This story has anything from killing to sexual - nonconsensual sex. Adults only! If you are under 18 or are offended of any sexual or unmoral act do not read this story! All characters are mine or friends of mine. Do not use with out asking my permission to copy or use them! Story is @ to Sharue & Drugnar Luna’s Tale part 1 Luna’s Escape Luna was running hard and fast in the woods. Her leg hurt terribly as she stumbled over a log. Her leather out fit torn and ripped in several spots. They left me…they FUCKING left me! Is all she could think of. Her assassin dagger clutched tightly in her paws as she paused to get her bearings. Luna was a red morphic fox standing just less than five foot four. Her creamy white under fur and her black tipped ears making her very well attractive to her species. Her socks and boots also sported the same shiny black fur. Her long blue hair coming down to mid back was well kept even when she went on her missions. Being an assassin also kept her figure lean and strong. She growled and suddenly hopped six feet up grabbing onto a branch hauling her self up into a tree. Putting her dagger in her teeth she continued to climb till she thought it would be safe. The humans that were after her were loud and noisy and with out any dogs so she was pretty sure that she could get away buy just laying low for a bit. The mob coming to view as she sat there watching them with her dark green eyes. Their torches lighting the forest up in an earry way. Her party had left her to the mob just moments ago. She had been traveling with them for almost five months going on adventures and raids. Now here she was waiting for a lynch mob to pass by. They had been paid a considerable amount to kill a baron that had been annoying a king for long enough. I wonder if it was a set up…. she though swinging around the tree to keep hidden. Though if it was it means that her friends were bought off as well…. she would have to deal with them later. The small boy was running after the mob as fast as he could. His papa there he wanted to see this beast they were talking about. They say it killed the baron! The baron was a huge man! It must have been the size of a dragon! The boy in his early teens holding a long knife that he got from his mother. Soon though he knew he was entirely too far behind. Coming to stop by a bolder huffing and puffing. Suddenly he heard a thump just to the side and to his surprise he saw a figure standing up. He couldn’t see well with out a torch “Hey!” The figure turning suddenly startled. FUCK how could one still be behind…. Luna growled eyeing the brat before her. She made it a mental goal not to involve any children. The boy couldn’t have been older then thirteen any ways. She just turned to leave hoping he would go away. “Hey where you going hey come on I don’t have a torch!” he darted after the figure getting a cautious feeling as the figure ran silent not a sound. Fallowing it out into a clearing he could see torches on the other side. Must be my papa…. then he watched the figure turn away from them. The moon light suddenly just hitting it. His jaws dropped as he watched the fox trying to turn toward the river. It was a Lycanthrope! “PAPA, PAPA ITS OVER HERE!” Curse her luck as the brat called her out shouting. She should have killed him when she had the chance. Her feet caring her faster to the river hearing shouting and the noise of the mob fallowing. She was about to the river when she felt a pain sharp and deep in her back shoot up and down her spine. She let out an ear-piercing scream as she went down. Her paw finding the arrow deeply embedded in her back. But her leather armor had stopped it from hitting her lungs. The pain was immense…. she was an assassin not some ground troop! Cursing and rolling back to her feet she continued on. Though her strength was about gone by now. She had been on the run for almost thirty minuets now. Tears coming to her eyes some thinking about how she had been betrayed like that… They latterly looked right into her eyes and turned leaving her there by her self. Even little Patchcat! Patchcat looked up to her as a fellow thief. Gess there is no honor among thieves. Then there was another thunk as an arrow quivered where her paw was. Had to keep going. She could see the river but it was wide. She would be shot down before she could get to the other side. Quickly looking about she knew that she was in a U shape area…meaning she was trapped. Swim and get shot down by a hail of arrows or stand and fight. She turned the arrow making it hard to use her right arm. The red fox felt where her hand cross bow was pulling it out and taking aim. She was going to take as many as she could out before they got her. She took aim knowing they would have to come down a path. Seeing the first figure running down she let lose her bolt hearing a scream of pain and a tumbling sound into the brush. She quickly loaded another letting it fly, Again a scream as suddenly ten of the villagers came running down. Holding her dagger tightly she waited for them to come to her. It was her expertise. That slight pause just before the first blow was swung. It left everything exposed. She was good at what she did. In fact she made it an art out of it. Her movements were fluid almost like a dance as she moved through the mob surrounding her. Several were going down some with out a word dead before they hit the ground. He couldn’t believe it with his own eyes. This beast was nothing more then