This is a fictional story about an Anthro fox trapped in a mid evil society. Her name is Luna a well know assassin that travels the dark lands only to find that there is no trust in the world. Given up for dead and abandoned by her friends she struggles through the underground society of a harem. This story has Non consensual sex in it and should not be viewed by any one that is not of legal age or has moral problems with such issues. All Characters are copyrighted by there players do not use them with out permission of there owners. Story @ Sharue & Drugnar “Luna? She is in the city?” The wolf fem gawked some shaking her head. Luna had been a rival to her before she became the guild master in Viscowl. “She must be suicidal to come here with a three hundred plat bounty on her head.” Orc grunted “Don’t think she came in willingly. I saw here being tugged along in a cart chained and nude. Makes me believe that she is going to one of the back street harems.” Kastie hemmed some rubbing her chin as she thought about it. “Well I can ask a few of the thieves to see if they have had any word. If it is a harem there aren’t many around here so it might make it easy to find. What makes you think that she isn’t in jail or already hung?” Orc just grinned “Got a good view of the jail cells my self I did.” Katie just rolling her eyes some “Fine you want me to see about the harems? There is also a new one that is coming up just before snob knob as well.” The large half orc nodding “Yes I don’t want her getting hung or staying a slave either. I’m also curious to what happened as well.” Katie nodding some and sighs “Give me a few days.” She says going back to her paper work. Her glasses resting on her muzzle as she smirks some “O and orc…” She says just before he leaves “Its good to see you again….I’m glad that your still ok.” Her tail wagging just slightly. Orc giving a toothy grin as he finally leaves. Luna finally awoke to a paw rubbing over her slowly. Groaning some she could feel the paw lift up her chin before griping her lower jaw. “Wake up Kamii.” Luna not knowing why she was so groggy. She finally perked her ears up in response as she could smell the masters scent. The muzzle loosened up allowing her to move her jaws a bit. “I heard you did a little romp with Bor that large bull.” Luna groaning again remembering now. The bull had used like a punching bag she though with that thick member of his. Thank the gods he didn’t want to use her anally. “Yes master this bitch was used…” she croaked out her throat sore and dry. The male petting her a little before continuing. “Did you enjoy it?” Luna hardly held back the snort. Enjoy it?! Dose any one enjoy a good beating! “No master….” She said biting back all the curses and rants she has flowing through her mind. The male laughing some walking about behind her. She felt him grip her hips pulling her back some. She half expected him to start using her right then and there. To her shame she found her self lifting up her tail. She gerffed and tried to make it look like she was just moving it letting it lay back down. “Come now you can’t deny what you feel when ever a strong male grips your body. How you feel when he pulls you back wanting you.” The master laying on her back a little making her arms stretch painfully up. “No master I hate it……This isn’t at all what I want.” She tried hopping that she could talk as long as she showed respect like they demanded. Sighed and growled to him self. There she goes again. Bringing his paw firmly down on her exposed ass griping it and digging his claws in nice and deeply. “Bad bitch you made a few to may mistakes in that little sentence. One….” He says slapping her ass again “You forgot proper edict by saying I. You can not refer to your self as I any more. Second….” Another slap making the fox yelp and wiggle in front of him. “Your not here to have what you want you’re here to give what the customer wants.” His paw griping her ass firmly before letting go “For that it will be ten lashes publicly to the other slaves tomorrow and no free time.” Luna just silently cursed him as he brought down the two slaps. She wished he would just do it and whip her. Now she would have that on her head all day. Knowing she was going to get all ten lashings. She also knew he always had Shadow do them. That drow by far could be the only humanoid that could ever make her beg. Beg for her to stop to spare her life or to give her a quick end it didn’t matter only to stop that damn WHIP! She whimpered and hung her head some “I……This bitch is sorry master. The whore doesn’t know any better.” She gritted her teeth playing off the I with a whimper. The master petting her back rather gently. “I know this is hard for you Kamii but this is what you are. A breeding bitch and you will accept it. Before long you will be rewarded for good work and you will love you life.” Bullshit…..Is all she could think as she hung there. I’ll never grow to like this….any of it! “Master this bitch needs to relive her self.” She merffs “I will have Star come in here and let you relive your self.” He simply says heading out with out another word. Luna hung there for only a few minuets when she felt the halfling undoing her chains. Her arms finally coming down letting her stretch her mussels out. Standing up letting her lower back relax as well. She was soon walking at the end of the leash to a small area where she relived her self. It was embarrassing feeling the halfling clean her up but she couldn’t do it chained. “Are you a slave?” Star chuckled “No just stuck with a horrible job that’s all. I owe that basted Billiard some