~I've seen it all~6/6/03 The black sky shattered after spidering and cracking like glass. The Earth shuddered, sending lethal tremors through the mud-caked concrete. "Humans destroyed it. I was there... I've seen it all." Sacred structures crumbled like stale bread under mother nature's fist. "She's had it; she's given those.. those humans... hundreds of chances to change, to start anew. But, do they listen to the whisperes of the wind anymore? No. Do see spontanious natural disasters as threats anymore? As signs? As warnings? No. Let them suffer their own fate, the destiny they, themselves, created. Let them die." Ebony clouds swelled and released their hazardous liters of acid rain - pouring unto the earth. Screaming. Screeching. Shrieking... "Shrieking!!! Chaos... Panic... Destruction... Misery. The Angel of Death, me, I... Never fails. Slip on the noose, children, it will not bite... You see what you've done? Foolish child." The moon collapsed, the sun burnt out, and Hell has frozen over. "I've been there. I've seen it all. The visions do not lie. Listen. See?... No...?" --A dream I had, the voice was disembodied, and the other stuff was the images, the actual dream itself.