This is a fictional story about an Anthro fox trapped in a mid evil society. Her name is Luna a well know assassin that travels the dark lands only to find that there is no trust in the world. Given up for dead and abandoned by her friends she struggles through the underground society of a harem. This story has Non consensual sex in it and should not be viewed by any one that is not of legal age or has moral problems with such issues. All Characters are copyrighted by there players do not use them with out permission of there owners. Story @ Sharue & Drugnar Luna’s Tale part 4 Luna blinked some “O..orc!” she merffed looking about some nervously twitching her tail. Orc just grinned “Well malady would you like to accompany me to the back rooms?” Presenting his pay card to Luna some with a wink. Luna giving a small merff as she pushed her coin to the card and fallowed. Shadow narrowed her eyes as she watched the fox head off with the half orc. It wasn’t uncommon that the half orcs would chose the slaves due to most the other harem girls refusing to serve them. That and well dressed half orcs were very rare. Although above all that was the foxes eagerness to go with him. She hemmed and slapped her whip to her thigh as she pondered on what to do. Luna fallowed orc back to the back room where she closed the door. “Orc what are you doing here and what happened to you?!” she gasped some once she was sure no one was in ear shot. Orc looked rather impressive in his suit as he sat down “Well I saw you in the cart about what…..three weeks ago.” Luna could only gasp “Has three weeks gone by so fast?” she said sitting down some. “So are you here to help?” she asked a little pulling away hoping he really didn’t want her for the night. “Yes I’m here to help you Luna…..” the heavy orc sighing some pulling off the fancy hat tossing it in the corner. “Your in really deep aren’t you?” Luna could only nod “Yea…..with this slave ring on I would have to find the pass code to have it removed or they will simply kill me….that and the 300 platinum reward on my head doesn’t help.” Orc could only nod thinking about it seriously. “I will have to find Jonner then.” Luna blinked “He is still alive?” Jonner was a mage that had accompied them on a mission to the southern part of the Dragon Isle the last that she saw of him was a large white dragon barring down on him as he collapsed the cave to let the others escape. “Yes he is still around and kicking. He has changed though he is harder to speak with but I think he will help. He has gone into the magic hack. Being able to see glyphs and there pass codes. I used him on a job once when I found a box with a rather elegant glyph on it.” Luna nodded some as she flickerd her ears about in thought. “We would have to do it fast before they could find out…” Orc grinned some “Well I could always dress him up and bring him here and we could do it right here and then sneak you out the back.” Luna nodded some “How long would it take you to get it all set up?” Orc hemmmmmed scratching his chin “Would have to find him again…..a week with help from a little wolf that I know.” Luna hemmed some “Ok… I’ll have to work the floor some then….unless I wonder if you can make a request for me…” orc shrugged some “Maybe…. I’ll put in a request for you when I find out so I can let you know when we want to do it.” “Ok……” Luna blushed a little as she actually found her self looking over the muscular orc’s chest. “Well…..I suppose we should make it look like we actually did something….” Luna shyly wandering over to Orc wagging her tail. Orc only raising a eyebrow as he lay back on the bed. Shadow hemmed some watching the two come out. She was ready as she snatched up Luna by her irons. “Come bitch we have a show to do……its past midnight that means I get to give you your ten that master wants you to get.” Luna only looking down some not daring to look back at Orc as she was lead off. Orc watched Luna drug away and could only shake his head. She had changed from last he saw her. She seamed broke some what. He will have to find Jonner fast to get her out of here. He will have to start at the thieves guild again and probly have to pay off a few to help on that one. When Jonner didn’t want to be found he wouldn’t be found. Luna walked in a dark room where several figures were sitting around tables and other desks. She could feel all eyes on her as she was lead over to a spot and chained. Her paws pulled above her head as she dangled a inch off the ground. She could feel the drow spreading her legs widely chining them down at her ankles. A light slowly shown down on her from above spotlighting her. The drow waling around her some as she could only grin “I’ll give you a choice….you want to be gagged so they cant hear you beg and scream or you want to let them hear that sweat voice of yours scream out?” Luna hated this drow…more then any job she had ever done before. She would make sure this drow would die as painful as she could make it. “This bitch wants to be gaged…” She scowled some as the drow smirked at her. “Good bitch….” The muzzle and gage pushing into her muzzle and secured to the back of her head. “Gentlemen!” The drow cooing some “We have a show for you. You have paid to see a punishment and here we have one. Kamii was found pleasing her self after being told not to. She was found in her cell moaning out a mans name. Her punishment will be twenty lashes for disobeying the master.” The