money well a lot of money and this is how I’m paying it off.” Luna could agree with that. This would defiantly seam very degrading. Sighing some as she walked along with the halfling hobbled and blindfolded. “What can I do to get the master to take back a punishment?” she could help but ask. She was dreading the lashes that she would receive. The halfling took her aside in a room well before hers and sat her down. “Nothing really anything you can do just take it and not complain about it.” Luna just sighs some “Great…” she merffs and hemms now realizing she is sitting on some comphy cushions and that her leg irons are being taken off. “What’s going on?” Star looking up removing the blinder. “I have to get you all cleaned up and also ready for a customer.” Luna staring blankly for a min. “A customer?” She hadn’t even thought they would be putting her to work so soon. “Yep tall fellow from the castle pays a lot of money but doesn’t like regular females. Loves exotic ones. He came over rather fast when the owner slipped a word to him about you.” Star giggled some “I even heard the slave master arguing with him saying your no where near what you need to be to please him. He insisted and gave a large chunk of money to have first rights to you.” She laid all the equipment to the side leaving her in only her collar and cuffs. Looking about quickly she could see that the door was locked form the other side like a cell door and it had no windows. The walls were painted up and soft pillows and furniture was laid about in the room. Candles run along the walls but looking at them closer she could see no flame to them. Magic she thought as she sighed. “What are they wanting me to do for him?” she finally asks “Dear we never ask what the customer wants to do….he could end your life as long as he pays your market price. Just do your best with him I’m sure you will get a feel for what he wants when you see him.” Sallard was waiting in the main room patiently in the room as the slave master left to make sure every thing was ready for him. He was a high noble for the city his father sitting on a spot in the high counsel. He didn’t do much but learn about politics all day. He needed to get out and relax some. Hearing about a foxin in the harem gave him the perfect chance to come down and have some pleasure. He had been with a foxin before and rather like there soft fur and toned bodies. A small halfling came out finally and let him know that she was ready for him. She was in room 204. Walking along till he got to room 204 he could see that it was a simple door but sturdy with a lock on the out side. A male nodded in greeting as he opened the door up for him. Coming in with a smile which quickly faded into a surprise look as the foxin and himself said “YOU!?” at the same time. Luna couldn’t believe her eyes seeing the tall male come in through the door. She was chained to the middle of the room but her chain was fairly long letting her move about the room. She stood in a stupor looking at Sallard. The male had taken her after she was drunk a while back in a town far away from here. She remembered wakening up with him next to her. The town was small and she was able to walk about with out any disguises or anything. They both finally shake out of it. Luna blushing some deeply as she settled down on the pillows trying to look seductive. Sallard just getting a large grin on his face. “Well….” He says with a grin moving over to her. “Find your true passion?” He chuckles. The one thing that she had done was take all his cash afterwards…she hoped he had forgotten about it…. “No I’m here agenst my will.” A quick snort at him some as she flips her tail up into her lap. No one knew about her little night with him in her old party. Shadow grinned toothily. She always loved finding out little secrets she could use later. Watching the ball she could see the fox laying there and the human looking down at her. What a chance for her to get some information. She hemmed rubbing her whip along its handle engrossed into the little scene. Sallard chuckled reaching out and petting the foxes head. Some pushing her back agenst the pillows slowly lowering him self down on her. “Well doesn’t seam your very unwilling right now.” He says running his hand up her thigh to her firm buttocks. Luna looks at him with a slight scowl but whimpers feeling the large male lay down in-between her legs. “Cut with the bull shit and just do it….” She merffs feeling him grip her ass cheeks and pull her into position. “Not so fast Luna I would love to hear why your in such a predicament…..” Luna growled some at Sallard as she lay there. “You just want to laugh at me don’t you?” Sallard shrugging “Hey I also love to see a thief get her just deserts.” The male running his hand through her hair before griping it tightly pulling her head back. She could feel him bite and pull at her throat teasingly making his way down to her collar bone. She growls some he paws reaching up around Sallard as he kept working down her chest. Damn him…. Growling she could feel her self get aroused her nipples hardening up as he moved down through her breasts. Her firm thighs flexing as he kissed down past her belly and almost to her crotch. With a quick chuckle he lifts back up laying back down on top of her. “Now I don’t think I’ll go there who knows how many times you been fucked there like a little whore.” That set her off growling and struggling under him she could feel the urge to just bite down on his neck and end his life. But as luck would have it she could feel his hands grip down on her hair forcing her head back more her. “Say