This is a fictional story about an Anthro fox trapped in a mid evil society. Her name is Luna a well know assassin that travels the dark lands only to find that there is no trust in the world. Given up for dead and abandoned by her friends she struggles through the underground society of a harem. This story has Non consensual sex in it and should not be viewed by any one that is not of legal age or has moral problems with such issues. All Characters are copyrighted by there players do not use them with out permission of there owners. Story @ Sharue & Drugnar Luna’s Tale part 2 Luna groaned, as she was jolted around in the back of the cart. The chains keeping her bolted down to the back of the cart as it bounced along. Peeking her head up over the side she could see farms and other buildings. There getting thicker… must be getting close to the city. Viscowl was huge in mid evil terms, sporting over one hundred thousand in population. The streets cobbled and its outer edge walled with an impressive fifty-foot garrison. Luna had been with Billiard for what three weeks now? She had lost track of time. Sighing she settled down in the hay a little more keeping her tail wrapped around her. Cities bothered her. Mainly because people hated lycanthropes or anything that looked like one. She knew many times when her old party use to bundle her up or just leave her in the woods as they went to get supplies. Now she was going to be living in one! She hadn’t been to Viscowl but she knew of its reputation. You can find anything here, from magical weapons to love potions even pet dragons. All in the black market of course. The last three weeks had been hell putting up with Billiards constant torment to make her obey. He had broken her, and she knew it. She would do anything just about to keep from under that whip or crop. She had never though a fur could live through some of the stuff she had gone through. Feeling the cart lurch to a stop she snuggled down deeper into the straw hoping they will just let him pass. Just before they had left she had been pampered. Combed bathed a new collar put on her even her lips had this odd paint on them making her lips stand out more agenst her fur. Billiard knew the guards well as he pulled up. He already had their usual fee of four gold for them. “Good day gents.” He says tossing the gold at them before they could ask. Don, a heavy fellow, chuckled some “Well Billiard sporting some black goods again today?” Billiard just giving a grin tilting his head to the back “Not quite black market stuff just rather have it as a little secret before I put it on show!” Don raising an eyebrow as he takes a quick look back. He pauses in mid look his hand straying to his sword. “Is that what I think it is?” eyeing Luna. “Hey now no scaring the poor thing. She is a Foxin not a Lycanthrope.” Don giving a close look to the orange hued fox. Luna was eyeing the guard right back. Her green eyes assessing and measuring up how hard it would be to kill him if need be. She kept her paws over her breasts and her legs together not wanting to give anyone the pleasure of seeing her nude. “Filth..” she barked out at the human like she been told to. Not like it took any command to tell her to curse a human. The man looked like he drank himself into a stupor every night. Hair un kept armor cracked and dull with tarnish. He would be a easy kill if she needed to get out of the city. She was half surprised when a thinner male human came around and looked at her. It wasn’t a look of anger or lust but true pity. She caught it at first site and played off it as best she could. Her tail wagging to the new human. Her ears laying back as she went on all fours stretching out till her chain wouldn’t allow it. “Don leave her be and you are filthy you drunkard go clean up some.” Billiard saw Jandoran come out and groaned. He was the Sgt of the guard. Jandoran came from a very proper family from uptown Viscowl. “Well lad its good to see you again!” Jandoran eyed billiard. “You know this is very UNUSUAL….not illegal…what are you up to Billiard? Still trying to get your harem up and going?” Billiard scowled a little “Yes that I am lad. Got me a place over near your part of town if your interested in coming by.” Jandoran wrinkling his nose some “I drought that you would have anything that would interest me old man. That was it! She quickly poked her head up over the side with a sultry grin. “Oooo sir I would love to have an attractive human like your self come and visit me….” She murred making a show of it. Billiard was eyeing her with confusion but played off it. “Well if not for your interests why not for the lovely vixens?!” Billiard glowered to him self knowing damn well that vixen wouldn’t say such a thing unless she thought she could get away with something. “Why im sure the lovely fox needs a break from filthy thugs like Don.” Knowing Jandoran’s type. Always thinking them selves the prince in shining armor. Jandoran was looking at the fox as she was sporting a well played shy look with a hint of just in her. Her tail flagging about in the back of the cart. Finally Jandoran shook his head “No I don’t think that would do well at all to be caught in such a place. Go along and don’t let a crowd form.” He says pointing in the gates. “And Billiard…..I better not find a Fox pelt suddenly floating around on the market….IF there is ill be by.” He said