This is a fictional story about an Anthro fox trapped in a mid evil society. Her name is Luna a well know assassin that travels the dark lands only to find that there is no trust in the world. Given up for dead and abandoned by her friends she struggles through the underground society of a harem. This story has Non consensual sex in it and should not be viewed by any one that is not of legal age or has moral problems with such issues. All Characters are copyrighted by there players do not use them with out permission of there owners. Story @ Sharue & Drugnar Luna’s Tale part 5 Luna barley held back her shout as she looked up at the cleric. Her ears laying flat on her head as she waited some. The moor just raised a eyebrow some walking over looking down at the fox. Luna could only pray she didn’t get punished…..she snorted to her self listen to your self luna! Cowering when this male even looks at you. She laid still and let her body relax some as he looked her over. She couldn’t help her self from putting her paws over her stomach though almost protectively. She could only gess what they would do to try to get her back into work. The moor hemmed some sitting down and looking Luna over. She was the first anthro girl he had and he honestly didn’t know how to take this. Did she not take the medicen that they put in the food? Is her body just different and being with the anthro wolf a week ago do something to her? Too many questions. “Well luna……what do you want to do?” Luna almost choked again as he moor sat next to her and asked her that. “Do what master?” she said his words disturbing her more then before. The large male human looking down “What do you want to do with your children? Are you going to keep them?” he says. Luna heart fluttered some as she new this could be a two edged sword. “This bitch wants to keep them of course…” she spouted before she could get to far into thinking. She eeeped a little and merffed some. The moor only chuckled some “Good.” He said getting up and looking out the door “Summon Star.” A servant hurrying off to obey. “I will be putting you in the care of Star then. You do realize that as your status dictates your children belong to me.” Luna found her self bearing her teeth some as she merffed. She would never let her kits be used like her. She would have three months to plan what to do and it would seam she might have some more freedom as well. Drugnar only closed his eyes some with a sigh “Of all the things to give her to……” Star was too loyal to budge with anything short of killing her. “This will complicate things some….Shadow we will be changing our plans some.” He says looking at the crystal ball. “Maybe we can convince the fox that we can help free her kits for…a personal sacrifice.” Shadow nodding some with a grin “Yes master…if not I can always hold them as hostage as well.” She grins some and flickers an ear “Ether way master I’m sure we can still make it work. Orc came down the stairs some. Luna was going to kill him for being late. He had said a week and here it is almost two. When Ruby had come back and told him that she was expecting him the next day he had hurried over but found him self facing four or five guards that were demanding a permit for him being in the city! It took the better part of the week to argue that all out and then another to find Jonner. He did find him though and the tough old bird is still his usual self. Coming down the stairs finally to the desk he gave a goofy grin “Wish girl…..” A attractive human looking back up “What would you like sir?” Orc played out thinking “Furry….red saw last time…long tail.” The human nodding some “Ummmm I’m afraid it looks like she cant be used sir. She has been taken off duty for four months it looks like.” Orc hemmed some he would have to think of something “Me not want pleasure me want to look. Pet fox……Like fur….Me pay extra….me no touch in bad way.” The girl ummmmming some as she watched another gold lay out. “One second ill ask.” The human getting up walking into another room. Orc took the chance to look about. There were two hallways on looked rather nicely firneshed and the other more like what you would see in a dungeon. The girl coming back with a rather impressive looking male. The moor grinned some to orc “Hello you wish just to pet Kamii?” Orc cocked his head “Kamii furry fox?” The moor nodded “Yes” Orc nodded “Yes Orc like pet……maybe get enough to buy one day.” The moor looked to the human girl “Lead him down to Stars room where she is…..” then leaning in close “But make sure Star is in there or some one….I don’t want this dim wit breaking her….” The human nodding and smiling to Orc “This way sir.” Luna was rather comphy in her pile of pillows. Her morning sickness was over for the day and she was nibbling on some bread when the door came open. She was chained to the walls keeping her in her corner as Star came in. Luna started to wag her tail but found her self wagging it more when orc came in. “Orc!” she barked some. Star closing the doors “You know him?” Luna erffing