This fictional story is about an anthromorphic fox lost in a human world. Betrayed by her friends she works her way from slavery of a harem. She must now run from her past. Luna bares two children and the problems that she will face in dealing with them. This story has Slavery non-consensual sex and violence. You must bee over the legal age of your state/country to read this story. Luna’s Escape VII Orc grunted and gacked “Curse you mage! Why do you have to ride so rough!” The mage whipping the horses again as they made there way along the road. “It’s not my fault that they found us!” an arrow striking the cart. “Were almost to the woods hang on!” Luna still asleep due to Jonnars spell along with a web spell to keep her down in the cart. Orc could only snort using his frying pans to bat away the incoming arrows coming from the mounted archers. “So since when did the city guards become horse back archers?!” Jonnar looking back “There not city guards I would say there regulars.” The wind going about them as the cart lurched about coming around a corner. “There is the forest! ORC! DUCK!” The Orc looking back just in time to get a branch to his face. The thick branch snapping off as Orc tumbled back into the cart. A series of oaths and curses fallowing as Jonnar could only shake his head. He knew that these men were no match for them. Though they wanted to give no excuse for them to give chase any further. The forest coming up ahead loomed over with its tall trees and huge branches. “Orc were in the woods!” The large orc rubbing his now scratched up face looking about. “Well bloods bane…” The soldiers not fallowing in as all the horses stopping at the entrance to the forest. “We would be crazy enough to enter here….” Jonnar slowed the cart sighing as he looks about. The haunted forest a death trap for most. If it’s not the magical pit falls it’s the huge cursed spiders and ghouls that roam the forest at night. “Orc you ok?” The heave bound orc nodding as he then gacks some. “Mage if you don’t help me out of this web I’m going to scalp you!” The mage chuckling some. “O come on I know you can get out of that your self.” The mage helping Orc out of the webbing and checking on Luna. “She seams ok…still sleeping.” The red fox looking a mess sighing a little as Jonner runs his hand through her fur. “Its noon….lets make it the best we can before we have to bed down for the night. The travel through the forest is always dangerous just as Jonner said. Keeping on the road avoiding the pit falls is the hardest. Though last time they had Cathline last they went through. The hundreds of undead that walk this forest make a formable foe. Ruby groaned slowly opening her eyes up. Her body racked with pain as she slowly blinked looking up at the bright light coming down at her. The cliff still looming over her like some victor in battle. “The bandits….” Her paws slowly running up the side of her head feeling the dried blood caked to her head. The kits! Ruby panicking even more so when her lower body refused to respond. “No…” soft sobs coming up as her paws felt along her legs. It took a bit but soon slow feeling started to come back to her. The fox had landed in a way that had kinked her body making them go numb. A quick look around though told her that the kits were no where to be seen. Deep imprints showed that something large and heavy came by or…… Looking about she could smell the heavy musk of a wolf like male as well as several marks about her. “What the heck….” The fox whimpering as she rolls over on to her knees slowly getting up. Her head swimming about as she sways. “I have to find them…” The fox weakly stumbling off into the woods. Kamin hemmed some looking over the two kits in his arms. “You two couldn’t have belonged to that vixen.” His ears flopped forward as he looked down at the two fur balls. Sharue fast asleep up agents his chest while the wolf pup gnawed on his fingers. “I bet you two are hungry….” Humming some and erring “I don’t know the first thing about feeding you two ether.” Sighing he could only move on. Surly one of the bitches in his pack would know how to help them. It’s a shame that the fox bitch was killed in the fall like that. Humans can cause so much trouble. The lycanthrope moving about the woods just pondering what this could mean. One thing that really hand his interest was the white furred fox. He has never seen a white furred fox before. “YEOUCH!” the lycanthrope jumping some as he suddenly felt a sharp nip down on his fingers. Expecting the wolf pup he let out a deep growl but quickly subsided seeing the little white muzzle wrapped around his finger. The small fox finally awake and she seams a little upset. “Why you….” He gerffs and wiggles his fingers about “I suppose your hungry as well?” A small growl coming from Sharue making him laugh some more. “Well