Biography of an Otter (Prologue) By Matt Hopper(Scrimno Longbow) All characters are © the author Ramos the otter was restless. He hadn't slept a wink the entire night. During the late evening that day Streamtail, his wife, had gone into labor. Tralee, Streamtail's sister, told Ramos to wait outside on a hill until his wife delivered. He was told that it would be better if the sisters went through the ordeal alone. Now, the faintest wisps of light were visible over the horizon. Ramos was getting more and more impatient by the minute. He thumped his rudder-like tail on the wet ground in anxiety."'Ow long does an otter take t'give birth?" he wondered out loud. One thing was for certain, though. He was glad that he couldn't hear his wife's cries from labor pains issuing from the tent. There on the hill he sat, waiting the morning away. The minutes seemed to stretch on forever. Finally, Tralee emerged from the tent and gestured for Ramos to come inside. He hurried to the tent agawg for information. "What's Streamtail's condition? 'Ow many babes are there? Is it male or female?" Otterwife Streamtail was lying on a cot in the corner. In her arms were two bundles wrapped in a blanket. To Ramos, this was the most beautiful thing that he has ever seen. The way Streamtail's sleek, dark fur glinted in the morning sunlight coming from the open tent flap. Her calm and serene expression, and most importantly, the two balls of dark fur that she held in her arms. She smiled and gave a deep sigh. "Look at 'em," she said. "They're perfect. I've got two perfect, little boys." Wakened by the sound of voices, the cubs started crying. Tralee came and gave them a bottle each. Both went at it with a will, sucking noisily and cooing contentedly. "They're true otters, ain't they?" Ramos observed. "All they need's names. I've already thought of one," Streamtail indicated a babe. "I'll call this one Blatt, fer 'is tablemanners." "Heh, heh." Ramos smiled. "An' this one shall be known as Scrimno." "Why name 'im Scrimno?" "Why not?" Streamtail shrugged. "Why not."