. “Speaking of which, I need to find the rest of what made you.”


Kneeling down and laying on her legs as she curled up between Sheen’s silvery thighs, Katie traced her fingertips up one of Sheen’s long flowing tails. “That should be back at the lab… I didn’t see any point in going back there until now…” Her voice trailing off, she turned and looked up into Sheen’s eyes, “Um… you aren’t going to want… this piece… in me… back, are you?” Fidgeting a little as she rested her arms on Sheen’s knees, a small piece of her thinking how wonderful that would feel… even if she would fade away, that sweet merging…


Smiling, Sheen leaned down, and stroked her paws over Katie’s hands; licking Katie’s ear softly. “Now if I were to do that, I would lose a friend… and someone like me. You’re the first thing I’ve ever come across that was anything like me.”


Grinning as she leaned up, hovering her lips scarcely an inch away from Sheen’s inviting mouth, “Yes… you’re technically the third being I’ve ever really met… “Closing her eyes slowly, she leaned forward, their lips almost touching…


“... but I agree… MOM!”


Her head snapped back as she blinked, looking quite oddly at Katie as a wide grin spread over the face of the blue prankster.


Giggling, Katie tickled her fingertips against Sheen’s thighs, wriggling them as they melted softly through the silver, and curling them within Sheen’s legs… her fingertips stroking softly just beneath the surface. “Sorry… I just couldn’t resist. I never thought I’d have anyone I could even consider family in any real aspect.”


Smiling back, her eyes just a little closed from Katie’s soft touches, Sheen nodded in agreement. “Nor did I. You saw how I came to be; just forming in the nothingness.”


Nodding softly, “Yes… and you’ve been alone all this time?”


“Mostly, yes… aside from the feedings.” Sheen purred softly as she slid the tips of her paws against Katie’s hair, melting inside and rippling slowly as small silver tingles ran down Katie’s face to her nose.


Gasping slightly at the wonderful sensation… being touched on such a deep level, cell swimming through cell… a deliciously wonderful thought gurgled in her mind as she started smirking up at Sheen.


“I fed from you before… when we merged, but… you didn’t feed from me…”


Smiling down, licking her lips softly, “No, I didn’t… I would have devoured you entirely…”


“Well… I think we should fix that… and I think we could get Patricia to warm up to you at the same time…” Grinning as she licked her lips in response, her eyes glancing at her sleeping friend…


The idea seeping into Sheen’s thoughts… her eyes rolled over to look at Patricia, the soft unconscious body laid out, her robe half draped over her arms revealing all her bare flesh… “She is… beautiful…”


Nodding as she crawled to her knees, pulling her fingers out of Sheen, a hollow chill rippling through her body as they parted, Katie purred softly, “… and very intoxicating to feed from... we just have to get her in the right mood first.” Smiling as she slithered next to Patricia’s shoulder, Katie stretched her arms slowly over Pat’s smooth skin. Cupping her hand beneath Pat’s left breast, her fingers rippled softly as her gel began tracing up around the soft orb… slowly slurping up across the nipple and hardening to a gently pulsing tightness…


Smiling as she crawled forward over the end of the couch, her chair fading up into her tails, Sheen stroked her muzzle against the inside of Patricia’s legs, easing herself between the warm limbs and licking softly up her thighs. “Well… maybe just a little taste then…”


Whispering softly into her ear, Katie’s body curling up and melting over Pat’s rising and falling chest… coating over her shoulders and caressing her skin with rolling, tickling tongues licking everywhere, “Patricia… sweetie… wake up…”


Groaning softly, her head dizzy but slowly beginning to feel the familiar touch of Katie crawling over her… the soft nudges between her legs starting to make her moist from the Pavlov effect of what was to cum…


“Do you think she’ll mind?” Sheen whispered very softly to Katie, her breath tingling as her lips brushed against Patricia’s velvet entrance…


Moaning softly as she tightened her rubbery grasp across Patricia’s bosom, suckling with a slight vacuum across her areolas… “She might jump at first… but once she gets going… Mmmmmmmm!”