I should hurry home then and see if my bitch can help.” Grinning some and then frowning as he wiggles his finger about in her jaws. It hurt……only silver and magic can hurt a lycanthrope. Ruby went as fast as she could, fallowing the faint scent of the wolf and the kits. Her own scent making it hard to fallow as the thick smell of blood kept washing over her. She knew something was wrong. Her vision wasn’t clearing up nor could she walk straight. “I’m coming…” she kept saying struggling to keep her footing. How long was I out? She could only wonder. Though before long, she fell on her face. A low groan coming from her “I’m so tired.” The fox closing her eyes “Have to rest….” Kamin finally made it back to his pack. The small under ground dwelling cozy, as he entered the home. “Shola?!” The male grumbling out as the little bite marks on his finger not healing like they usually do. An attractively built female wolf came out rubbing her eyes “Yes?” Her ears perking up and forward as she quickly comes over looking into his arms “What is this?!” she says curiously looking down at the kits. “Where did you get these?” “I found them on a female fox after she was thrown from a cliff by some humans.” The bitch humming some as she then erffs feeling the male reaches up gripping her lips and pulling them about silly like. “There cute….” She hemms lifting them up cradling them. Kamin could only chuckle as Shola was a natural mother. Many of the others would bring there kits to her to feed and help them raise them. “They are hungry they were gnawing on my fingers the whole way here.” Shola only nodding as she already was letting them press to her tit. “So I see…….OUCH!” the female goffing as she arches when Sharue latches on to the nipple. “She bites! And it hurts!” she said as Sharue suckled down feeding hungrily at it. “Yea I noticed when she bit my finger that it didn’t heal like it usually dose.” “Do you think she is a lycanthrope?” The larger male could only shrug “Or something else. Let them feed and sleep and I will bring it up with the rest of the pack tomorrow when the hunting party comes back.” Shola nodding some and cooing rubbing the kits softly rocking some to help relax the kits. Ruby awoke to something rolling her over. A soft growl coming from her as she squinted tiring to focus in on what was moving her. A large blurry figure looming over her making her weakly reach out pushing at it bearing her teeth. The figure simply swatting her paws over her head. “She is alive.” Another figure leaning over looking down. “She is with a fever I think. She is very warm and the blood is dark.” The fox fighting weakly as she could feel paws pick her up. They were strong and firm but non aggressive. The fox feeling a wave of sickness come over her making her heave and spilling her stomach over onto the ground. After that she could feel her self blacking out again. Some cursing coming to her ears before she passed out again. Kamin groaned hearing the kits crying “Bloody hell are, they hungry again?!” Shola laughing “Dear I would think you be use to this by now.” She hemms letting the two kits snuggle up agents her self. The bitch wolf sighing as she lay on her side the kits digging deeply into her tit to feed. “It's more of a security feeling for them. They are very young you know. Not even a week old I would say.” Kamin rolling over to put his chin on her shoulder watching. “The fox that was killed was still in good shape and she didn’t smell of birth. I wonder what she was doing with them?” Shola murrrring out, licking the top of Xaz’s head grooming them up. “I don’t know.” Was all she could say before gerrring giving Sharue a small nip making the little kit pop off the nipple with a soft yelp. “No biting!” Kamin chuckling some and rolls over and off the bed stretching. “Well I’ll head out see if the Alpha is around.” Kamin blinked and hemmed some stepping out into the sun light. His legs flexing as he soon found the alpha. “Blor?” The huge wolf looking up from his work crossing his arms. The large alpha always imposing looking. “I found two kits near here last night. There was a vixen with them and...” “I know about the vixen. Some of the hunters brought her in this morning.” Kamin errrring “Alive?” The alpha nodding some “She is hurt bad but should live. Our healers are attending her now. She has kits?” He finally asked as if it just registered with him. “Well I found two kits with her. I don’t think there hers. I thought she was dead from the fall.” The alpha nodding some “I take it Shola is attending them?” Kamin nodding some “Yes the white one is the real reason I came to talk to you though. She has the ability to wound us.” Blor took a moment to think on that. “Just like silver?” Kamin nodding “Yes her teeth and claws leave scratches and Shola has found out her teeth leave