Sweet Dreams by Schitz Wolfie


"... But how do I know that she'll stop? I mean, as much as I really want to believe her, she's lied and lied to me for a long time..."


  Ryan's voice trailed off as he whined to himself; half reading the morning paper, but mostly thinking about Lyla. "It isn't like she hasn't promised me before that she'd quit sleeping around... give me one reason to trust her now." Asking the question aloud to no one, his thoughts stuck on last night's fight when Lyla had stormed out of the apartment, Ryan stared down the tip of his muzzle in a short sigh of depression.


  He'd been dating... no, seeing Lyla for four months, and she'd had at least sixteen nights in other peoples beds. Probably more, but he only knew of the times she told him about. He couldn't just dump her, every logical thought in his brain wanted to... but he loved her too much to just let her walk out of his life like that. The weight of his dilemma bore down over his shoulders, the short hair fur that coated his arms having no hint of a shine, and his beagle eyes looking heartbroken.


  Sighing, knowing that he wouldn't get an answer to his questions... he'd asked them out loud for a long time now, and there was never any response... he tried to concentrate on the newspaper, glancing through the classifieds and the want ads, trying to amuse his overstressed mind with the freaks of the world looking for partners.


“Women seeking women with slave fantasies... men looking to be sissified... boys looking for older prie... sick freaking world, no wonder that my life is so messed up. You'd think that with all the chaos in the world, someone would have an ans*?" his voice stopped short after glancing at an ad, his eyes stuck on the small printed words.


"Problems with faithfulness? Tired of waking up in an empty bed, wondering where your lover is? Wanderlust ruining your relationship? I can help..." reading the words aloud, Ryan tried to find some flaw in the ad, some sign that it was a joke. No… it seemed real enough, and nearly everything that he'd been looking for; he started sweating as he realized that his hand was already gripping a pen, writing the number down without even thinking about it. "Call Monet to put your fears to rest." ... ok, the name sounded a little hokey... but, what the hell. It was worth a call at least.


  Two hours later, Ryan sat in his rusted car in some side alley, looking across the street at a small, barely noticeable fortune tellers shop. The girl who had answered the phone said to go here to discuss his... problem, but this was silly. The more he thought about it, the more this all seemed like a big scam. His hand reached up for the car door, however...


  His logical thoughts yelled that this was stupid, but his arm was already pushing the door open…


  ‘You’re just going to get conned...’ The car door closed with a clunk as he turned and walked across the street…


  As he stood in front of the plain looking door, he noticed just how close the world had become around his body. Not a car driving by in sight... no one was standing around... no city noises at all... no voices… no wind… weird, as if the only things alive in the world were his beating heart, his nervous breathing, and the buzzing of the window sign on the shop's door. His palms sweating and his tail drooped nervously between his legs, he nervously reached out to grip the black metal door knob, the latch seeming to take forever to open as he turned the cold knob. As the door slowly opened, the dark atmosphere in the shop seemed to reach out to surround him, smothering him as he walked inside.


"Uh... is anyone... here?"


  Blinking his eyes, he tried to become accustomed to the dim lighting, the outside sunlight fading as the door closed behind him. There was a distinct smell in the room; candles flickering all along the walls making shadows dance about the cramped space, small statues and pouches hanging down from the ceiling amidst a few hanging vine plants… but no one was there. Walking in a little further, Ryan could see a counter near a back doorway, the door frame blocked with what looked like huge, thick, green leaves, sprouting off vines that ran up into the ceiling. A small, faded white place card was folded on the counter... with his name written on the front in black ink. Nervously, he looked around again


"... is... is this some kind of joke? Hello??" ... no answer.


  Walking slowly to the back counter, Ryan picked up the card in trembling hands. The jet black ink rubbed of slightly beneath his thumb as if it was still wet from the writing. Opening the card, his ears flicking and his breath shaky... he read the words slowly.


"This is not a joke, troubled one... you are in the right place. I am not here to take your money... only your problems away."