warningly as Billiard nudged his horse forward. Once in side he pulled it over and quickly turned around. Luna only got out a startled yap as she felt her hair pulled back so she faced Billiard. The scowling man looking at her sternly. “I don’t know what you were thinking you could do but forget it…. If he comes by or dose any sort of poking around I’ll send you to the chopping blocks got it? Three hundred platinum is a lot of money bitch. GOT IT?” Whimpering as he pulled tighter “Yes master I…I just thought he was cute!” She tried. “Bull shit bitch… I know you and you don’t have it for any human unless your tied down and getting it hard and fast.” Luna quickly gave a growl as he pushed her head away. He did have that right though. Rape seamed to make her cum every time no mater how mean or how hard it was done to her. She didn’t know why her body responded to it like that but it did and Billiard used it to his advantage every time. That and he did know her pretty well as he is right she would never willingly have a male human in her bed. The cart started to move again as she lay back down in the hay. She was about to close her eyes when she saw a very familure item hanging off a Half orc standing there by a bar. It was a frying pan with several dents and breaks in it. The old pan sporting a good amount of rib bits and strips of metal holding it together. It was Orc! That lug head! He was a mercenary that occasionally joined her old group for some treasure hunting. She sat up looking at Billiard knowing if she said anything he would punish her severely. Finding a piece of stone in the back of the cart she chucked it at Orc. Orc was being his typical self. Drinking finding work and wondering where his next stop would be for a warm bed and meal. He gawked as a small stone hit him. Looking quickly at where it came from, he almost rubbed his eyes. “Luna?” he watched the cart roll away down the road to the Shadow district. “What the hell you got your self into now?” Normally orcs are rather dumb and most times Orc played the part. Though many didn’t know that he was rather intelligent. Only one knew being a small little wolf girl that he had met almost four years ago. He knew that she was in trouble by just the heavy chain attached to a collar. He wondered if she had finally been caught by the law, or if some how she had a bad run in with a local slaver. He would have to look into it latter though as he awaited his job title. Seeing Orc look up at her she felt her heart flutter and she gave him her most pitiful look. “Please help me” she mouthed to Orc. She knew he wouldn’t be able to understand, being the brain dead orc he is. Seeing him turn back to the door made her ears drupe though. If the others betrayed her what is keeping Orc from being the same? She sighed as he went out of sight as they rounded a bend in the road. Coming to a stop finally in front of a building that looked more like a run down shack. Luna could smell the sex coming from the place. Even from out here it assaulted her. She knew no human would be able to smell it but she could. What she hated the most though was when her mouth watered at the smell of the seaman. Thoughts would drift through her head and she would fight them off best she could. It scared her honestly, to think of her self giving into it all and becoming a obedient little fuck toy. Billiard got you with some tools to undo the chain in the cart. She could simply pounce him and strangle him with the chain. She knew how well that would go though… a morphic fox killing a human in a human city. She would be lynched and skinned before she could do anything about it. No one cared for her status here. Even that Sgt of the guard was only concerned about her life not that she was enslaved illegally. That and there was that annoying “If you tell any one that your illegally owned I’m sure they would love to know who you are.” The minuet she told some one Billiard would only have to do is tell them her name and she would go to the gallows to have her neck stretched. No if she were to make her escape she was going to have to do it at night alone and quietly. Billiard was watching the fox. She was so ingrossed in her thoughts that she didn’t even know that he had taken the chain off the cart. He was going to yank on it but he got to wondering what she was thinking to her self. How to kill him maybe? No he would never trust her with any freedoms. This was a bitch that would kill with out second thought. “Well dog you going to drool all day or get out? Your sub owner is waiting.” Sub owner? She snapped back to reality. The images of her freeing her self leaving from her mind as she looked at Billiard. “Who is that master?” Billiard jerking the chain just enough to get her moving. “His name is master to you dog. From now on he will over see your training and use of you to make me some money.” She hoped down from the cart watching Billiard. This could be good or bad for her. Billiard was strict but there were things that he allowed. She hoped that this one was better then him. “Yes master I’m sorry.” She could only hide the sarcastic look as he turned and walked her to the door. A huge half oger met them there opening the door. Bouncer more then likely….he will be hard to kill. Coming down the stairs she could smell more of the candles and spices now. The room was rather well lit and elegantly decorated as