Short Stories 2 Sharue settled down at her computer console eyeing the emails coming in. She had been in theater for over a year now fighting the war in the desert. Most of the emails were just trouble tickets asking for this or that to be changed or an email box to be made up. She was a fairly short fox at just five foot two but was nicely built due to all the exercise and work out she would get form her work. Quickly paging through and routeing what needs to go where she kicks back a little finally finding some peace of mind. “Great….” Eyeing her weapon. The dirt seamed to come out of nowhere every time she went around clinging to the M-16. Sighing she grabbed up the weapon breaking it down keeping an eye on the battle screen. The program that she was watching showed where every unit in the entire world was at any time. The city that they were attacking blown up to a 50 meter view. You could practically see where each person was on the ground. As she worked the bolt apart to clean it up she could hear the case vac bell go off. Another medical run that’s what twenty fifth today? The fighting really picking up it seams. Grumbling some half wishing she could go and get some fire time and half grateful to be communications and behind a desk away from all the artillery and gunfire. Just then the whole building shook as the crack of an explosion came in then another and another. Grumbling she puts on her flack and Kevlar eyeing out the door. Seeing that it’s only out going artillery she heads back in. “Why they ever put me in so close to those guns ill never know….” Sitting back down to finish her weapon up as a baroshe of forty outgoing shells headed to their target. Finally cleaning it up and setting it back up on its stand looking at her white fur and wondered how long it’s been since she had a good hot bath. The cold showers were getting old. Just sulking a little missing home when the SgtMaj finally came in. Looking up giving her best faked grin “Evening SgtMaj.” The heavy cat nodded some “Get your weapon and ammo you have to go out to recover some com gear that went down with two aircraft.” He said “Be in the ready room in one hour.” She was shocked she was heading out in to the fight to get some com gear? She merffed and quickly started to put on all her gear. One of the problems was her vest. Being female they don’t make Kevlar plates to form around breasts. Feeling the squish as she buckled up finally putting on her helmet and strapping her ammo belt on. Heading into the ready room there was two officers there and about four other marines. On the map she could see the area where the birds went down. It was her worst nightmare she though. They were at least fifteen miles behind the enemy lines. Feeling a lump in her throat well she just quietly sat down. Being the junior member of the group and also the only fox out of the squadron she was pretty much shunned unless something needed to be fixed or some male wanted to make a lude comment about vixens. They gave a brief out line of the mission. Go to the aircraft see if there salvable destroy any sensitive material come home. Simple enough though the whole behind the lines did bother not only her but a few others. They were going to be air lifted in due to the heavy fighting on the roads under darkness. So the wait started till 0100 when the operation was to kick off. Sir I don’t know about taking the fox…” the panther known as Ro by his call sign eyed her sternly. “She won’t be any use to us.” The officer shook his head “Not our call she goes and were to make sure she doesn’t get killed. “ The Lt shook his head “Foxes are to close to K-9 for my taste. On top of that she is a conscript so she isn’t here willingly.” The Capt shrugged some “I’ve worked with plenty of conscripts before some good some bad. She has a good rating in her field I’m sure she is trustable. For gods sake they gave her a Top Secret clearance.” The Lt looked over at the Pvt and grimaced “That’s risky.” The other four foot solders joked and talked some one seeing Sharue by her self “Hey what is the bitches story over there?” One looking back “That’s Sharue she is a fox not a k-9” he also adds in “Arty shell hit her house killed her folks. The marines conscripted her into the servitude as a com expert.” The tiger talking said it more of fact then to support but he never saw any reason to pound on her. She has been obedient and so far a good COM rep. The other two made some rude comments about maybe putting her oral practices to use. Sharue could hear every thing that was going on in the room. From the two officers talking to the four grunts. The tiger SSgt has always been her neutral ground some one she could trust to bring a problem to. Looking over at the two that made the comment of the oral stuff she snorts she would never let there dicks touch her. One was a puma that looked like his face was smacked with a bag of nacelles and the other one was a bit chubby for her taste. Laying her head down on the table she just waited for zero hour