Already beginning to smell the meal before her, Sheen licked her lips as her tails drooped over Patricia’s legs… swirling around and encasing her feet slowly in a slurping warm embrace… spreading her thighs slowly apart as her paws cupped gently beneath the soft give of Pat’s cheeks.


Leaning over Patricia’s face, slowly licking her ear, Katie whispered softly, “Pat, honey… please wake up… I’ve got something to show you…”


Her face wincing in pleasure as she began to stir… feeling the warm liquid touches already encased around her body, Pat dreamily began to moan and turn her head… reaching up and stroking her fingers across the warmth between her legs, her fingertips dipping into Sheen’s muzzle… but her eyes still closed. “Mmmmmm! Katie… I had the worst nightmare…”


Rippling around Patricia’s fingers, Sheen dipped forward just a little, pressing against Patricia’s soft lips, and just barley darting her snaking tongue inside… teasing herself with an appetizing slurp. Her paws slowly curling as liquid rolled up from the tips of her pads, swimming around Patricia’s hips and forming a small pool across her belly, tickling slightly in her navel.


Moaning as her gel coiled slowly down around Patricia’s arms, Katie licked and kissed Patricia’s shaking lips. “I know, honey... you gave me a good scare too…”


Her pussy quite warm, jumping as Katie teased her…always differently than before, but always feeling so painfully good, Patricia began to slowly open her eyes as she arched her back. Her fingertips opening and closing as they swished through the liquid temptress’ form between her legs, “Oooooh… Katie… did I scream in my sleep?”


Suckling very softly on her lips, a warm purr vibrating through her body, Katie smiled as she winked at Pat, “No, honey… just relax... we’re going to make you feel so good…”


Moaning out, her legs spreading further as the warm liquid slithered inside her vaginal lips, her walls already quivering with anticipation… dripping with juice as her clit was thrust against with a rubbery tendril… her mind entranced… but not quite completely as she opened her eyes wide…


“… WE?!?!?”


Peering through the blue translucence of Katie… she clenched her fist in Sheen’s… neck? Sheen’s head melted and already buried inside her gasping walls… driving her onward, whether she wanted to go there or not… but feeling so good… just like Katie… her eyes softened as she laid back and uncurled her fist…

“Ooohhhhhhhh gawd... now I have two of you to feed… my poor cunt is gonna be so sore… NNNNNGF!!!!!!!!!”


Her shoulders thrusting into the soft give of Patricia’s thighs, Sheen poured herself deeper inside the warm spasms coursing around her probing. Her head completely melted and impaled within, she groaned as her surface slithered and throbbed against Pat’s walls… lapping and slurping the dribbling morsels oozing out from inside.


Purring as she softly licked at Patricia’s neck, her body rippling as her gel spread around behind Pat’s arched back, wrapping her beloved friend in her embrace, “No, honey… just her for now. Sheen fed me when we merged, but she needs a little snack… besides, I want her to be your friend too… so just relax…” The edges of her liquid encasing sliding down Patricia’s chest suddenly tingled as Katie swam inside the pool of silver gurgling across Pat’s belly.


With a gasping moan, a hardened set of tendrils pinched at Patricia’s clit, squeezing sharply in pulses as something in Sheen’s body stirred… swirling inside Katie’s gel, pulsing out a soft current as a crackle of shocks arced between the two liquids…


Jumping on the couch, her body held down firmly by the two lusting, hungry creatures, Pat whined out… her clit aching from the joltings coursing through Sheen, wanting to cum so bad against the thick pulsing mass stuffed inside her. Dripping more and more as she clenched her shaking fingers inside Sheen’s body, feeling as if she were ready to explode from the stimulation, Patricia bit down on her lip, her teeth sinking through just a little of Katie’s warm rubbery gel still kissing her lips… desperately trying to stifle the screams that were ready to burst out.