some “Yes he was a very nice customer at the Floor.” Orc giving Luna a slight shake of his head and then looking to star. He was going to have to get rid of the halfling some how….but how? “Halfling live here?” he asked Star just nodding. He looked at Luna some with a questionable look. She looked back and ummmed some as well. Luna was thinking fast when she finally started it off. “How was your trip to your brothers place…..Jonner I believe you said?” Orc smiling “Brother good he in city waiting….ummmm he want servious but they say you no give?” “I was found to have some kits growing…..” she merffs rubbing over her stomach with a grin. Orc frowned but made sure that Star didn’t watch. He walked over picking up lunas tail and sat petting it. “So pretty fox not going to be working on floor?” Luna could see where this was going and erffed as she realized that they couldn’t get Jonner to her with out any suspicion. “I’m not sure… sure if he paid enough master would let him use me….its not unheard of to have a pregnant female having sex.” But there was still the problem of getting out of the room then…. Star only half listened. She was tired and wanted some sleep before she had to clean out the bath house again. Laying down she just eyed the half orc. She knew something was up. No one just up and paid money to come in and talk and pet. He must be her contact out side. She liked Kamii and really hoped she wasn’t going to try something stupid. Luna sighed some as Orc left. She was in a pickle now. The original plan was for her to work the Floor and then have Jonner come in and release the ring and sneak out. Now she cant go to the floor and also cant even get out of this room she would have to help fight her way out. They both agreed on waiting to see if Ruby could come up with what ever price they were asking for her. It would be a lot easier to just buy her way out and then come back to get them. She just didn’t know how long that would take…. Now she was left again to ponder about her new status… A mom….. She wondered if she could even track down the wolf or if he would ever care. Her paw wandering over her stomach as she murrrs a little. She never thought her self a motherly figure. It was giving her some mixed emotions though. One it would mean a lot of dedication and also a end to her adventuring life but on the other hand she couldn’t help but be drawn in by a thought of a quite life away from all this. She also knew though that this could go very badly. The could be sold off or worse killed. She growled to her self she would at least get these kits free if anything else. Sighing as she catches her self nibbaling out a knot again in her fur. She was getting out of shape and she could feel it. She needed to get up and exercise more. Shrugging some and merffing she crawled out and started some simple little exercises. Drugnar hemmed some watching the glass ball. “That could be trouble. I’ve seen him before. He is a rather well known adventurer. The fact that I’m sure that Luna probably worked with him at one point in time doesn’t make it better. I want you to as subtle as you can divert him when ever he comes in Shadow. I don’t want him talking to her again. And find out who they were talking about. Jonner and Ruby see what we can do about those. I don’t want her getting away.” Shadow nodding “Yes master I’ll send out some people to find out what is going on. Do you wish to have them removed?” Drugnar thinking some “No not yet that would add too much suspicion. Just watch for now. I’ll move the pieces later in this game. If need be ill turn her in early and we will just have to make a run for it from the baron and billiard before they relies what happened. If all works out we will be able to frame Billiard for helping and harboring Luna and also kill the baron off at the same time. That would leave me to run and own the Harem.” Shadow nods and grins some “Yes master it will be done. And once you own the harem you will allow me and my drow to come through when we please correct?” “Yes of course. Its still up to you to get rid of that nosy baron though.” Shadow grinned toothily “Of course I’m sure that the hunting party has already done its job. Though I still don’t know why you insist on setting up Billiard instead of killing him master.” “Cause if we kill him the loan goes to the moore if he is imprisioned then the moore holds no rights over the harem.” Shadow nodding some “Once we own the harem could we simply kill the moore? Surely he wont let drow to use this as a staging area to attack the city,” Drugnar nodded “Yes we can but not before we take control of the harem. How far is your tunnel to it?” Weeks went by as Luna struggled with her self. She didn’t like getting lazy but no mater how much she worked it seamed that it made her more and more chubbier. Not that she was fat but she could feel her arms and hips getting fatty as well as her belly getting more and more round. She was in her second month maybe? She had lost count a while ago and she was rather worried that Orc