This is a work of fiction involving three anthromorphic females that are in the jungles near Voscowl. This story has sexual and vore actions. If you are not of legal age in your country or are offended by such things do not read on. Also thank you Striker for the RP that lead up to this short story © Sharue & Drugnar Characters © There respective owners Sharue was just about feed up with all the muck and junk that she was having to put up with. The slender white fox gerffing as she whipped off her brow. “Colleen…why are we up here again?!” The white fox growling a little as she clings to the rock face. She never liked heights. The collie laughing some as she looks up “O come on Sha….It’s barley ten feet!” The white fox growling down at the collie as she gerffs. Cathline could only laugh at the other two as she stretched out on the ground. “Will you two quite fighting. It’s already noon and we are barley half way there.” Cathline was a sylvan elf that had joined up with Sharue a while ago. She was about five foot six nice copper tone skin. All the girls were in simple cloths only keeping on a thin shirt with some shorts. Cathline could only laugh as she heard a sharp yip and a thump fallowed loud oaths and cursing. Sharue coming back around cursing and picking leaves and dirt out of her hair. She was always the picky one never liking her fur to be dirty. The fox pulling her pack along as she grumbles. “Come on Sha its about time we got you out of that tavern as some show girl.” “Not on some rampage through the jungle in search of some damn weed that the mage needs!” Sha growled back. Colleen could only stair as the white bundle feel from the last six or so feet to the ground. The collie chuckling to her self as she stalks off. Colleen being in charge of the little expedition. The collie almost six foot and having the typical markings of one of her race. Picking up her pack and heading out with Sharue “Come on we have to make it to the first camp tonight to get settled in.” The Collie wagging her tail as she watches the slender white fox move forward of her. Her eyes drifting down over the vixens firm rump. She had found Sharue on stage dancing as the local entertainment and had paid for a night with the sexy fox. Though before she could make good on the fun her boss came in and told her to find a party. Then to proceed to go out and find a rare plant for a wealthy mage. “Come on love cheer up..” she grins some wagging her tail more thinking on how to get the slender fox to show her more of her body. She her self wasn’t too bad looking ether. Her form full and curvy much like Sharues but she lacked the chest that the fox sported around. “When we get to the camp we can settle down and stretch out. I also know of a nice pool we can maybe strip down and go for a dip.” She grins. Cathline finally getting up to fallow along as well. Mostly she just fallowed along with Sharue as one of the show girls as well. The two of them had become good friends since they were sold into slavery. They had worked hard together to buy them selves out. They were currently working on trying to save enough money to buy there citizenship. “Hell if you say that she will never leave that pool trying to get clean.” The red headed elf laughing some as she took up the rear. Sharue could only grumble to her self as the other two poked fun at her. The fox picking small twigs out of her tail as she sighed. She needed this money to help her buy her citizenship. “What is this stupid plant good for any way?” The fox rather looking forward to getting her citizenship so she wouldn’t have to keep whoring her self out at some back woods tavern. Her ears perked up though hearing something about a pool. The trio continued on till about dusk where they finally found a spot where they could camp. “Finally! Blimy I swore it was closer.” The collie laying out on a patch of moss grinning and wagging her tail. “So shall we set up for the night?” Sharue throwing her bag off on the ground tiered and wore out. “Yes…” The fox gerffing as she sighs pulling out her sleeping roll. The fox laying it out as she groans laying face down in it. “Come on love! We could keep warmer if we snuggled in.” The collie murring some. Sha was sighing “Your only paying me to move my ass from the city to this plant and then back Colleen..” “We going to start a fire?” The elf asking as she finally came into the clearing as well. “Well we need some wood.” Colleen looking about “Think you could find some love?” Cathline giving a smirk to the collie “Sure…” Cathline moving off into the woods with a smirk “That girl has been trying to get at Sharue all day.” Her ears flickering about as she picked up pieces of wood. “I wonder how long I should give those two.” Picking up a piece of wood only to find out it moves. Her heart racing a little from the startle and such she could actually see it move through the grass down a path. “Hell….flipin snake…” she