Love Lost "Someone Help Me!" I screamed from the street. My car was left up turned out on the road and I was trying to lift it. I couldn't help her. Again I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Someone fucking help me!" A few doors opened and many different people ran out to help, maybe there was still a chance! Please god, let her live! I thought urgently. A fox next to me could see the unconscious form of Serena, trapped under the weight of the roof. She stopped breathing. Dear god no! "Dear lord." He muttered. "Heave!" Someone shouted. We all lifted at the same time, pushing the car up to a 45-degree angle. I let go and lifted Serena into my arms, pulling her into safety. The others let the car drop and a female terrier ran to call 911. "Don't die on me!" I cried. I started CPR immediately, pushing on her chest, listening to see if she was breathing, breathing air for her lungs. She began to cough and sputter, but she wasn't all right. "Shane, I c-can't . . . " she began to cough. She was bleeding profusely, so I ripped my shirt off and covered the wound on her stomach, the beautiful white fur of her abdomen was now scarlet from the blood. Oh please god, oh please god. The sirens came from the north and I heard the vehicles pull up and found the two med otters asking me to step away and they lifted her onto the stretcher, giving her an air feed and applying pressure to the gash in her stomach. I got into the ambulance with them. "Sir, I don't think it's a good idea if you-" one of them said. "Shut up. I'm coming whether you like it or not!" I shouted at him, a little too loudly. "Right," said the other to the driver, "lets go!" I tuned out everything around me except for her. I gripped her hand in mine, staring back into her green eyes. I mouthed the words ‘I love you' to her. Her eyes began to tear up and she coughed. Blood spat into the breather pump and the Medics had to use a new one. When we reached the hospital they forced me to stay outside of the ER, they even had some big wolf keep guard of the door. All I could think about was my beloved. It even brought the crash back to memory. I was driving her home after a late night movie. We didn't see the other car until it smashed into us. It was a hit and run incident, even I could tell you that. The other guy in the car must have been drunk. He swerved at the last minute and knocked our car into a sign post, one of the heavy duty steel models, which then uplifted my car to turn it over. My car was a convertible, that's why Serena got caught. I couldn't pull her out alone. Oh god don't let her die! A mouse-morph Doctor walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Son. What you did was very brave, but we don't know how long it will be before her body just gives up. We've done everything within our power to save her, but even that can't be enough sometimes." "You're saying she's gonna die." I said for him. I felt angry now. They're trying to calm me down, when the love of my life is going to die? What the fuck is up with that? "Yes. I'm sorry." He said. He pointed to the room she was in and walked away. Too much pain was flowing through my body to allow me to cry. I just got up and walked to the door, taking a deep breath before entering. There were iv bags connected to tubes running into her arm, machines everywhere monitoring her breathing and heartbeat, as well as a few other things I didn't know existed. She was awake, though I didn't know for how long. "Shane." She whispered, her voice almost dreamy. That did it. I couldn't hold back. I cried and cried, right there in front of her. "Shane, what's going to . . . happen?" she said, wincing from pain. "The doctor said . . . You . . . " I stammered. I couldn't do it. I just could not tell her that she wasn't going to live for much longer. "Oh . . . " She could tell that something was wrong. She knew now that she was going to die. She beckoned me to her side. I looked down at her fragile face, which was barely touched. Those lovely green eyes, that only a fox could have. I leaned down and I kissed her. I wanted it to last. I wanted her to die happy not sadly. When we broke it off, I held her hand in mine, squeezing it gently and we just stared into each other's eyes. I felt comfortable to be with her, even with death looming over her fragile form. I watched the monitors. Her breathing became faint and her heart beat was slowing down rapidly. "I'm sorry." I said to her. She nodded before closing her eyes and taking one last breath. The monitors all flat-lined at that point and I knew she was dead. The only true love in my life was gone at the age of 20.