bites on her tits.” The large wolf only sat for a moment before standing “Let me see them.” Kamin nodding leading the large wolf back to where Shola was tending the small kits. Sharue was crying rather loudly now and Shola was rather frustrated as well. The wolf bitch sitting there; holding one of her nipples. “Kamin were going to have to get a nipple bag for….” Shola quieting seeing the Alpha come in. The bitch wolf curling her tail about and lowering her head respectfully. Sharue, on the other had, was very angry of losing her source of milk. The small kit wiggling about and growling up a storm. The white foxes fur fluffed out as it hid many of her features it was so thick. The alpha taking the opportunity to put his finger in front of the small kits muzzle. Sharue quickly obliged biting down on the wolfs finger. The alpha male didn’t even flinch as he wiggled it watching a small amount of blood dribble out of her white muzzle. “This is very interesting indeed Kamin. We will wait for the other fox to awaken before we find out more. Tonight Shola I want you for my bed. Leave the kits with Kiki she will take care of them.” Shola simply nodding as well as Kamin. It was custom for the Alpha to have full rights to the females of his pack. Orc grumbled more watching the sun set. “I hope this was a good idea….” Jonner only shrugging some “We will have to see my friend. Our course of action left us with just this way out.” The mage putting up a fire slowly moving Luna from the cart. “We need Cathline…Luna has a bad fever and she is bleeding again.” Orc sighing coming over petting back the foxes blue hair. “Cathline still lives in Bannred I think. One of the few havens for her.” Jonnar hemming some “do you want first watch?” “Sure….Just leave the light up for me.” The mage lighting up a rock and casting a few other spells to help protect there camp. Orc just shivers some sitting at the edge of camp as Jonner laid out for his sleep. “I hate undead…” And almost, as if on cue, lights slowly started to lift up and out. The mumbling of the cursed reaching Orcs ears. He watched as the epic battle of the 4th century played out before him. The battle had been a turning point in the god led war. The land was scared and cursed only after the dark god, seeing that he was losing, scorched the land leaving only dead. The carnage was so great, and the gods so busy with there own fighting, that the dead were left where they lay and now haunt these woods. It seamed like hours going by as he watched the moon raise high in the sky. Orc shifting and sighing looking about before hearing the snap of a branch. A figure coming out of the ghastly blue. “Who goe….Crystal…..” Orc lowering his weapons. If there was any female in all the realms to make him blush it was this one. The elven like female stepping into the clearing. “I must have dozed off….” Crystal nodding “Yes. It has been many years since last you were in my woods.” The Nymph long since passed away and now only speaking to travelers in there dreams. Orc had helped free her from her magical imprisonment deep with in these very woods. In fact it had been one of his first quests. Ever since she has been with him in some sort of way. Though in the woods she can actually become fully formed with in his own mind. “Did you put me to sleep?” The nymph nodding “Yes, you travel troubled and you know that I can protect you here.” Orc nodding “Yes, yes I do.” The nymph grinning as she walks over into the light. Nothing covering her shapely body. Orc had never liked how elves were made. Too skinny and to flightily…but this female set his blood on fire every time she came to him. Her body seaming to move in such a way that lured your eyes to her. Deep tan skin covering her from head to toe. Raven black hair down well past her round and full hips. Every thing about her bored lust into his blood. “I came to help you love.” Orc giving a heavy grunt gulping. “You travel to Bannred yes?” The Nymph stepping closer till her hands could run along the Half Orcs large chest. “Yes we travel seeking Cathline. Luna has fallen very ill.” The Nymph hemming looking to the sleeping fox. “I can help you. She will not make it to Bannred before sub coming to her sickness. I will leave you a potion that will help her fight the sickness. The sickness that seeps into her is not of nature, it is of magic.” Orc blinking “You mean like a mages curse?” “No as in divine. There is something in the air Orc war is coming. You and your friends will be at the center of it.” Orc sighing some running his hand through his hair “Crystal how do….” The Nymph putting a hand to his lips. She would never tell him her secrets. He knew what was next as well. The slender female pushing her body to his. Her hands working his clothing down. “Crystal why do you do this?” The nymph grinning “Cause….I