for the mission to kick off. When it came around she slipped into her gear and loaded up into the Huey. The hello already spinning as the crew chiefs manned the door guns. The two hellos that they had she was in with the SSgt a grunt and the capt while the other had the other three grunts and the Lt. It was about an hour flight there and on there way there they could see the city in ruins. Several fires raging the flash of arty or a burst of AA guns. So far no one bothered them. Coming to the crash scene it was like a grave yard. The two cobra hellos were demolished there was no saving them. Circling around for a landing the Capt indicated to unbuckle so they could get off the air craft fast. Coming in on approach Sharue stood next to the gunner. This should only take ten min max! The Capt had said. “Get in get what you need and get back!” As they were coming down to the ground is when it all happened. Sharue doesn’t know what really happened all she knew is suddenly the woods filled with tracers as machine gun fire opened up on there position. She held on for dear life as the hello suddenly jerked to one side. The gunner opening up with the Gal 15 in to the woods. She could hear the Capt shouting to the pilots to get them the fuck out of here. Then she felt something hit her. It didn’t hurt but the puff of pieces of clothing and fur surprised her. She blinked in disbelief, as she felt numb. Blood oozing out over her interceptor vest. The round had hit just over the sappy plat near her collar bone. Then shock kicked in and that’s when she lost her motor functions. Her pas slipping from the railing and she could feel her self fall out of the air craft. To her amazement though she didn’t fall but a few feet as she dangled looking down at the ground. The gunner holding her leg desperately trying to keep a hold of her. Then a round stuck just below his elbow and she plunged to the ground. Her rifle hitting first causing the butt of the weapon to slam up in her chin knocking her out almost instantly. The Capt stared in disbelief as the foxes back exploded with a round exiting out of her. Blood along the wall as she slipped from the air craft. He struggled to help the gunner pull her in butt by the time he got there the gunner had already been hit. He watched the fox plummet maybe thirty feet to the ground as the pilot’s evact to a safe Ronda view. Another round of bullets rattled the aircraft leaving a copilot dead and the other grunt badly wounded. When she started to come around she was crumpled. Her arm under her as she was on her side. One leg in an odd position while head was tucked to her chest. Her jaw felt broke and she knew she was badly injured from the shot and fall. She couldn’t help her self she started to cry. It hurt too much as she could feel her nerves coming alive. It was a miracle that she was alive. Pain coursed through the small fox as she laid there wondering if she was going to die of her wounds. Aaron could hear sobbing coming from the crash sight. “Well guess one did fall out of the bird.” He said to his a gunner as they pulled apart the .50 call machine gun. The others pulling back with 240 gulfs and saws to a secure location. “Hey I’m going to go see who fell and see if they have any maps or com on them.” The wolf was unhappy. There men had opened fired way too soon. There were suppose to wait till the hellos touched down and there catch hopped out. Then open fire and force the hellos to take off with out the contact that they were suppose to capture. Now there gone and they probably killed who ever they were suppose to get out of the birds. “Fucking newbie’s.” he grumbled as he walked over to the sobbing. Fist thing he saw though was a bright white tail draped over a log and a boot. His heart raced some “O shit don’t be her.” Running over “MAT! GET A MEDIC!” seeing the fox. Curse why dose he have the worst luck! Assessing how bad the fox was he could see blood all over her back and a hole coming out of her shoulder. Also there was a lot of blood over her chin and nose looked to be broken. Crouching over the sobbing fox he decided he would have to move her. Checking as best he could and supporting her neck he started to move her away from the log. The fox only wailed out as her leg slid across the ground. It’s an odd sound foxes having there own form of crying and such. Finally trying to decide to lay her on her back or her stomach due to her shot wound. A medic coming over started to work fairly fast. They would have to work fast to keep her alive. An IV was put in her. The others working her Kevlar vest and helmet off. As they patch up her shot wound. Finally getting her on a stretcher they get her out of here. “Fuck….” Aaron shook his head looking back at the crashed birds. He is going to get an ass chewing for this fuck up. She could see the Husky over her. Fear welling up as he looked her over. Cursing her self for not being able to stop crying the enemy started to move her. Feeling her leg suddenly spring into pain she let out a