she looked about. “Got another for you Aaron.” Billiard tugged Luna up to him griping her scruff “See what you can do with this mangy mutt will you?” Aaron was a dark human standing almost seven feet. He was a moor from the desert lands. A good friend of his that he trusted deeply. “Whip her into shape and get her with the other girls as soon as you can. She is extremely dangerous Aaron. This is Luna Silvermoon the one the whole city has been raging about. Aaron grinning at the vixen looking her over. “I have other business so ill leave her with you. The baron has asked for his share in the profits and its time that I help in his demise.” Luna growled a little as she was supposed to have killed him already. That was the first wrong thing she did. She found her self on the ground from the sudden slug across her face. Billiard leaving her to the moor. “First thing no growling or animal noises unless the customer wants it.” Aaron clenching her chain jerking her back up to her feet. “Got that?” He said putting shackles on her paws pulling them tight keeping her paws clamed together. “Yes master I got it!” “Second you no longer have the right to say I any more. You will always refer to your self what you really are. You are a bitch or a whore or what ever suits the person you are pleasing got it?” “Yes master….” Was all he got out of her that time. He jerked the chain again eyeing her “T..this bitch understands…” She was in trouble. Her head still a little wozzy from the slug across her jaw. Billiard had done a little with her like that before. Making her self refer to her self in such ways. She was never forced to keep it like that though. “And third you get a new name. You are no longer Luna that part of you is dead never to return. You are Kamii from now on got it?” Luna just nodding. She would never forget her name no matter how much it was beaten out of her. “Now Kamii you can behave and have it easy here or you can fight it and not have it easy here.” Luna looking into the moor’s dark brown eyes knowing that was true. “You will stay in a cell till I think you are ready for some more attentive training.” With that he started to pull her deeper into the harem underworld. It was huge row after row of cells and rooms passed her as they walked down the stone walled tunnels. Sounds of pleasure or screams of pain could be heard making her winch. She desperately wanted to be free of this horrible dream. Was it god punishing her for what she has done? She finally found her self pulled through a open door. “Now I have heard that you know just about every way out of a lock so I built you something that should keep you in check.” She felt him pull her over to the center of the room undoing the shackles and pulling her paws behind her back. Her arms then were pulled up making her bow forward till she was on her tip toes. Her legs spread widely apart and then secured to eye rings in the floor. She felt something odd being put over her paws forcing her fingers to go straight. Gloves of some sort to keep her from using her fingers. She knew she wasn’t going to be able to get out of this with out help. Then a muzzle was put over her face pulling it back till the straps closed her jaws tightly making it hard to talk. Next would be a blinder blocking her vision. Not only is he making it imposable to escape this he was making it so she could not conceivably make an escape plane. If she couldn’t look around she couldn’t form a plan on how to escape her prison. After that was all done with he left her alone. Only her tail t move about she waited and waited but no one came. Finally some once came in and to her horror she could feel that familure leather. The type only whips are made out of. She couldn’t talk or move or even look to see where or who had the whip. Every nerve flared to life in her as she started to struggle. Muffled sobs escaped from her as she hung there from the chain. This was easy thought Shadowdale. The drow grinned stretching her hands over the furry bitches ass. “Hemmm master must of beat you good. He loves to beat dogs like you.” Her gloved hands griping Luna’s hips pulling her back agenst the pull of the chain. “Look I haven’t even touched you with the whip and you balling like a babby.” She chuckled being a slave her self but knew her place. She also knew how to work the system. If you fight the system it fought you. If you worked the system it worked for you. She smirked some pushing a hand down to the fox bitches cunt pushing two fingers in moveing them around, She was soaked already. Her juices matting her crotch fur down. “My my some one likes to be used don’t we?” Luna was scared of this woman for some reason. She couldn’t put her finger on it but something terrified her. The way she spoke? Then she new it. She was an artiest like her self. She knew where to push and hit and she knew it the minuet the whip landed on her back side. The muzzle making it so she could only get a muffled whine out. Billiard had been good but who ever this was was perfect. The shear pain that riped through the first lash almost made her want to push forward till her arms pulled out of socket. The next nine made her almost black out. Finally she stopped letting her get her breath. “Now doggie lets see if you can learn a few tricks shall we?” She said loosening the muzzle around her jaws. “What’s your name?” “K…Kamii….” She just slapped her