drow uncurling her whip as she grinned back at Luna. Luna could only growl and bite into the gag. He said ten! This bitch was giving her twenty! The drow walking over to Luna getting nice and close to her ears “Now I may lessen it some if you nod yes to tell me what you and that Orc were doing….” Luna froze some. She wondered if she knew she was trying to plan an escape. She pondered some wanting to give the right answer. Finally she nodded some like she would tell her the truth though. The drow nodding some as she walked to the crowd “Would any one like to unclothe her for me?” She grinned as a large male came up on stage and looked Luna over. His hands griping the dress pulling harshly till it tore from her. The drow thanked the man commenting on how strong he is. Luna quickly tucked her tail knowing it wont help any but it was out of habit. The fox jerking forward violently as she felt the first lash come down on her back. The figures in front of her grinning and commenting as they drank on how good it looked to have a female in chains like that. That only pressed the drow on more as the second and third came down sharply over her solders. She was thankful for the gag as she soon was screaming loudly agenst it. Her back was on fire and after the fifth lash she couldn’t keep her head up. She lost count after eight as she just tried to blank her self out. Finally they stopped though and her vision cleared. Her cheeks were matted with her tears some as she felt the gag removed. “Now slave have you learned your lesson?” Luna could only croak out a sob. The drow waited though when she finally could talk “Y….yes mistress this bitch has.” Hanging her head again as the crowd applauded her. This was going to be a long day. “Iye there drow she for rent?” The drow grinning “Of course sir but she wont give you a good fight after that.” Luna looking to see a older nobleman looking at her. “That’s all right then….I’ll take her when she is good and ready.” He chuckled some rubbing over her shoulders and her muzzle. She was being lead down the hall again finally away from the floor. She was in her hobble and blinder again as she stumbled through tiredly and sore. She finally felt the blinder removed as she was sat down. “You have a job in a little bit so don’t get comphy. You will be doing a group of adventures that nee….” The door came open suddenly as the moor came in. “No she wont…” he said catching the last words of shadow. “She is about to pass out and then she wouldn’t be any use to us….go to your master shadow I have no need of you right now.” Shadow looked to the strong moor “You are to kind to this bitch master. She is just a dog that needs to lea….” The moor waved her off “she brought in more then her share and as well as putting on a show that got her a few tips…let her rest shadow and don’t argue with me or I’ll punish you my self!” The drow bowing “Yes master.” She went to her knees and kissed his feet before leaving quickly. Luna was confused but she was grateful for the chance to relax some. She was surprise at her self when she went to her knees and licked his feet “Master is kind.” She found her self almost sobbing. The moor brushed her ears letting her get up. “Come Kamii you will learn that I give rewards to those who make me money and obey. You have been doing good lately. I will let you sleep with out being chained to the ceiling. If you make me regret this I’ll give you to shadow for a week got it?” “Yes master.” Luna staying on her knees. She was kept blinded and chained but she was able to lay on her side on the floor. It was nice as she snuggled to her self curling up wrapping her tail over herself. Her ankles were chained to the eye ring in the middle as she fell asleep. She woke up to a soft kick to her butt. “Get up.” It wasn’t the moor and it wasn’t the drow so it must be her slave master. She quickly got up to her knees spreading her legs widely presenting her self like she was instructed by shadow. Her head lowered as he walked around her “How do you feel?” “This bitch has been better master….” She felt her head being petted some as she felt him grip her hair pulling her head back. “I have a job for you Kamii. The group of adventures have asked for you again. They actual waited for you to get some sleep.” He chuckled “There is seven of them and you will be nice and please them all.” She shifted a little as she felt a twinge go through her. She was ashamed for feeling a little aroused at the idea of being used by so many at once. “Yes master….that was kind of them.” He nodded some “Your learning to be a very good liar Kamii…” he chuckled and lifted her up leading her out. Yea fuck you too….was all she could think. Her master lead her off after undoing her chains around her ankles. When she could finally see she found her self looking at seven figures. She was surprised to see a male Lupin looking back at her. Her tail instantly tucked and her ears laid back as he eyed her hungrily. The rest were human with one elf. The elf being female as she grinned coyly at her. She gulped some and went to her knees spreading out. The wolf finally undoing her shackles as he tossed them off to the side. “A good looking bitch…..” he growled as the elf and others chuckled. Luna always felt cowed around male Lupins. They were so demanding and in control. “She looks so meek.” The elf said walking around to kneel down and look over her. Luna could only sneer at her inwardly knowing