wail. She could feel them working on her morphine injected into her as well as an IV. They weren’t going to kill her at least not right now it seamed. The K-9 wolves and other breeds crowded around here. She had never felt so scared in her entire life. The vixen pulled into a HMMV and drove off to head quarters. “I want the fucking idiot that open fired too soon! Find him and get me his rank and weapon! He’s going to be a fucking cook till he dies!” Aaron growled at his squad leaders. The heavy husky shaking his head picking up the .50 call on his shoulders and making his way back to base. Almost right on time he heard the Arty throwing 120s at the down air craft. “Seams that the cats don’t want us to have their toys.” He chuckled to himself. Getting to base he went to S-2 for a debrief. Ilisia raised a eyebrow as Aaron came in. He was in a foul mood she could tell. “Mission flunk out?” “No fucking newbie opened fire to early the fox might not live.” Ilisia knew what that meant. “Fuck we need her she has all the keys to there crypto!” “I know damn it i'm finding out who opened fire and ill discipline them approply. Aaron looked at the well toned bitch in front of him. He grinned inwardly to him self striping her in his mind. How long has it been since he has laid with any fem? A year two years who knows any more. “Look she is at medical if you want to try to catch her before they say she cant be saved.” Ilisia nodded some “Yea let Frazier do the debrief ill be back in a bit.” She said getting up and heading out. Fuck if they killed her that will set back there operations by four to six months! It had taken her forever to set up a ambush. Her spies in the Bastet army setting up all what was needed. They made sure to put the Crypto radio in the bird and then made sure that they new about it so they would send the fox. Growling she headed over to the medical tent stepping in. The fox was on a respirator with a lot of equipment hooked up to her. “Hey doc what is the damage?” “Honestly its mostly broken bones. She had a collapsed lung and some head trauma but she should make it as long as there are not blood clots in her head.” Ilisia grind some “Well some good news…” Walking over to the fox looking her over “Jezzus she is just a kid.” The lean fox laying there with her blood soaked fur. “She is 17 it looks like might be 18 her dog tags say she is 22 but that’s a lie. Her medical records say she was born in 1985 so she could be 17 or 18 depending on the month she was born in.” The doc yawned. Ironically he was a badger from the south Americas. He had signed up to help others in the war but found that he was desperately needed up front where the fighting was. Looking over at the fox he frowned. She was one of the many reasons why he decided to go. Such young furs joining or forced in to fight they deserve some chance to survive. “She should be ok but she will be out for a couple of days. Why don’t you come back tomorrow she might be awake then.” Dreams swirled around in her head. Like fog she was slowly coming to hear what was going around next to her. Where was she what was on her face. Why did she hurt so much? Then it came to her the fall out of the air craft and then that husky…” Sharue let out a moan of pain feeling the dull throb over her body. The fox’s eyes fluttering open finally looking around. Coming into focus was a huge badger. “Well some one is awake.” Then a bright light shining into her eyes making her winch some as it dilated her puples to pinpoints. “And it looks like you will be recovering from your concussion as well.” She would growl but she realized that her jaws were muzzled. Two lines slipping past her lips probably giving her water and food. Looking around she could see her wrist were secured to the bed her leg was in a cast and her shoulder was shaved and bandaged up. Laying back wondering why they went through so much to save her life. The badger looked at the fox and her confused expression. He pulled off the oxygen mask and then slowly loosened her muzzle. “Think you can eat?” he asked. She thought for a little bit “I would like to try.” “Ok you bite me and ill make sure your muzzle is wired shut till its fully healed got that fox?” He said pulling the muzzle off and laying it off to the side. Nodding some the smell of chicken came to her nose. Her stomach growling nosily. Seeing the spoon she eagerly opened her muzzle feeling the warm broth slip down her muzzle and throat. It felt so good to be eating some what. The wires in her muzzle making it painful to open her muzzle to wide or fast. The badger smiled to himself as the fox eagerly took the broth. It would help settle her stomach and also give her some trust in him. He hated treating his patients like prisoners. She was just a kid doing what she was told to do. “What’s your name?” Sharue paused some the spoon still gripped in her muzzle finally she let go “Sharue.” He nodded some “Well as your doctor I’m happy to tell you that you will live with no deformities or major complications