across the face. “That is what you are known to by others what’s your name?” “B…bitch t..this whore goes by bitch!” Luna whimpered some hanging there tears welling up in her eyes. She might as well been a bitch she thought as she hung there. The drow tisked at here “You almost had it…” What had she forgotten? She franticly thought of what she could have done wrong. Then she felt the whip lash down catching a pice of her ear making her scream loudly. “Come to you yet dog?” again another lash. “PLEASE STOP THIS WHORE DOSN’T KNOW!” again another lash coming across her thighs. “Show some respect to your better!” And then she was whipped across the ankles. “Ma’am! This whore goes by bitch Ma’am!” she sobbed her knees shaking as she hung there. Thought that didn’t stop the whip. She stopped ordering her to say it but the whip kept coming down on her again and again. Then she lost it. All body control was gone as she lay limp in the chains. Her bladder empting out down her legs. The drow left her hanging there with her own piss on her. She was just like the rest to simple minded to think beyond getting away from the whip. Pity she really was hopping that she would finally get a partner. Shadowdale sighed some taking her gloves off looking to a meek halfling female. “Go in there and it up. I want her scrubed and washed before I come back. Get her some water and food as well. Do not take off her blinder or undo any of her bonds.” She said heading to her master’s room. Luna felt small hands suddenly scrubbing her down along her thighs and groin area. She merffed slowly forming thoughts again. The welts on her back burned but lacked the sharp pain that caused her to scream. Who was this? She doubted that the female that was whipping her would lower her self to clean her up. “What’s your name?” hoping that it was a slave like her. She wasn’t surprised when a female voice reached her ears. “Blue Star.” That was different she had a last name with hers as well. Hers was just Kamii… she gerffed some shaking her head. She was Luna no mater how much they beat her. When Luna felt the cup touch her lips she almost bit the cup in fear of it being pulled away. The cool water worth more then diamonds to her at that point. She also didn’t expect the food as it was fed to her. She ate hungrily even to the point where she tried to keep the spoon. The halfling chuckling as she tried to tug the spoon out of her muzzle “Come now I need this back.” Reluctantly she spat it out. “How long have you been here?” “About four years I think.” Blue Star was a quiet voiced one, and it always came below her giving her the feeling that she was rather small. “What are you?” “I’m a halfling dear.” Luna felt the small hand rubbing her muzzle. “Who was the one with the whip?” Blue cringed some. “That would be Shadowdale but never call her by her name…just mistress or Ma’am at all times. First couple of weeks are pretty harsh here but if you do good they will leave you to your job. Luna could only nod as the halfling left. Who knows how long it was before some one came back in. Her arms were so sore from hanging in a odd position like this. She kept quiet as she felt a firm hand run over her pelt. “So is your first stay here satisfactory?” It wasn’t the question it self but the deep sarcasm that set her off. “Go to the 7th level of hell!” she barked at the male not knowing why it set her off like that.” “O and there is some fight still left over in you. And here Shadow had said you were a beat dog.” “Piss off!” was all she could come up with to counter attack the males crudeness. She felt a thumb drive down into her welts making her whimper and struggle some. “Now now you have to be a nice bitch…at least for me. I know of a few customers that will love that little fire of yours that you randomly spit out in confusion. Now what is your name?” “Kamii sir.” The unknown figure walking around her. “I see Shadow didn’t get it through your thick head did she?” Luna quickly trying to correct her self before she felt a strong hand clamp her muzzle shut. “I’m not here to beat you dog. Ill leave that to shadow just know I run this part of the harem. You will learn to fallow the rules that we give you and train when we want you. Now Kamii…for that you will earn two lashes tomorrow. Also you will start some exercise for you. You probably haven’t had any chance to stretch out have you?” “No sir.” Came her muffled reply. What happened next startled her. She felt sharp claws dig into her muzzle. Not to draw blood but just to give a hint at what he is. “Now get some sleep…you have a long day ahead of you.” The male slipping back out leaving the scent of a feline drifting around. A bastet maybe? Orc walked around the town some acting his usual role. He couldn’t help but wonder what was going on with Luna. He had checked the gallows and the jail cells. He even got into a fight to go to the jails for a few hours to look around him self. “Where has that blasted fox gone off to?” His heavy arms crossing while one finger rubbed a huge tusk that came out of his mouth like a bulldog tooth. He was rather fond of Luna always going out of his way to bring back treats or something nice to her. He was a half orc and shunned by almost all humans but he was still allowed to walk freely with out trouble among the city…well most the time. Eyeing the annoying drunk that he had stuck through the hay ceiling