could only watch it head off before she saw another one move. The elf perking her long ears looking over at it. It had leaves on it though. Moving a little closer she had heard stories of plants that moved about in the woods and jungles around the parts. In fact they said that they would grab others and drag them where they would…..Cathline slowing down some as she was walking to the vine. She slowly looked about feeling a little stupid now. Jumping a little at every little bush that could be around. “Well crap.” The elf erping looking about seeing more and more move. Just as she was turning about she could feel the vines starting to work around her legs. The elf going into a frantic struggle as another vine dropped down around her neck hauling her off into the near by bushes. “Come on love I don’t want to pay yea…I really would enjoy your company for the night.” Sharue only groaning “I don’t want to work….” Was all she could manage as she lay there on her bed roll. Colleen feeling a little flustered at the foxes determined state of making it “Work”. “Love I don’t want it to be work I just want a snug and maybe some rubbing…” “Look I really don’t want to fool around Colleen…I just want to sleep.” The collie flopping out her bed roll as well as she lay the “Well how about I just lay my sleeping roll next to yours dear?” The collie grinning as she could see the out line of the fox but that was about it. The light almost gone as she hemmms laying down “Sure what ever….” Sharue snugging her blankets about here. The heat was horrid here though. Soon finding her self kicking the thick blankets off her. “I just want to sleep..” The fox slapping at some thing flying about near her. Colleen finally gave in looking at the young fox. “Ok but you will come with me to the pool right?” Her tail wagging about as she could see the soft outline of the busty fox. The collie completely forgetting about the elf as she closed her eyes. “Sure…” was all she got out of the fox who seamed well on her way to sleep already. The collie could only lay there some her own breasts swollen and her nipples rather firm. Her mind going over what all she could do with the sexy fox. She could easily get this flower for the boss but she really wanted this fox girl. Colleen grinning to her self as she could see those nice heavy breasts swaying and bouncing as she took her top off. “I bet you taste sweet too love…” she mumbled thinking of how she could make her squeal out as well. “Tomorrow.” Colleen woke slowly as dawn came up. “Blimy.” She grumbled her hair all matted and ratty as she took a quick look about. “Where is that sexy little……” A loud snore reached her ears. Colleen perking her ears looking to the snoring bundle next to her. Trying best to keep from laughing at the small foxes snores. “Well how unlady like dear….” Looking about again “Cathline?” A quick look of confusion seeing that the elf never made her bed ether. “Cathline?!” Sharue stirring some. “What is going on?” the fox merffing sleepily. “Love dose Cathline usually sleep some where else?” The fox looking confused as she finally sits up. “No why?” “I don’t think she came back last night. There is no fire and also her things are still where she dropped them.” Sharue now looking worried. “Cathline!” Sharue shouting out loudly. “Crap I hope she didn’t fall down a hill or something…” the white fox getting up looking about “Which way did she go?” The collie pointing over off in a direction “I’ll go see if I can’t find her.” Colleen grumbaling some “Ok but when you get her tell her that you and her will be taking a long nice soak. I will get you out of those cloths love.” The collie winking some “I’ll see about getting some food going with what I have.” Sharue didn’t really know how to take the collies advances. She really wasn’t the sort for other females. She would play along with them as paying customers but to actually have one hitting on you and such…” the fox fluffing up at the though. “Ahhh hell Cathline! Come on!” Her eyes staying open as she peeked about some. “I will be so glad to have my citizenship after this…” The fox finally seeing a foot print clearly in the soft soil. She may be no tracker but she could it out. “Well lets hope that’s your foot print there elf. I swear if your off being one with nature I’ll skin you myself.” Fallowing along as best she could till it brought her into a clearing. “Good god..” the fox looking about at the many broken branches and the scuffed up dirt. A ping of worry hitting her seeing what looked to be a fight. “Cathline!” the fox spotting something off to the side. Cloth from the looks of it. Tore off on branches as it looks like something was drug through here. Sharue quickly fallowing along the drag path finally coming about to a odd looking tree. “Cathline?!” Her ears perked up and forward looking about. The plant was rather odd having sacks and odd shaped pods about on its stems. “Well