it bitch say you fuck a lot of cock.” “Fuck off you needle dick.” She snapped her paws dangerously close to letting her claws come out. She knew that would be the last thing she would do though if she killed him. To her surprise he got up stepping away. Sallard going over to a chest near the wall. Needle dick huh you red furred bitch… he scowled to himself as he wasn’t the most well hung male around. Opening up the chest he could see assortment of toys and devices. Pulling out a large dildo and ties he will see who is screaming for him to stop when he was done. Shadow grinned some rubbing her self as she watched the male grip the fox turning her over and binding her up. She always like to see a rough fuck. She loved how he was binding her hands down and pulling them through under legs making her present her self to him. But what really got her is when he forcefully pushed the huge dildo in the poor foxes ass. The thick member spreading her out making her scream at him and struggle about. She knew though eventually she would get use to the thickness though and it wouldn’t hurt as much as that first push. She grinned as she knew before long the master would use her in rape scenes and such. Young and new slaves were so good at those. Stretching out she was startled to feel a pair of arms wrap around her and a muzzle nipping and nuzzling her neck. “Well how is our new fox doing?” The master asked with a purrrr. Smiling darkly she coooed “Struggling like a newbe. Seams this customer knows her. Called her by her real name. Don’t know what she did but he is getting her back for something master.” She says grinning and running a hand back over his cheek. “Good keep watching and let me know how she dose.” He says pulling away and walking off. Shadow just grinning more as she watches the little play play out. Luna grunted and growled some around her gag as she felt the large pice of rubber pushed deeply in her ass. She was getting loser around it so she wasn’t screaming any more but it still made her eyes water. Her legs shivering and twitching as Sallard pushed it in deeply finally leaving it in her. Soon after he was grunting and using her sex his hands griping her hair pulling back hard making her shout out around the gag yet again. Finally he climaxed slowly releasing her hair and pulling out with a smile cleaning his member off on her pelt. Luna slumped to her side as she heard him leave panting as she expelled the thick dildo out of her ass. She laid there and started to softly sob. She couldn’t believe it she hadn’t cried since she was a kit…well crying from something other then pain that is. This couldn’t be what she was stuck with could it? Her ear flickering feeling the slave ring in it. She new if she ran for it she would have to some how get this ring off her ear. She knew that it was magically bonded to her so if it was removed with out the proper command word she would be killed. She couldn’t die yet she still had to track down those who had betrayed her, that had hurt her so much. Gods why was she crying like this! Was it cause she was getting pleasure out of this as well? Or was it that small twinge of doubt. The dread of not being able to escape? She sighed some as she finally looked up. How long had it been? The smell of the seamen coming to her nose making her nerves flare again. She did imaging her self licking at it and tasting it. The thought made her lay there in disgust. Never had she been so sexually perverted before. Why was it having such a effect on her now. She knew that she would have to do something soon or be lost to this. Sallard would be one customer that keeps coming back she bet. She would have to use that to her advantage. Shadow grinned with delight seeing Luna cry. “Finally the bitch is starting to break down on her own accord.” She chuckled and hemmed some. She wondered what she could do to help her along since she wasn’t strong enough to join her as a equal. Those who are not stronger then her belonged under her, that’s what master said and she believed it. She was strong and she would break this dog and make her nothing more then a fuck toy….better yet though she would make her love it. “I think I’ll need a little help from Tron for this one.” She grinned and smiled “I have some special plans for you Kamii.” Luna could hear the foot steps as the door opened again. She felt strong hands lift her up and start to untie her. She was groggy as she had been laying there for a few hours and was almost asleep. She merffed sleepily as she looked to see who was untying her. She froze some seeing it was the moor that owned the place. O GOD WHAT DID I DO? Was all her mind could scream. She waited for him to say something anything as he undid her bindings. “Come on get up.” Was all he said. She blinked some as she stood. He clipped a leash to her collar and then pulled back her paws rebinding them behind her back. His hands were firm but not harsh as she could feel the irons being linked in. “You have a show to do to day…but first lets get you cleaned up.” This was curious surely he could simply send some one else to do all this. “Yes master. This bitch stinks of sex.” The moor stopping looking back with a smile “Well I see your training is coming along at least.” CURSE HIM! Her heart fluttering at the praise. How could she feel good about that! She said nothing though as she fallowed him out on the leash. Just before the door though she felt the blinder being put back on. Well at least my legs aren’t hobbled…. When the blinder was taken off she was surprised to see that she was in a different persons control. It startled her