A man sits by the window. He is silhouetted by the light that filters through the inclement weather and the snow on the windowpane. He is smoking quietly, his eyes seeing the world but not observing. He sits very still.


On the table next to him is a clipboard, with sheets of statistics and diagrams: a new gun is being fielded. On top of it is a birthday card from his sister. But he has put them aside; his attention is focused elsewhere.


Next to that is a picture frame: The Reapers. It shows three men and a woman, soldiers in combat armor. They are smiling uncertainly at the camera.


Names are written by three of them:


Aisha Woods. KIA.

Li Hu Chang. KIA.

Danny Olsen. MIA.


The man sighs and touches the picture, tracing the faces of two men and one woman who had disappeared, lost to the world in the fog of war. He traces the fourth face, and remembers his first engagement, his first command... He remembers the picture being taken, when he was huddled with his friends, just one more scared soldier about to face the grinder.


Oh, the memories.


He sighs again and takes a drag on his cigarette as tears well up in his eyes.




[Based on Andy Yuan's creation, The Reapers.]