hell….” The fox peeking about the tree as she moves about. Finding more clothing only made her worry more till she came to a oddly bulging sac from the plants stalk. Curiously walking slowly to it and merffing. It looked like it was smooth. Pushing on it only showed that it was filled with something like a fluid. Looking closer she could see something floating about in it. “What the…..” The skin some what translucent as she could see the murky fluid inside. Her paws working about on the odd thing till she felt something solid. Her paws pushing about till she saw a face push up agenst the wall. Cathlines face pushing at the flexible walls making Sharue stumble back quickly in surprise. She fox quickly recovering her self as she could see the elfs face slip back into the murky fluid. “O shit Cathline!” the little fox jumping up and pawing about on the sack. The elfs face pushing back out as she could see something stuffed deeply in it. A vine from the looks of it wrapped tightly about her neck as well. The elf was fully nude now that she could push her about in the plant. “No Cathline can you hear me!” the fox shouting slapping at the rubbery sac. The fox whimpering as she could see that the elf didn’t have any hair what so ever now ether. Her face pushing up agenst the plants wall again showing off her dull eyes to Sharue. “O crap no…” the fox trying to tear at the sac franticly. The plant knew that something was near….Food….its last night feeding was going well. It had struggled so nicely for it as it found its many holes to fill. It had always enjoyed the prey with the third opening more then the ones with only two. And this one seamed to know what it meant to be held deep in its body. It was taking its time digesting this one. Never knowing when its next meal will come with in grasp. Though it seams that fortune was with it this day. Another one of the two legged prey seamed very interested in the one that it had found last night. Its vines slowly moving to fulfill its need to feed. It will have enough food to feed for a few weeks. Its vines slowly wrapping about the ankles of its new found prey. Slowly griping tighter and more firmly as it would soon be enjoying its flavor in one of its many pods. Sharue was too frantic to even notice the danger wrapping around her legs. The fox biting and growling trying to tear at the sac as her friend floated lifelessly in. Sha gave a loud yip as she was suddenly hauled off the sac with a strong tug. “What the fuck?!” The fox swaying upside down kicking and struggling about a foot off the ground. “Colleen!” The fox feeling like she got in over her head. “Colleen help!” The fox feeling the edge of panic creeping over her as the vines started to wide around her waist working in and out of her shorts. A ripping sound soon fallowing as the many vines griped her even tighter pillowing out her flesh in between the vines. “COLLEEN!” The fox feeling her blood getting cut off to her legs. The vines starting to wrap around her chest and up her swinging arms. The fox feeling the vines lifting her up keeping her arms above her head pulling her wrists tightly together. Her world was still very much upside down as she could see pices of her cloths falling about here. More the vines worked more she felt the cloths give and tear. The fox wiggaling now as the plant holds her legs and arms. Her heavy bust falling out of the many tears in her shirt. “Let go of me!” The fox yipping as the gave a heave lifting her upright. “What the….” The vines spreading her legs forcing her into a squatting position above a pod. Her eyes looking down the deep valley of her breasts. A frantic scream coming from her seeing the gapping maw of the plant looking back up at her. The plant moving her feet about to rest on its lips forcing her rump close to the open part of its jaws. This one was struggling more then the other one did. Enjoying the feel of its soft body in its coils and the new feeling of fur along its vines. Doing as it has done for the twenty years of its life forcing its prey to squat over its pods exposing the holes that it would use to drag it down into its body. The plant shivering more as if in pleasure sensing that this one had the extra hole that it liked so much. Moving the thick vines up that it would soon push into its helpless prey. Slowly pushing the tips to the holes and pushing rewarded it with a loud squeal. A few more vines wrapping around her waist as its other vines shift her legs down forcing them into the slimy maw of the plant. Now to hook its prey…. Sharue was interrupted with a surprise when the vines pushed into her sex and ass. The gooey vines easily pushing up deep into her. “Wholly shit!” the fox squealing out as she could feel her self stretching over the wrist thick vines. Her legs forced into the plant as the thick lips lock around her legs. The fox sobbing and bucking wildly as the vines let go of her legs. The pod now