of the tavern. Well time to check the thieves guild then. They new everything that happens in this town. Luna woke to a hand slapping her ass. “Rise and shine dog.” Groaning knowing it was the female that had whipped her earlier. She shot awake when the first lash came down on her making her grit her teeth. The next one was almost right on top of the last as she jerked and whimpered. “There is your two from master with love. Another sharp slap on her butt making her sway in the chains. “You may speak dog.” What did she want her to say?! “Nothing? Good hold this.” She felt something put in her jaws as she was unchained. It was soft but durable as she bite down in it. Her K-9s sinking deeply in but not breaking into what ever it was. When her feet were freed and she was allowed to stand up right finally her mussels ached badly. It only lasted a little bit as she was hobbled her arms bent so her paws were on the middle of her back. She could feel a chain being attached to her cuffs keeping her paws there. They were good when it came to restraining some one. She felt a tug on her leash. “Come.” As she was led down the hallway. Shadow rolled her eyes watching the fox stumble or trip from her own feet as she was pulled through the hallway. She learned fast though as she finally figured out how to stay in step. The dildo that was in her muzzle griped tightly. It was a good thing it was made out of rubber. Her master had found the odd stuff from a merchant from the jungles. He said it came from trees and her master put it to use. It was far better then the metal or wooden ones. The slender drow lead Luna down into an open area where there was three greats in the ceiling giving light to the large room. Sighing she took the dildo and also started to undo her blinder. Luna felt her blinder pulled off making her blink and squint as she looked about the room. It was rather large room and there were other slaves in the room as well. She felt the female lead her in. She gasped seeing finally what it was. It was a drow! She would never believe that a female drow would submit to slavery. Every dorw she has ever come up agenst had fought to the death no mater what. It would explain the whip and her cruelty though. She was let go and the drow removed her hobbles. “Go meet some friends.” She chuckled pushing Luna in and closing the heavy metal bared door. She looked at the females around her some what nervously. There was a Sylvan elf, two humans, and a half elf. They all looked rather well fed strong and healthy. The looked over at Luna with unsure eyes. Finally one of the humans got up walking over fallowed by the other. “What’s your name?” “Kamii…” Her eyes got wide and quickly tried to fix her mistake but the human put up a hand. “That’s only to the masters. Were all the same in here.” She offerd a kind smile. She had bleach blond hair and deep brown eyes. Luna quickly found her tail wagging some what at the smile. “Where are we exactly?” The human shrugging “Don’t know the tunnels are a maze we could be under the castle for all I know. I’m Rain and this is Fire.” She said pointing to the short haired red head. “That’s Sasha” pointing to the half elf “And that is wind.” “They make you give up your real names as well?” Luna felt bold enough to ask. They all nodded as Luna noticed she was the only one still chained by her hands. Shadow was watching carefully seeing what the fox would do with her new freedom. Her masters crystal ball allowed her to look anywhere and listen to anything. So far the fox had been quite boring leaving her to slowly slap her thigh with her whip in boredom. “Come on bitch just one slip up give me something to do.” Luna was the only new female to break in down here. The rest were all broke in. She refused to believe that she broke so fast. She knew she would have her for about three weeks or so before the could start trusting her with little things. Not being chained to the ceiling being one of them. There were roughly about seventy girls working here as servants. Many of them willingly. This area where her current master kept were for the slaves. The ones where they could give to abusive customers or have things done to them that normal female workers would never let be done. It was finantualy suicidal to have them all as slaves. As they would have to pay for every meal and items that come about that they needed. This way they pay them enough to get food that they provide and the actually go out into the streets to pull in customers. Luna felt like some one was watching them. Her training told her to be cautious that there was more then just a stretch break. She got a good walk in and did some small exercises. About three hours later a huge minitor came down with a mage. The large bull grabbing her up causing her to yip as she hung by the scruff of her neck. She hadn’t been held like that since she was a little kit. The mage pulled out something that scared her though. Looking at the ring in his hand she had a good idea what they were going to do. She started to struggle and kick as the bull griped her and held her down for the mage. A sharp pain coming through her ear before it welded itself shut. The gold hoop dangling off her ear as the mage continued to draw something on the back of her neck with a powder till it flashed green and disappeared into her. The human grinning “Its done you can have her for doing