nor Ruby have come to see her. She sighed some “So this is what they mean by fat and happy,” she merffed some. She was also thinking up of names as well for her kits. She had a few in mind a female she would like Sharue or maybe Sondra. Male she was thinking Xaz or Xavier. Though she would have to be free to ever be able to give them there names. She growled at the thought and would have to do everything she could to keep them free. She needed Orc though where was he! Orc was sitting down with Ruby and Jonner “No that daft drow got in the way again. She is a crafty one I think she is onto us. Luna is going to be ready to give birth soon as well” Ruby nodding some as she hemmed “Well they want almost two thousand gold for her. I was able to pull up almost three hundred.” Jonner hemmed tossing out seven hundred “Sold a item off…” And Orc sighed some “well since I couldn’t get to Luna I went and dug through some of my old stuff and sold it…” he said tossing out almost eight hundred platinum. Ruby goffed and gawked looking at it all “What did you sell your soul?!” Orc chuckled some “No I found a blue diamond a while back in a catacomb.” Ruby froze in mid air “Not the one that you got from that litch is it?” Orc only grinned. “Your evil Orc……” The rouge was wiping his dagger of his victims blood and hemmed some looking over the diamond with a toothily grin. Stupid idiot was bragging about it all day. “This little trinket will get me a good nights sleep on a bed for months!” A little bit of the blood smearing on the diamond suddenly causing it to glow. The thief blinking and looking at the diamond suddenly screamed as he felt something colder then the abyss it self grip him and pull him in. The diamond hovering for a little bit before winking out of existence. “Master there trying to buy Luna….” She had found out from a contact in the bidding room. “They have the cash as well. There set up to buy her in three days.” Drugnar could only grow “I thought I told you to handle it so they couldn’t buy her.” Shadow scowling a little “I didn’t think they could come up with two thousand gold in two months. And besides I was more worried about hiding the tunnel entrance then babby sitting a bunch of fools. I say you let me and my drow just take the harem and kill off this moore and then kill Billiard. The city wont know anything about it!” Drugnar only turned on her back handing her sharply across the mouth “You idiot and what when all the regular customers start asking what happened and also the guards we pay off when we cant pay for them. Imagine all the attention we get if we suddenly decide to up and shut down a profitable harem.” He growls Shadow whipping her mouth “Yes master you are right….I am sorry.” Drugnar waved her off “Get out of here I have work to do…be ready to move tonight.” “Yes master.” The magistrate was looking at the Cheetah with a raised brow “You say you have Luna Silvermoon?” “Yes sir she was hiding in the harem that you and your son came to. I think Billiard was hiding her down there after she paid him off.” The magistrate hemmed some scratching his chin a little “I’m sure your after the money aren’t you?” “No sir I’m after the harem.. you help me take the harem and you can keep the three hundred platinum and maybe a nice little recognition for capturing a dangerous criminal….” Jandoran raised a eye brow some listening in a little from the other side of the wall. Walking in some “What dose this Luna Silvermoon look like?” Drugnar turned “She is a red fox about so tall slender little thing.” “I remember seeing her come in but she was in shackles and chains…..” Drugnar had to work fast closing the doors and windows after wiping the blood off on a towel. “Stupid fool….” He growled some looking at the dead magistrate and captain of the guard. He pulled out a dagger with Billiards house symbol on it. He quickly found a qill and pen writing out a note from Jandoran to the magistrate saying that he believed that he had seen Luna pass through with billiard and made it as official as he could. Sighing some as he walked out of the building and down the path to a guard house “The Magistrate and your captain have just been murdered! I found them dead in there offices.” Luna was startled awake as the door came slamming in. Shadow was there and Luna gasped some curling up in the corner protectively putting her paws over her belly. She thought for sure she was going to start whipping her right then and there till two guards came in. She blinked some “Wha…?” Before She felt the guards pulling her up chaining her paws behind her. “Master Billiard told me not to say anything about her hiding here.” That’s when she noticed that Shadow didn’t have her whip nor her usual gear. She growled some and jerked in the guards hands. She was about to shout something when she felt a muzzle pulled over and tied down tightly. She kicked and fought as they did the same with her feet. Shadow removing her shackle from the wall stating it was for looks. Luna could only glower as she was lead off. She was up