keeping a hold of them nice and tight. What was worse was the huge bulge forcing its way up in between her legs! The vines holding her paws and upper body slowly working her up and down some till the thick bulges started to work into her body. She didn’t know what they were for but when they finally forced there way in she could feel the twin bulges lock in her inflating even more making her sob at the bloated feeling. The vines in her sex and ass slowly pulling painfully forcing her to sink more and more into the slurping and gulping maw of the plant. It had it…there was no way that the prey could escape now as it started to suck at its delicious thighs. Soon it will be in it fully in its body and it would feel it struggle about helping it produce its acids that it will use to break it down for food. Colleen sighed and panted some rubbing her bare sex eagerly griping one of her heave breasts. The collie eagerly thinking of the little fox lapping hungrily at her sex. “Yea lick there…get your nose in.” The collie sighing some letting her self cool off a little though not wanting to waist a climax on herself. “Bloody hell love how long you going to be gone….” The collie slipping up her shorts wiggling her wide hips into the tight fabric. The collie starting to worry her self as she gets up to head out as well. The collie was better at tracking and finding her way about the jungle then her other counter parts. The collie fallowing Sharues little foot prints. She was taking her time just walking lazily till a scream reached her ears. The collie blinking some as she started to pick up her pace. “Love? Sharue?!” the collie shouting as she ran along the foxes path. Coming into the clearing with a startle. “What the……Bloody hell.” The collie looking about some. “Love?” the collie looking about cautiously. Her paws picking up shred of cloth. “Blimy…” Her eyes looking about not able to see the foxes small paws franticly waving about above her. Sharue let out a loud scream feeling the lips pushing her large bust to her face before forcing her chest and head into its drooling pod. Her paws franticly waving about as her feet started to bulge out the stem of the plant. Her body covered with a thick drool as she is drug in more and more. Colleen looked about in confusion looking up seeing a piece of cloth hanging off a vine. Then a thick a bulge starting to show in a stalk. “Blimy Sha is that you?!” obviously not getting a response as she watched the fox slowly form in the stalk being sucked down. The small foxes wide hips soon showing then her chest and head. The collies eyes fallowing the stalk down to a low laying sac. “What the blimy hell is going on?” She could only watch some half in fascination as the poor fox was pulled down the tube of the plant to the sac. A loud slosh and splash fallowing as the fox is dumped into it. “Ahh one sec love I’ll get yea out.” The collie moving over with her knife to try to cut at it. Sharue could feel the tightness wrap around her hips and chest. The fox not enjoying the thick bulges in her pussy and ass forcing her lower and lower into this hellish plant. Her feet finally wiggling though feeling the plant loosen around her feet. Then fallowed by a yip as she is suddenly pulled down into the sack with a slurp. It was like trying to fight in a hammock. Her feet sliping forcing her to lay like a half moon in the bottom of it. Its sides covered with a slim as her paws franticly try to get a hold in her new prison. The collie running up to the sac looking it over. She could some what see the fox when she pushed at the sac with her paws or her back. The white showing through when the sac was stretched. “Blimy Sharue can you hear me?!” her paws pushing at the fox in the sac. Though when the fox turned pushing her front to the sac the collie paused some. The look of her helpless form pushing at the sac and her large bust showing through having a arousing effect on her. “B..blimy…” The collie blinking seeing the foxes white breasts and face push out lewdly showing off there many curves. The collie shaking it off and soon trying to cut away at the skin of the sac. “Hold on love here I come.” The collie cutting at the sac. It was hard to cut the dull knife not able to get it tip in with out pushing deep at the stretchable sac. “Blimy love stop strugaling!” The collie yipping making a small hole before the foxes struggles knocked the knife from her paws. “Bloody..” the collie reaching for it. The knife clattered and bounce falling in between two rocks out of her reach. The collie turning to try to open the small hole that she had made in the sac. Sharue didn’t hear much of what the collie was saying. Though she was glad that she was there. The fox sobbing some as she pawed desperately about. “C…colleen I want out! Let me out..” the fox jerking some feeling some thing drool from above her. The drool leaving a burning feeling as it dripped in along her arm. The