such a good job holding her. Only for one hour got it?” The bull grinning and nodding pulling Luna up and back out of the cell. She wasn’t hobbled but she didn’t need to be as she was latterly drug into a small room. The large bull griping her breasts tightly and pushing her down on the bed. She could hardly breath with the large bull on top of her. When she felt the thick member pushing between her legs she panicked tiring to desperately keep the thick member from finding her sex. With work though the bull finally got her flattened out to the point she could only curl her toes in frustration as he started to work the fat tip up and down her slit. He was on top of her pining her to the bed as he finally grunted pushing into her. The muffled whimper and scream let him know he hit his mark. He loved the new females that came in as slaves. They were usually very tight and like this one struggled nicely under him. He kept his hips thrusting plowing deeper into the little fox before pulling all the way back and thrusting back in. Luna grunted and cursed the bull as his hips rammed down on her ass. She could feel the thick member all the way up in her womb it felt like. Her furry legs spread as much as he would allow her to ease the stretch on her. What more she could feel her self warming up to it. Her sex starting to send flashes of pleasure up her stomach and down her thighs. Little moans and groans escaping from her as she cursed and snapped at the bull. The bull thought it looked humorous as he finally shoved deeply in her trying to hilt the thick member. The small fox squealing out under him as he continued to shove “Now I can make it like this!” he shoved harder and harder. “Or like this.” Pulling back about half of girth moving his hips pumping her sex. “What will it be bitch?” Luna felt like some one just slugged her in her gut. Winded she could only nod when he pulled out half way. Her thighs twitching and jerking as he started to rut her firmly. She couldn’t help her self as her body tensed and jerked around the thick member. Her body flowing into one of her climaxes letting out a low moan of pleasure with a growl of rage. She hated feeling good about this. She knew that it was agenst her will and that she was nothing to him. With a dull sigh he laid there on her smothering her. Her feet jerking as she tried to get a full breath from under the fat bull. Finally slowly he got up pulling out of her with a wet slop. She could feel the soreness ach through her thighs as he came around to her front pushing the fat member up agenst her muzzle. He undid the muzzle around her jaws griping her head fur tightly as he pushed. She growled at him as he smeared the cum covered member all over her muzzle. “Suck or ill give you to Shadow for the day.” Luna had never sucked on a member before. She eyed it feeling the slippery cock slap around on her nose and lips. Billiard had never used her muzzle. Too scared she would bite him she guessed. The thought of the drow who must be Shadow made her open her muzzle compliantly though. When the semi firm piece of meat was pushed in to the back of her throat she gagged and dry heaved struggling around as the bull kept her head in his strong paws. Finally when she though for sure he was trying to suffocate her he pulled out leaving her coughing and gagging on the bed. Her throat sore now from the harsh stretch as he pulled her up slipping the blinder back over her eyes. She was picked up again and drug through the hallways yipping and staggering till finally she felt him chaining her back up how she was. Secure in her bonds she could only think of how much her sex hurt. Her stomach feeling like it had just been used as a punching bag and her throat raw and sore from her first deep throat experience. She was so tierd though as she fell asleep like that. Orc walked into the dark ally rumbling along not trying to hide his approach. Finally coming to a metal door he knocked soundly. A small window about chest hight for Orc opened up. “What yea want?” A crude voice Orc thought. “Me need speak to big boss.” The small window shutting solidly “Fock off dim wit.” Orc sighed he really was hoping to go all day with out having to fight any one. He took a few steps back bracing him self and kicked. The powerful half Orc shuddering the hinges of the door. Hemmmm strong door ill have to ask who built it. The next kick jammed the door open breaking the holding back as it swung in. The startled human stood with a gapping mouth as the huge Half Orc came in “Need to speak to big boss important….” He said tossing a diamond at the startled human. Luckily he knew the guild leader. It happened to be a little wolf girl that he knew from four years ago. He hoped she was still the same. Walking down the stairs to the basement he turned looking around. “Where big boss?” Orc could see a few faces turn and gawk at him. Finally he was lead down a corridor to a small room. Walking in he grined at the wolf fem as she scowled up at him. “Awwwww come on big boss lady not remember Orc?” He gave her his goofiest grins. When the guard left she put her glasses away “Cut the crap Orc what do you need?” “I need to find out about a little known fox that came through town recently.” Orc left behind his usual speech and went to his perfect common. “Need to know where she went to….old friend of yours I believe…Luna Silvermoon.” End part 2