Oh well. . . It was quiet. Some might say it was too quiet. The street was empty, the wind whistling through the alley by the bank. A shadow moved near the alley. A female rabbit stepped out into the light. She wore a black vest, a utility belt, black shirt, and pants. She pulled a lighter out of her pocket and lit the cigarette between her lips. She snapped it shut and inhaled deeply. The smoke trail traced up around her face and passed her white fur and pale brown hair. She looked at her watch. "Twenty seconds." she muttered. Taking a lock picking set from her utility betl, she rushed over to the door. Taking the pieces out, she tweaked with the lock until she easily opened the door. The alarms didn't go off. "Good work Kris." she said. Another female rabbit, in a bit heavier (yet similar) gear, matieralized out of the darkness. "No sweat, told ya I could do it." She replied. They went to the vault and began loading money into a black dufflebag. When that bag was filled they started loading another. When they finished, five large duffle bags were filled with hundred dollar bills. "Okay Meg," Kris said, "have the car waiting in the alley." Meg went to the front door and opened it. S he felt a sudden pain in her head before she blacked out. * * * When meg came to she saw Kris holding a shotgun and pointing it menacingly at the three ganag bangers. A fox, a wolf, and a panther. "Stay the fuck back!" she yelled. "Can you believe this bitch?" asked the fox. "This was our heist lady." Meg took out her pistols from her utility belt and stepped out of the building. She ran to the car parked across the street and opened the door. Turning on the engine, she drove it to the alley and got out, leaving the engine running. She opened the back door and Kris shot the fox in the chest. The other two ran like hell. Kris and Meg grabbed the duffle bags, threw them in the car and got in. Meg hit the gas and the two made a clean get away. About 15 miles North of the city, they stopped at their safe house, a cabin far into the woods. They covered the car with netting and leaves and walked to the door of the cabin. Kris ounlocked the door while Meg nursed the cut on her forhead. They walked in and turned on the light. There was a couch, a tv, a kitchen, and a bed. A simple safe house for simple bank robbers. Well, they weren't that simple. They had a plan to Fly to Switzerland as soon as they made 50 million. There was also a difference between them which they were both oddly okay with. "One half to go," Meg said, "500,000 more and we're home free." Kris sat down on the bed and looked at the floor. Meg looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Kris is something wrong?" Kris didn't reply. "Kris?" "I fucked up." Kris muttered. "What?" "I. Fucked. Up!" she yelled. Meg sighed. "It wasn't your fault." "I should've made sure no one was coming." "Stop beating yourself up over it. It's not your fault!" Meg exclaimed. "You could've been killed! If I had secured the area you would have been fine!" Kris shouted, standing up, wobbling a bit. Meg walked over to her friend. "Kris. . ." she started, but was cut off when Kriss hugged her and pressed her lips to Megs. Meg was shocked. She never expected Kris to do something like that to her. Meg squirmed and Kris let go, tears in her eyes. "K-Kris? What. . . was that?" Kris fumblec with something in her hands. "I. . ." she said, pausing. She wiped a tear away. "I'm in love with you." She dropped what she was fumbling with on the ground. It was a small black box. Meg trembled. "Kris, I don't know what to say, "Meg stuttered, "are you sure about this?" "Yes Meg. I love you." Kris smiled. She picked up the box and opened it. A very pretty diamond ring was held inside. Kris took it and placed it on Meg's right ring finger. "I want to live with you for the rest of my life." Tears were in Meg's eyes as she hugged Kris. She kissed her deeply and wrapped her arms around her. "So do I."