fox whimpering and jerking with a loud bark. Seeing the small hole and pushing to it hard pushing her muzzle out. “C…Colleen get me out….o god it burns! It burns! Please get me out!” The fox struggling more and more. Vines moving in her again pushing about and pulling as more vines start to move about her one slowly working around her neck and up her cheek “O make them stop fucking me!” she sobs her little face pushing lewdly out at the sacs walls desperately trying to push out the small hole. Colleen didn’t know what to make of it. The fox struggling about so franticly. It was arousing her to no end. Her breasts swelling and her nipples showing through her top as she gasped. “It…its fucking you love?!” The fox whimpering out loudly “Yes get me out it burns! Its filling with something that burns!” The fox sobbing as her head desperately tries to push out. The collie gulping some feeling her own arousal growing as the poor fox gives a explanation on what is going on to her. “Love when I get you out we are definitely looking in to getting you a tight leather out fit.” The collie trying to grip the hole to make it bigger for the fox. Though when she got just a little more space a thick slimy vine shot out whipping about wildly. The collie yipping and jumping back startled by the sudden thrust out. “Love that plant don’t want to let go!” “Please Colleen help me!” the vine slapping about the foxes muzzle till it slowly worked its way in. Colleen only stood in awe watching the thick vine violate the small muzzle of the fox. The thick vine feeding in till she was sure it had to be down the gagging and struggling foxes throat. “Blimy…” The collie watching as the vine suddenly pulled pulling the foxes muzzle back in. “O crap hold on love!” the collie bounding over trying to grab at the slippery fox as she is sucked back in. Sharue could only whimper as the vine slapped about on her face. A loud yip feeling it slap her nose and then push in. The horrid tasting slime filling her jaws as it rammed in pushing quickly down her jaws to her throat. Her body struggling and twisting dry heaving heavily with each thrust it forced down her slender throat. Though she found she could breath. The fox using the vine almost as if it was meant to keep her alive with the needed air. The plant was confused. Another one of the prey had showed up. This one inflicting a wound in its skin making it grip down. It will have to shrink that pod around its prey to keep it sealed shut but first it needed to get the escaping prey under control. Its vines working around the struggling prey griping tightly and forcing it into a modified fetal position. Sharue panicked feeling her muzzle sucked back into the sac. Why wasn’t Colleen getting her out! The fox burning almost every where now as the vines pulled her knees up to her chest pushing her large bust out in between her legs. The vine pulling her muzzle up as her paws were kept behind her. The sac slowly closing down around her shrinking and stretching around her form slowly becoming as tight as a second skin. Colleen was just staring as the plant was wrapping the struggling Sharue in its tight sac. “Blimy love that’s quite a sight….” She knew that she was a Voreaphile ever since she saw a female human that had been swallowed by a huge snake. This was something completely different though. Watching the sac stretch and grip down on the struggling fox was a turn on more then she would ever thought. The fox soon showing quite well as the plant stretched over her finally so tight that even the foxes nipples pushed out of the tight sac. The collie walking over running a paw over the trapped fox licking her chops a little. “Love you look so good like that…” her paws griping on of the foxes breasts tightly looking over the fox. She even could see the poor girls green eyes looking out pleadingly at her. “I…I’m sorry love I cant get you out…” She also didn’t know if she wanted to. The trapped fox swaying in her tight prison as she gulped. “You said it was fucking you right love?” The collie slowly working around and kneeling down to look in between the foxes spread legs. Sure enough she could see the thick vines moving back and forth in her pussy and ass. The collie looking and getting on all fours pushing one paw along her own belly to her shorts. “O I wish you would have been licking my crotch love. Look at your pussy…” she oooos pushing her paw into her shorts running her fingers along her puffy lips till her fingers wiggle around and in. The collie nuzzaling the foxes sex through the sac. Then blinking some “Bloody hell what am I doing hold on love.” The collie quickly getting up and grabbing the fox and twisting her about looking for the hole that seamed to have sealed up. The collie working about clawing along the stretching skin. The collie stopping looking at the fox. Her fur getting thinner and thinner in fact there is even a few spots where her dark