Her gel snaking through Sheen’s pool, not quite merging, but feeling so entwined with her new lover… a feeling like nothing she had ever experienced was billowing up inside her body as she spasmed against Sheen’s electric touches. Swimming through herself as she raced to lick against Sheen’s form crawling inside her, she trembled as a slight current began throbbing from her as well, tingling as jolts sparked against Patricia’s skin beneath her… zapping across her nipples.


Shivering as she thrust herself inside Patricia, solidifying a rubbery form deep against Pat’s spasming clenches, Sheen moaned as she shifted her concentrations to Katie… sensing Patricia ready to give, but more hungry for a second meal now. Electricity arcing across her surface as she poured the current across Pat’s clit…


Shrieking out in orgasm, Patricia plunged her fingers through Sheen’s body, stuffing them inside her lips and thrusting madly at her clit… the electric kisses too much for her to hold back against. Tears streaming from her eyes, she wailed out as cum spit out against Sheen’s inserted body, only to be hungrily devoured by the silver goddess.


Gasping herself, a warm tension building up inside her body, almost enough to make her lose her cohesion, Katie shuddered as she sensed Patricia’s release… but feeling something more… an ache within her… not to feed… but to release as well. “Shhhh… sheeeee!!!!!! I… I… OOOOOOO!!!”


A rush of intense pleasure rocked through Katie as she suddenly fell in a warm splash down across Patricia and Sheen, dripping down over them and dribbling on the floor… as a blue cloud of ooze shuddered out from her body, misting away as it swam into Sheen… her bubbling puddle tingling all over… at her first real orgasm.


A warmth that she hadn’t felt in centuries rushed over Sheen… savoring the sweet meal she received from Katie… a taste unlike anything she had ever devoured before. Throbbing inside Patricia as her body slowly rippled, her silver puddle staying in place, but twisting so her paw was plunged in Pat’s lips, a wide smile on her face… her hunger more than satiated, Sheen purred happily.


Pat, lost somewhere in the overpowering orgasm, stroked mindlessly at her clit… aftershocks of cum dripping out as her eyes glazed over, her consciousness completely spent as she writhed beneath the two forms.


Slowly, her body beginning to wriggle back together, Katie gasped… “Shhh… Sheeeenn… did I… just…?”


Giggling softly, her paw lazily still stuffed inside Patricia’s still leaking puss, Sheen nodded.


A slight darkening of her cheeks, Katie shivered as she emerged from her trembling pool, curling up around Sheen as she hugged her tight. “I… didn’t know I could…”


“We can, honey… I found that out a long time ago.” Smiling as she still licked her lips, her paw rippling as she withdrew from Patricia… who still stroked herself in her oblivious state.


Giggling softly as she looked at Pat, Katie squealed, “I think she’ll be out for a while… can’t say I blame her.”


“She was delicious”, nodding softly, Sheen whispered into Katie’s ear, “though you are even tastier…”


Giggling as she squirmed softly in Sheen’s arms, feeling so wonderful in the arms of her new lover… “Umm… after we get your other piece back… can you… make me do that again?”


Kissing Katie slowly on her lips; no melting, no merging, a real, solid kiss… “I’d love to, sweetie.”


Her cheeks darkening again, Katie looked up into Sheen’s eyes… “I… I don’t think I ever want to let you go…”


* * *


“Katie? You ok honey?”


The sudden noise made her turn in her seat, almost dropping the laptop… as she turned and saw Sheen standing in the doorway.


“I’m… ok… “, she stammered, a little embarrassed as the tendril that had been wriggling between her legs quickly melted away…


“You sure? You look a little tense to me…” Sheen smiled, her silver tails drooping just a little as she walked closer, and stroked her fingertips across Katie’s shoulders softly.


“Well, I am… but it’s nothing a good puddling with you wouldn’t cure…” Smiling softly, she rippled, crawling up Sheen’s fingers and oozing across her arms… reforming in a curled up embrace against her mate’s chest.


Giggling, Sheen tickled beneath Katie’s chin as she kissed her lover… and began merging just around her edges… as they both began purring madly.