that the moor had easily transferred her with out her even noticing the difference of the scent. Though with the heavy smell of sex around the place it would be hard to do unless you were specifically trying to catch it. She was surprised to see a elegant bath house before her when her blinder was taken off. “The master was pleased at the price you brought in today.” It was Star, She was beginning to like the little Halflings company. Though she doubted Sallard paid too much for her. “He said that he would like you to have some time to wash up and relax.” The Halfling undoing her irons and pulling the leash off. “Thanks…..what am I allowed to do?” Star grinned some “Here your allowed to relax clean up and use what you want.” She said pointing over at some baskets with herbs and other odds and ends. She blinked and looked about the elegant place. She slowly got up feeling free for once even if it was just to the room. Walking about she looked in the baskets smelling and feeling some. She came to the door. Same as all the other slave doors. Only handle is on the out side secured shut by a bolt probably. Star was cleaning up one of the bath basins scrubbing and picking out all the filth in it. She couldn’t help but laugh some. She didn’t want to be rude to the little Halfling “You really did get a crappy job didn’t you?” Star looked up with a grin some what but then it faded “Yes but I really pitty you and the other slaves…you all have it the worst because your wanted. Me I just scrub and clean and no one will ever go out of there way to drop gold for me. You though a fancy old man that wants some sex could buy you and end up being into beating or worse snuff.” Luna pondered it a little as she could feel something very wrong with snuff…..she had heard that used before. Putting it to the back of her mind she finally slipped into the water. She sighed some as she found it nice and warm. “What keeps the baths warm like this?” Star looking up out of the basin she was in. the little Halfling could stand in one and rest her chin on the lip. “I think its fed by small tunnels that have oil that drips down to keep a fire going under the rock.” She could only nod some adding that to her growing knowledge of the place. “Hey Star have you ever seen a slave get freed here?” Star blinking at the sudden question as she was cleaning up. “Hemmmmm don’t think so.” Just then the door opened up and Shadow came in. She instantly snapped her fingers “Show respect dog….you got a freedom you better learn how to use it. Luna blinked as she got out of the water and walked over getting on her knees in front of the drow. She was quickly rewarded with a slap of the rideing crop “Wrong dog!” :Ma’am this is her first time out of chains I’m sure that she doesn’t know just yet.” Star piped in. Shadow groaning as she looked at the dripping fox. “You will kneel down and lick a masters or mistress foot dog.” Luna blinked some as she looked at the drows feet. They had on some type of leather boots that griped her legs tightly. She leaned over licking over the top part of the boot wrinkling her nose as she could taste the dye and other materials used in keeping them nice and smooth. Finally pulling back trying not to lick her tongue around due to the taste she looked up some “This bitch I…..” she didn’t get any thing else out as the drow brought the riding crop back down across her nose. Yelping and blinking in confusion she could feel another slap along her back. Not too hard but it made her sit up fully. “After that you will sit up fully head down.” Slap right across her ears “Legs apart.” Another on the inside of her thighs “Your hands on your knees!” she yipped feeling her paws get slapped as well. “If they want you to look at them they will tap you on your head.” She scowled down at her. That bitch….she did intentionally….. not telling me that after words. Though it reminded her of her old training teacher from her thieving guild. He would always carry a bamboo stick and reward her with a harsh slap is she messed up. “Yes ma’am this bitch is sorry.” She said keeping in her spiting rage. She felt her ears being touched and she looked up. The drow pointed for her to get up. “Star Master wants her ready soon so clean her up let her dry off and make her smell good…..she stinks like a caged animal.” She knew that was a lie but the drow was just trying to provoke her. After that though the drow left the door closing again. Star walking over some “Ooooo you must be going out on the floor tonight.” She said pulling out a towel and other combs. Luna peeking out some what from the towel. “Floor?” she merffed. “Yea its part of a building that the tunnels go to. Its really fancy where all the snobs meet up for parties and such. The harem uses it to bring in the ladies with out walking through the snob district.” “What will they want me to do there?” Star shrugging “Dance sing show off your body mostly. Maybe a man or a woman will take a fancy to you and rent you out for the night.” Luna’s ears shot up at this “Would they take me back to there place?” Star shrugging again “Depends on how much they pay. Most times there are rooms there at the building for that though.” After a good dry and combing she could feel the Halfling doing up her hair and every thing. She erffed as she even put that paint stuff on her lips and eyes again. When Star brought up a looking glass though she gasped. She blinked and wondered if it was even the same fox looking back. Her fur was sleek and sheen from something that she used. Her eyes had a soft purple tent in the fur along with a bright blue lip paint. What really