~Immortality~ The moons will shatter, the air will be thick, the trees will stop swaying, the ashes will invade... Time will freeze, mankind will fall, lights will fade... When it all ends, when the galaxy collapses... when the earth wears out... when hearts cease beating... when it all comes to a halt... I will be standing, I will be breathing, I will be here. For when time stops, for when others vanish, for when only a few survive, I will be among them... Standing, breathing, living it all out Seeing species rise and fall, seeing friends and family dissappear, seeing the universe breathe its last... Forever I wait the actual end, forever hoping to rest my soul forever awaiting to sleep for eternity. Yet, never does the day arrive. ( "Immortality" © Julie Beloussow, created: 5/2/02 )