skin was starting to show through her white fur. “Blimy it is digesting you!” Sharue could only sway there helplessly as the collie nuzzled at her painfully sore crotch. Little sobs only audible to her as she feel her twist about. The burning was starting to increase now as she could feel it redden her skin. Little bits of fur floating in the small pockets of fluid. She was going to die she knew it. Colleen tried to claw tear and bite at it nothing was working. “Hell love there ant a way getting you out!” The collie panting some heaving her self along the fox. The collie stumbaling back and resting on a rock watching the fox sway helplessly her fur slowly leaving her body. The collie couldn’t stand it any more. “I’m sorry love but you just look so flippin sexy like that…” the collie undoing her shorts and kicking them of as she sat there pawing her sex. The collie panting some pushing two fingers deeply in. “Yea…love just show off for me. That’s right….show me that ass..” The collie finally giving in fully to her own needs. Watching as the plant slowly digested her sexy fox. Sharue was almost completely furless now. The juices burning deeply into her skin now as she hung there. She sobbed to her self watching the collie play with her self. The fox finally just giving in laying there limply knowing that her body is going to used for the plants food. Though she could see the vines moving slowly to the collie as well. Colleen to engrossed into her own activities didn’t even know it till she felt something griping her neck. The collie gagging some as she yipped twisting about. Only her top on as she tugged at the vines that were griping her head. The vines pulling her over by her face to a low hanging pod that was opening up for its next meal. “No no! I’m not food!” The collie cursing her self as she felt the vines grip tighter “Blimy!” her head sucked into the pod. The collies paws slapping wildly about on the thick skin of the pod. Her bare ass jerking and wiggling as her legs pushed at the pods mouth. Her own fears now raising as she felt the drool roll over her face in the plant. What worried her more was the thick vines pushing at her face. The collie coughing and then gagging hard feeling one thrust down her jaws into her slender neck. The collie could swear that she could feel it in her stomach. The vine suddenly bulging and shoving a thick part down her throat to fill her belly. Oddly enough she could still breath. The collie wiggling about more and more as she could feel more vines gripping around her slowly pulling her in till she felt something finally satisfy her need. The collie unable to scream as the thick vines pushing up her ass and sex as well. Wrapping around her legs and pulling them tightly together till only her feet showed out side the pod. Sharue could only watch the plant eat the collie. She didn’t know if she should be upset. The fox hanging there her bare breasts pushing at the sac till it started to relax. The fox merffing to her self as it loosened up letting her move some again. She felt her self slip about in it again as she erffed feeling the vines in her ass and pussy really start to fuck her now. The thick bulbs ramming up and down in her as a thick glob of drool started to seep in filling the bag. The fox fighting it as much as she could the slime burning more and more as it slowly flooded her sack. Its filling up like Cathlines witch meant that she would be like her soon. The fox sloshing about till the sac took a nice firm round look. The fox helplessly floating in the fluids kicking wildly. The collie could feel the tightness around her body as she slid down the stalk. The collie erping as she too found her self sliding into the open sac. The sac already half full as she splashed in. It did burn! The collie kicking about madly as she jerked and twisted tring to get away from the burning feeling. Tears coming to her as she lay there in the thick clear fluids knowing that there is no way to get out. Only her top on the fluids quickly burning her nether lips that were still lewdly stretched around the thick vine. Though her body was responding quickly to the thrusting and pumping of the vines. Her hips griping down on the vine as she let out one last muffled scream before the fluid started to cover her up filling her sac. The collie now experiencing the pain the other fox was going through. The plant shivered feeling the two prey jerking and struggling in it. Its hellish owner would love the new slaves that it is sending it. The plant enjoying breaking the females down into food but its true meaning would break them down to travel through its roots deep down into the under dark where they would be returned to there forms. Till then…..The plants leaves shivering a little as it settles back wrapping its leaves around the pods protectively to keep them hidden. It will take a while for them to break down. Like this story? Give any comments to