a Foxin. He could tell cause of her size she wasn’t a wear creature. She moved with the grace of some one that has trained for years. “Stand back don’t go near her!” The city elder cried out. He would be damned if any more villagers were going to die cause of there ignorance. The villagers stepping away from the panting fox. He knew she was almost out of the fight. Her breath coming in ragged wisps and blood now flowed freely down her back, Unlike the other villagers he had his armor on with a shield and sword but he knew better to go toe to toe with this fox. “Archers!” She spat at the villagers hearing that. “Fucking cowards!” She barked at them as three men came up and loosed their rounds at her. All she felt was herself suddenly getting cold. The villagers rushed her when she fell back into the river grabbing what they could rip off the vixen. The village elder coming up shooing every one away feeling her neck. “She lives…bring her,” he orders to three men walking back toward the keep. The Baron will want the little bitch that almost cost him his life. She had actually helped him out greatly by killing his brother. Though the villagers didn’t have to know that. They were happy that the Baron was dead…they just went into a frenzy stirred up by the local mage saying that it was a beast that would kill you all. A demon unleashed by the Baron that killed him and now ran lose in the town. Blahhh just a little dog bitch. He was a seasoned warrior fighting in three major wars. He has seen her kind before and knew what they were like. There smart cunning and fast. If the Baron kills her he will have to ask for the tail. Life slowly came back into her with a groan. She felt something over her muzzle though causing her to panic suddenly. Her arms trapped by something behind her…along with her feet and tail. It forced her to keep her chest to the ground and her ass high in the air. Her muzzle secured with a muzzle tightly strapped shut. She also realized she didn’t have a stitch on her. Her bare breast pillowed out against the cold floor. She looked around the dark dungeon wondering why she was kept alive. The footfall of booted feet made her head dart to a heavy wooden door as it slid open. The light almost blinded her as a robed figure stepped in. NO! I killed him I’m sure I did! I must be in hell! Is all she could think as the Baron stepped to her. “This is it? A small little fox bitch?” The village elder nodding silently. The Baron kneeling down some looking her over “The clerics did a good job of healing her.” She could feel his fingers look through her fur a grin across his ugly face. “Fuck you!” she managed through the muzzle. It only rewarded her with a harsh slap making her go cross-eyed. He was surprisingly strong for such an old guy. Growling her defiance she tried to uncross her eyes as he ludly looked her over. “I want her death to be long and drawn out…. a month or so. And of course I want her humiliated to the utmost extreme. I’ll send a list down when of what I want done to her.” With that he full fist punched her across the face making the white flash of stars dance across her eyes. So she wasn’t dead….just in a bad situation. She has been in worse. Of course she had her friends to help her out of it though. Why had they left her like that? It just didn’t make since. The one man in the armor staid behind with a leering grin. “You know you killed a lot of people. Your extremely skillful for one your age. I though at best you would kill one or two but you got twelve. There are a lot of folk wanting to hang you right now. Of course that would be a blessing to you right now wouldn’t it?” The man chuckling at her eyeing her over in her bound form. “You know I’m not a close minded guy.” He smirks walking over running a hand over her raised ass. She had nice firm ass cheeks with smooth soft fur. Giving her a harsh slap and then griping her tail base tightly lifting it. She yelped some feeling him slap her ass and then almost pull her tail out of socket. “FUCK YOU FUCK YOU MOHHHVVER HHHUCKER!” Her anger rising as she had an idea what he was about to do. She was still a virgin as well. Her job required her not to get close to any one and one thing she was a sucker for was a kind male. She had hardened her self to the point she chased off every kind male that had interest in her. Her muzzle felt like it was cutting into her maw as she growled deeply jerking her hips as best she could. She felt another slap before his fingers started to explore her nether regions. He had secretly always had a thing for she bitches. Something about their feral look and there build always aroused him. Also to know that he was forcing someone… no some thing as dangerous as this animal aroused him even more. “Shut it.” His strong hands griping her hair pulling back forcing her ass into his lap. It hurt a lot! Her wrist bending in an odd direction as she was pulled back. A half grunting scream coming from her as her chest was lifted up off the ground letting her large orbs sway. Tears coming to her eyes as she knew that he would continue to do this till she gave in. She was determined not to though. She would rather die before begged him to stop. He chuckled seeing her fight it. He knew what he was doing. He was a slave owner himself and knew how to have some fun. Grinning he pulled a little tighter just hard enough to cause more pain but not to pull out a fist full of hair. “Come on dog you know what you have to do. I can take you