Sharue.” He knew her name it was in her medical record but it helps keep them calm. “Do you have any one that should be contacted to let them know that you are a POW now?” watching her ears sink he gave her head a soft pat. What odd hair color it has to be died. Looking over the pink hair. “No. Where am I?” “Your just south of Romiston.” He was breaking Intel rules but he didn’t care. He did it all the time with his patients. “You will be treated here and then released to our Intel officer for questioning and interrogation before your sent to a POW camp.” Sharue had a very serious face on. He knew that the interrogations could be quite painful if she didn’t talk. He smiled some “Well miss Sharue how dose it feel to know your out of the war though?” She snatched the spoon with her jaws grumbling ignoring the burning feeling in her chin from the pain. The doc gently tugged the spoon free and chuckled “You will be treated good Sharue just don’t do anything stupid or give them a excuse to let them do something to you. Almost five months went by. Sharue was actually treated well. The Wolves took the city and pushed the bastet back furthered into there own territory. They sent her through series of rehab courses and she was finally making a good come around. Sitting on her bunk with her ankle chained to an eye ring in the middle of the room. Sighing it wasn’t like she had family or friends that she wanted to go to. She didn’t have a home to go back to. The guards never abused her and she was free to write to some contacts and find out how her money and such is doing. They also promised her that she would be released when the war was over. Though she knew that this wasn’t to last. Soon they will see she is good enough to work and also start her interrogation. They had already been using some truth drugs on her when she was still recovering. She didn’t even know how much info she gave up under them but they seamed pleased so she guessed a bit. A large male stepped in looking over to Sharue. He was a well built male wolf pure breed. Meant that he had to be a officer. Only pure breeds were allowed to be in commanding rank. She got up to the POA as he came by. “At ease.” He said the Geneva convention stated that you were to acknowledge all ranks regardless of position. “Take off your cloths.” That one took her by surprise as she stood there a little shocked but complied. Slipping down to her fur he pulled her around facing away. Her nerves were on fire as she shook some. She had a small splotch of fur that was rough and spread out where the round had hit her and exited. She could feel his fingers grazing over the healed wound. He looked her over carefully as he admired her body. Most vixens were very well made. There society was clean and well breed they also teach there kids to keep fit and attractive. Though they tend to be on the more intellectual side. She was in key shape and they got what info they needed out of her. Now the question is what to do with her. She was healed and ready to go to the POW camp but he knew what would happen to her there. The guards did not like to be nice there and this fox was a female and young on top of that. “Get dressed.” He said waiting for her to cloth up. He knew why he was so sympathetic to her. It was her pure white fur. It was just like his daughters. He missed her and he couldn’t think of ever doing anything to her like he would do to her if he sent her off. Sharue glanced over at the large wolf trying to decide if the look he was giving her was good or bad. She merffed pulling up her clothing and slipping her green shirt back on. “You’ll be working here for the time being Pvt. You will report to the mess deck at 0430. The guards know when to let you go. Don’t be late…or you will be going to a POW camp in Rushmine.” Sharue shivered knowing Rushmine as a coalmine work camp. It would be harsh there and doubted that it would be anywhere close to what she had here. She nodded “Yes sir…” she was a meek little thing all females were to males but she was small not nearly as strong as female wolves her confidence was gone. He would have to work on that other wise she would find her self being taken advantage of. “Pvt find something baggy to wear to the chow hall tomorrow…my men have not seen a attractive female in a long time it would be best for you not to flaunt it around.” He said before stepping out of the door. Blushing a little bit she nosed through what she had. He was right though wearing anything tight was screaming, “Rape Me” all over her. She wasn’t in a position to argue if a male decided to have some fun either. A little while later David came in. The badger holding some files “Well there Sharue I thought I would come in and wish you a happy birthday.” She blinked was it that time already? She smiled and nodded David had been kind to her and never asked for anything in return. He would give her little candies that she enjoyed out here and actually talk to her. He tossed her a little tootsie roll “Time for your vaccines.” She