  This was too weird; how could a note have been written that could answer his questions like this? Folding the card back up, he started to walk quickly back to the front door, but something made him stop short... a single thought. A vision of Lyla, her soft golden curls draping down her neck… those bottomless hazel eyes that made you want to dive into them… the soft curl of her retriever tail...


  Sighing, he looked back down at the card in his hand, opening it slowly to read the message one more time. His eyes widened, his ears standing straight up in points as he saw new words on the inside in the place of the previous message...


"Your troubles are great, child... I only wish to provide you a solution... please... enter the back room, and at least hear my words... "


  Ryan stammered out, his voice barely whispering, "H... h... how… is... ?"


  His feet turned around slowly as he looked at the vine covered door. "Not... possible... "


  His footsteps echoed in his head, even though they made no sound on the floor, as he walked closer. "... h... hel...p?” His hand reached forward, parting the leaves that draped over the opening... the note fell from his hand softly onto the floor as he stepped through.


  The back room was darker than the front one; a small table sat in the center of the floor with a thin wooden chair just in front of Ryan’s feet... and a hooded figure hunched over a chair on the other side of the dark table. A thick black cloak covered his... her... its features... but a small glow seemed to be escaping from under the bottom hem of the cloth. Ryan sat slowly down... shaking terribly as he looked at the figure, the fur along his tail tingling upright. Trying to speak, Ryan wheezed, his mouth having gone completely dry from fright. He nervously tried to swallow, the pain in his throat aching with drought as the figure finally spoke; a soft female voice...


"You want her to be yours and yours alone, yes?" The voice almost sounded altered, as if it was spoken through some kind of filtered distortion… almost like being filtered through running water.


"Y... yes... but who... ?" was all Ryan could stammer out, before the cloak moved, a glowing silver hand reaching out to grip around his wrist. The features looking almost skeletal; wire thin digits that came to points at the tips, the fleshy covering seemed to bear no meat within, just a thin, wispy piece of paper draping over the bones. As the hand curled across the fur on his wrist, Ryan could feel the hiss as the touch burned a little on his skin. Panicking, he wanted to scream; to leap out of his chair and run; to tear his arm off from his shoulder just to not feel this thing's grasp... but he couldn't move... he could barely breathe, so petrified with fright.


"Relax, child... you are in no danger... " the hood slipped off from over her head revealing a silvery glowing face... a woman with ears... or were they horns... spreading out through her hair. Her features were almost canine... but so bone thin that the breed couldn’t be identified even if Ryan was capable of being that observant. Smiling softly at him, her sharp teeth glistening, she continued to speak.


"You want her to be yours forever... and I have the power to do that... for a price. She will be unable to leave you unless you want her to, unable to be with anyone else unless you desire it, she will lay with you every night and day unless you do not wish it..."


  The words... sounded almost heavenly to Ryan... as he slowly nodded, his voice finally squeaking out. "The... price?"


  The creature released her grip on his arm, small burn marks seared into his fur. "The price... is you... at the end of your life."


  Ryan felt like running again as the figure raised her hand to halt him. "It isn't as you think. There are those that have accepted my gifts and consider themselves cursed... others that consider themselves blessed. At the time your natural life is to end, I will come for you, and take you into me... you will live forever as a part of me, being used by me as I desire it... I will come no sooner, no later, and I will not be denied."


  Glancing up from the table, she pointed at the note card that lay on the floor in the doorway. “That is one who considers herself blessed. In her life, she was never listened to; a poor mute girl that was beaten into slavery. Now, any words she has to give are paid the utmost attention. She gave herself to me in return for a gift of reflection… becoming a mirror that hung upon her cruel master’s wall… a mirror that watched his infidelity, and revealed the observed reflections to his wife. Her life is now mine to use as I wish, filling the role of my messenger. Your life will be mine as well to use as I see fit… if you accept.”


  Ryan listened carefully, the fear in his mind slowly fading… if this tale was at all true, would it really be that bad…


“You have the bad fortune to be fully in love with one that cannot be faithful, Ryan... I offer you a choice to ease your pains. These are my terms... you are free to leave if you do not accept them, but you must choose now."