as rough as I want or as soft as I want.” He chuckled knowing that she would be stubborn but it was fun to break them and he had all night. Growling deeply at her attacker she just thrust her hips to the side trying to un-mount him from her. “Fuhk you hou hhoon of a boootch!” Her jaws were clamed down with the muzzle but also with pain to get a coherent phrase out. She needed to think fast to get out of this one. Her tail was clamped in the stocks with her feet and hands. The wholes were too small to pull her fist out of them and the heels of her feet were catching the wood that held them down. She had now way of picking the lock with her arms back, no way of breaking it. There has to be some opportunity when they have to release me. She though desperately through the haze of pain. She was finally let back down to the floor panting as she could hear him working his clothing off behind her. She wished Cathline were here. She was a Sylvan elf that had been a sex slave before they rescued her. She would know how to get out of this situation or at the very least how to fool the male. Laying her back down and striping down to his shorts he walked around the room collecting crops and whips and other sorts of equipment. “Now lets see If I can train you dog… You’re just like any of the other dogs. Beat them enough and they will learn.” Giving her a sharp slap with a crop across her back. She had never been whipped before. She now was starting to understand why Cathline had dreaded it so much. The long welt formed under her fur along where it had whipped across her. She let out a whimper of pain. Every nerve was alive on her back as she felt it come down again in the same spot. Again and again it came down till she was howling and sobbing uncontrollably. She couldn’t believe how much it hurt. It didn’t even break her skin as it lashed down one more time. She felt dizzy with pain trying to uncross her eyes lying there. She was doing half way good. Most girls start begging by now. Though he was only ten lashes into it. She could probably handle a good seventy before she passes out. Though enough with the crop time to get a little messy. He would only use his whip that was tipped with a pice of metal in the shape of a diamond once or twice. This caused wounds and he didn’t like his bitches to bleed too much. Uncoiling the whip and walking around her letting her see the well waxed leather as he came up along her side. “Ill give you one and then let you decide if you want to play nice.” He chuckled slapping the sides of her face. Bringing it up and then down just inches from her face letting it snap right by her ear terrified her. Here she was helpless to do anything about it. She didn’t think she had felt so much fear for something. She braced her self as best she could but nothing prepared her for the blow. It came down along her left side of her hip dragging over her back leaving just before her right armpit. The fox going into convulsions it looked like. Her muzzle clamped so hard that she couldn’t even find the breath to scream. Pain burned through her like the hell forge it self. “Well?” She didn’t even register his question as the second one landed across her shoulders dragging across her left to her right. This made her find wind to her scream. It was odd hearing their screams compared to a human scream. She honestly sounded like a fox in pain. He had heard the same scream from a fox trapped in one of his foot traps a couple of sessions ago. Grinning as he let her catch her breath letting the whip dangle out in front of her. “Up for some more? All you have to do is to ask it to stop.” She was ready! She would lick his boots clean of the dirt if it meant him not bringing that whip across her back again! Her body still on fire from the sudden shock of it. “Nohhhhh Pwwweeeeeehess!” she balled out at him her jaws refusing to unclench as she looked up at the male. She was half surprised to feel him loosen her muzzle up. “Now catch your breath and ask me properly like a good bitch.” She growled at him but quickly shut up seeing his whip uncoil again. “Please d.. don’t whip me again.” The human rolling his eyes “Have to do better bitch.” He said raising his arm up. “P…please no! Don’t whip me again please don’t Ill let you fuck me just don’t whip me!” she screamed out clenching her eyes shut. She felt the crop this time come down across her shoulders where the whip had cut her. She let out another scream as she felt the pain rush through her “DAMN YOU WHAT DO YOU WANT!” she screamed sobbing and growling. He got his kicks off at seeing her struggle confused. Rolling his eyes they were all the same. Ignorant bitches. Though he would never let the villagers know of his little dungeon or slave fetish. He had several women trained here that would obey his every word. Even if they were married or not. Grinning he moved about her “I want you to show proper respect. That and I don’t think you will be LETTING me do anything. I think you will be begging me to do something.” Damn him! Is all she thought “Please fuck me.” She managed to croak out of her unwilling lips. Then she felt the crop on her back. It hadn’t whipped her just laid there to remind her “Be a little more creative.” He said in his calm voice. That sick fuck he must feel really macho beating on a helpless female. Her mind quickly trying to come up with something that would please this fuck “Please use me like a bitch sir.” Her ears turning hot as she shook her head