love you Orc…” The nymph leaving it at that as she slowly lowered to her knees working her slender lips down along his abs before working to his thick member. Orc just grunted softly leaning his head back as the fey slowly wrapped her lips about his thick member. Orc was not the smallest male and it was impressive sight to see the nymph so easily swallow his thickness. Her tongue rolling over the rod as she easily works it back and down her throat. If there was one thing a nymph could do it was carnal pleasure. Crystal worked the fat rod about in her mouth and throat till she finally pulls back standing up. Both her hands pushing on the large Orcs chest letting him sit and lay back down on his back. Her shapely body straddling his broad hips as she slowly works the member into her sex. A soft cry coming out from her as her sex stretched over the fat member. ORC!!!!! Orc snorting some as he snapped awake. “WHAT!” his arms flailing about. Jonnar laughing “Pleasant dreams?” “It was Crystal….She is still about in these woods…” The large Orc rubbing his hand through his hair. “She said that Luna is very ill and to give her this….” His hand rummaging through his pockets till he pulled out a small vile of fluid. “She said it would help till we could find Cathline.” Jonnar grinned “Great….She has always been a great help. Is she going to help use through the woods?” Orc nodding “Yes she said she would watch out for us. Though I don’t think she is happy with you.” “Why is that?” Jonnar raising an eye brow. “Because you awoke me while she was showing her affection. That and your ears….” Jonnar quickly feeling his ears as he groaned. The human feeling the now quite furry ears growing out. The long dog like ears coming down to his shoulders “Well I hope she doesn’t stay mad for long…” Kiki hemmed holding the crying kit. “She looks normal…” Xaz asleep in a bundle of furs. Kiki did what she knew best to do. Letting the kit up to her nipple. Kiki quickly learned what all the talk was about. The fox hungrily latching down and sucking hard. Her teeth making needle like pains go up into her “OUCH!” The younger wolf bitch pulling the crying kit away from her tit. “Ghaaaa! That hurts!” A few other females laughing some. “It dose!” The grey wolf pawing over her tit. “O come on its your first feeding since the shaman has let you milk. I’m sure its not bad. “It is! It really hurts!” The wolf holding out the small kit. “Let me see.” A elder wolf coming over as she looks down at the small kit. The fox gerrring and yipping. “We need to break her of this biting weather it hurts or not.” Though curiosity got the best of her and she let the kit nip her finger. The elder female not letting out a yelp due to pride but it indeed did hurt. Blor watched as all the females of his pack mingled around the strange white fox. Shola under his arm as his cock was still tied to her. His room built into the wall above all he others. He could see every one in his clan from his room. “What do you think of the strange fox?” Shola hemming? Her sex still griping tight to the large member as she peeked her head out of the room. “She is different. The other bitches will take care of her but when she grows older they will be more aggressive toward her.” The male nodding “I plan on sending the fox out of her with the two kits when she is fully healed.” He proclaimed. Shola could only nod but did wonder why the fox was even near there den any ways. Why she had the kits and what was going on. Ruby woke with a groan. Her head hurt, and she felt like she got ran over by a horse. The fox slowly sitting up. Her vision was still blurry but she could make out other figures in the room. She heard something though that defiantly woke her up. Sharues cry coming to her ears “Sharue!” the fox huffing as she gacked… Her chest swaying down as she sat up. The fox pawing over her now engorged tits. “What the…Whats going on!” her vision clearing. The elder wolf bitch looking up from Sharue. “My you made a quick recovery fox…I gave you medicine to let you lactate and feed your pups.” Rubys chest now the size of her sisters possibly. “WHAT!” the fox swaying feeling a wave of dizziness come over her. Not knowing relay what to say, she could only manage. “Where am I?” The elder female sitting down handing Sharue back to Ruby. She explained how they found her and the kits. “I need to get to Banred. I am meeting up with my sister. These are her kits.” Sharue actually quiet, snuggled in deeply to Rubies now engorged tits. “First you must speak with Blor our pack leader. He may ask something from you for saving your life. First sleep and feed your kits.” Orc had given Luna the potion the Crystal had given him. The red fox now awake as she erffs. Her voice crackling “Orc?” The large male looking down “Well now look who is finally awake…” END part 7