  His mind reeling with the tale he had just been told... his fears slipping away in his thoughts as his desires began churning in his brain... to have Lyla... all to himself... for the rest of his life.


  Ryan sat for a few minutes in silence, looking at her, at the note, at the decision...


"I accept" he whispered.


  Smiling, she began telling him what was going to happen, carefully detailing what was to be done. As he sat and listened, Ryan's expression turned slowly… into a wonderful smile...


* * *


  Lyla opened the door to Ryan's apartment rather late that night; a little drunk, but mostly exhausted from dancing and flirting all evening. "Ryan, Where are you?"


  Looking around the apartment, she thought it was rather funny that he wasn't around, it wasn't like him to not be waiting on his hands and knees for her to return. Laughing to herself, she mused over how wrapped around her finger he was... but feeling so tired, she couldn't even gloat about it to herself. It didn't matter, he'd be home soon... probably out running for food in the vain thought that she could be bought off and all swept up over a meal of take out. She giggled a little to herself, knowing that she'd be asleep by the time he got home.


  Taking off her black leather jacket, she walked into the bedroom and flicked on the light... a little surprised to see a thick new comforter freshly laid out on the bed. A strange silvery threaded pattern zigzagged across the top. "That's a new look for this place... wonder where he picked that up?"


  Running her hand over the satin smooth material, Lyla smiled to herself as she sat down on the bed, her tail swishing across the enticingly comfortable blanket. "Mmmmm… he probably thinks that this'll get me in bed easier. Well... for tonight, he's right..." Slowly, she began taking off her clothes, her slacks slipping down from her golden furred thighs, half removing her long sleeved shirt as the soft thin material draped down over her shoulders. Laying back on the comforter, the silky touch feeling wonderful against her body, she slipped out from the folds of her shirt. Squirming on the cover, she slowly pulled her panties off in a strip tease to the empty room... unhooking her bra and tossing it to the floor as she rolled, rubbing her naked body on the soft blanket... feeling somehow aroused by the sheer feel of the new comforter. "Mmmm… good choice, Ry... I’ll give you that... in fact, I might even give you a wakeup call as a thank you... but for now, “yawning lazily, “I'm so tired."


  Her voice trailed off as she slid her paws beneath the crease of the comforter, crawling under the thick warm blanket and snuggling up in the heavy sheet. Her body almost tingled with how good it felt to be wrapped up in such softness. Rolling around in the bed for a minute, acting like a schoolgirl with a crush, she laid her head down, closing her eyes slowly with a wide smile beneath her muzzle... the comforter felt so blissfully wonderful, almost as if it was hugging her tight. Scrinching her eyes tight, imagining that she was being held by such a perfectly soft lover... oh, the stroking on her calves felt so good, almost tickling as magical hands massaged at her fe....




  Her eyes widened… not only feeling the touch of things at her feet, but hearing the rustle of the sheet at the foot of the bed. She tried to sit up, but her body felt somehow pinned down beneath the thick, heavy sheet. Screaming as she twisted around, her gaze shaking as she looked down the bed... at her legs... as they slowly dropped... flattening into the comforter as if they weren't there at all. Now, her thighs, and her hips disappearing as the comforter slid back into it's flat bed snugging shape. Shrieking madly for anyone to help, she watched in horror as her body... slowly absorbed into the soft folds of the silver comforter. Crying and writhing about... the odd sensation of feeling so warm and snugged seeping into her mind, as she panicked with fright; not able to do anything but watch herself melting into the sheet. Her arms sagged and slowly disappeared… her upper torso falling back onto the pillow as she lost the ability to support herself at all. Through the shrieks, she felt the tugging at her chest… as her neck was slowly pulled down... her muzzle slipping under the blanket… and  her screams muffling into nothingness as she faded away, merging into the silver comforter, her thoughts fading into the threading as she drifted to sleep. Fully blended into the fabric, she half slumbered… surrounded by warmth, but so scared and alone.