at the top of the blinking at the sun. It had been almost six months since the last time she had seen the sun. Blinking about she almost got hit by a swinging object. There was a loud clank and a thud as she saw orc on one side and then Ruby quickly pulling the guard off her other side. The two of them quickly pulling her up into a cart and stuffing it with hay as Jonner pushed the dead guards down the stairs. Shadow saw the guards tumble down and blinked. Surely she couldn’t be that good! Running up the stairs she was supprised to see a tall slinder human looking down at her. “What th…” was all she could get out before a white light sent her flying back down the stairs. When she woke she saw Drugnar leaning over her. “What happened?” Shadow quickly related what she saw. She was worried “Master what should we do?” Drugnar hemmed some “I don’t think we need to worry this only makes it look worse for Billiard…..This may work out to our advantage. It will keep the guards occupied for a bit while we set up. Also…” he says pulling out a pice of paper “The sector Magistrate gave me lease over the harem. So would you go and deal with the moore tonight…..” Jonner was working fast on her ring tring to read the glyph as he started to chant. There was a sharp flash of green as the glyph appeared on her neck and then disappeared. The ring turning to a dull brown and falling off. Luna sighed and grinned some through her muzzle as Orc and Ruby worked on her chains. When she finally felt them come off she hugged them all “O thank god…” she merffed some almost to the point of crying. “How did you know to come?” Orc grinning “Ruby had a friend keep watch at the harem and come get us if trouble aroused.” Ruby grinning coyly as she winked “You know me always watching out for my older sis.” Luna chuckled and nose bumped Ruby. “Thanks…” she offffed and sighed laying back holding her stomach “I think they have had enough excitement for today….” She winched some and sighed before winching again. Jonner looked her over some before lifting her leg a little. “I think she just had her water break….” Shadow grinned some as she slipped into the moores room kneeling down “Master said to please you tonight.” The moor raising his eye brow and shrugs some he needed some time to relax. He sighed some laying back on the bed. He didn’t know how in the world Billiard did what he did but he new it was way above his head. Billiard probably failed at killing the baron and this is how the baron was getting back at him. He could feel eve playing up his legs to his member. Before long she was sucking the length in. She was a fine artiest when it came to sexual pleasure and also breaking others. He grinned feeling lift off and slowly settle down on him laying her body across his. Her legs on ether side of him. Her sex slipping over his member till she was working her hips around. Her walls griping and moving the thick member in him. He moaned and wrapped his large arms around her slender waist rolling over pinning her under him working his hips agenst her. Eve sighed and hemmms she enjoyed the moors thickness in her. It was a shame some what to kill him…She took her hands and suddenly dug her finger nails deeply in moaning to him and gasping. Though under her finger nails was a greenish powder seeping into his blood. He had great stamina as he continued for another ten minuets before she could notably see his face winch in pain. His arms jerking some as he coughed slipping off her. She smirked some watching falling off the bed as she hemmed looking at her fingernails with a sigh. She just simply gets up and heads out putting a robe around her with a satisfying smirk. Drugnar sighed some looking over the coffers and other odds and ends. The harem was very successful more so then he thought. It was going to be all night as he read through who all they had bought off and what they had to do. The moor had more influence then he thought through out the city. He hoped that didn’t come back to kick them in the ass. The door came open as Shadow came in. “Its done.” She almost purred. The sadistic drow almost over his taste for company but she did her job well. “Good I have kept up mine and you have yours…” he tosses her the papers to her status as a slave “Though I dought you really cared due to the drows not caring if you were a slave on the top side or not.” Shadow shrugged some “I used it as a means to a end. Now the drow can freely smuggle weapons and other items out of the city. We can make money and also push our influence farther then we could before. My father will be pleased with you.” She grins droping her robe “As for you master would you be willing to help a slave in need….” The drow walking to the cheetah swaying her hips. Drugnar could only sigh some “No I’m not going to get poisoned like the moor…” Shadow could only smirk “I’m not one to break a business deal…” Drugnar rolling his eyes as she left. He would have to watch his back…now that his end was done she might think that she wouldn’t need him any more. End part 5