she could easily put a knife in her back with out a second thought if need be….The wolf pulled her up turning her about with a grin. “I get her first…..” he grinned taking in her scent deeply. “Speak bitch were here to give you a good time…” His tounge licking out over one of her ears. “W…what dose the master want this bitch to say?” she whimpered as he worked her agenst the wall. “How about a thank you?” the others laughing and chuckling. “T..thank you master.” Was all she got out before feeling his member pushing up into her sex deeply. Her little body pushing up jolting up as she let out a small squeal. The elf could only grin seeing the meek slave whimper and whine up agenst the wall. “Bring her over here Randle.” She said patting the table. The heavy wolf simply lifting the small fox up off her feet and laying her over the table face down. The elf sliping out of her tight pants rubbing her thighs as she spread them out in front of Luna. “Poor thing looks starved lets give her some thing to eat.” The elf pulling her head to her crotch as the wolf chuckled pushing and thrusting up into the foxes slender hips. Lunas ears burned red as she felt the elves sex push up agenst her wet nose. She could smell her scent heavily as the elf petted her head and scratched her ears like a dog. Luna had never been with a female nor even really gave it a thought. She was so startled that she paused some in her whimpering. Finally slowly she licked out her small tongue licking at the elfs folds as she merffed. She really couldn’t tell how to put the taste there was one but there wasn’t as she lifted her chin a little. This seamed to arouse the other males greatly as they slipped out of there clothing. She felt one pull her paw to his member having her jerk him off while others petted and groped her openly. The wolf chuckled “Come come lets get her in a good position.” The elf chuckling and pushing her hair back “Well I was just starting to like this.” She said as the wolf pulled Luna off the table yet again moving her around. She felt like a pice of meat. She could feel her self likening it though. She was straddled over the thick wolves legs and pulled to his chest. She erffs some and gacked as she felt another male lay down on her back. His member pushing around till she could feel it push up under her tail and into her. She let out a little whimper and gasp feeling the two members in her pushing around. It was a odd feeling as she felt them push together. She saw the female elf kneeling down the male wolf chuckling “Well don’t I get a good view.” The elf laughing and slapping the wolfs head “You just keep that rough tongue of yours to your self I like her little smooth tongue she has.” Pulling Luna’s muzzle back to her crotch with a small giggle. She could feel the other males moveing her paws back over there members having her stroke them keeping them hard as the two mounting her started to thrust. She couldn’t help a cute little squeal into the elf when they started to thrust. She couldn’t believe how fast she was getting aroused at it. She could feel the wolves knot form in her tieing her to him as his thrust started to quicken in speed. The male laying on top of her better control as she could feel him keep at his slow and steady pace. When she felt the wolf started to cum in her she could only sigh as her tongue licked along the wet elves slit. The elf grunted some as she could tell this fox hand never done this before. With a sigh she joined the foxes tongue with her fingers playing with her clit as she watched her get stuffed. She grinned some looking over to there ranger with a small little grin “Come here….” She said opening her mouth putting her tongue out at him. The male quickly stuffing her face as she figured why should the fox have all the fun? Luna heard the elf whimper some as her fingers dug in with her tongue. Looking up she could see the dark haired elf sucking one of the members. She finally felt the wolf pulling out and another male replacing that one. She never though she would climax so hard when her first one hit. Her body griping around the two in her. She found the elf being pulled off her muzzle though and pulled to the ground by a male. She almost wished that she could have stayed but soon found her muzzle stuffed deeply. The thick member pushing to the back of her throat as one of the males that she was masturbating pulled off and joined the one at her muzzle. She thought it looked funny seeing her lips stretched over the two members in her muzzle so. When it was all done and over with she laid there in the tangle of arms and legs. She was the first to move slowly getting up. She groaned some holding her head her whole body felt so used and she reeked of seamen. Licking her nose and getting up stretching she could only smile some smugly to her self. She walked over to the wash basin and also the small food basket picking through the bread. All the seamen she swallowed was giving her a upset stomach. She was lead out finally after a bit lead over to the wash basins and unchained and un blinded to wash. Slowly sinking down into the warm water she almost took a double look. Sitting across from her was another foxin. The red hued fox eyeing her right back. They sat there in silence before Luna finally broke it. “What is your name?” The red fox grining some “Ruby Silvermoon.” She said some with a grin. She noted that she didn’t have a collar nor a slave ring. “Ruby