around angrily keeping her gaze on the floor. She would kill him for this. When she was free she would make sure he knew what it felt like to be under the lash like she was. “Well it’s a start. Her doggie hold this.” He said putting the crop in-between her jaws. His hands rubbing over the fur careful not to touch the wounds. Not like he was doing it cause he didn’t want to hurt her but blood just wasn’t his thing. Slipping up behind her she suddenly felt his fingers agents her slit rubbing and fingering. She knew she wouldn’t be able to stop him from arousing her. He knew where to push to please her. His fingers expertly working her up till her fur was matted with her juices. A low forced moan escaping from her as well. “Better not drop my crop bitch.” She would soon chew his damn crop in half but she kept it up off the ground as he played with her. She couldn’t help the moan. A growl of anger flowing through her, mostly at her self for letting it out for her attacker to listen to, her lean body quickly putting out her scent that would deafen a normal males reasoning. Though humans couldn’t smell like Foxins could. They were blunt in every way except their intelligence and cruelty. The first thrust he put in her was not all that bad. The tearing of her virginity hurt but not near as bad as the whipping had been. What shocked her was the low moan that escaped around the crop making her push her face to the ground hard in anger. He chuckled and laughed some feeling his cock slip deeply into her body. She was tight very tight. She is probably a virgin. All the more better though for him. Griping her hips and thrusting forward he watched as her chin smacked the flow letting his crop touch the ground on one side. He raised a hand up bringing it down across her ass hard enough to let the smack sound through out the room. “Bad dog.” He scolded her as he continued to thrust into her forcing her chin to the ground. Her mind was somewhere else trying not to think of the pain and pleasure in her body. Trying to think of what she was going to do when she escaped. Kill this human would be the first thing. Then find out what happened from the king and then… find her former friends and repay each of them dearly. She knew that the Dark Dwarf probably had something to do in all this so she would start with him. She suddenly arched her back feeling her first climax come to her. She could believe how it felt. It was too bad it was under this ugly fuck. A low growl coming from her as her hips and thighs tightened and griped down on the mans member. He could fee her body finally respond to all his thrust griping down on his cock as it pushed deeply in. He let her stay there for a bit before pulling out. The still firm cock dripping with her juices. He enjoyed this next part as it always took away their pleasure from it all. At least if they never did it before. Slipping it up under her tail and pulling her back with a quick pull barring his cock deep in her ass. She gurgled…it was all she could do as she felt the sudden burning in her rump cheeks. The thick member spreading her wide as it plowed into her. It didn’t cause sharp pain as it slipped in still nicely lubed due to her own body. The burning feeling though is what caused her to grunt and struggle. The thought of anal never came to her as she could feel him thrusting away into her body. Feeling him grip her hair and pull her back again lifting her chest off the ground got her to scream though. The poor foxes chest held off the ground by only her hair as the crop started to slip out of her open muzzle. A slap to her ass quickly made her clamp back down on it. It only took a few min before he pulled out of her walking around and pumping his cock steadily pulling a bowl up and letting his seed spill into it. Holding the bowl he eyed her knowing the reaction he was about to get. Though he still wasn’t sure, as he never had a Foxin before under him. Grinning he put the bowl down on the ground under her nose and took his crop back. “Lick it all up bitch.” He said pushing her face into the bowl making the seaman coats her nose and lips before getting back up “I want that bowl empty when I get back. If not it will be twenty lashes and no food.” He said gathering his things and heading to the door. When he left she looked down at the bowl. Her nose was filled with its scent as she felt the need to lick it up. She was disgusted at that thought. The thought of her licking that human’s cum out of a bowl like dog! The thought of the crop and the whip though caused her to hold her thoughts back as she started to lick the bowl of it. Her muzzle in it licking making the bowl skitter around till she eyed it making sure it was clean. Her muzzle still had seaman on it but he said the bowl and she would be damned it she was going to do anything above what he said. She had to save face some how… She didn’t know how long it had been. She had fallen asleep the bowl next to her when she heard something. It startled her awake and she was surprised to see a slender sylvan elf standing there. Sylvan elves were a common slave around in this part of the human lands. It use to be their lands before the humans declared war on them and took most of it. She didn’t look like Cathline at all though. She had fair white skin long brownish red hair and she was quite slender. Cathline was a rich deep copper skinned elf that was thicker then most elves. She must be a half breed. But the defining trait of a sylvan