  Stepping out from the closet as the room hung in silence... Ryan looked at the bed... tears in his eyes from listening to her screams. "I'm sorry, Lyla... but I love you too much; I can't bear to lose you. I need you... here with me... and only me. Please forgive me..."


  Inside the depths of the comforter, Lyla heard the words... but they didn't have the same meaning as they might have when she was still fur and blood. The emotions in the words called out to her, though she couldn’t fully understand… someone was close to her... a warm body... that said it loved her, that needed her... that wanted her. The only thought in her being... was wanting it too, wanting so completely to be held, caressing someone in her folds.


  The comforter slid down from the bed by itself, folding back as it exposed the bare mattress cover, silently inviting her lover to lay down.


  Ryan smiled, wiping off his tears as he took his clothes off slowly, sitting on the bed as he slid his bare legs under the cover. As he started to take his shirt off, the comforter slid up over his body, a ruffling motion inside the folds hugging him tight. Lyla reached around her lover, kissing him in the only way she could now... feeling his body beneath her folds. So warm in her embrace; his heartbeat so comforting.


  Laying back, tossing the shirt out from beneath the covers, Ryan moaned as his naked body was held so wonderfully tight. Smiling, the tears gone from his eyes, he stroked his hands tenderly across the top of the comforter.


"I love you too Lyla; I always have... and I promise I will until my dying breath" Lyla responded in her silent motions, hugging him closer as the form of a figure started to billow under the cover, cuddling and stroking against her lover… her owner… her only. Discovering herself straddling over his naked form, his hardening organ rubbing into her soft new body, she wanted to moan with how good everything felt... but her silence held everything in.


  Ryan watched lovingly, stroking his hands down the back of the soft figure laying on top of him... all that Monet had promised, and more. Leaning down, he kissed at the back of her head, the faint outline of ears quivering in the folds of the blanket as he whispered. "Make love to me Lyla... tonight... tomorrow... forever... need me as much as I love you…"


  Groaning out, he felt her silent response... watching with trembling eyes as she sat over him. The comforter muted her features, but he didn’t care… it was Lyla showing through as she rocked against him, every touch pillowed around his body feeling like soft satin. The soft folds of her breasts bouncing under the sheet as he stroked his hands slowly back around her torso... her lips... opening slightly... as he leaned up to kiss her. Holding her soft body against his chest, his heart beating madly, he steadily thrust up into the sweet softness… erupting inside her, her form shuddering as her head fell onto his shoulder… unable to join his moans of release… but feeling more content and desired than she ever thought possible. Falling back slowly, still clutching Lyla’s fading form to his chest in a deep embrace, Ryan kissed her head before she melted back into the depths of the comforter… murring against the warm strokes that caressed his chest… barely feeling her muzzle kissing his beneath the blanket as she lay over his body. Hugging her in his warm embrace, he watched sleepily as she fell blissfully asleep around him... his thoughts... fading into perfectly sweet dreams.


* * *


  After waking up, holding Lyla, and having a very hard... err... difficult time leaving her warm, longing caress... Ryan sat in the living room, his tail wagging happily as he snuggled tightly up on the couch with his new blanket lover. Kissing her softly... his ears perked up as a note slid under the door frame. Getting up, still holding Lyla warmly against his body, he picked up the small piece of paper... the black ink on the outside smearing under the touch of his thumb.


  Smiling softly, he opened the note. "3 years, 4 months, 11 hours, 32 minutes... enjoy the remainder of your life, Ryan. Lyla will be returned to her previous form, as promised, when I receive my payment. Of course, if she would prefer to remain in her new state, I’m sure a deal can be struck… - Monet"


  Folding the note back, Ryan kissed it softly, whispering to the small white card. "Thank you… whoever you are... and please, thank Monet again for me." Smirking to himself, he opened the note back up, just in case…


  Next to a slightly smudged black inked kiss mark were the words: "You're welcome... and my name was Ling Shewu." The words seeped into his eyes as the note disappeared into nothingness in a small puff of silver smoke.