caught her attention was the white streak in her hair though. She looked to Star “You should be doing this for the snobs and not some messily slaves….” “You think so?” Luna only nodding “I bet you could get a lot of money. You have a good eye for colors to.” Just then she heard the door open as Shadow came in. She showed respect this time and was surprised that not a single blow landed on her. She guessed she didn’t want to mark her up too badly before the party. She was bound again and leashed hobbled this time as well. The blinder put back over her eyes as she felt the drow lead her back out. She thought she was going as is but soon felt the blinder taken back off as she saw rows apon rows of clothing. A young male human was looking over finally picking out some clothing. Soon she found her self dressed in a simple maidens gown. It took longer then expected as the male was fussing about how the tail should go. He argued with shadow that it would be better left under the gown. Shadow was persistent though and soon her tail was feed through like a needle and was waving about. Then she was rebound and blinded lead off what seamed to go forever. The clothing felt odd as she walked about hobbled. She feared tripping and marring the clothing and bringing the drow down on her. When they finally got there she could hear music and people talking and laughing through out the building. When the blinder was taken off she gasped at the size of the building. The place was full of people from all races. The drow undid her hobbles and then rebound her paws in front of her. The leash left on dangling in front of her. “I know your password on your ring so if you come up missing ill say it got it.” “Yes ma’am.” That sent a chill down her back. Now that drow knows how to kill her with just a word. “Now your to make some money tonight bitch. The master for some reason wants you out on the floor. I don’t trust you at all. If you fuck up just once or so much as look at a customer wrong ill have you in the stocks letting the bull fuck you in your ass while I whip the fur off your back got it.” Luna nodded and didn’t doubt one bit of it. Most just jest about doing something like that but she knew that the drow was not some one to jest. “Yes ma’am this bitch understands. “Now listen up there are some house rules. They don’t touch unless they pay got it. You have trouble with that get a guard. There wearing the brown suits.” She said pointing to the rather strong looking men walking about. “Everything is done with a special card here. When a customer comes up to you he will hand you a card. Put this to it.” The drow handing her a odd looking coin. “This will mark it and will let us know how much he has to pay. You are a slave there are no restrictions on what can be done with you except kill you publicly.” Luna shivered at that. Why would any one want to just come here to kill some one. “You have to bring in 10 gold tonight got it. Each time you put a coin to a card it counts as two gold for you.” The copper coin having a slave collar on it. Luna could see different coins in the drows bag and could only guess that each coin dictated how much the whore was. That’s all I’m worth is two gold….. She was actually a little intimidated when the drow finaly pushed her out into the building. Luna was use to being away from people and other races. Now here she was walking around a hundred or so of them. She half expected them to suddenly try to stab her. To her surprise though the most she got was a grope from a large male human. She merffed and was tempted to just kick the human for such a outward display but she could see the drow walking around greeting others. If they weren’t trying to kill her then she was pretty sure she was safe. She wandered about for a hour or so and noticed that no one was paying any attention to her really. She growled and realized that there were a lot of harem girls here. She was actually going to work at this. Looking about she really didn’t know how to draw a male to her. In a foxin village a male knew to come to a female by her scent when she went into heat. Most races don’t have the smell to pick up a female scent. Finally finding a lone male human she decided to take a chance. “Hello.” Luna put on a small smile walking up next to him. She didn’t even know how to really start this. “Are you looking for some company sir?” The human looking down at her with a raised eyebrow “I am though I don’t know many around here. Do you work here or are you with some one else?” Luna smiling some more “I… here.” She said though it was hard to maintain her smile. He only nodded “Well it’s a interesting out fit that you are wearing….” Eyeing over her collar and chains some. She could see that he was trying to decide something. “Do you like it?” she tried to show off her collar some “Its interesting but It would upset me if you were a real slave.” Luna could only gawk some “O….um hehhhh…..I was just going for a submissive look.” He grinned and smiled some “Well what would you like to do there uhhhhhh…” “Lu……Kamii sir.” Grinning some she tried a different approach “But I could go by just bitch just for you sir.” She murred hopping the sound wouldn’t unnerve him. “Well I suppose you really are a bitch in some ways.” His hand resting over her ears a little. He pulled out his card letting her push her coin to it and lead her back to the back. She wished her paws would have been left unshackled. She also tried to think. She would need four more and the party last till midnight. She hoped she could get four others….or maybe she could get all four out of this human. She never