Throughout my 13 years of life I've never truly came upon anyone remotely close to me in mind. Those who already "know" me may one day read this, encountering a side to me they've never seen. I've always been fascinated by life, but awed by death. I believe, through experience, that not many people even think about the beyond until they lay 'pon their deathbed, covered in blood, or slowly decaying from time's sight. At this point... They finally recognize they're mortal, and nothing more. Most kids my age are having fun, not a thought of darkness in their minds, but me, me... Ever looked up at the night sky? An infinite void of black, only a few meaningless flames twinkling. The wind softly picking up, the smell of jasmine wafting along... Then a sudden emotion, like none other felt, sparks into existance within your tiny, pathetic brain. The feeling that one day, no matter what you do, you WILL die. Your heart skips a beat, and as soon as this feeling came it dissappears... Once you've experience the emotion of death, it takes days (Somestimes weeks or as little as hours) to retrieve it again. But the feeling is short-lived again. I believe the first time I experienced it was when a raven brought it to me. He sat only a few feet away from me, his mournful golden eyes haunt me still. I've never seen crow or raven with such eyes like his before... It may have been a dream... But I remember it so clearly, as clear as polished crystal. I remember the breeze, ruffling the raven's feathers and blowing through my hair. I remember him watching me, as I him. I remember the strong hold he had on me with his striking gaze, so sad, so wise... I knew he had something to tell me or show me. Then I remember the feeling, rushing through my veins like venom. The raven cawed, watching me more intently as my eyes wandered, not really seeing, but feeling. The first time is horrible, like a thousand needles stabbing your heart... Horrible. It's scary as Hell, that feeling is... But it begins to soften, the feeling slowly becoming more bearable and more soothing. I've managed to feel it for longer periods of time. A sense of rest, the smell of colors, and the sight of the wind. Makes you think, huh? Last night, (time now: 10:09 AM 1/19/03), I had a dream, it... Showed me death. I felt it, experienced it. It's hard to explain, but... It's almost like sleep. Slowly, black-whispy clouds come from the sides, like fainting, your eyes slowly close, and this peacful feeling floats into your mind. Then everything's gone. No thought, nothing. This isn't a memory of going to sleep, it was a dream. A very, very detailed dream, but that's not important since I can't EXPLAIN it to the point that one can feel it... Every second is a blessing, don't become mad at penny things. The annoyance of a beeping electronic, the cawing of crows, the horrible screeching of nails on a blackboard. Don't take anything for granted. NOTHING, because once you're leaving the physical plane, you may never hear any of it again, trust me. You may wish you could so much as hear a cricket. Enjoy what you have. Enjoy what you've got to hold, touch, hear, smell, see... Regain enemies as friends. Nothing. Nothing...