elf is there ears. There ears come out to the side other then keeping flat agents there head and up. The elf smiled a little flickering her ears as the slave ring in it jiggled around. Her thick collar around her neck holding a short piece of chain. Luna knew a little Sylvan from her friend Cathline. “Quvestie mun vintoro?” She tried quietly watching her pull the bowl away. The elf grinned and started to pour water into the bowl. “I am pouring you some fresh water.” She answered in sylvan. Elves voices always had a musical ring to it she always thought. “What is your name?” Luna asked her mouth drooling for some cool water. She felt sorry for the fox. She had almost done what every one in the entire village had been plotting to do. Only she and her master knew that she had failed though… well other then the fox itself as well. She was a wonderful looking female. Firm in all the right spots and slender. She could see why her master was trying to buy her from the Baron instead of killing her. That and he is secretly trying to start a harem in Viscowl the capital city. He just needed the girls to do it. That and variety to keep others coming in. She had no problem with her position as long as he behaved she was treated well. At least she thought so. “My name is Silver.” Pushing the bowl under the foxes chin so she could drink. “And yours?” Luna looked to silver suspecting that wasn’t her real name. Probably just the name her master gave her. Then a sudden dread thought came to her eyeing the slave ring. She knew about those. They were glyfted on to the slave so if it were ever removed it would kill them. The master knew the password to it to ether kill the slave or free it. If he puts one of those on her she would be done for. She started to lap hungrily at the water then suddenly tasting the slight taste of salt in it. That bustard… she was too thirsty to drink and there wasn’t enough salt in it to harm her. She looked up water dripping off her chin “Luna Silvermoon.” She merffed some going back to drinking. Silver blinked some “Your Luna? The assassin that so many have been talking about in Viscowl?!” Luna blinking some looking up maybe she had made a mistake by telling her, her name. Only one word came to mind though… Crap! “Why would my name be all over Viscowl?” She acted like it was nothing but wondered why she was so popular there. Silver couldn’t believe her masters luck when it came to stuff like this. “The mayor of the city has put a 300 platinum bounty on your head for killing his son.” The elf looking Luna over. This was the assassin that caused so much trouble. She wondered if her master even knew about his luck. She might get rewarded for telling him. She saw that look and knew it well. “Look don’t tell your master please! Its bad enough I have to get out of this position let alone fight off all the head hunters after me.” She pleaded with the elf. She simply laughed at her “Master is too good to allow you to escape Luna Silvermoon.” She let her name roll off her tongue like a prized phrase. She was in a world of trouble now. She was new to the slave idea and now knew why Cathline said never trust the one to the left or right of you cause you never knew when they would use you to get out of the simplest punishments. She watched the elf leave her to her tainted water to ponder on her ordeal. She was getting scared now. The seriousness of her situation starting to finally sink into her as she could see that any path that is given to her right now meant death or enslavement. It was one thing to die in combat or fighting but to be tied up and shackled at the mercy of these tyrants was too much for her. She started to sob laying her chin back on the floor sleep retaking her. She awoke to a smell that perked her ears. A bowl slipped under her nose with the smell of food in it. She didn’t even ask or question it she started to eat hungrily. Though when she knew that the food wasn’t going to be taken away she started to get her bearings seeing who brought the food. She could see the slaver and then a new human looking down at her. Pausing a little to eye the new human she could see he was overweight and in his mid ages. Overweight only meant one thing. He has money and property probably a lord or duke. A string of stew dangled off her chin as they talked. “As you can see she is nothing but a animal sir. She learns fast like any dog. Beat her enough and she will be doing tricks for you before you know it.” The fat human male turning “If I’m to convince the Baron into letting you keep her she better be doing some good tricks Billiard.” Billiard turned to him “I asked that you not use my name in front of her damn it.” He scowled. Luna could only smirk, as she knew if she didn’t have his name then the only way she could describe him is by master. Billiard hemmmmm I wonder if I have heard that name before. She started to lick the bowl clean making sure to get it all. Billiard stood there glowering down at the fox. Finally bent down pulling the dish away. “I’m surprised you didn’t beg him to let you free.” “Yea well animals are unpredictable.” She curtly shot back. Billiard gave a laugh and shrugged some. “Look it’s looking like your going to be mine. I have a place down in a city where you are going to be making me some money. If you don’t ill make sure you stay in this dismal dungeon till I get tired of you and give you to the dogs to fuck.” Luna gave him her best defiant look but said nothing. If he moves her