grumbled and nodded some. Sitting on the bed poking the candy in her muzzle and chewing. He stuck her a few times injecting her with who knows what but she had to admit she wasn’t getting sick like she usually dose and such. He finished “How are you feeling?” “I’m good but I haven’t had any stomach cramps lately I think I’m going into heat soon.” He nodded and told her to let him know as soon as she thought she was “Ok ill talk to the commander see what he wants done with that.” He grinned and was amazed with her pink hair. It was natural not dyed like he had thought. So she is going to be really active coming up soon sir.” David “we could give her some suppressers but it would make her sick as a dog. Pardon the expression.” The commander nodded some “And the other choice “We give her to some one to mate with till she is out of it and either make the male sterile temporarily or there are a few males that are already neutered due to injuries I’m sure they would like to get some exercise.” “Why dose it have to be a male huh?” Ilisia asked some coyly. A male grunted “Hands off you Dyke.” “Hey just cause I fuck every one else but you when I'm in heat doesn’t make me a dyke.” The commander eyeing Ilisia “Watch your tone Ilisia you have rank here but he is still a male and you will be respectful. I’m giving her to you doc you’re the medical expert on this you take care of her. “S.sir! I cant do that I’m married!” The commander raising a eye brow “I didn’t know you had a wife David ok who do you propose and I want her under careful watch. I don’t want her to catch a STD or become pregnant that is your responsibility got it?” David nodding some with a sigh. Last thing he wanted to admit is that he was impudent. Though he didn’t lie about his wife as she would be fairly mad finding out that he was romping through the woodpile with a attractive vixen but it wouldn’t be something she would leave him over. Aaron blinked some. He was cleaning his weapon when a Cpl came in and gave him a letter from the doc. It said that he had some leave and was to spend it down at medical helping out with some patients. It was a order from the commander. “Well fuck at least I’m off the line for a bit.” Putting up his weapon and heading out for a good two week leave block. Though he new something was up as soon as he walked in the door. His nose flared to life there as a female in heat. It wasn’t Ilisia cause she had her heat about two weeks ago. It clicked that fox! He almost broke down laughing some thinking back to the letter. “Helping with patients….that’s cute David. “ David shrugged some “Hey not like I could put in a official order saying your coming down to screw some POW brains out till she is out of heat you know. She’s in there and your not to force your self on her. She will come to you I’m sure.” Aaron didn’t doubt it as most females in heat would seek out a male on there own. Though now he new why the officers weren’t fooling with her. She was a POW not a bitch or even a half breed she was a fox. A pure breed would look at it as a sick act to mate outside a pure breed…….could he even knock her up as a fox? Now that would be something different! Heading back into the tent he finally eyed the little nymph and smirked. Sharue was uppity looking around fidgeting. She was always like this in her heat. Her heart rate faster and her loins always on fire. She merffed and tried to sleep keeping curled in a tight ball but she knew she would have to do something soon or she would go nuts. She was half surprised when Aaron came in. She knew who he was from back when she fell out of the air craft. Growling out at the wolf giving a warning not to come near. The male stopping a little confused look on his face. Your not to force your self on her. Well I can see why this might take two weeks…. He looked at the vix and offered a soft smile “Well looks like you recovered ok.” “Yes SSgt.” She said. Her growl had surprised her as well wondering if she would get punished for doing that. It was natural to growl at any one that wasn’t a attractive todd in heat. Though she had to admit the wolves were much bigger and muscular. Her tail twitching back and forth as she eyed him over very carefully. He is healthy his coat shiny so he doesn’t have any health problems. She scolded her self for thinking that though as he was a husky not a todd. Though she really really would like to be with him. She uncurled her tail from about her showing off her tight shorts and tight top that was over her. “Why are you here SSgt?” She blurted out. Aaron chuckled he seen her kind before shy calculating she was probably sizing him up in every way. Healthy if he could support her pups would he be good to have is he fertile. He knew how it went when females go into heat. Only the older ones that learn to suppress there heat instincts knew how to rightly just fuck you. “They said that I could use some time off.” He gave her a little wink tossing his stuff on a table. He saw she was still chained down to the eye hole and