thought of that. If she could pull it off she probably could get ten gold out of one person. That’s not too much for some one around here. There drinks probably cost more then that. She was thank full for the zippers that she found in her dress as she was worried about how she was going to get her dress off. She had never worn a dress before and looked stupid trying to wriggle out of this one. She finally got it off and merffed some letting her paws rest in her lap. The male grining some “Well now how do you treat a master then as a submissive female?” She smiled a little walking over and kneeling down suddenly licking his foot. “Please master this bitch needs you.” The human quickly backed up some reaching down “You don’t have to go that far! Almost acting like you are a slave.” Pulling her up and petting over her head and ears “A good nuzzle would be just fine Kamii.” He says. Lunas ears burned some She was a SLAVE! She looked at the human and pondered. If I tell him I could lose him and end up getting lashes tomorrow on top of the ones that I am getting. I hate this place. She realized as she felt the pit of her stomach lurch that she was doing exactly what the harem wanted. Playing to the customers needs. She desperately wanted to pour her heart out asking for help and the door was right there! Right there but if she left all they would have to do is say a word and then look for her body. That and there was that little bounty on her head that would send her to the gallows. She then realized how dangerous it would be if some one were to find out her name………Sallard…..that could be bad. “Well if I’m a good girl for my master will he use me more then once?” she finally whispered some what shyly putting her coin on the bench. Picking the coin up looking at it “You must be new here to be so cheep.” The words sort of hurt as she knew he didn’t mean them to be mean but it would be easy to sway them ether way. “Yes master I just started. This is my first time on the floor.” The human was rather well built unlike most of the others. He had a little bit of stomach but his arms and legs were nicely built. Luna scowled at her self feeling her sex tingle slightly as she looked over his body. A image of him holding her leash pulling back as he took her from behind rushed through her head making her look away. He took it to be shyness “Well how much do you need to make darling?” Luna looked back to him “Ten gold master.” He grinned and pushed the coin to the card four more times and then put it back on the table. “I would say it is worth it. I hate seeing a female with a silver or gold coin. Thinking on how many times they probably been used.” He laid back some and sighed “You don’t have your keys for your locks?” “Uhhhh no master they harem girls thought it was funny to hide them.” Nodding some he grinned “Come here you foxy girl.” Luna slipped up straddling him. He was rather gentle his hands running over her body exploring here and there. He was fascinated by her tail. His hands rubbing it and stroking it. When he rolled over Luna could feely his body rest on hers pushing her into the soft bed. She realized she hadn’t been in a bed in a long time. Even with the old party she didn’t go into town much. She gave out a soft moan as a man that she didn’t even know his name started to grip and grope over her. The worst thing was she was actually getting wet. Her sex tingling as he took off his pants. His hands slid down over her body to cup her hips pulling them up firmly into his lap. When he finally pushed in all she could do is give a soft moan. Her tongue licking out at his ear and other spots that a female fox would lick to show respect and submissiveness to a Todd. His thrust were slow and steady keeping her at her edge as he worked her over. When she felt her self getting close to climaxing she whimpered nipping down on his ear and thrusting her hips up at him. He took the message and started to thrust stronger and faster down into her sex. His hands griping and grinding her hip to his. Luna was almost embarrassed by the little squeal she let out. Half because it wasn’t too exaggerated. Why had sex become so much better for her….She didn’t know why but she did know that before she would have to really work at it to get her self off. After a few more strokes the human grunted and started to fill her. She simply kept her paws rubbing up and down his back murring and cooing to encourage him. His love making was a little slower over the course of the night. He would let her rest next to him before his hand would travel down to her sex. They would wash each other and she even found her self going down on him with out him asking. The salty taste of his seamen and herself not disgusting her. Finally he sighed “Well I’m needing to leave Kamii…I will have to come by the harem to see if you can come by for some dinner or lunch.” He offered. “Thank you master but…..I’m afraid that the public dose not take to kindly to my kind. That is why I must work here.” Hoping that he would never see her the way they keep her. He so far is the only one that has show a little kindness to her. Coming back out to the floor she gave him a quick kiss on his cheek not wanting to be rude in front of others. That’s when she heard something. Turning around she took a double look as a large half orc Walked up to her “Well you’re a pretty little thing to be seen.” This half orc was well dressed with his hair combed and slicked back. The suite he was wearing was a nice black and white coat and pants. He was clean and spoke well. Something was odd about him though. “O…..ORC!” End part three