silve……..” she blinked some at the fox. Her mind franticly searching her family history some trying to remember if she had a Ruby on her side of the family. “And yours?” the red fox asking some “Kamii…..” she merffed a little sinking down in the water to her nose keeping her eyes on Ruby. Ruby only nodded some she was a small fox maybe only four foot six at most. The similarities were too close though. She had blue hair as well as the traits her family had. What was she doing here! Ruby now she remembered some. Ruby would be her sister on her fathers side. Not full blood from both her mother and father just her father…… She ran away about a month before her village was slaughtered by the humans. “Ruby what are you doing here?” she finally ventured out. “You silly you think I could leave my sister to this fate?” Lunas heart fluttering some “Orc found me over at the thives guild and let me know that you were down here. I am trying to contact the owner to buy your contract and get you out of here. That is if orc cant find Jonner in time that is.” She winked some slipping over to her. “I told them I wanted to get some personal time with my slave that I was to buy…” she coooed some with a grin. Lunas ears layied down as her eyes went wide. “R..ruby….” she merffed as the smaller fox put her finger up to her sisters lips “O hush just making you blush.” She winked some getting out swaying her hips stretching out. Though I might have to convince them….so better behave…” she grinned drying off. “Orc will be coming by later to talk with you again.” Shadow hemmed some her eyes narrowing some as she watched the two in the bath room. She could play this out fairly well but how could she turn this around. She would keep this from the master for now. Use it when the time is right. Slaves trying to escape or making a deal to get bought could easily be sold off to a snuff house. Also her little trick should kick in about a week. The drow grinning to her self as she had to find a mage to get her the right potion. Luna woke on the floor of her cell and she winched some. She crawled over to her waste bucket and emptied her stomach out into it. Her paws griping tightly to it as she whimpered throwing up again till she laid there panting. She was still blinded but her paws were allowed to be chained in front of her now. She had been sick for the better part of the week now. She merffed as she moved to the door knocking softly now that she was able to move about in her cell. The door opened and she could feel strong arms pick her up leading her off. After a while she felt the blinder pulled off. The moor was there along with a cheetah that eyed her. “Sick again Kamii?” She went to her knees just nodding “Drugnar if this is some type of sickness I want it contained I don’t want it spreading through out the harem.” The cheetah nodding some “I’m not entirely sure what is wrong but I called in a cleric to have a look at her today. Her ears perked up hearing that. The cheetah was her master. She could tell from his voice and tone. Drugnar did not seam pleased at this. “I’m going to suggest that she not be used till the cleric sees her tomorrow.” The moor nodding some as he pat Luna on her head. Luna was at a loss as to what was wrong with her she had been subjugated to a verity of poisons and also worked some with magical illnesses. Never had se felt sick before just to be sick unless she had caught something. The harem was rather clean though Star doing her job very well to ensure that every thing was cleaned up. She merffed some and had another idea but it was an the tinges of her mind though. Shadow could only smile at the I’ll performance with Luna. Her potion working well on her. She was sure by the end of the week that she would be in full effect. She also knew that once she could keep her in her cell she could watch over her more. “Luna Silvermoon……..” she pondered on the three hundred platinum reward on her. Her master was working something behind Billiards back. He was putting on a good show of acting concerned and such though. Once they find out exactly what ales Luna she will be under there full care and well out of the way of the moor and Billiard. When Drugnar came in she showed her respect and grinned up at him “How is it going master?” Drugnar smiling as he looked down at her “Its going good she will be under our watch tomorrow. As for now she is under our watch due to the moor being afraid of a sickness breaking out.” Shadow could only nod “He is wise but predictable. If this works master am I still to go free?” Drugnar looking to Shadow some “If it goes well……” Luna sat there in a separate room off deep in the harem. The room was fairly nice as she sat there on a small mat. She wasn’t blinded for the first time in a long time. She looked about and felt half way good. This morning she felt a little wossy but she was able to hold down some food at least. She was combing her hair some and fidgeting with every thing she had. She found her self grooming her self over and over again. Nit picking her fur over and over…..She wished she wasn’t so board. When the cleric finally came in she got into the proper position. He looked over her and hemmed some. He laid her back casting a quick spell and worked with her for about a half hour when he finally got up and put his hands on his hips. “She isn’t sick there.” He said turning to the moor that stood next to him. “She is pregnant with two young ones.”