hemmed “Hey David she have to be chained?” David looking in “Yea commander doesn’t want her pulled away by some other male.” Sharue eyed the two males and gerffed. He was sent to mate her great….hemmm I wonder if I would have pups from him though? BLAHHHH stop it your not going to let him it would be disgusting! Though I’m not going to fight him will I? She thought to her self knowing damn well he could have her if he wanted to. “Hey doc smells like you got a active bitch in here!” she heard from the front. Her cheeks flushing deeply was she really putting off her sent that badly. Aaron skewered his face some in a frustrated sigh and left. She whimpered to her self some not liking to lose such a nice sight. “What do you want Bocman?” Aaron looked to the black wolf some “Aww come on smelt good in here thought I would come in and see if she would give up some.” “Cant touch her it’s the fox.” Bocman raised a eye brow “Well then….” He smirked “You have some fun with her. Try to save some for me.” Aaron scowled as it was in wolves nature to be aggressive against competitors for a bitch. “Your not to touch her Bocman.” “we will see.” He said stepping out. “Don’t let him back there with her at all…” he growled to David heading back to the fox. She looked back up wagging her tail slightly. He sat on a bed across from here. Wonder if she is a sub….. “Come here.” And sure enough she got up and stood in front of him. It took what he had not to pounce her and shred her clothing from her and just take her right there. he wouldn’t do that till he was sure she was willing any how. “Do you know what we call our females when there in heat fox?” “Bitch SSgt.” She was nervous he could tell “Well command has seen it fit to make you my bitch till your out of your heat. Now I don’t know how foxes do it but you will be obedient and I will reward you for your obedience. She knew what he meant by reward. She was still being stubborn though tiring to tell her self she wouldn’t do it. He knew what he was doing. Though David said no forcing her he didn’t say that he couldn’t trick her into starting a little sooner then she wanted. By being demanding and working on her submissive side he was sure to bring her around much quicker then just talking to her. “Now I’m going to mate you fox something that dose not bode well with me.” He lied he would fuck this fox to next Saturday if he could but no since in giving her anything to play off of. That and she was a POW he was in charge. “So what do you say?” She blinked “What do I say?” she was lost somewhat. Her tail stopping its slow wag resting on the ground for now. “What do you say to a fur when he dose something for you that he doesn’t want to do but dose it any way out of the kindness of his heart.” “Thank you?” she said ears lowering PLEASE PLEASE don’t make me beg… she whimpered to her self. “So…” he said waiting crossing his arms. “Thank you SSgt.” He smiled a little and pulled her gently to him. Her paws up on his chest some what as he could feel her large breast push up against his chest then her head. “Good bitch.” He said with some kindness not trying to be humiliating but actually saying like it was her position. Maybe that’s how wolves and k-9s work. She could feel his paws petting her neck and back. She felt safe and secure in his arms. Her little paws balling up as she snuggled into his thick chest fur. She blinked some when did he remove his shirt? He grinned as she looked so timid in his arms. He managed to pull his shirt off before she snuggled into him. For some reason females seamed to like that. They always would push their muzzle up agents his chest and want to be hugged or caressed. Laying back pulling her on top of him he laid there petting the fox. She was awwwfuly small he hoped he wouldn’t hurt her. His paws moving up and down her back. He blinked some when he heard a soft snore come from her. He chuckled some as she was fast asleep. Grinning he rolled over pining her down laying in between her legs slowly working his hip around. She had dozed off. It was so comfortable on the wolfs chest that she had fallen asleep. Though when she was wakening up it was to a pleasant feeling. A strong male in between her legs working his hips over her. She peeked a eye open and purred and murred some her tail wagging about now. He covered her fully only thing you could see of her was her legs and tail wither her arms wrapping up around his barrel chest. She liked large males. Some one strong and leading. She ruffed cutely at him knowing they like little noises. Her hips working back agents his slow at first but more and more firmly as she could feel the lump well up in his pants. “Gimmie….” She said silly like. He chuckled some she knew how to intise a male. When he heard her say Gimmie he almost gave in and gave her a good pounding but he wouldn’t want her to think he was easy now would he? “What do you say bitch?” He said keeping his hips moving slowly and firmly over hers. “Please?” she merffs licking the underside of his chin. “Good