where she isn’t chained or tied down all the time it will give her a chance to escape. “And of course there is always the reward on your head.” He said watching her expression out of the corner of his eye. Luna winched the slave had told him. That bitch… Though it was getting usual to be betrayed. “So I’m assuming you are going to revile me as who I am if I don’t go along with you?” Billiard shrugging some “Ill put it this way…what ever way gives me more money ill take. So if you can’t work off the amount on your head in say one year then to the chopping block you go.” Luna gritted her teeth together “And what would I have to do?” Billiard just grinned some “Work at a harem.” Luna goffed some “Like many are going to want to fuck a animal there not all sick like you.” She spat. After she recovers from the sharp blow to the top of the head she looked back up at Billiard. “You stupid cunt you don’t know how easily it would be just to hand you over and collect the money? I have been in this for many years and you think I wouldn’t know a good chance to make some money when I see it?” Luna didn’t doubt that he had been doing this for some time but she still didn’t think that many would want to fuck her. “Just to prove it ill be putting on a little show to day and lets see how many come by to watch shall we?” Luna growled some at that she didn’t like the idea of having to bow down to this human in front of others. Latter that day she was shackled heavily and lead out into fresh air. In nothing but her fur she felt a little naked as humans gawked at her. She was led over to a eye ring in the ground feeling him pull her down till her head was only a foot off the ground and shackled to it. “Now lets see who all shows up shall we?” she growled at him as he walked away just out of sight. She curled her tail about herself trying to be modest as a child was coming towards her. A mother quickly stopping the child before he could come with in reach. She tried to look as harmless as she could fearing the humans to start throwing stones at her. A half hour went by and soon more humans started to gather around her. She was feeling very uncomfortable as one spits on her. This is going to get ugly especially if any of the family comes around from that mob. Who knows how many she killed but she knew that there would be a lot of angry humans about it. “OK I GIVE! Yes I believe you just don’t leave me out here any longer!” she shouted to much of the humans confusion. She coward away any of them that got too close but with only a foot of chain… She merffed trying to look as small as she could waiting for billiard to come back. He didn’t though as one human got brave walking up to her and touching her. She shook some as he touched her and then griped her hair pulling her head up to look at him. The look was that of hatred. She knew she was in trouble. “T.. this is what killed my son! A DOG!” Her eyes darting around wildly “BILLIARD! DAMN YOU I GIVE! GET ME OUT OF HERE!” hopping giving his name away would force him to come get her. Billiard stood watching from a second story window watching the crowd form around her. He would stop them before it got too bad but she needed a good beating anyways. Hearing her scream out his name made him frown though. Stupid bitch…. now ill have to do some explaining. Looking down at a human female sucking him off he smirked “Glad that isn’t you down there?” The female only nodding on the rigged member. She started to panic as scores of humans started to move in on her hitting and kicking her. She howled out begging them to stop but it seamed to egg them on. She finally just curled up into a tight ball taking it all as best she could. Then it hit her. “MASTER PLEASE MASTER MAKE THEM STOP!” she shouted out. Billiard “well she catches on fast.” He says some pulling the female off and rushing down the stairs buckling up his pants coming out pushing and shoving to her. “STOP, STOP THAT’S ENOUGH!” he says pushing people back “Shows over go home!” he shouts standing over Luna. Undoing her lock he petted her “Good girl you’re learning fast.” He says pulling her back to her feet. She is a mess bloody nose going to be bruised all over. She hemmped looking at billiard through one eye as the other one was swollen shut. Her maniacal attached to her hobbles so she couldn’t bring her paws up to choke this human. “Yes master thank you…” she choked on the words as her jaws refused to allow them to escape. Then she collapsed and billiard carried her back into the house. He had made a point. If she couldn’t bring people in to please them she would be used other ways to bring people in. She realized that was the only thing in her control. Weather she was to be a good girl and not fight it or to be a punching bag for all the others that hate her kind or have that type of mind set agents females. Luna growls but cant move much she is so tired. Finally feeling herself put back in the stocks making her self lay her chin on the ground her ass up in the air. It was chilly down here is all she could thing now realizing she got some warmth out there. A robed man came in Billiard pointing to her. He nodded and walked over bending down suddenly placing his hands on her talking in a low chant. She could feel her self getting better. Must be a cleric. She wagged her tail as best she could at him. Her tip clapped shut in the stocks. As soon as he was done Billiard sat down in front of her. “So dog going to be a good girl?” End of part 1