bitch.” Now the long work of untangling and getting all there clothing off. He shifted up and griped the waist band of her silk shorts pulling them down suddenly with her underwear. She had wonderful hips nice and curved. Tossing the clothing off to the side and working her shirt off her he could see where she was hit. A thin spot of fur showing off her pink skin under it gave proof to her scar. The only thing marring her nice little body. Teasingly he nibbled at it making her go into a giggling fit. Pulling off his clothing and repositioning over her he looked down at her and almost laughed. Her gaze was fixed on his crotch. The eager vixen now seeing the large thick sheath. He waited a little bit to see if she would realize he was watching her. It was huge….how was she going to fit that in her! Her little brain clicking away at the problem as she wanted it in her. Hummm she cocked her head this way and that eyeing it and that’s when she realized he was watching her. She blushed some looking up at him. “Its big.” “I know ill be nice.” Aaron laughed laying down on her working his hips agents her again. Reaching down he positioned the growing tip to her sex. He would have to be slow on her but once he was in he would give her a fucking to remember. Starting nice and slow her sex already nice and wet. He could feel the tip dabbing in and out of her sex till it grew long enough to start spreading her lips. The vixen griping his shoulders tightly as he started to penetrate her. Oooo it was good. The feeling of a strong male holding you tightly as he started to work his member into you. Sighing with pleasure she wiggled her hips a little bit till she could feel the burn of the stretch. He was thick and long she didn’t even know if she could take all of him in her little body. She would try that’s for sure! She rolled her hip back allowing the easiest way to slip into her and also so the member would drag along her G spots in her body. Finally pushing up into her she shuddered feeling the huge dick spreading her petals wide. Her paws griping his neck fur so tightly that she could feel some of the fur come lose. He hoped he wasn’t hurting her. The vixens face all scrunched up at he pushed the thickest part into her other then his knot. She was doing rather well for how small she was. He admired her little body and how it looked so good around his cock. He started to lick her muzzle as a jester of being pleased. Working his member in her for several minuets finally deciding she was ready for a increase in tempo. She let out a little gasp and meff as he suddenly pushed in and out quickly. The male holding her tightly to his chest trapping her so she couldn’t get away. His hips pushing firmly into her and then pulling back to push back in. The little rack starting to rock with his thrust as she whimpered and moaned. It felt good to have this little pleasure out here. The Bastet had just given her a pill that made her very ill for a week. Though she new about feline anatomy and would not want to get fucked by one of them. She let out a giggle and hemmm nibbling on what she could get to. Now that was something different as he felt her nibble on one of his nipples. He had never felt his own nipple get suckled and nibbled. He rather enjoyed it a little as he pushed the fox firmly to the bed. He would tie to this one. He bet that he could get her little stomach to plush out some with the size of his knot. Merffed and squealed out as she felt him push deep in her and start to grind. She loved it the feeling of his body rubbing her clit and thighs. She yiffed and licked her chops hungrily but then blinked as she could feel a push in her. The pressure building as she became a little worried feeling down over her belly and to her sex she could feel the member balloon out the large portion of it in her. He was tuck in her! There would be no way of getting him out of her. She panicked a little but relaxed as she felt him pushing and pulling playfully and very expertly in her. I’m sure he knows how to get out. Then he pushed in just a way that made her arch and cry out in pleasure her hips quivering with delight as her climax came. He had waited till she had gotten off to cum. Quickly fucking his cock around in her he could feel the throb of release come to him as his seed sank deeply into the pert vixen. He grinned letting his member flow out into her watching her writher. It felt good to have sex again after so long. In fact his balls ached as they sent seaman into her sex. Sighing finally laying down and kissing her nose “Good bitch.” She glowed as a young female would after such devote attention to her. She hemmed and would be happy to bear this males kits. Her tail flipping this way and that waiting for him to pull out. Her belly felt so full as she finally felt him tug out with a grunt. She might not have her freedom yet here but at least there nice. “I think I could put up with a few years of this.” She cooos some happily and nips Aarons chin. Yep defiantly think I can.